I became an old man in my leisure time

Chapter 083: Transaction opened, dragged out and beaten

Gu Ke raised his hand and pointed at the ground: "Your father has woken up. Find a board to carry him back and rest for ten days. Don't bend or move your body during this period, so as not to cause the wound to burst. Go back and find some herbs for external and internal use, so as not to cause the wound to fester and rot."

Big Bear and Little Bear could no longer listen to the second half of the words. They turned their heads suddenly and were about to pounce on their father on the ground: "Dad, huh?"

Their bodies that had just begun to lean forward stopped, and their necks tightened at the same time.

Turning their heads, they saw that it was Gu Ke who reached out and grabbed their collars with one hand each: "Remember, don't touch his wound for three days."

The brothers' necks shrank. Although their appearance was very different from the delicate Xiao Man, the cowardly look of the bear children when they did something wrong was exactly the same.

Gu Ke felt amused, let go of his hand, and waved to indicate that they could go visit their biological father.

The two of them squatted down carefully: "Dad, are you okay?"

Old Bear looked at Xiong Da's honest face, and then thought that it was this stupid son who insisted on going into the mountains with him a few days ago to hunt for prey for the New Year.

As a result, they ran into the sunflower demon, and the three of them almost stayed in the mountains together.

He was immediately angry from the bottom of his heart, and raised his hand to slap him.

"Ahem, don't move your body, be careful of rupturing the wound." Gu Ke's words came faintly.

Old Bear's hand, which had just been raised a little, froze, and he couldn't help but feel depressed: Oh, I almost forgot about it. I can't beat this stupid son these days, oh, I'm so angry!

Old Bear and Xiong Da, father and son, were there staring at each other in anger, and Xiong Er watched silently.

At this time, a heavy footsteps came, and then a person rushed into the stall.

Gu Ke looked closely, but it was a burly auntie with some herbs in her hand.

As soon as she came in, she started to curse at the old man Xiong lying on the ground, and she did not forget to swing her palm fan and hit Xiong Da and Xiong Er on the head, making their heads slap.

The two brothers were full of fear, shouting "Mom, stop hitting me", but they did not dare to hide.

Gu Ke's first impression of Xiaoman's mother was her gifted body.

Fortunately, the little girl only inherited her mother's pectoralis major muscles, but not her bucket waist, unicorn arms and elephant legs.

Yes, Xiaoman's mother, Xiong Wangshi, is a tall and strong female man.

Gu Ke thought that removing the word "Shi" might be more worthy of the name.

Xiong Wangshi scolded her husband a few times and slapped her son a few times, then suppressed her anger and worry, and went to the counter to thank Gu Ke repeatedly.

Her attitude was sincere and her face was full of smiles. She was completely different from a moment ago.

Before she could say more, footsteps sounded again in the distance, and then a group of villagers rushed in.

Not only those who had just left came, but also their relatives and neighbors.

Some came to help, while others did not believe it and came to see the fools who exchanged exotic wheat for ordinary seeds and plants.

However, the dozen people who went back mentioned many times that the white-bearded old man on the stall was a ruthless man. He chopped the ghost-faced sunflower monster to ashes with one knife, but no one dared to make trouble.

Gu Ke didn't care what these people were thinking. If they came, they would not run away. They all had to trade.

He called the "tool man" Xiaoman's family: "The goods traded by your family have been counted. In addition to the medicine fee, you can also exchange for one catty and six taels of purple wheat seeds."

With a wave of his hand, a small pile of bright purple wheat and a thin booklet appeared on the counter.

The booklet is a trading book dedicated to roadside stalls and an important prop to complete the transaction contract.

He opened the transaction book and pointed to the blank page: "If you have no objection, press your fingerprint and the transaction is completed. Take the purple wheat and the extra things and take the injured home."

Xiong Wangshi didn't even look at it, and reached out and pressed on the book.

A faint golden fingerprint appeared on the book, and then dimmed, but Xiaoman's family was stunned.

A large amount of information poured into their consciousness, and the family suddenly knew a lot of things.

First, they got an ability called agronomy, which has a characteristic called plant affinity, which can be better for farming.

Second, they also got two martial arts, namely the Black Evil Palm and the Pushing Mountain Palm, which have the characteristics of toughness and great strength.

The two martial arts do not require talent, and everyone can practice them. They can make the body strong, blood vigorous, and strength greatly increased, which is perfect for farming, working, and hunting.

Finally, there are the habits, yields, planting methods, and edible effects of the exotic purple wheat.

This transaction is protected and constrained by Xianshan (the code name Gu Ke gave to the system), and it cannot be violated or falsified.

During the three-year confidentiality period, they cannot disclose to the public that Shennong gave them the exotic purple wheat, agronomy, and martial arts.

After the confidentiality period ends, they must continue for five years and try their best to spread the exotic purple wheat to more people, and they cannot keep it to themselves.

Skills and martial arts such as agronomy, black evil palm, and mountain-pushing palm can be taught to others at any time, and Shennong can be ignored during the confidentiality period.

Only in this way can more people be fed, practice martial arts, and resist the invasion of strange things and monsters.

The family of four was suddenly enlightened: No wonder the exotic purple wheat, which is a priceless treasure, was actually exchanged for some ordinary seeds and plants with them.

Shennong couldn't bear the hardship of the people, so he gave them the exotic seeds, agronomy, and martial arts.

Xiongjia Village was so lucky to meet Shennong by chance.

Not only did he avoid the ghost-faced sunflower monster's slaughter of the village's tableware, he also got a different kind of purple wheat, and he could also learn Shennong's farming skills and martial arts.

All of this was guaranteed by the gods in the "Fairy Mountain". Once the fingerprint was pressed, the contract was concluded and could not be revoked.

Everyone on the side was a little flustered when they saw the stunned expressions of the family, and quietly moved a distance away from the door: Could it be that this old man is still a strange thing, but he just endured it for a longer time, and now it is finally time to eat?

This kind of thinking is very illogical and unreasonable, but people cannot think logically and rationally when they are panicked.

Gu Ke picked up the hatchet under the counter and knocked it twice on the counter with the back of the knife: "Okay, make way for the next person."

Xiaoman's family finally woke up and recovered from the complicated information in their minds.

Except for Father Xiong who couldn't move, the other three people's legs went weak and they knelt down and banged their heads: "Thank you, doctor, thank you, no, thank you, the old god, for being so merciful and rescuing the suffering..."

Gu Ke only had time to reach out and grab Xiong Wang, but he reached out helplessly and pointed backwards.

With a smile on his face, Xiaoman walked around the counter, picked up his idiot elder brother and his second brother, his stupid elder brother and his second brother, and kicked them on their butts: "Get out of the way, don't block the way, others still want to buy and sell. Where's the thing?"

When the villagers saw Gu Ke holding the knife, their legs became weak.

Immediately he saw that it was just the back of the knife hitting the counter, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiaoman's family suddenly knelt down and kowtowed, but they were shocked again.

When Xiaoman came out with a happy face to catch and kick people, they all shrank toward the door, and most of them exited.

Result, that's it? What the hell is kicking a guest's butt and telling him to leave?

Immediately, the villagers heard Xiao Man's words and thought they made sense: Yes, your family is kowtowing there and enjoying themselves, how can the old man still do business?

But...no one dared to make a second transaction.

However, several villagers came forward with smiles on their faces and tremblingly. They lifted and pulled Xiaoman's family out of the house and said, "No problem, no problem, they will go out right now."

A moment later, Gu Ke heard a group of people surrounding Xiaoman's family who had just completed the transaction, asking what happened just now, what had been changed, and why they suddenly kowtowed to the old man.

After a few words, a skinny and short woman suddenly came from outside and pushed aside the others. She put her basket on the counter and said, "Old god, I also want to change to a different kind of purple wheat."

Her skinny, dark face was full of desire and determination to fight tooth and nail.

Obviously life was so difficult that this woman had spent everything she had on this gamble.

Gu Ke still looked calm, and with a quick glance at his senses, he knew how many grains and vegetable seeds the woman had taken, and it was obviously a lot more.

So, I continued to ask the two children to take away the seeds and mature plants they wanted, and put the extra ones back on the counter.

With a wave of his hand, another small pile of purple wheat appeared: "You can bring the extra goods back by yourself. The seeds and plants I collected can be exchanged for one pound or three taels of purple wheat seeds. Just press your fingerprint if you agree."

The woman reached out and pressed the transaction book without hesitation. She was also stunned, feeling the purple wheat information and transaction contract that suddenly appeared in her consciousness.

Of course, there is no agriculture or martial arts.

This time Gu Ke didn't knock the counter with the back of his knife. Everyone would be stunned for a while.

He just said: "Next please."

At this time, several more people crowded in outside, their faces full of anxiety and longing, but Gu Ke did not dare to say a word when he was talking to the woman just now.

As soon as he spoke, several people rushed over to fight for space.

Gu Ke coughed lightly: "The elders go first, the lonely ones come next, and the young and strong ones last."

The few people stopped for a moment, looked at each other, and immediately distinguished their order.

There is no way, everyone in Xiongjiacun, a big place like this, knows everyone by heart, and no one else will lie even if they want to.

Spoiling? The old man with the white beard in front of him had just slashed the grimacing sunflower demon into ashes with one slash. He was definitely a legendary master.

Why does a master dress like an old farmer, use a hatchet, and do business? Well, mountain people don't care about that.

With Xiaoman's family speaking out and pressing their fingerprints, more and more people are getting purple wheat, and more and more people are excited.

Gu Ke no longer needed any urging, so they lined up on their own and started trading one by one.

But they soon discovered that Gu Ke would not accept leather, fresh meat, bacon, salt, lime, or plaster.

Only a very small amount of seeds and vegetables are taken, but at least one pound of purple wheat is given to the villagers.

The quantity of individual seeds and vegetables needs to be very small, but what is needed is a wide variety, so that you can get more than a pound of purple wheat.

Some people had the idea to ask their family members to bring more food quickly, hoping to repeat the transaction.

Gu Ke just suffered, Xiaoman threw these people out: "Trade on a household basis, repeat and excess seeds and plants will not be harvested."

Everyone also glared angrily at the villagers who wanted to take advantage: You're not satisfied even after changing it once. Do you really think they can't kill you with a hatchet?

After that, the transactions became smoother, and many people also figured out something: a household cannot trade the same seeds repeatedly, but it can exchange them for new seeds and plants. So... do the wild vegetables and weeds in the field count?

Soon someone dug up more than a dozen random plants and looked at Gu Ke hesitantly.

Gu Ke took the initiative to wave and accepted a few of the plants with a sweep of his senses. He also gave him a couple of purple wheat, which immediately made the man smile and quickly ran out to look for new plants.

Seeing this, the other villagers suddenly realized - so wild vegetables and weeds also count? So they ran out in droves.

This is a mountain forest, and most of it is plants.

Although there are very few that can be eaten and used, there are more than ten kinds.

Many people also remembered that there seemed to be some random dried fruits left at home. Are those considered seeds?

It's a pity that they thought too much.

The scope of this transaction is limited to edible plants and their seeds, and most wild grasses cannot meet the requirements.

But under the temptation of the exotic purple wheat, the whole small mountain village seemed to come alive, and torches and human figures were everywhere on the edge of the village in the middle of the night.

Outside the stall, Xiong Wangshi, Xiong Da and Xiong Er had already moved Xiong Lao Da onto the door panel, and returned home with the wheat seeds.

Compared with other villagers who were looking for plants and seeds everywhere, Xiaoman's family was very calm.

Xiong Lao Da was seriously injured, and the whole family had additional agricultural science and black evil palms, so they had no intention of looking for plants and exchanging more purple wheat.

Xiaoman wanted to rush over and hug her mother and cry, but unfortunately she couldn't do so under the system rules.

After she watched her family leave, Gu Ke turned his head and comforted her: "Don't worry, we will come again when we have a chance in the future."

The little girl held back her tears and nodded silently.

Thank God that I happened to save the lives of my father and two brothers today.

Besides, the family has received extra benefits, and life will not be bad in the future. Xiaoman is not that sad, but he can't suppress his reluctance.

Gu Ke turned back and continued the transaction.

He didn't need this purple wheat, and the system obviously wanted to spread the exotic purple wheat quickly.

So these villagers were willing to work hard, and it didn't matter if they exchanged more purple wheat for them.

Although it was dangerous to move in the wild at night, could it be more dangerous than the ghost-faced sunflower monster just now?

In the hustle and bustle, three strong men suddenly walked into the roadside stall.

When the other mountain people saw the three people, they all retreated, shouting "Village Chief", "Second Uncle Uncle" and so on.

Gu Ke's face did not move, but he laughed in his heart: This is the first master of Xiongjia Village, the village chief Niu Dazhuang.

When they stood in front of the counter, he suddenly waved to Xiaoman, and then pointed at a young man in his twenties behind Niu Dazhuang: "Drag him out and beat him up, the kind that can't get out of bed for three months."

Xiaoman was stunned: "Huh?"

Gu Ke looked at Niu Dazhuang: "He has bad intentions, causing trouble to the village, and he wants to steal everyone's purple wheat seeds to make a fortune in the city. Village Chief Niu, your nephew is really too "smart." "

Several villagers present were shocked and stared at the young man in shock and anger.

Village Chief Niu's face changed drastically, his lips trembled, he wanted to raise his hand but didn't dare, and he couldn't speak for a while.

Gu Ke turned his head and glared at Xiaoman: "Didn't you hear what I said, beat him up."

Xiaoman came back to his senses, nodded quickly, and an excited smile appeared on his face again.

The young man was Niu Erbao, the nephew of Village Chief Niu. This guy used to hang out in the town, but he couldn't make it and ran back.

As a result, he has acquired some bad habits from the town. He doesn't dare to kill or burn people, but he is very good at stealing, cheating and defrauding.

He also likes to harass the young girls and wives in the village, but of course he only dares to harass them verbally.

The villagers can tolerate his minor faults for the sake of the village chief Niu Dazhuang, but if he really causes injuries or deaths, Niu Dazhuang can't stop him.

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