Five thousand taels is not a small amount.

At least Baimei's dowry is not five thousand taels, and this is all the property of the Bai family.

But Baimei was just stunned for a moment, and then shook her head decisively.

"No, aunt, Honglang and I love each other, and I will not leave him."

Tian's mother's face suddenly darkened.

According to her thinking, Baimei is an orphan in the countryside whose parents have both passed away. Five thousand taels is a huge sum of money for her. As long as she asks, she should agree immediately.

As for why she gave money instead of breaking them up directly. It was because Tian's mother felt that her son was too deeply involved. If she broke them up directly, the relationship between mother and son would be greatly damaged. So her choice was to start with Baimei, and as long as Baimei was "money-stricken", her son would "wake up".

But this Baimei didn't fall for it?

Then she continued to present facts and reason, saying, "You are not worthy of my son", "We don't welcome you", "My son is a scholar and you are just an orphan", "My family is rich and yours is poor", "You are just after my family's money", "Maybe the villain who robbed my son's bag was arranged by your family"...

And so on and so forth.

Bai Mei's face turned pale.

Finally, Tian's mother concluded: "Miss Bai, there are many good men in the world. With these five thousand taels, you can find any good family. Why bother hanging yourself on Hong'er's tree?"

"It's better to part ways and be happy."

But Bai Mei still refused.

Then there was a long bloody plot. Tian's mother, who failed to bribe, turned to coercion, all kinds of sarcasm, and used all kinds of means to break up the two of them.

At this moment, she was not Tian's mother, but a collection of all the evil mothers-in-law from ancient times to the present.

She is Jiao's mother, and even more so Lu's mother.

But the more they wanted to separate, the stronger the relationship between Tian Yuhong and Baimei became. In the end, Baimei's mourning period passed, and at Tian Yuhong's insistence, the two got married, loving each other.

In the second year after their marriage, Tian Yuhong went to Beijing for the exam again.

At this time, Tian's mother was still unwilling to give up, and used another trick. That is, while withholding the letter her son wrote to Baimei, she found a copyist to "write" a letter and a "divorce letter" to Baimei.

The fake letter said that he also encountered bad guys when he went to Beijing this time, and was rescued.

The one who rescued him was a beautiful woman.

So he fell in love with someone else, and now he no longer loved Baimei but fell in love with another woman. So after thinking for a long time, he decided to divorce Baimei. And when he came back from the capital this time, he would bring the woman back to meet his parents, so he hoped that Baimei would leave on her own after receiving the letter.

Moreover, not only did ‘Tian Yuhong’ write a letter to Baimei, ‘he’ also wrote a letter to his parents.

In the letter to his parents, ‘he’ said the same thing.

But at the end of the letter, ‘Tian Yuhong’ gave a few extra instructions, which roughly meant that although they would not be husband and wife in the future, Baimei’s kindness to him was still there, and asked his parents not to embarrass her, etc.

Because the handwriting was the same, and the letter also mentioned some details that only the two of them knew, and the tone was also very similar to Tian Yuhong. So it only took two months for Baimei to go from not believing after receiving the first letter, to doubting after receiving the second letter, and finally being hit hard after receiving the third letter.

At the same time, the letters she wrote in the past fell into the sea, and there was no news.

And in the last letter, ‘Tian Yuhong’ also said the heartless words ‘Don’t write to me anymore, I won’t change my mind, you’d better leave as soon as possible’.

At this time, Tian’s mother appeared again.

She looked at Baimei, who was silent and holding the three letters tightly as if she had lost her mind, and laughed happily.

"Well, am I right?"

"You and my son can't stay together for long."

"If you know what's good for you, pack up and leave. Since you saved my son's life, the five thousand taels I promised before will remain unchanged. You can find another good family with the five thousand taels."

"As for me, I have to start preparing to marry a new daughter-in-law."

Bai Mei cried silently, and disappeared from the Tian family with her people one night.

On the other hand, Tian Yuhong won the first place in the imperial examination.

He was very happy and felt that his mother could no longer stop him from being with Bai Mei on the grounds that 'it was Bai Mei who dragged you down, otherwise you would have passed the exam long ago'. Moreover, the fact that he was able to pass the imperial examination and not any other place this time was also inseparable from Bai Mei's company, encouragement and support for him in the past few years.

So once the matter in the capital was settled, Tian Yuhong immediately took leave and returned home.

But who knew that after returning home, not only did Bai Mei not appear, but Tian's mother also took out a letter and said angrily: "Hong'er, I knew Bai Mei was not a good person."

"As soon as you leave, she will show her true colors."

"Look, look!"

"It's just five thousand taels of silver, and she will leave you."

"Fortunately, you are still young, it doesn't matter, mother will find you another good one."

Tian Yuhong was shocked.

He took the letter that Tian's mother had also forged, and his fingers trembled before he finished reading it, muttering "Impossible, impossible, this is not true, this must not be true..."

When readers saw this plot, Fu Wenyu had already written the following contents such as "running away with the ball", "chasing his wife to the crematorium", and "Tian's mother reaping the fruits of her own labor". Coincidentally, Sun Xiucai's "Two Beauties" also entered a good period, and the climax of the two stories appeared in the same issue.

Fu Wenyu looked at the latest issue of Liuzhou tabloid, and a tangled expression appeared on his face.

"... Is this Sun Xiucai's "Two Beauties"? "

Zhang Zhang nodded affirmatively, "Yes, I heard that Sun Xiucai's speed is not slow, and he has already started printing. Fortunately, Wenyu is still ahead in detail."

"We have not started printing, but we will finish printing in a few days."

Fu Wenyu's mind is now focused on the bizarre plot of "Two Beauties". After hearing what Zhang said, he only subconsciously replied: "Well, yes..."

Help, he felt that his eyes were going blind!

If Sun Xiucai was standing opposite him now, Fu Wenyu felt that he would not be able to help but ask him what the plot of "Two Beauties" was? !

Isn't it a revenge article in which Liu Xu and the human traffickers fought wits and courage?

As a result, now...

Liu Xu promised his parents before his death that he would definitely save his sister.

-This is very reasonable.

Liu Xu sold his property and went on the road alone to find the human traffickers.

——A bit reckless, but reasonable.

Liu Xu met a young man from a certain family. He was young, handsome, and unmarried.

——Will this character be the male protagonist?

After hearing about Liu Xu's experience, the young man felt sympathy and asked her if she was willing to go home with him and be a maid. Seeing that the other party was willing to help find her sister, Liu Xu readily agreed and went back with the other party.

——Wait, is there something wrong with this?

Liu Xu and the young man secretly fell in love.

Liu Xu and the young man from a certain family were under the moonlight and flowers, and they were very happy.

——No matter what, it seems that the young man from a certain family is the male protagonist.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. The family of the young man from a certain family arranged a marriage for him and he would marry soon. When Liu Xu mustered up the courage to find the "fiancée" and asked her to help her and the young man from a certain family, she found that the "fiancée" looked exactly like her. After careful inquiry, she found that it was her sister.

——Oh, no wonder Liu Xu became a maid, it turned out to introduce the character of "sister". Then the next thing should be that the sisters recognize each other, and then the sister "does not take away the love of her sister" and takes the initiative to cancel the engagement, right?

Next is the truth of ten years ago. It turns out that ten years ago, sister Liu Rui was abducted and rescued by a kind-hearted person. It happened that the other party had no daughter, so he took Liu Xu as an adopted daughter.

——Not bad, not bad, it makes sense.

——The next step is to find the traffickers of that year and bring them all to justice, right?

The sister married the son of aristocratic family.

——? ? ?

The sister said to the son of aristocratic family, "My husband, you and my sister have a deep relationship, why don't you take her as your co-wife", and said to Liu Xu, "Sister, we are sisters, regardless of age, we will serve my husband together."

Liu Xu and the son of aristocratic family readily agreed.


——What kind of infuriating plot is this?

Fu Wenyu's eyes went dark!

He remembered that when he read the beginning of the story of "Two Beauties", he thought that the next part should be the elder sister Liu Xu tirelessly tracking down the traffickers, bringing them to justice, and rescuing the younger sister Liu Rui. As for the male protagonist, he should have met her in the process of rescue and participated in the rescue.

But what is this now? ? ?

The elder sister promised her parents to rescue her younger sister, and finally became the co-wife of her brother-in-law!

When Sun Xiucai wrote this paragraph, didn't he think there was something wrong?

It's off topic!

And is there only one man in the world, the "son of a noble family", and everyone else is dead? Otherwise, there are two heroines, why only one male protagonist?

Even if you write a house fight, it's better than this kind of "sisterly love"!

Fu Wenyu felt like something was stuck in his throat.

There are some readers who feel the same as him. In the teahouse that Fu Wenyu often goes to, someone holding the latest issue of Liuzhou tabloid said in confusion: "How come Liu Xu ended up sharing a husband with her sister? At the beginning, didn't she swear in front of her parents' bed that she would definitely save her sister?"

The people next to him were also confused, "Yes, I always feel that the beginning and the end are not connected."

"Why did Liu Xu find the traffickers and find the backyard of the young master of the aristocratic family? In the middle of the process, she was so focused on talking about love with the young master of the aristocratic family that she completely forgot that she had a sister."

"I always feel that something is wrong."

Some people with bad tempers simply slammed the table, "Damn it!"

"I heard that they were very happy when they competed with each other. I thought that this time I would have a good story book to read, and I wouldn't have to be idle after eating. But what kind of nonsense are they writing about?"

"One writes about love, and the other also writes about love."

"Can you write something serious!"

Of course, some people don't like talking about love, and some people like it very much.

Because many families bought the "Zhen Niang Biography" last time, whether they were waiting to be married or married, most of them had a copy. So some of them paid attention to Fu Wenyu's new storybooks, either openly or secretly asking their maids to buy them a copy of Liuzhou Tabloid.

As a result, they found that the two new stories in Liuzhou Tabloid, whether "Give You Five Thousand Taels, Leave My Son" or "The Story of Two Beauties", were all about women, and they were also very good.

Bai Mei was kind-hearted and Liu Xu was courageous.

The fate of the two people firmly attracted their hearts.

But as they watched, they found that Bai Mei was driven away by her mother-in-law, and Tian Yuhong was heartbroken.

But this couple is fine, because the storybook says that after Tian Yuhong calmed down, he decided to find Baimei despite his mother's opposition. For this reason, he wrote to the court and became a patrol censor who could travel around.

Although they don't know the subsequent plot, they can feel that the two will be reunited in the end.

But "The Story of Two Beauties" is different.

"Sisters share one husband" and "equal wives" are things that men think are "good things", which are definitely not acceptable to women like them who are literate, have dowries, and have the support of their natal families.

Because this is related to their own interests!

Among them, Liu Changmiao's eldest sister, Liu Changlian, the prototype of "The Story of Zhenniang", reacted most strongly.

Liu Changlian was brainwashed by her husband's family before and suffered a lot of grievances. Later, Fu Wenyu used "The Story of Zhenniang" to make this ancient woman wake up completely.

She no longer put her husband first in everything, but became herself again.

And the effect is also very good.

In the past six months, their father and brother let the three of them stay at home on the grounds of teaching their husbands homework. Lei Xiucai went back to Jiangzhou halfway to deal with the problems of his concubine, cousin and eldest son. Although the couple still have some awkwardness, their relationship has recovered a lot, and Liu Changlian no longer dislikes Lei Xiucai everywhere.

Liu Changlian knows the harm of concubines best.

Don't even think about having a concubine!

So when she saw the plot of "concubine" in "The Story of Two Beauties", she snorted coldly and said, "I heard that Mr. Fu made a bet with this Sun Xiucai. Whoever loses will never write a storybook again?"

The maid replied, "Yes, it's spread all over the outside, and the master also gave a hundred taels."

Liu Changlian laughed, "Then we have to help Mr. Fu."

"Go get a hundred taels from the money box, and then buy all of Mr. Fu's storybooks. Oh, by the way, I heard from Chang Miao that you have to order the storybooks in Liuzhou first, so go and order them."

"It would be better if Sun Xiucai could no longer write a storybook."

There are more than one person who have similar feelings and ideas to Liu Changlian, so there is no more After a while, Fu Wenyu heard Zhang, the shopkeeper, happily say to him: "Wenyu, happy news, great happy news."


"Recently, many people come to order your storybooks, and they must be three, five, ten or twenty. A few days ago, a wealthy customer even came with a hundred taels of silver, saying that he was here to order your storybooks."

"It's even more generous than Master Liu!"

Finally, Zhang, the shopkeeper, sighed at Fu Wenyu's surprised expression: "And the maid also said that if Sun Xiucai sells more storybooks than you, then we can just say it in the Liuzhou tabloid, and they will definitely donate generously."

"I have been selling storybooks for so many years, and I have never heard of such a situation."

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