I became famous after I didn't grow tall

33, 033 (unfinished) [Revised]

The aliens brought one blow after another.

On the contrary, it brings more shocking effects than the various visual special effects and grand scenes of "Star Wars".

It is a conceptual subversion and shock.

The reception room was silent for a long time, and He Zixuan suddenly asked:

"Then why are you here? You said you want to see the peak achievements of our civilization and technology, so everything must be intentional, right? If you just want to destroy us, just destroy us, there is no need to make a special attack."

That’s right! The reception group reacted, and so did the audience, whose spines shuddered.

"Yes, I will rate your civilization. In addition to your current level, I will also evaluate the potential of your civilization and decide whether to take risks to let you survive. This is the protection and respect of our civilization after the war."

"Like we will also protect some rare and endangered animals in the world?" Academician Wang asked.

"Yes." The alien said: "We are even more tolerant. You will not allow new races of intelligent creatures to appear on the planet, but we don't mind. After the war, we protect civilizations. They are just some civilizations with no potential. If they develop well, It’s too slow and lacks potential. In order to prevent enemies from invading the galaxy, we can only choose to give up.”

"We are a civilization with potential!" The old general said with great precision: "You can tell us the standard of 'potential', and we will do it no matter what!"

The old general was full of iron blood and authority. No one refuted his words, which represented the official commitment.

Academician Wang on the side also almost begged and said: "The basic requirement you mentioned is to meet the standards for interstellar voyages. We have no conflicts of interest. We are all carbon-based civilizations. You can definitely help us and give us some technical support. What are your requirements? We are willing to trade everything our civilization has."

After hearing the words, the audience also reacted, expecting the alien to agree.

As a result, the alien shook his head.

"Copying our civilization and technology to you has no meaning. It just adds another colonization of our civilization."

"I hope you can understand that the potential of civilization lies in its uniqueness and creativity. Our intention to protect civilization is to hope that a civilization that is different from ours or even surpasses ours can be born. In a different cultural atmosphere, the technology tree that is born is It’s the completely different ones that make us inspiring.”

"Then how can we prove the potential of our civilization?" the general asked eagerly.

"I have my own standards of judgment."

The alien said: "The pressure of survival will cause your civilization to explode in technology in a short period of time. This is one of the ways you can prove your potential to me."

"For other standards, I will find the answer myself. During the process, please do not try to find and follow me."

After speaking, the alien stood up, stepped out, and disappeared into the reception room the next moment.

Everyone in the reception room looked at each other, and the diplomat looked at the general: "General... do we want it?"

"No, if this angers her, we will lose more than we gain. Academician Wang, everyone..." The general seemed to have aged a few years at this time: "Today's communication with aliens should inspire your scientific research direction, right?"

"Yes, yes." Academician Wang and other scientists nodded frequently.

"Then we will continue to study along the lines of thought. The only direction we can work hard is to use all our strength to unleash our potential. Information about aliens must not be made public..."

"Huh..." Cang Haixiao breathed out heavily.

The departure of the aliens seems to predict the development of things. I have been following the parallel clues of the rural teacher before, and it seems that the two clues may also intersect.

What kind of encounter will it be?

In the bustling station, the alien stared blankly at the people coming and going in front of him, as if he was observing, as if he was simply confused.

A well-traveled and fat woman observed her for a while and then asked, "Little girl, you are here alone, are you waiting for someone?"

The alien tilted his head and looked at the woman: "No."

"I see you've been standing alone for a long time." The woman said familiarly.

The alien said nothing.

The woman had a look of understanding on her face, as if she had an extra situation. She understood very well and asked, "Are you having a conflict with your family?"

When the audience saw the woman's careless look, she knew she was no longer a human being.

The alien still looked expressionless and said what she said: "I have no family."

"Hey, I understand..." the woman approached the alien: "I think you are quite compatible. If I have a daughter as old as you, can I take you to work?"

"work to earn a living?"

"Yeah, anyway, you're alone, so you should wander around outside more."


The alien agreed simply, causing the women to look at her in surprise, as if they didn't expect a girl to lie to him.

It turned out to be trafficking.

It's a pity that human traffickers have kidnapped aliens, and the audience has no worries about aliens being in danger. After all, through previous conversations with the reception group, they have already had the impression that aliens are very powerful.

The scene shifted to a mountain village.

A conflict arose.

Teacher Li rushed to several men angrily: "What are you doing?! The education funds allocated by the town leaders are used to repair classrooms!"

"The village wants to spend money to invite a theater troupe to come to watch the show. The village chief has agreed. What are you talking about?" The man held by Teacher Li's shoulder shook his hand away and straightened his clothes: "Besides, we are entertaining the town that day. Leaders work together, and everyone has a share of the money.”

Teacher Li looked at a village chief: "Village chief?"

The village chief took a puff of dry cigarette helplessly: "What you said makes sense."

When 'Zi' heard what he said, he grinned at Teacher Li, took the money and walked away with a few other friends.

Teacher Li's face was full of pain but helpless. After leaving, he met a student's father who was beating him violently on the way. He rushed to stop him and received a shoulder pole on his back, but he still beat Fang and protected the child.

"There's so much work to do at home! His mother has run away, so why should he study? As a son, what's wrong with giving me some work to do?" the child's father was wailing.

Teacher Li picked up the dusty glasses that had fallen on the ground, grabbed the child, and pointed at the scoundrel:

"You are going to gamble excessively and refuse to work, and you are blaming everything on your children... I will be responsible for your children's tuition and meals, and I will take care of you!"

What happened to the village? There is no adult except Teacher Li.

After several scenes are interspersed, the villagers, apart from being vicious and ignorant, can only make people feel a negative and unprogressive numbness.

Because there are always parallel plots and the increased role of Teacher Li, the audience did not feel disgusted, but understood that he was the male protagonist of the movie.

The next day, Teacher Li went to the hospital to check the injury.

Got a cancer report card.

He was holding the report sheet in his hand, his brows were furrowed, and in the close-up you could see that his chapped lips were all white at this time, trembling slightly, and his pair of unglued and inferior leather shoes stained with mud moved a few times unconsciously.

He obviously didn't cry, but it was more contagious than tears.

All the audience felt a bit worried.

Compared with other people in the village, Teacher Li is like a beam of light.

Audiences with a strong ability to empathize may even feel their eyes sore. This is the driving force of the plot and Yang Xingyuan's expressiveness. During the filming of the scene, Wei Lan praised him, saying that he was already a movie king-level performance.

Teacher Li took two deep breaths, raised his head and asked the doctor: "How much will it cost to treat the disease?"

The doctor encouraged: "You got it early, you only need 30,000 yuan."

"Thirty thousand." Teacher Li nodded after learning the number: "I understand, thank you doctor."

The alien and the woman drove into a barren and remote mountain village in a dilapidated small package car.

The woman came out again. She smiled and clicked on the money handed over by a slovenly man who looked to be in his forties. She smiled and said: "You don't know how beautiful the girl is. I saw her bag and students." He’s still a college student!”

"College student? College student?" The man thought of something and sneered: "What's the use of learning? College students are still liars."

"You are so innocent!" The woman rolled her eyes at him, licked her fingers, and counted the money: "Add another two hundred, and this one will be really beautiful."

"Is there any daughter-in-law from the old Liu family watching?"

The woman chuckled: "She's more beautiful than a TV star."

The man didn’t believe it: “You are so awesome!”

The woman pointed to the car: "If you don't believe it, see for yourself."

The man put his face into the car unbelievingly. The alien looked at him doubtfully and tilted his head slightly. The car was extremely beautiful in the dark.

The man stood up straight in a daze, then showed a look of salivation. He decisively took out two hundred from his trouser pocket and gave it to the woman: "Here!"

The woman then smiled and thought of something. She was afraid that the aliens would cause trouble. After sitting in the car for a while, she said, "Your future man will come to pick you up."


"Your husband, if you are here, listen to him and give him a fat boy. His family is the richest in the village and will not treat you badly."

The alien seemed to have searched it out before he understood what the woman meant by 'husband'.

"Ninety-nine percent of the districts have low economic levels..." the alien murmured, and then asked the woman: "What is the knowledge level of my 'husband'? What is the average knowledge level of the people?"

The woman didn't understand what the alien was saying at all, and she didn't want to understand. She just said, "I don't know anything about knowledge and reading, so it's useless. Now, the most important thing is to have a son."

"The higher the reproduction requirements of intelligent creatures, the lower the level of civilization..." The alien whispered something that the women could not understand, but the women seemed to be used to it and did not care.

Teacher Li's bedroom is next to the dilapidated classroom. It is a short and old school building that serves as his office, bedroom and kitchen.

"Cough cough cough..." Teacher Li was using a fan to turn on the small stove and boiling herbs in a casserole.

At that time, I suddenly heard someone talking loudly outside the school building:

"Mr. Wang is getting married today. I heard she's still a college student!"

"Really?, go and have a look..."

"College student!" Teacher Li's eyes lit up, and he suddenly stood up from his stool, ignoring the herbs that were still frying on the stove, and ran out quickly.

The scene changed and he appeared at the village chief's house. The excited village chief said:

"Village chief, you're a college student! She should come to teach the children!"

"What class? Six children are studying. Isn't it enough to have you in the school? That is Mr. Wang's wife who spent a lot of money to marry. She has entered his house and is waiting to continue the family lineage. How can she be allowed to come to the school? Be a teacher? Just tell me what you said, but don’t mention it in front of the Wang family..."

Upon hearing this, Teacher Li turned around and left with a determined look on his face.

Seeing that, the audience all knew that the reason why Teacher Li was so determined was because he knew that his life was not long and he hoped that a teacher could take over his career.

Looking at Teacher Li's departing back, the audience watching the movie was excited.

Because from the perspective of the emperor, they knew that the person who came was not an ordinary female college student, but a powerful alien. Teacher Li was the only person in the village who could communicate with the aliens. He would definitely be able to impress the aliens with his kindness and persistence. Maybe the aliens would also cure his cancer.

All the audience had a sense of excitement. It turned out that the real turning point for mankind was!

It was not the famous scientists, not the powerful politicians... It had nothing to do with the elite class of mankind, but an ordinary teacher in a backward mountain village!

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