Wei Lan had a great time and was completely addicted to this wonderful feeling.

As long as the idea in your mind can be completely described, it can be constructed instantly in the holographic world without being limited by any technology or materials.

The vast desert, the lush forest, the unfathomable sea... Wei Lan kept building scenes one after another, and then overthrowing them. The function of the director's machine was much more powerful than the holographic cabin of ordinary audiences, and it could also Generating a sense of touch, she can add wind, rain, and snow at will by raising her hand.

After constructing some common scenes on Earth and finding that they were basically no different from reality, Wei Lan was no longer satisfied and began to try to describe other worlds she had seen in her dreams...

Then, there is no more.

Influenced by the "Star Wars" she watched yesterday, which was set in the universe, she constructed a picture of the galaxy civilization she had seen before.

In the endless black space, dotted with stars, a huge purple planet just showed its outline, and Wei Lan heard a 'didi-dip' notification in his ears.

"The current data flow is insufficient! The current data flow is insufficient!"

"The director will exit in ten seconds, ten, nine, eight..."

Outside the studio, Wei Mingjie originally wanted to wait for Wei Lan to come out, but he didn't expect that within two minutes, he received a call from his secretary asking him to go to a meeting.

Manager Zhang promised that he would take good care of Wei Lan. Wei Mingjie hesitated, but before leaving, he left the driver Lao Wang, who knew Wei Lan's true situation, waiting here.

The two of them couldn't leave for the time being, staring at each other outside.

"Ahem." Lao Wang took the initiative to talk: "Manager Zhang, I heard that using the director's machine to surf the Internet consumes data, right?"

"That's right." Manager Zhang replied with a smile: "But it's called data flow. It has to be purchased from the federal data department. It makes sense to understand it as Internet traffic. It will be consumed when the director's machine is started to shoot."

Lao Wang nodded and asked again: "Isn't it cheap to buy data stream?"

"It's not cheap. In the past, we had to build real scenes for filming, and buying the data stream was only slightly cheaper than building the real scenes."

"Then..." Lao Wang glanced at the director's room on the second floor worriedly.

"Brother, don't worry." Manager Zhang smiled and patted Lao Wang on the shoulder: "To make a modern urban drama, it is better to build several cities in it. In the end, the data stream that cost 700 to 800 million yuan is a big production Yes, the data flow is purchased by the company, and this machine still has more than one million spare flows. "

Manager Zhang is confident: "A child, no matter how much she does inside, will only cost fifty or sixty thousand at most. This data flow, in our monthly loss assessment, I don't even have to report..."


Before Manager Zhang finished speaking, a striking red light turned on on a data display screen in front of them.

The long bar representing the machine's data flow inventory has now turned into a red line, and a large triangular warning sign pops up next to it.

Manager Zhang walked to the display screen in disbelief: "How, how could it be possible? There is something wrong with the machine?"

Lao Wang's immediate focus was on Wei Lan: "Will there be any problems with the child in there?"

After saying this, Manager Zhang felt nervous and hurriedly ran to the door of the director's room with Lao Wang, comforting him: "No, it's okay. If the data flow is not enough, we will automatically exit."

Lao Wang stepped forward and pulled the door open: "Can't you open the door?"

"It's locked from the inside. In order to prevent the director from being disturbed while filming, the director's room is locked from the inside. The lock will be unlocked automatically only when the director's machine stops working." Manager Zhang explained.

At this time, there was a "click" sound from the door. Lao Wang turned the doorknob again and the door opened.

The two hurriedly walked to the director's machine. The holographic cabin was slowly opening, and Wei Lan inside opened his eyes safely.

"Are you okay?"

Wei Lan shook his head and frowned, looking particularly aggrieved on Baozi's face: "Suddenly it was prompted that the data flow was insufficient, so I quit."

Manager Zhang, who had praised Haikou just a moment ago: "Ah, this..."

Wei Mingjie, who hurried over, was speechless after learning what happened.

"Director Wei, let's report it and check it out." Manager Zhang was still wondering. He pulled Lao Wang and said, "Brother Wang, you also saw it just now. The stock was still green before we chatted. Why did it suddenly disappear? Only the more detailed and unrealistic scenes will consume the data stream. Even if a child has a rich imagination but has seen very few things, it is impossible to use so much in an instant..."

"Manager Zhang, I think we won't pursue this matter anymore." He held Wei Lan's back in his arms: "After all, this matter is just a child's play, and it is not good for everyone to know. You can go there later. Ask Secretary Zhou to transfer the money, and I will make up for the data flow lost today."

"Yes, yes, you are right." After hearing this, Manager Zhang realized that if this matter broke out, he would also be responsible.

Only then did Wei Lan learn that there were restrictions on data flow when making holographic movies.

The data flow that supports holographic technology is in the hands of the Federation. It is an important resource like energy. However, there is no risk of monopoly premium. Now when investing in a holographic film and television production, in addition to the actor's salary, the largest investment cost is on the data stream.

After returning to Wei's house that day, Wei Lan took the initiative to talk to Wei Mingjie and Ye Luoxue.

"Dad, Mom, I want to make a holographic movie."

Ye Luoxue glanced at her husband hesitantly. She did not expect that Wei Lan would immediately come up with this idea after following Wei Mingjie to the company.

Wei Mingjie had an expression of anticipation. He had a hunch from the fact that Wei Lan had used up the data stream in Shed No. 3 today.

Wei Lan knew that it was unconvincing for him to bring this up rashly, so he quickly said: "You can also make a TV series. I will prepare the script. You can lend me the funds or invest them. If you are worried, you can sign a gambling agreement with me." !”

Originally, Wei Lan only planned to write scripts, but after discovering the shooting method of holographic movies, she found that she could completely hide behind the scenes and shoot the entire movie without actually meeting any of the crew.

But one of the more troublesome aspects of the holographic movie era is that filming must be supported by production conditions. Wei Lan checked online and found that the price of a set of the lowest-level holographic shooting equipment is tens of millions. Unlike the studio era, there is no The production company's equipment is used as a basis, and it is not allowed to shoot holographic movies due to technical conditions.

Wei Lan has been an orphan since she was a child, and has no awareness of using family ties to take advantage through the back door. However, due to her current physical condition, if she wants to make a movie, the most suitable and only investors she can find are Wei Mingjie and his wife.

Wei Lan has absolute confidence in himself and knows that investing in him is a business that will never lose money, but Wei Mingjie and his wife don't know that.

Coupled with her appearance at this time, she really looked like a child's whimsical appearance.

Wei Mingjie looked at her small person, sitting across from her with a serious face. If she ignored her age, she really looked like a young director looking for investment. He couldn't help but burst into laughter: "Silly boy, you don't need to sign any gambling agreement. You If you want to make a movie, this is the first time you have asked us what you want. From this point on, no matter what it is, Dad will satisfy you..."

After a pause, Wei Mingjie smiled and said: "What's more, this is nothing else, this is a serious career."

Because of the influence of his family environment, he had never dreamed of directing, and he could understand Wei Lan's thoughts very well.

Ye Luoxue was stunned for a while, and then smiled to show her support: "If you want to be a director, and you can't let others know it's you, then my mother will take you to 'work' every day."

The couple looked at each other and exchanged a look. Naturally, they would not have any blind confidence in Wei Lan at this time. They felt that she could produce some excellent works the first time, but as Wei Mingjie said, this is This is the first time Wei Lan has made a request to them. As long as they can satisfy it, they will do their best to satisfy her.

The starting point is not the investment of profits by businessmen, but the unconditional love of parents for their children.

Since he agreed to Wei Lan, Wei Mingjie went to find Xia Yangqiu, the head of the project department of Wei's Pictures, the next day.

Although Wei Mingjie said that he could handle it himself, Wei Lan offered to follow.

Xia Yangqiu warmly received Wei Mingjie. After hearing his request, he asked politely:

"Director Wei, can I meet the director of the movie you want to invest in?"

Wei Mingjie frowned, subconsciously patted Wei Lan in his arms, and asked: "What's wrong? I told you that I personally paid for this project, which is equivalent to just using a holographic studio, whether it is data streaming fees or The electricity bill is all paid by me, so I can still have this convenience, right?”

"Of course... here's the problem." Xia Yangqiu said with an embarrassed look on his face: "Because of the investment in "Starship Troopers", the schedules of a lot of other films were delayed. If "Starship Troopers" can be filmed, the original projects will not be completed. I am eager to start, but now...the company's cash flow is tight, so the filming work for this quarter is already very full, and there is really no spare director's machine. "

Wei Lan noticed that whenever Xia Yangqiu mentioned "Starship Battleship", Wei Mingjie's mood fluctuated obviously, and his body tensed up, as if he was holding back something, and he pretended to be fine.

Wei Mingjie asked in a deep voice: "Who means this? Lu Kaiming? Or Zhou Wei?"

"Director Wei..." Xia Yangqiu smiled bitterly: "That's not what I meant. Don't embarrass me."

"Okay." Wei Mingjie stood up from the sofa: "I'll go talk to them myself."

"Hey! No, Director Wei." Xia Yangqiu quickly stopped him. At this time, his secretary went to the tea room and brought chocolates in. He took advantage of the situation and said, "You also let the children eat something..." Of course, he didn't say anything at all. Ask Wei Lan’s identity.

"Look how well-behaved she is!" Xia Yangqiu praised again.

Even if Xia Yangqiu is a weak thorn in the face of Wei Mingjie, these words are true, because Wei Lan received the reminder:

‘Xia Yangqiu’s favorable impression +2’

There's nothing I can do about it, Wei Lan is so cute now, with so good looks.

Wei Mingjie stopped with a strange look on his face, wondering what Xia Yangqiu would think if he knew Wei Lan was the director he asked about.

Seeing this, Xia Yangqiu continued: "Well, you see, you are mainly interested in a new director, right? I happen to have a sequel to a unit drama on hand here. The script and actors have been prepared, and the director has not been confirmed yet. , just take it to him directly, it’s just right, this way you get the best of both worlds, and you can also see this person’s level, right?”

"What are you..." The other party was obviously prevaricating. Wei Mingjie frowned and was about to refuse. Suddenly, Wei Lan in his arms hugged his neck and muttered a few words in his ear. Then he changed his tune temporarily. : "Give me the script first, and I'll show it to him later."

"Okay." Xia Yangqiu found a script in the filing cabinet with a good attitude, quickly dusted it off, and handed it to Wei Mingjie with both hands.

The cover said "Swordsman 4".

Wei Mingjie's expression was livid, but he still took the script.

He walked to the door with Wei Lan in his arms, and Xia Yangqiu's "sincere" advice came from behind: "Mr. Wei, you are too easy to trust people. Listen to my advice. This script is a big IP. If you give it to this director and he can't shoot it well, doesn't it mean that he is not capable? I suggest you don't invest in his next movie..."


In response to him, it was the sound of Wei Mingjie closing the door.

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