I became an old man in my leisure time

Chapter 073 Ambush, recharge received

But the women's eyes would look towards the ancestral mausoleum in the west from time to time. Read

Gu Ke also ignored them.

Letting them come here is just to avoid unnecessary casualties and to prevent the monster from replenishing blood and food. What they do here is not important.

In the workshop, Miss Qin and Bai Suqing are waiting in full battle array.

In fact, Mei, Lan, Zhu and Ju also want to stay there. They are Miss Qin's personal maids and, in a sense, her warriors.

But before the second round, they are no threat to the monsters, and may become the "blood packs" for the other party to recover from injuries.

They were present when the monsters appeared several times before.

As a result, in order to protect them, Miss Qin had to output all her strength and hit the monsters far away to avoid affecting them.

Being present, she could not contribute, but had to distract Miss Qin from protecting her. This is why Mei, Lan, Zhu and Ju agreed to come.

There are only two results for tonight's battle.

If Miss Qin is alive, everything will be easy. In the future, they will work hard to practice and strive to deal with the monsters as soon as possible.

Even if Miss Qin died, they would not live in vain.

This is the education the four girls received since childhood.

Soon the sun set, the night fell, and there was no wind or snow in the sky.

A full moon rose into the sky as usual, shrouded in a gray-red halo.

The snow on the Yulong Peak showed a faint crimson color under the moonlight, and there were a few icicles like mirrors, reflecting the moonlight, like crimson gems scattered in the snow.

At the time of Hai, almost no one talked on the stone platform of the warehouse.

The girls gathered in groups of three or two on the straw mats on the ground, sitting and lying down.

Xiaoman and Xiaoping'er, the two younger ones, hugged each other, sharing a quilt, half asleep and half awake.

Gu Ke sat in front of the small oven, holding a small purple bamboo piece, and used a small hatchet to carve out a dagger shape bit by bit.

Each time was neither hurried nor slow, and he was fully focused, because he didn't want to wait in anxiety.

Suddenly, he paused and looked up at the ancestral tomb hall.

The perception had already enveloped the main hall, and the moment the strange creature emerged from the statue of the founding emperor of Dawu in the main hall, he discovered it.

Without thinking, he knew that this strange creature was much stronger than the last one based on the perception feedback alone.

The color of the strange mist it exudes... is just gray-black? After a closer perception, it is indeed gray with black, and the gray is very obvious.

The color of the strange mist is the manifestation of the strength of the strange creature.

Gray as the main color, with a little black means that this is a black strange, but the strength has reached the lower limit of black strange.

But, this is a black strange after all.

Just like Bai Suqing took another step forward, it is the peak of the sixth turn, with some characteristics of the seventh turn martial master.

But this is definitely two levels from her real breakthrough and strength after becoming a martial master.

Gu Ke secretly said: It's just the weakest black strange, two six turns together, it won't fail, right?

Bah bah bah! The wind blows away the child's words, and the blood of the sun is invincible at the same level, yyds!

On the other side of the workshop, Miss Qin and Bai Suqing, who were hiding in the window looking inward, looked at each other at the same time: It seems... a very weak black ghost?

Immediately, Miss Qin made a gesture of observation and preparation, Bai Suqing nodded slightly, and the two of them returned their sight to the black ghost.

This was the situation that Gu Ke had agreed with them in advance.

After the ghost came out, if there was no good opportunity for a sneak attack, they would wait for the opportunity and test the workshop's defense capabilities.

Now it seemed that there was a very weak black ghost in front of them, who was a little cautious, but seemed not to notice that they were so close, so they would temporarily stay put and wait for it to go.

The black ghost turned its head left and right to look around, slowly floated out of the main hall, and then stopped in front of the wall of the workshop.

After checking for a while, it poked its head in through the window of the workshop.

When it had entered half of its body, the black ghost suddenly felt like it was trapped in a layer of transparent glue.

Its forward movement suddenly stopped, and its ugly face was flattened, becoming even more grotesque.

Swish! Bai Suqing's figure flashed and appeared on the side of its head that was sticking out, and her palm slapped it quietly and gently.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

The low and dense palm strikes echoed in the workshop, and a crystal frost quickly spread from the side of Heigui's forehead.

It sensed the danger and wanted to retract its head.

But the invisible barrier squeezed its upper body.

The frost on its body also froze its muscles, slowing down its reaction speed, leaving it no chance to resist.

When Bai Suqing slapped her palm, Miss Qin had already passed through another window and came to its body outside the window.

Heigui just thought of retracting his head, and a snow-white and slender little fist wrapped in the red blood that seemed to be real fell on the side of his chest.


Like the sound of poking a ball, the red fist shadow sank into Heigui's chest.

Miss Qin paused for a breath, exhaled suddenly and shouted: "Break!"

Facing the black ghost, she did not hesitate to use the first blow directly.

Red blood rose from the surface of the body, making a loud noise, and in the blink of an eye, it flowed into the black ghost's chest through the right fist.


The black ghost's entire frozen head only had time to show a horrified expression, and then it exploded into a large piece of black ghost fog under the attack of internal heat and external cold.

Then it exploded its neck, chest, waist and abdomen, and the weird lower body.

In a second, the unfortunate black ghost was blown to pieces by the opposing fierce sun energy and blue sea energy.

This way of death is a "head and tail swap" with the previous one.

Of course, this does not mean that it is completely dead.

Miss Qin spread out her right fist, opened her five fingers, and grabbed the gray-black ghost crystal that flew out after the black ghost's body exploded. The red blood energy completely wrapped it.

A faint and shrill howl came from the ghost crystal, and then there was silence.

Under the burning of the scorching sun and blood energy, the ghost crystal suffered severe damage and could no longer gather the ghost mist in a short time and turn into a ghost again.

Without special circumstances, it can only be a ghost crystal for decades.

Of course, it doesn't have this opportunity.

Gu Kezheng, who was watching the battle with his perception, had bright eyes and was thinking about how to use it to "recharge and buy a house".

Miss Qin dealt with the aftermath, jumped high, and punched the sky.

A red blood energy rushed up to the air more than ten feet high, and everyone in the small hut dozens of feet away could see it clearly.

This is a signal that everything is over as agreed, and everything is safe and sound.

Mei, Lan, Zhu and Ju, who had been paying attention to the movements in the Ancestral Mausoleum Hall, saw the stable and blazing blood, and knew that Miss Qin was still in good condition. They couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and their hearts, which had been tense all night, relaxed.

Juqin even exclaimed softly, hugged Lanhua and shook her hard: "She won, Miss won."

Gu Ke smiled and said: "Okay, go to bed early after the joy, I'm going back to the house." After that, he returned to the small hut, closed the door and went to sleep, leaving the stone platform to a group of maids.


At dawn the next day, the sky was still dark, and only a little gray light was faintly revealed on the horizon. It was the darkest moment before dawn.

The sky was unknowingly falling with snowflakes again.

The people in the warehouse shed didn't feel cold at all, and the small oven conscientiously provided them with warmth all night.

Last night, only Xiaoman and Xiaoping'er were young and couldn't control their sleepiness and fell asleep early.

No matter how others looked on the surface, they were still uneasy in their hearts.

They didn't feel relieved until Miss Qin sent a signal to confirm that the monster had been killed.

Gu Ke still got up on time.

As the level of the Great Void Formless Sutra increased, he was able to use his biological clock to tell time, and even "set an alarm clock".

Getting up early on time is just basic training.

With anticipation, he clicked on the sign-in calendar and completed today's sign-in.

The system prompts: "Get basic reward points 10, random extra reward points 80, Tianfu Tongbao 8, ordinary martial arts Tianluo Hand (bound)."

"Tianluo Hand Features: Agility."

Gu Ke's mouth curled up, getting higher and higher, and then turned into a bright smile: "Sure enough! As long as you kill the monsters coming out of the Ancestral Mausoleum Hall, the sign-in system will give extra rewards."

The rewards are random, of course, depending on the situation of each monster, different rewards are given.

For example, the first time the Yougui only gave an extra reward of 12 points, the second time the White Gui was 20, the third time the White Gui was 40, and this time the Black Gui was stronger, with a reward of 80, which is obviously proportional to their strength.

It was the right decision to win over Miss Qin and Bai Suqing, the two "thugs".

If they didn't cooperate, who knows how long it would take for Gu Ke to kill the monster alone.

The worse situation is that the monster directly waited for him outside the protection range of the system, which was no different from being in prison.

And there was always a killer who looked at him through the prison door and decided how to eat him. It was devastating to think about it.

After being surprised there for a while, Gu Ke calmed down and looked at the "skyrocketing" points, and added them directly to the Great Void Formless Sutra.

The system prompts: "The Great Void Formless Sutra is upgraded to level 40, constitution +1, damage reduction +1, and void body +1. Extra bonus constitution +40, damage reduction +40, and void body +40."

"The Great Void Formless Sutra is upgraded to level 41, constitution +1, damage reduction +1, and void body +1."

The familiar numbness and itchiness in the body came again, constantly shuttling through the muscles, internal organs, nerves and blood vessels.

At the same time, Gu Ke's perception range expanded rapidly, finally covering the entire ancestral mausoleum.

His perception became sharper and clearer.

He could see Mei Shuzhuqi on the stone platform in the warehouse, talking in low voices with a relaxed smile on their faces, and Xiaoman and Xiaoping'er were sleeping soundly in each other's arms, with a healthy blush on their faces.

In the workshop, Miss Qin and Bai Suqing were wearing clothes across the straw screen... Well, this scene will be skipped.

Large snowflakes kept falling from the sky, providing a constant supply of support for the snow.

Under the snow, the weeds and shrubs looked dead on the surface, but their roots and trunks contained a little vitality, waiting for the arrival of the next spring.

Gu Ke was suddenly startled: Wait, under the snow? Roots?

He couldn't sense the weeds and shrubs below through the thick snow before, let alone their roots and internal vitality.

Now, through the snow, he can still have a general feeling, which is much better than staying on the snow surface before.

In this way, wouldn't it be more convenient to explore the valley? He was surprised and couldn't help but experiment.

Until the door was opened, Xiaoman's energetic voice rang out: "Gu Ke, get up~~ Hey, you're up? Why are you hiding in the house?"

Gu Ke came back to his senses, retracted his perception, and slapped the guy who ran in front of him on the head, "Of course, I can go out after you all get up and wash up."

Xiaoman touched his forehead, which didn't hurt at all, and his face was suddenly enlightened: "So that's it. Then you can go out, they are almost ready for dinner, and they want you to come over to eat together."

Gu Ke picked up his face towel and mouthwash cup: "Got it, I'll go over later."

Walking to the door, looking at Xiao Ping'er who bowed to him, he nodded casually: "Okay, you don't have to come to my house early or late to greet me, go eat."

Xiao Ping'er responded, but looked at Xiao Man, using her actions to show that "everything should be learned from the big sister."

Xiao Man smiled and chattered beside her, asking about the situation last night, even though she had just heard about it from Mei, Lan, Zhu and Ju.

Gu Ke was not annoyed, and responded one sentence at a time while washing his face and rinsing his mouth.

Xiao Ping'er listened to the two people chatting beside her, with envy on her face.

She couldn't be as casual as Xiao Man, but she wanted to be like Xiao Man, because it would be closer to Gu Ke.

Gu Ke was indeed not like any "master" in her memory, but more like a long-time neighbor uncle, who was almost never angry.

Of course, Xiao Ping'er felt that he was a little angry when he didn't let her kneel, so she kept reminding herself not to kneel in her heart today.

In less than half a cup of tea, Gu Ke finished washing up and took the two little girls to the stone platform of the warehouse.

In fact, there were constant noises here before. A group of women were making breakfast and discussing what happened in the workshop last night. It was impossible to have a quiet time.

Gu Ke's arrival only made the noises quieter, but even Xiao Ping'er knew that he didn't care about these details, and Chunxiaqiudong naturally knew it.

After being greeted by the women in turn, he sat down and waited for the soul source to come to his door.

A moment later, Miss Qin and Bai Suqing came together. After crossing the hillside, they tapped their toes and landed in front of the straw shed in two or three steps.

The women greeted again, and the prepared breakfast was distributed to everyone.

Soon after breakfast, Mei, Lan, Zhu, Chrysanthemum, Chunxiaqiudong, and Saranzhu, who had been silent since yesterday and was like a deaf-mute, all set off to return to the ancestral tomb hall.

Xiaoman and Xiao Ping'er were sent to work in the fields, leaving only three people sitting in the straw shed.

At this time, Miss Qin took the small brocade bag from her waist and handed it to Gu Ke: "The strange crystal you want."

Gu Ke took it, poured it into his hand, and immediately asked the system to recharge it.

The system prompts: "Obtain 80 soul sources."

"You can activate a special field for Xiuxian (area of ​​2 points), which requires 20 units of soul sources."

"You can activate the system building-Xiuxian kitchen, which requires 10 units of soul sources."

"You can activate the system building-Xiuxian bedroom, which requires 10 units of soul sources."

"You can activate the system building-Xiuxian bathroom, which requires 10 units of soul sources."

"You can activate the system building-Xiuxian study, which requires 10 units of soul sources."

"You can activate the system building-Xiuxian pergola, which requires 10 units of soul sources . "

"Can activate the system building - Xiuxian Processing Workshop, 40 units of soul source are required"

"Can upgrade the existing building - Xiuxian Hut, 20 units of soul source are required."

"Can upgrade the existing building - Xiuxian Warehouse, 20 units of soul source are required."

"Can upgrade the existing building - Xiuxian Workshop, 80 units of soul source are required."

"It is detected that the player has built a bamboo house 1, which can be used as a material for activating and upgrading system buildings, which can reduce the consumption of 3 units of soul source."

(Three more updates are available, 12,000 purple, please order first)

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