I Became An Acre Of Haunted Land

Vol 2 Chapter 204: swallowed

"Not only is it alive, but it also has legs?"

Xiang Ye frowned, looking at the ginkgo giant standing up from the ground.

The center of the trunk has split open, spreading unknown vines around its body, and four extremely huge trunks make up its limbs.

Through the dense leaves, a pair of green eyes are hidden in the upper half of the trunk.

It stared at Xiang Ye eagerly, as if Xiang Ye's behavior had angered it.


The nearly 100-meter-long ginkgo came out from the ground, shaking the mountains for a while.

The ferocious beasts living in the surrounding wasteland sensed the unrest here, and ran away in fright.

They panicked and fled towards the interior of the wasteland, and within a short period of time, they began to sweep the entire surrounding area.

"Ah! What's the matter? If you don't clean up for a day, you will be turned upside down?"

It didn't take long for Crocodile Tuntian, who was lying quietly in the green water river to bask in the sun, to feel the vibration in the wasteland.

As the most powerful monster in the wasteland, it is obliged to maintain the stability in the wasteland.

"It's such a pity that the sun is so warm, I really want to continue soaking in the water!"

Crocodile Tuntian slammed his mouth, but still stood up from the Green Water River.

At this juncture, if something goes wrong on the wasteland, Xiang Ye must kill it.

"Let me see, which guy has broken through again? A timid field mouse? A spider who doesn't like to talk? Or a little bug hiding in the ground every day?"

"These guys are the only ones in the wasteland who are capable!"

Crocodile Tuntian was thinking, the movements of his feet were not slow.

It looked at the small group of beasts that had already gathered. The fastest runners in front were leopards, lynxes, antelopes and other beasts known for their speed.

Behind them are slower mountain rabbits and mountain monkeys.

They were rushing towards the interior of the wasteland at this time, as if some terrifying guy was chasing them behind them.

"Who allowed you to come here? Go back to me!"

Seeing the rushing small-scale beast swarm, Crocodile Tuntian shook his head, then opened his **** mouth and roared towards the herd of beasts.

These low-strength beasts are not allowed to step into the wasteland.

Before the ferocious beast mutated, it was a wild beast, and a wild beast had a sense of territory.

Ordinary ferocious beasts are not allowed to enter the depths of the wasteland.

With the roar of Crocodile Tuntian, the breath of the demon king permeated instantly, covering the surroundings of the galloping beasts.

After sensing the appearance of the demon king in the depths of the wasteland, the fierce beasts running in the front stopped quickly.

Just kidding, this is the demon king in the wasteland, the overlord of the entire wasteland.

Although it rarely appears outside the wasteland, its aura has always enveloped the entire wasteland.

All the ferocious beasts in the wasteland are aware of the existence of this demon king.

"Just you, you run pretty fast, take me to see what happened!"

He casually mentioned the mountain leopard that was always bigger than it, and Crocodile Tuntian grinned and yelled at the mountain leopard.

When Shanbao saw that the demon king was alarmed, he was so frightened that he passed out immediately.

This was intimidated by Crocodile Tuntian's demonic aura.


Seeing that the mountain leopard passed out, Crocodile Tuntian pouted, and threw the mountain leopard aside.

At this moment, the herd of beasts was in chaos. Seeing Crocodile Tuntian blocking the way ahead, they all took a detour and hurried towards the other two sides.

"That's it, you can run anywhere, but you can't run deep into the wasteland!"

Crocodile Tuntian was not discouraged when he saw this scene.

You only need to go in the direction where the herd of beasts came from, and it's easy to find out what caused the vicious beasts to startle.

"Hey, the ginkgo tree has become a spirit?"

"Ah, that's not right... you're such an idiot!"

"The ginkgo tree has transformed?"

"Ah, that's not right, the shape-changing wouldn't turn into this!"

"What the **** are you? You are a tree, who allowed you to run out of the ground?"

Seeing the real face of the ginkgo tree, Crocodile Tuntian was startled.

This ginkgo tree, which has never been seen before, unexpectedly ran out of the ground.

Watching it slowly walk towards the other side, although the movement is slow, but due to its tall stature, it can reach tens of meters in one step.

In comparison, the speed is not slow.

Seeing this weird scene, Crocodile Tuntian hurriedly roared.

"Stop for me, you are the one who disturbed the herd?"

Crocodile Tuntian jumped in front of the giant ginkgo and blocked its way.

"Just clean it up and it's over, why do you have to hide again!"

Xiang Ye hid aside and asked strangely.

"Xiaobai hasn't troubled Crocodile Tuntian recently. I feel so bored if they don't fight. Now that Crocodile Tuntian is here, let him go first!"

Xiao Cheng's voice rang out from his mind.

After Xiang Ye heard it, he could only nod helplessly.

"Okay, then let Crocodile Tuntian fight it first. By the way, I also want to know who is stronger between this ginkgo giant and Crocodile Tuntian."

Thinking of this, Xiang Ye became quiet.

The ginkgo giant lost Xiang Ye's trace in an instant, and saw Crocodile Tuntian rushing towards him again, so he took Crocodile Tuntian as an enemy without hesitation.

A huge fist was lifted up by the giant ginkgo, and then it was thrown towards Crocodile Tuntian like lightning.


A shock wave spread rapidly towards the surroundings, with the giant ginkgo as the center, the dust on the surrounding ground was instantly shaken up.

Immediately afterwards, on the ground, cracks spread from the feet of the ginkgo giant.

"Hey! I'll go, you monster is so strong!"

Crocodile Tuntian, who hastily received the punch, was bounced away in an instant, and rolled dozens of times on the ground continuously, and finally stopped slowly after Crocodile Tuntian stretched out his claws and firmly stuck the ground.

But even so, Crocodile Tuntian was pushed back several hundred meters by the ginkgo giant.

The giant ginkgo didn't talk too much nonsense with Crocodile Tuntian. After seeing Crocodile Tuntian repel it with a punch, its body moved again, and after just a few steps, it came to Crocodile Tuntian's side. The big foot, which was even bigger than the body, stepped on Crocodile Tuntian.

It wants to crush the crocodile Tuntian all at once!

Crocodile Tuntian rolled over and quickly escaped from the shadow of the soles of his feet.

It shook its huge crocodile head, then stood up again.

"Xiaobai's body is bigger than yours, but it has never been my opponent. Do you know why?"

As if feeling that this ginkgo giant was not as weak as imagined, Crocodile Tuntian's expression became cautious.

Then, it opened its mouth wide and roared towards the ancient ginkgo tree.

"Because my name is Crocodile Tuntian, I can swallow even the sky, let alone you are a big tree!"

Following the words of Crocodile Tuntian, a shadow rose behind Crocodile Tuntian, and the shadow became bigger and bigger, and finally expanded to a size of several hundred feet.

A shadow of a huge crocodile crawling on the ground was thus formed.

Then it opened its **** mouth wide and bit the ginkgo giant.


Before the giant ginkgo, whose stature was less than 100 meters, was bitten by the shadow behind Crocodile Tuntian, the giant ginkgo was completely swallowed as soon as the sharp fangs closed.

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