I became an old man in my leisure time

Chapter 036 Test, life situation

It's not that the young lady is being pretentious, it's just that she has never done farm work. Read

Practicing martial arts and fighting in martial arts competitions can make you sweat and dust all over, but it can't be compared to doing farm work.

Standing in the mud all the time, lifting and lowering your feet repeatedly, the thought of getting your feet covered in black mud makes her toes clench.

However, Gu Ke's physique is getting better and better. Now he can cut wheat with a hatchet as fast as flying, and it takes less than half an hour to finish.

Miss Qin no longer has to worry about it, and she helps. When she waves her hands, the blood and qi drive the air flow, helping to spread the purple wheat piled on the straw mat evenly for drying.

Gu Ke saw it and thought to himself: Sure enough, practicing martial arts is really suitable for doing odd jobs.

The four girls who went to carry the stones went back and forth several times. More than 30 stones have been placed on the stone platform in the warehouse. Then they took turns to work and brought back the large bluestone for the bathtub that Gu Ke had ordered.

There is no stone mountain road at the stream, and it is rugged and difficult to walk. The stones are tens of pounds at light and hundreds of pounds at heavy.

Even though the four girls had the strength to enter the sect, they were sweating all over and breathing heavily after working so hard.

Fortunately, Gu Ke considerately provided straw ropes and straw mats to wrap and bind the stones, so they didn't get their clothes and bodies dirty.

Seeing that the four strong laborers were so hardworking, he wanted to keep them for another lunch.

Miss Qin shook her head and refused, saying that she had to take the food back quickly.

She was obviously worried about the six maids who stayed in the ancestral mausoleum hall. They were almost starving to the point of being skin and bones.

Gu Ke would not stop them and even paid part of it in advance.

There were 200 kilograms of purple wheat that had been dried yesterday, and another 100 kilograms of wheat straw was given as a gift, which was handed over to Miss Qin together.

The system description of the second batch of purple wheat harvested yesterday did not change, but the quality of the wheat straw and wheat grains was significantly improved.

Gu Ke and the other two certainly could not consume so much wheat straw, so it was better to give it to Miss Qin to save people.

High-sugar sweet soup combined with high-starch purple wheat is definitely a good product for those hungry maids to recover quickly.

When Miss Qin accepted the wheat straw, she looked inexplicable and glanced at the warehouse.

She had just seen with her own eyes that hundreds of wheat straws were sent in, which made people feel very relieved.

With joy, Miss Qin thanked and turned to leave.

The four girls of plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum behind her bowed and said goodbye to Gu Ke and Bai Suqing, picked up the straw baskets containing purple wheat and several bundles of wheat straw, and followed them.

The small hut that had been bustling for half a day became quiet again.

Gu Ke sent Xiaoman to cook a new pot of purple leaf tea, and then asked Bai Suqing: "What do you think of Miss Qin's performance today?"

Bai Suqing sat back on her futon, relaxed her body, and said in a light tone: "It's similar to what we thought before. Her temper is not very good, but she is not a bad person and has no habit of taking advantage of others."

"So, everything will remain the same?" Gu Ke asked.

Bai Suqing hummed, meaningless.

Today, harvesting and drying grain in front of Miss Qin are all testing her character.

If this young lady wants to take over the nest and enjoy the fruits of others' labor, Gu Ke will naturally raise his guard and not give her the opportunity to grow her strength. Now, of course, he can't do it.

The four girls of plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum are also within the scope of observation.

Refusing them to do farm work and asking them to move stones instead is just the simplest obedience test.

Even if they will eventually ask Miss Qin to make a decision, their expressions and actions when they are rejected or asked have revealed enough information.

Gu Ke initially judged that these four girls have no ambitions and are highly obedient to those in power.

They will subconsciously look up to him, who can negotiate a deal with Miss Qin.

Bai Suqing is also treated similarly, and Xiaoman is obviously one level lower, or even two levels lower.

But this world is still ancient, and they are specially trained maids. It is not surprising that they have such a sense of hierarchy. Bai Suqing is an outlier.

Therefore, the four girls Mei, Lan, Zhu and Ju don't need to pay special attention, Miss Qin is still the key.


On the other side, Miss Qin, who returned to the Ancestral Mausoleum Hall, was watching her maid "cooking".

In fact, it was to put two wheat straws and six purple wheats into the water and cook them, and then it would be...purple wheat dumplings sweet soup.

The reason why there was so little was that Gu Ke reminded that people who had been hungry for a long time should not overeat.

The satiety effect of purple wheat dumplings is both strong and lasting. Mei, Lan, Zhu and Ju moved stones for a whole morning and were not hungry at this moment.

The remaining six maids ate only dozens of grains of rice every day for more than half a month.

If it weren't for the sweet soup these days, I'm afraid one or two people would have died.

Each person ate half a purple wheat dumpling first, and ate the remaining half again before going to bed at night, and then slowly increased to three to five a day in the next half a month.

Miss Qin herself had never come into contact with hungry people, but the older Mei Shu and Zhu Qi had seen them when they were training outside, and they had indeed heard of the taboo of not overeating.

After hearing what they said, Miss Qin seemed to have thought of something and sighed: "Knowing such things at such a young age, I'm afraid he must have suffered a lot of hunger."

The two young girls Lan Ju thought it made sense, but the older Mei Shu was a little suspicious: "But how could he become a eunuch and almost starve to death outside the palace gate if he could grow a different kind of purple wheat here?"

Miss Qin snorted coldly: "Aren't we here now? When a person lives in the world, as long as he meets a heartless person, it is enough to destroy his family and people."

The four girls immediately fell silent after hearing this: In this way, everything can be explained.

In the Dawu Dynasty, there are only a few people who have a higher status than their eldest lady.

But when everything happened, this status was a death warrant.

If Miss Qin could be sent here to die, then it would not be strange to add Gu Ke.

After this incident, the four girls stopped talking about Gu Ke, fearing that Miss Qin would be reminded of the past.

Go and boil the sweet purple wheat soup and feed it to the six maids lying on the bed.

Miss Qin looked depressed and no longer happy.

She did not get up and leave until Mei Shu told her that the six maids would be fine.

These days, in order to wait for Gu Ke's food, she used force to intimidate the six maids, collected the remaining food in her hands, and distributed it regularly and quantitatively.

She was not cruel, but she knew that she could not let these people make trouble, which would only waste everyone's physical strength, and there would be no chance to wait for Zi Mai to save her life.

Only by eating enough can she maintain her own strength and guard against the appearance of strange things.

Mei, Lan, Zhu and Ju also need more food to take care of the remaining six girls.

Even so, they survived the last few days by boiling wheat straw brought by Bai Suqing every day into a thinner sweet soup for everyone to eat.

This proved that her decision was right, but she couldn't bear to see the six girls starving to death, and felt that she owed them something.

Now that the food is in hand, the effect is far beyond expectations.

These 200 kilograms of purple wheat are enough for them to eat for several years, and no one will have to starve to death.

Of course, more importantly, the alien purple wheat actually suppressed the restlessness of the scorching sun blood in her body.

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