Finally, Fu Wenyu decided to refuse.

To be honest, if the other party did not give so much, for example, only one hundred taels of silver, he might have accepted it. After all, he did have a contribution in this matter, and he would not feel at ease if he did not accept it.

But again, Mr. Tang gave too much!

How much is one hundred acres of land?

Now that local land annexation has gradually begun, it is difficult to buy land even if you have money. The value of one hundred acres of land is definitely more than one thousand taels. And this kind of land is obviously connected into one piece, and there are still many people who want it even if the price is higher.

But once he accepts this gift, their family's wealth will instantly jump into the top three in the village. It is not a good thing for their family of three to suddenly become rich.

Didn't you see that after Mr. Tang took out the land deed, everyone present, including the clan leader Fu Wencheng, stood up, their breathing became rapid, and there were whispers coming from inside and outside the house?

That's one thousand taels!

Fu Wenyu really couldn't convince himself to accept so much money.

So he said seriously: "This is too valuable, please take it back."

In order to get the other party to take it back, Fu Wenyu also came up with a reason, "This matter is actually the blessing of your ancestors, and it has nothing to do with me. Otherwise, when you and your wife were discussing the content of the story, the maid would not have happened to come in, and she would not have been so anxious about the loss of the child that she was in a panic."

"I just happened to do it."

"So you can't accept such a valuable gift."

Tang Yuanwai hesitated slightly, but after seeing Fu Wenyu's firm eyes, he still took the deed away, but before Fu Wenyu could breathe a sigh of relief, he took out another one.

And this time Tang Yuanwai said sincerely: "Wenyu, if you don't want to accept the 100 acres of land because it's too expensive, then you must accept this 50 acres. Don't you scholars often tell the story of Confucius, Zigong and Zilu? Confucius said that it is not good to do good without asking for return."

"Our Tang family has been kind and generous since our great-grandfather, and has donated a lot of bridges and roads. That's why we have received help from many relatives and friends and accumulated this family business."

"Now everyone in Liuzhou knows that my son can be found, and you, Wenyu, have made an indispensable contribution."

"If you don't accept my thank-you gift, won't it make people think that my Tang family is a person who doesn't repay the favor? If that's the case, I won't be ashamed to see my ancestors, so please don't delay it any longer."

This time it was Fu Wenyu's turn to be speechless, "...this."

He knew about the story of Confucius, Zigong and Zilu.

Zigong redeemed a slave without asking for anything in return, while Zilu accepted a thank-you gift when saving someone. Confucius criticized Zigong but praised Zilu, saying that the former raised the moral threshold and would make people afraid to redeem slaves again. These two stories combined are about how "teaching by example" and "repaying kindness" will form a demonstration effect. Accepting rewards from others is not a bad thing, and it is not morally flawed, and it will form a good social atmosphere.

In other words, Tang Yuanwai meant, "Don't be embarrassed to accept thank-you gifts. Confucius said that it is the right thing to do to show kindness to others and accept rewards, so don't feel psychologically burdened. '

'I will be very happy if you accept the thank-you gift. ’

Fu Wenyu thought about it and answered, “But, this is too expensive.”

At this moment, Zhang, the shopkeeper who had been silent since he came in, also advised, “Wenyu, please accept it.”

“Mr. Tang sincerely wants to thank you, otherwise he would not come here in person. These thank-you gifts are not expensive to Mr. Tang. If you give less, it will be an insult to him.”

Mr. Tang nodded, “Yes.”

In fact, he originally planned to give a sum of money directly, but later he found out about the division of the Fu family and that the Fu family’s eldest house had only orphans and widows, so he exchanged the silver for a land deed.

At this time, other people in the Fu family also winked at Fu Wenyu.

Fu Wenyu was not blind, and of course he understood what they meant. And since the words had come to this point, if he didn’t accept it, he would offend people, so he reached out and took it.

"Then thank you, Brother Tang."

Mr. Tang laughed, "I want to thank you too."

After giving the gift, Mr. Tang did not stay in Fujia Village for long.

He stood up and said goodbye, "Yishan is still ill, and I am really worried about him, so I won't stay any longer. I will bring him here to thank you when he recovers." Then he paused and added, "Wenyu, if you encounter difficulties in the future, you must come to me. In Liuzhou, my Tang family still has a say."

"No need to see you off, goodbye, goodbye."

Mr. Tang said he didn't need to see him off, but in fact it was impossible not to see him off.

Fu Wenyu immediately walked in front and personally saw him off with Fu Wencheng and others. He watched Mr. Tang and Manager Zhang get on the carriage they came in, while Zhang Er got on another one. Before leaving, Zhang Er also quietly told Fu Wenyu that his storybook had already started to be printed, and he would bring it to him for review after it was printed.

Fu Wenyu was immediately delighted. He didn't expect that they were so quick.

After seeing Tang Yuanwai off, the group returned to the house.

At this time, because only people from Fujia Village were there, the atmosphere was much more relaxed. Fu Dashi, who was too nervous to speak in front of Tang Yuanwai just now and only exchanged a few words of family greeting at the beginning, spoke first.

"Wenyu, show me quickly."

"Did Mr. Tang really give you fifty acres of land?" He asked nervously: "Did you see in the land deed whether it said paddy field or dry land, fertile farmland or poor farmland?"

"Where is that land? Is it close to the village?"

"Fifty-three acres in total."

Fu Wenyu took out the land deed. After taking it, he discovered that Tang Yuan said it was fifty acres, but in fact the land deed was not just fifty acres, but a full fifty-three acres. And except for more than ten acres of medium-sized farmland, the rest are all good farmland, which is stated on the land deed.

"There are actually fifty-three acres!"

Fu Dashi's hands trembled as he took the land deed and looked at it carefully.

At this time, Fu Qingshi couldn't help but said: "Fifty-three acres are nothing. Just now, Tang Yuanwai took out a hundred acres. Wen Yu, why didn't you confiscate it?"

Fu Wenyu replied calmly: "One hundred acres is too much."

"How can one hundred acres be too much?" Fu Qingshi said sourly, "Landlord Chen's family only has two hundred acres of land. Apart from him, the Wencheng family who has the most land in our village only has more than one hundred acres. "

"One hundred acres of land, a whole hundred acres of land..."

Fu Qingshi rambled on, as if he was crazy, "How much grain can be harvested from one hundred acres of land in a year, and how much can that grain be sold for? Make a fortune, make a fortune."

At this time, Fu Wencheng suddenly said: "Wen Yu did the right thing."

Realizing that everyone was looking at him, he explained carefully, "Tang Yuanwai obviously brought two land deeds today. He first gave the one with one hundred acres. While he was grateful to Wen Yu, he was also testing him. Wen Yu? If Wen Yu is the kind of greedy person, he will buy out his favor to the Tang family with a hundred acres of land."

"No one can say otherwise."

"But Wen Yu refused to accept it, and said that what he had done was not worthy of such a heavy gift, so he took out the fifty-three acres. And before leaving, he also asked Wen Yu to meet him in the future. When you have a problem, go to him for help. The latter is the most important thing, not something that can be measured by acres of land."

Fu Wencheng turned to look at Fu Wenyu and solemnly reminded him: "Wen Yu, you may not know that the Tang family is not an ordinary wealthy family in Liuzhou. Their family has been philanthropic since the time of their great-grandfather, and has formed good relationships with many people. I heard that some of our officials from Liuzhou have also received favors from their families."

"It will be good for you to be friends with their family."

Zou Tongsheng also nodded, "Yes, I heard people talk about the Tang family when I was studying in the city."

"Their family has a library, and students who are interested in the Tang family can go in and read. Therefore, their family's reputation is very good among scholars." When he said this, he looked at Fu Wenyu with emotion, obviously thinking that Fu Wenyu had won the Tang family. This promise made by a member of the Communist Party of China will be different in the future.

Fu Wenyu handed over his hand and said, "Thank you to Brother Wencheng and Brother Zou for their suggestions."

He just thought that it was too valuable and he couldn't take it, but he didn't think about it on this level. However, judging from the fifty-three-acre land deed that the other party later took out, this is indeed a possibility.

It is estimated that Tang Yuanwai's thinking is that if he, Fu Wenyu, is a greedy person and takes everything he gives, then his fate with the Tang family will end today. That is to say, he confiscated it, hence the last sentence. This can be seen from the fact that Tang Yuanwai did not ask Tang Yishan to express his gratitude in person before, and only said it before leaving.

Tang Yuanwai is not a simple person.

In fact, it can be seen from how he treats the Huang family. The eldest son of the Huang family and the eldest daughter-in-law of the Huang family plead guilty and are waiting for the queen to be executed. The maid and the fake young master were sent elsewhere.

Who wouldn’t praise Tang’s kindness?

But a young woman who has no independent opinions and has never gone out for a day and a five-year-old child who was raised as a young master, can they live well even if they have money? Even if others do not seek wealth and death for the sake of Tang Yuanwai, it is conceivable that they will be in poverty for the rest of their lives.

Don’t underestimate the ancients.

Fu Wenyu reminded himself secretly in his heart.

But Fu Qingshi was still not angry and whispered: "...That's not as good as a hundred acres of land."

Fu Dashi didn't notice the conversation between several people. He held the land deed tightly, always feeling a little dazed. Only the piece of paper in his hand seemed real.

Fifty-three acres, land that could never be saved in several lifetimes, was obtained just like this?

As for Fu Wencheng and Zou Tongsheng, who also heard Fu Qingshi's words, they smiled and said nothing.

Their family has a rich fortune, they are the head of the clan and the village, and they are more knowledgeable than the average person. The other has been studying for many years, and one hundred acres of land will make them surprised and lose their composure, but the surprise will pass. They will not be like Fu Qingshi, who will never forget it for a long time, nor will he be like Fu Dashi who can't recover.

It was getting late, and Fu Wencheng and others said goodbye.

Before leaving, Fu Wencheng reminded him again: "Wen Yu, the last words of Tang Yuanwai are equivalent to agreeing to one of your requests. If you want to stay at the critical moment, you can't speak easily."

Zou Tongsheng also nodded, "Yes, Wen Yu, you have to think carefully."

Fu Wenyu agreed.

He felt that there was nothing he could do that required Tang Yuanwai's help, so instead of thinking about how to make requests to Tang Yuanwai, it was better to simply regard him as an angel investor. With a modern mindset, he still felt that he could not accept such an expensive gift calmly.

Maybe if there is a chance in the future, I can advertise Mr. Tang’s shops in the article? For example, the Fugui Restaurant with many mutton specialties, I can arrange it next time I write.

After seeing off Fu Wencheng and Zou Tongsheng, the three of them returned to the main hall.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw Aunt Fu sneaking in at some point, looking at the things on the table and the floor with shining eyes, holding a red box in her hand.

"Ahem, ahem..."

Fu Wenyu coughed twice, "Second Aunt, what are you doing?"

Second Aunt Fu looked back and saw Fu Dashi with a dark face and Fu Wenyu with a half-smile. She immediately said embarrassedly, "Wenyu, you're back, Dad, I'm going to help Wenyu take it back."

"It must be tiring for you to carry so many things by yourself, right?"

Fu Wenyu certainly wouldn't say he was tired. In fact, he wasn't tired either, so he said, "Second Aunt, I'm not tired at all, and I have someone to help me."

After saying that, he shouted to the outside of the door, "Fu Rong, come and help move things."

In front of Fu Qingshi and Second Aunt Fu, after moving all the things sent by the Tang family back to his home, Fu Wenyu couldn't control his smile anymore and laughed happily.

The twisted expressions of his second uncle and second aunt just now were really wonderful.

Fu Rong touched those things and said in surprise: "Brother, are these all for our family?"

"Yes, they are all for our family."

Fu Wenyu flipped through the pile of things and found the gift list, then separated the items on the gift list one by one, and finally divided them into several portions of different sizes.

Then he found that the Tang family should have carefully considered before giving gifts.

The most important ones are three.

One is for him, with fabrics suitable for him, pens, ink, paper and inkstone, and some books. Although those books are all handwritten and not original, the content is no worse than the ones he borrowed to exchange for food.

One is for Zhou, in addition to the stable fabrics, there is also a pair of silver head ornaments. Fu Rong's copy is the same, but the color of the fabric is different, and the jewelry is more suitable for the taste of young people. It is obviously carefully prepared for their family situation, and no one is left out.

In addition to these, Fu Dashi and the four people in the second room also have some.

But theirs were not that expensive. Aunt Fu's didn't have any jewelry, and even the fabrics were different at a glance, far inferior to Zhou's.

It seemed that the discord between the two families was no secret.

Fu Wenyu didn't care.

He found some other things that were not marked and were obviously standard snacks in the shop and put them aside, ready to send them to each family later. Today, the clan leader and others came to support him, and he had to thank them for both reason and emotion.

As for the portions prepared by the Tang family for the second family, he not only didn't add to them, but also took some out, leaving only two inexpensive, ugly, and unsellable ones.

Yes, he was such a stingy person.

Since the two families only left a little face, they only needed to do superficial work.

And when he finished dividing, Zhou also came back.

She had obviously heard something on the way, so she asked as soon as she entered the house: "Wenyu, I heard that the nanny had also exchanged children in Tang's family. Did he come to thank you today?"

"Yes," Fu Wenyu pointed to the things in the house and said, "These are his thank-you gifts."

Zhou was surprised and said, "So many?"

On her way back, she only heard people say that Tang gave a piece of land to their family, and then gave a lot of gifts. But no one could tell exactly how much, and each one said more than the other.

Zhou thought they were making it up.

"Actually, there are not many," said Fu Wenyu, who had carefully read the gift list, "most of them are snacks, preserved fruits, candies and other food, which are obviously prepared for us to share with others. In addition, there are tea, wine, cloth, jewelry for you and your sister, pens and ink for me to write, and books, etc."

"There are two boxes of pens and ink alone."

After carefully reading it, Fu Wenyu felt that the Tang family was still sensible and did not give anything too expensive. All these things added up should be less than 100 taels.

At this moment, Fu Rong suddenly exclaimed, "Mom, brother, come and see, there is a whole box of purses here, full of silver, the purses are all filled with silver!"

Fu Wenyu: "......?"

He hurried over and found that it was really the same as his sister said, a full box of about twenty embroidered purses, all filled with silver nuggets, just like what was shown on TV.

Good guy, now all added up, it must be more than a hundred taels.

For a moment, Fu Wenyu was in a complicated mood. It was obviously impossible to return it. Fortunately, Fu Wenyu had just decided to treat Tang Yuanwai as his angel investor, so he quickly calmed down and handed the purse to Zhou.

Zhou touched the purse and sighed, "These are all top-quality materials."

"These purses, and these materials, some of which I have only seen at Li Niangzi's place, saying that they came from Jiangnan, and one piece would cost several taels or more than ten taels of silver, and the Tang family actually gave so much."

When she said this, she was a little worried, obviously thinking of things like not receiving rewards without merit.

Moreover, she had heard on the way back that the Tang family had given 53 acres of land, which was the bulk of the thank-you gift. Thinking of the previous quarrel between the second branch of the Fu family and the division of the family for a few acres of land, and the desire to marry her daughter to the stupid son of the landlord Chen in exchange for a betrothal gift, Zhou felt very complicated.

Fu Wenyu didn't think so much.

It's one thing not to accept the gift, but now that you have accepted it, you don't have to think about it so much. When he has the ability, he can just repay the favor, so he is very calm.

After comforting his worried mother, Fu Wenyu asked her and her sister to stay at home, and went out to deliver the snacks, preserved fruits, candies and other gift boxes to each family. Everyone was very curious about Mr. Tang. Basically, everyone they met on the road wanted to talk to him. Of course, the focus was on the fifty-three acres of land. Some people asked him if he could sell it.

Of course Fu Wenyu would not sell that piece of land. After all, he was not short of money now, so he refused them all. After such a long delay, I came back just in time for dinner.

"Wen Yu, come over and eat."

Mrs. Zhou greeted: "Your grandfather and second uncle's place, I have just been there with Rong'er. Your grandfather told you to get up early tomorrow, and he took you to the Yamen to exchange the land deed."

"After you lose your name, the land is yours."

Fu Wenyu nodded, "I understand, mother."

"Actually, that's what he said when I just went to the patriarch's house to deliver things." The Tang family handled things properly. Today, along with the land deed, there was also a signed transfer document, so they will take it to the Yamen tomorrow to process the land exchange deed. As long as the matter is resolved, there is no need to trouble the Tang family to come forward.

Fu Rong said unhappily: "Brother, just now the second aunt thought we gave too little. She wanted more, but my mother and I didn't agree, and my grandfather also scolded her for being greedy."

"Let them be."

Fu Wenyu replied nonchalantly that instead of giving the good food to them, it would be better to keep it to entertain the uncles and brothers who would help build houses in the next two days.

Mrs. Zhou obviously thought so too, she said: "I made an agreement with your sixth aunt today that I will ask her to help with the cooking. I will also ask her to buy the vegetables, and we will just give you money."

But when she mentioned this, she remembered something again, and said to Fu Wenyu: "Wenyu, since your family is well off now, why don't you continue to go back to school? When you returned to Li's house last time, Mrs. Li also Asked about your study.”

"Mom, I think you still have to study."

When mentioning Mrs. Li, Fu Wenyu naturally thought of the Li family's kindness to him.

So he said: "Mom, you can pick some of the things sent by the Tang family and send them to the Li family. Although we have agreed that the money we owe them will be deducted from the share of the velvet flowers at the back, but now the Tang family has given so many things. , I think it’s better to send some as a courtesy.”

"As for studying, I have to ask my husband first."

He remembered that when the original owner left the private school, the teacher at the time comforted him, saying that his knowledge was enough to take the county examination, and told him not to forget to study after returning home.

In this case, I wonder if I can try to review at home?

It would be best if possible.

After all, he is observing filial piety now and it will be a long time before he takes the county examination. If you review at home, you will have more freedom in time and can do whatever you want.

Zhou didn't know much about the imperial examinations, so he just asked him to take the time to ask.

Today's dinner included eggs as usual, one poached egg for each person. Zhou also sprinkled some sesame oil and chopped green onion on top, and the aroma was fragrant when it was served.

After finishing the meal, the three of them also discussed all the matters at home.

Zhou and Fu Rong will go to Li's Silk and Satin Factory tomorrow to teach the embroiderers how to make velvet flowers, so that they can make more during the period before the Chinese New Year. Fu Wenyu took advantage of the time when the last storybook had been finished and the next one had not yet started to help build a house at home. You can hire someone to cook, and if you buy more meat, others won't gossip, but you can't build a house without putting in any effort. As the only male in the family, Fu Wenyu has no shirk.

While the Fu family was having dinner, families in Fujia Village and other places also gathered together to have dinner.

Common people usually do not have the habit of "eating without talking or sleeping without talking", so when eating, they will talk about the new things they know, not to mention that some people like to carry bowls and chopsticks to places such as doorsteps of homes, villages and alleys. Eat and chat with people while eating. So in one afternoon and one night, "Tang Yuan's son was replaced", "The words came true", "Tang Yuan sent a big gift", "Fifty acres of land" and other contents quickly spread in Liuzhou.

First in the city, then in the villages along the road, and then in other places.

Fujiacun is no exception.

So after breakfast the next day, many people who were not at home yesterday or were curious about what the Tang family had sent came to the Fu family. They wanted to see the land deed and what Tang Yuanwai had given to Fu Wenyu. What an expensive gift.

But unfortunately, no one was seen, and there was only the second room of the Fu family in the house.

Because everyone else has gone to town.

Zhou and Fu Rong were going to the Li family to take care of the velvet flowers, while Fu Wenyu and Fu Dashi went to the Yamen to exchange the land deed in Fu Wenyu's name, so they left home very early. After the land deed was exchanged, the two went to a brick and tile store in the city and ordered enough bricks and tiles according to the drawings given by the old master.

In the next month, Fu Wenyu was busy building a house.

In ancient times, building a house was not easy.

Even though the Fu family had more than 20 young men to help and hired experienced masters to keep an eye on things, it still took a full month to build the nearly ten rooms and the outermost wall. Of course, this has something to do with Fu Wenyu's high requirements. If his requirements were simpler, it would have been completed ten days ago.

But Fu Wenyu has no regrets.

Because what appeared before him now was a typical Soviet-style courtyard house. White walls, black tiles, and green brick floors exude simplicity and elegance everywhere.

Of course, this month, he also spent money like water.

The original budget was fifty taels of silver, but in the end it cost eighty-two taels. In addition to the furniture, bookshelves, tables, chairs, benches, fruit trees, flowers and trees that will be purchased after the house is built, not only will the family's savings be used up, but also most of the money given by the Tang family will be used up. According to a rough estimate, the total cost was one hundred and forty taels.

Mrs. Zhou looked at the account book and felt very distressed.

"Wen Yu..."

"We have to save some money in the future. Now we only have less than twenty taels of silver left at home. Fortunately, we have a small family and we are observing filial piety, so we don't need to be too extravagant."

Because they couldn't have a big banquet during the mourning period, their family didn't even have a hothouse meal. After moving in today, they cut some meat, prepared four-color snacks and fruits, and gave a portion to relatives, friends and people who came to help.

Hearing this, Fu Wenyu was a little embarrassed.

In fact, he didn't plan to spend so much at first, but as the house was built day by day, and it became more and more like the exquisite Soviet-style courtyard houses he saw in modern times, it was difficult for him to suppress the ancient power in his body. As a modern man without the control of his parents, he really has no restraint in spending money.

Fortunately, he can spend it and earn it too!

So Fu Wenyu immediately said: "Mom, don't worry. When Zhang Er and Butler Tang came to deliver the house-warming gifts today, they told me that my book of stories has been printed and will start selling soon."

"Zhang Er will bring the sample book tomorrow."

"Once those thousand sets of books are sold, I will be rich again."

"Moreover, mother, haven't you visited the land given by Yuan Tang? At the end of the year, the tenant farmers will hand over the rent for the second half of the year. At that time, they will sell the grain and get another sum of money."

Hearing this, Mrs. Zhou frowned, "That's true, but we can't sell all the food. We have almost eaten up the food at home during the construction of a house a while ago. We have to keep some as a precaution."

Fu Wenyu said he knew.

"There is also money for selling velvet flowers," Fu Rong also said: "Sister Xin said that we have made a lot of velvet flowers this time, and people have already placed orders one after another. One person plans to sell them to the capital."

"I've heard Mrs. Li mention this too," Mrs. Zhou thought for a while and said, "It seems that there are many rich people in the capital and more people are willing to spend money, so that person wants to go to the capital."

"But from what I've seen, Madam Li doesn't seem to be willing."

Fu Rong was puzzled, "Why don't you want to?"

Zhou shook his head, "I don't know either."

Fu Wenyu did not participate in their conversation, but looked at the new house with satisfaction.

At night, he lay on his old bed and looked at the clean bedroom that was twice as big as before, as well as the wardrobe, etc., and slept dreamlessly until the next morning.

Early the next morning, Zhang Er came.

He is here to deliver sample books.

"Wen Yu, your milk tea is so delicious!"

"Then when you go back, take some back with you." Fu Wenyu replied while flipping through the sample book Zhang Er brought.

They are now in the study room in the front yard of Fu's newly built house.

Of the three main rooms in the front yard, one was decorated as a main room for entertaining guests, and the other was Fu Wenyu's study. As for the remaining room, it was not wasted. There was a set of tables, chairs, and benches, if guests came. You can entertain people for dinner here.

In the study room, Fu Wenyu has sorted out all the books left by his grandfather, Fu Qingshan and the original owner, and arranged them neatly on the bookshelf. He also hung several paintings on the free space on the wall.

These paintings are not works by famous artists. Fu Wenyu selected them from the previous paintings of his grandfather and Fu Qingshan. They include landscapes and figures. Although they have little artistic value, hanging them up adds a bit of book aroma to the whole room, making people feel a little better looking at them.

A long table was placed in the place with the best light.

There are books, an inkstone, pens, ink and paper on the long table. Fu Wenyu was now sitting upright at the table, looking through the sample books one by one, his brows frowning unconsciously.

"Is this a sample book?"

"Yes," Zhang Er put down the empty cup and leaned his head over, "The printing room just sent it over this morning. You also know that your article has more than 130,000 words. The printing room people It took more than a month to print it. I heard that the words were burned and engraved temporarily. If the boss hadn't given the order, it wouldn't have been so fast. "

"What's wrong, but what's wrong?"

Fu Wenyu did not say what was wrong specifically, but pointed to the illustrations above and said, "Are these illustrations drawn by the scholar from the printing house that Uncle Zhang mentioned?"

"Yes, it was him who drew it."

Speaking of this, Zhang Eryi patted his head, "By the way, I remember my uncle mentioned before that you want to ask Mr. Murong Bai to help you draw, right? Unfortunately, after we sent the book over, although he was interested, he But he said that he has been very busy in the past few months and has no time to do this, so let us hire Gao Ming. "

"My uncle thought that if he waited for Mr. Murong, he would have to wait until after the new year, so he asked the scholar from the printing room to do the painting. What, do you think the painting is not good?"

Fu Wenyu put down the book, feeling a little worried.

"It's not that it's bad, it's just that it's not good enough."

To be fair, the scholar hired by the printing house is not a bad painter. It can be seen from some details that he is still very serious and meticulous. But how can I put it, in the opinion of Fu Wenyu, who has seen better things, that’s it.

Zhang Er understood.

He scratched his head in embarrassment, "But Mr. Murong has no time..."

Fu Wenyu was also in a dilemma, "Yes..."

If the other party didn't like the novel or was unwilling to accept it, he wouldn't be so disappointed. But people are willing to do it but they don’t have free time, which is very embarrassing.

Wait, I can't wait.

Don't wait, I won't give in.

Just when he was hesitating, Zhang Er said: "Wen Yu, forget it."

He lowered his voice slightly and whispered: "Did you know? The fact that Tang Yuanwai's son was replaced by the nanny at home has spread throughout Liuzhou in the past month. Not only the twelve counties of Liuzhou know about it, but also the neighboring counties Jiangzhou and Anzhou have heard about it, and everyone is surprised. "

"And I heard that the truth is similar to what you said, and the Liuzhou tabloid also went viral!"

Zhang Er stretched out three fingers and said, "Now its print volume has tripled."

"There are also businessmen from Jiangzhou coming to buy it."

"So many?" Fu Wenyu was surprised.

As far as he knew, the Liuzhou tabloid's previous printing volume was not too low because it was cheap. If it tripled, it would mean that nearly half of the readers in Liuzhou had read it.

Don't underestimate this number, because there must be some people who don't buy it, but just borrow it to look at it. In other words, all scholars in Liuzhou know his script.


Zhang Er had a proud expression on his face, "You've been staying at home and building a house recently, so I'm afraid you don't know yet."

"My uncle said that a thousand units were originally agreed upon, but some have already been ordered. Most of them were ordered by businessmen from other counties below, as well as Jiangzhou, Anzhou and other places. We have finished talking about Tang Yuan's family here. , but it’s spreading like wildfire over there.”

"That's Mr. Tang!"

"His shops are everywhere, and many people have heard of them, so they are very curious about their business. If you talk to them, they will go back, and there will be no worries about sales."

Zhang Er patted Fu Wenyu on the shoulder and said: "My uncle also said that if the first thousand sets printed are sold out, then he will ask the printing house to print another two thousand sets. Not only will they be sold to Jiangzhou, In Anzhou, you can still sell it to the capital. The Yamen has already reported the case to the Dali Temple in the capital."

"So if you change the painting now, I'm afraid it's too late."

Fu Wenyu understood what Zhang Er meant. The story about Tang Yuan's family was so bizarre and tortuous that it had spread over time, and might even spread to the capital. If I could have borrowed this opportunity, my sales would have reached a new level, definitely more than a thousand sets.

Then it would be meaningless to change the illustration at this time. Because the text version has almost been printed at the printing house, it can be bound into a book as soon as the illustrations are printed.

So Fu Wenyu quickly decided, "Let's print it like this."

"After printing a thousand sets, we can print some hardcover editions first. This one, this one, this one, and this one," he turned the pages of the book and pointed to a few better illustrations and said, "These ones can be Take it out and have people color it and add it to the hardcover version. You can also enlarge it and draw it into a large picture like a scroll. "

"And here..."

Fu Wenyu told Zhang Er his thoughts sentence by sentence, in order to make the hardcover version more beautiful, more gorgeous and more noble. After all, he only gets twenty taels for a thousand sets of the ordinary version, but one set of the hardcover version can earn seven taels. Whether he can make a lot of money depends on how much the hardcover version can sell.

If the hardcover version can also sell a thousand sets, that’s seven thousand taels!

No matter how he can divide more than a thousand taels.

Of course, he knew this was impossible. Unless his words spread all over the world one day, then it is estimated that the hardcover version will be sold in large quantities.

Fu Wenyu attached great importance to the hardcover version. Finally, he saw that Zhang Er couldn't understand some parts. In order to prevent misrepresentation, he got up and went to the city in person to communicate with shopkeeper Zhang and the printing room.

It took three days to bind 500 sets of the regular edition and 20 sets of the hardcover edition.

But before the sales started, shopkeeper Zhang wiped his cold sweat and told him the bad news, "Wen, Wen Yu, something bad has happened. The Liuzhou tabloid printed the ending of your story!"

Fu Wenyu: "...ah?"

He was immersed in signing his signature in cursive script on the hardcover edition and was stunned.

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