After the interview, Wei Lan had basically decided that Ye Jingran was a very suitable next film. However, the issue in his previous lawsuit was to find out whether he himself had drug addiction.

However, this news was inappropriate and inappropriate for Wei Lan to come.

In the Wei family villa, Ye Jingran looked at Ye Luoxue and knew the purpose of her invitation.

"Sister Xue, do you know that I went to Director Wei's studio for an audition?"

"Yes." Ye Luoxue looked at Ye Jingran seriously. She vaguely remembered how stubborn this child was back then, and she didn't believe that he would really fall for it: "You didn't say it before, and I didn't take the initiative with you, but now It’s different…please answer me sincerely, were you addicted to drugs back then?”

"No." Ye Jingran said with the same seriousness and certainty. He lost his mother in childhood. After going to Ye's house, he met his brothers and sisters who were fighting each other. His father didn't even remember his mother. Ye Luoxue was the only one who helped him in the most difficult time. The person who passed him was both a benefactor and a recognized elder, and he would not deceive her on this matter.

"I thought the reason for filming was that I was too immersed in the role and couldn't escape. I suffered from moderate depression. In addition, I had a busy schedule and was on the rise of my career. I had a team behind me to support, and I couldn't stop. I was depressed. The disease was also treated quietly, let alone announced to the public. I thought it was the medicine Qiao Lianqing gave me, but I didn’t expect..."

Speaking of this, Ye Jingran showed a sarcastic smile: "Others say that I climbed up to Qiao Lianqing's high branch, but little did they know that it was his father, Qiao Yu, who used my name to get into the top management of the company. That's it, I was also used. Just throw it away.”

Wei Lan pretended to play with his tablet while secretly observing Ye Jingran's expression. There was no trace of lying or acting in his micro-expressions.

As a director, Wei Lan is better than the average person at detecting whether a person is pretending.

Especially after coming to this world, under the breath world, the director's control over the actors' status in the world has reached a very terrifying level, which is beyond the reach of the naked eye.

Moreover, what happened that year, and the physical examination report that was used as evidence to win the lawsuit also showed that Ye Jingran did not overdose.

Ye Luoxue nodded after hearing this. She could see that Ye Jingran was not lying.

"You should understand that I came to your place specially. Lan... ahem, Director Wei hopes to invite you to play the leading role in his next movie."

After receiving this confirmed news, Ye Jingran was overjoyed at first. This also proved Wei Lan's current popularity. She can be said to be the most popular director in the past five years. If she were not too young, she would have already been crowned with three films so far. In the name of 'great director'.

But soon, this joy was overshadowed by heavy worries: "Well... I've always been thinking, what is the relationship between Director Wei and you and your brother-in-law?"

Not only the outside media and Ye Jingran are curious about the relationship between Wei Lan and Wei Mingjie, but even the internal shareholders of the Wei family want to know. Unfortunately, they have never mentioned this matter clearly.

Ye Luoxue thought for a moment and said, "They are our relatives."

Seeing that Ye Luoxue did not explain in detail, Ye Jingran stopped talking and expressed his concerns: "My current reputation... I don't want to cause trouble to you."

There was no need for Wei Land to say anything, Ye Luoxue simply answered: "You don't have to worry about this question. As long as you don't really do these things, this dirty water is dirty water, and the pure is pure. They can't make something out of nothing."

Ye Luoxueran's trusting attitude made Ye Jingran's eyes redden. Over the years, from the peak to the bottom, and now back again, he has seen too many human relationships. With his cousin who is real, he has nothing to ask for but pure help. His people.

Ye Luoxue glanced at Wei Lan, who was beside her. Wei Lan nodded, and she turned to look at Ye Jingran, who looked moved.

"You don't have a contract now. I helped you with Director Wei. She told me before that she was interested in signing you into her studio. What do you think?"

Ye Jingran is an actor whose acting skills are not inferior to those of Yang Xingyuan, and he and Yang Xingyuan have different types of roles, so he can fill the vacancy of Wei Lan Studio very well.

Although he didn't bother to make the studio bigger, but now that he has signed artists... Wei Lan couldn't help but have the mentality of a stuck player, and signed the good actors he met to his studio.

And Ye Jingran is obviously a rare SSR.

It is necessary to make sure that Ye Jingran is basically morally sound and does not really have drug dependence. Wei Lan does not care about the negative influence from the media. He is strong-willed and stands upright. The negative public opinion will always be the same. It will be dispersed by a gust of wind and cannot shake the fundamentals. .

"I, of course I do."

Ye Jingran felt that his nose was a little blocked. Of course he understood what it meant if Wei Lan Studio signed the contract at this time. All this would be beneficial to him, but Wei Lan Studio would definitely suffer a lot. Due to doubts from the outside world and pressure from public opinion, his investment cannot achieve positive returns in the short term. Even though he is much more mature and depressed now than he was at his peak, at this moment, he really feels I have an unprecedented sense of importance and belonging.

Wei Lan watched from the side, suspecting that even if he wrote the overlord clause to Ye Jingran, his uncle would sign it unconsciously.

In order not to lose his composure, Ye Jingran quickly turned his attention to other places. With this turn, he turned to Wei Lan who was browsing information on his machine.

"Lanlan is so young, don't let her look at electronic products for too long."

When Ye Luoxue heard this, she immediately felt that she had found a soulmate. She reached out to Wei Lan and poked her little body: "Did you hear that? I'm not the only one saying this to you. Your uncle also said so. Put down the phone and take a rest."


Wei Lan, who didn't expect that she would be shot, decided to prepare a tyrant clause for this uncle who bullied the child!


The studio signed Ye Jingran and confirmed that he would be the male lead in Wei Lan's new movie.

On the afternoon of the first day of May, Wei Lan opened his Weibo account, which he hadn't logged in for a long time, and released the concept poster of the new movie.

The whole poster is in a cold tone that tends to be severe. In the picture, there are two silhouettes of men standing back to back with their heads overlapping. One is Ye Jingran, wearing a suit, with neatly groomed hair and beard; the other is Gu Yun, wearing shabby and futuristic clothes, with messy hair and rough skin.

Strangely, the backgrounds behind them are completely opposite. Gu Yun, who is dressed in shabby clothes, faces a city full of technology and greenery, while Ye Jingran faces a wilderness full of garbage.

The name of Wei Lan's fourth movie, "New World", is written on the poster.

Just after Wei Lan posted this Weibo, fans who bought houses on Weibo immediately forwarded and commented passionately.

However, the comment with the highest number of likes in the front row has a different focus:

'Here it comes, directional sniping, Wei Lan, you said you are not targeting Director Chen! [Dog]'

'My girlfriend is a fan of "Rural Teacher". She discussed with me before why Director Wei did not continue to shoot science fiction themes. At that time, I said that she would shoot when the third part of "Star Wars" was about to be released. See, I was right. ’

'Shoot the second part of "Mind" quickly! Why are you opening a new pit again! Scum director! ’

'One of the leading actors is Gu Yun, who is the other one? Ye Jingran? ’

I originally thought that the most discussed thing was that the male lead was Ye Jingran, but I didn't expect this to rank in the top ten hot searches of the day.

The top five hot search topics related to Wei Lan are: # Director Chen, I’m back # , # Theme sniper rifle Wei Lan # , # Another year of science fiction collision # …

Wei Lan, who was completely unprepared for this situation, found the reason by following the related topics.

Twenty minutes before she posted on Weibo, Chen Yuanhang, who had been silent for a year, also posted new news on Weibo.

The last step of the Star Trilogy, "Star Wars (Part 2)" has officially begun preparations and is expected to meet the audience in half a year.

Although "Star Wars" encountered "Rural Teachers" in the second part, and the box office did not meet the expected effect, as the first high-budget and large-scale science fiction interstellar film, it has many fans.

And "Star Wars Part 2" is the last part of the series. With the plot of the first two parts, the third part is undoubtedly attractive to the audience. It can be predicted that it will be another box office monster.

Within five minutes of the announcement of this news, Chengguang's stock price began to rise——

Then Wei Lan posted on Weibo to announce the news of the new movie.

As a result, the rising momentum of Chengguang's stock price slowed down subtly, while Wei's stock price began to rise rapidly.

This is also the reason why Wei Lan, who only registered a studio, directly enjoyed Wei's resources without paying any obligations, and was still supported by other shareholders of Wei's.

After all, compared with Chen Yuanhang, who had no news for a year, and Chengguang, who had no famous works this year, Wei Lan, whose every movie was reported in the economic report, was obviously more sought after by the elites of the financial street.

Besides, the last time "Star Wars (Part 2)" with an investment of more than 1 billion was sniped by "Rural Teachers" with a mere 5 million, it is still the most memorable movie investment myth in recent years.

Even if "Star Wars" was the early support and did not lose too badly, which of Wei Lan's next two movies did not work?

Regarding this situation, Wei Lan herself said that she was innocent. Chengguang's news was well concealed. She really didn't know in advance that the third part of "Star Wars" would be released. Could it be that the lucky halo of the system played a role?

But making movies depends on creativity, and it can't be said to be a lucky or unlucky thing to happen to encounter Star Wars.

It can be said that the melon-eating group fell into a carnival again.

The two companies have always been in a competitive relationship, the young new director and the old generation of directors, the same science fiction theme... Last time Wei Lan was a small book, and there were some tricks. This time the two directors are almost standing on the same starting line, what will be the outcome?

After all, the matter between Chen Yuanhang and Wei is there. Even under the public relations of both parties, there are many statements, and it is unclear who is wrong, but everyone is eating melons happily, looking forward to the directors contributing wonderful movies, and also looking forward to this breakup.

However, with Wei Lan's current popularity, she has more supporters here.

Just when netizens were gearing up for this movie collision, Chengguang suddenly appeared and intervened externally.

The case of Ye Jingran, which had been withdrawn, was once again brought to the table. This time Chengguang sued Ye Jingran for breach of contract and taking addictive drugs during the contract period.

This is obviously a rehash of old matters, but Chengguang's goal is not to win the lawsuit at all. Instead, he wants to use the appeal to drag the lead actor Ye Jingran into the vortex of the lawsuit, leaving him with no time or state to film a movie!

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