I became immortal in Tianzong Sword

Chapter 535: The Place of Retreat

The army of Qi State confronted the army of Zhou across the river, and it was not without trying to fight across the river.

This time the Qi army is obviously much more cautious than the previous Han and Zhao countries.

The Chinese army's main formation is behind layers of military formations, and they are also very afraid of Gongsun Zhi's bravery, constantly testing his situation.

And what about Gongsunzhi?

He never refuses anyone who comes, but he can attract a small number of cavalry to directly attack and destroy soldiers and horses from the other side who come to test.

Still the same, under 20,000, he can swallow 5,000 of his own soldiers in one gulp!

As for the number of more than 20,000, the cavalry roared and attacked halfway, and it would be difficult for them to cross the river.

The most important thing among them is intelligence, which is not a problem for Gongsun Zhi who has been trained in the "Slaughtering Field". Even many disciples of Luo Yun are assigned to be the most senior scouts.

So when the army of Qi State found that Gongsun Zhi was really difficult to deal with, they confronted him across the river.

At the same time, the strength of the practitioners on both sides is also secretly clashing.

It is the only other fairy gate left in Dayan territory that supports the army of Qi State!

The benefits brought by Fulongting's success, even the immortal sect that already has a celestial master, would not want to ignore it.

Those who are not celestial masters want to become celestial masters through Fulongting, and those who already have celestial masters also want to use this to let their fairy gate have a second or third celestial master!

It's just that the Jinhao Immortal Sect in the Qi National Army seems a little weak, no matter whether it's a battle in the open or in the dark, they are all at a disadvantage.

After all, although most of Luo Yun's disciples joined the army because of slow progress, they are really good at fighting!

During the catastrophe, the power of Taoism and Taoism has been greatly reduced, and melee combat with weapons is the most suitable way of fighting. Under such circumstances, how could the disciples of Jin Hao Xianmen be the opponents of Luo Yun's disciples?

Anyway, on the battlefield of practitioners, Jin Hao Xianmen is losing ground.

But on the mortal battlefield, Gongsun Zhi dragged the army of Qi State to advance and retreat.

The army of the State of Qi was invited by the king and ministers of the State of Zhao to help the battle, so the cost of food and grass must be borne by the State of Zhao, right?

However, the state of Zhao has long been severely depleted under Gongsun Zhi's repeated harassment. Even if the state of Zhao is rich and can be supplied by the powerful, how can this kind of thing last for a long time?

Therefore, for Qi and Zhao, they have once again entered a rhythm that is most beneficial to Gongsunzhi.

That is, they must win quickly, while Gongsunzhi is deliberately delaying.

For the Qi State, fighting across the border is tantamount to exposing its own grain roads to others. Therefore, while they are constantly asking for grain and grass from the Zhao State, Qi State is also constantly raising food for delivery.

It's just that the distance to transport grain and grass is so long, and the loss of the journey can reach half, which is really difficult.

In fact, the most favorable situation for Qi State is that they take advantage of the situation to attack Zhao State, and then take Zhao State's food to supply the whole army to confront Zhou army.

Perhaps they had such thoughts in mind when they were invited here.

But after they tested Zhou Jun's combat effectiveness, this kind of thinking could only be stopped temporarily.

They were able to conquer Zhao, but this also meant that the Zhou army could take advantage of the chaos!

Gongsun Zhi dared to fight against 100,000 people with 5,000 people. Now that he has 80,000 people, how many people do he need to stay and fight?

If the Qi army wanted to attack Zhao, at least 200,000 people would have to be mobilized.

And how could the remaining 100,000 people hold Gongsun Zhi down?

Therefore, the army of Qi State was so awkward on the bank of the river, facing a dilemma in the confrontation with the 80,000 army of Zhou State.

The State of Zhao is also in a dilemma. It is extremely difficult to afford the food and grass of the State of Qi, but if they do not, I am afraid that the 300,000 soldiers of the State of Qi will turn around and invade Zhao at any time.

In the past few years, the days of melee among the princes have just passed, and this kind of thing is not unfamiliar to everyone.

It is also true that the two sides have reached a balance on both sides of the river between Korea and Zhao that no one will destroy for the time being.

The two countries of Qi and Zhao are powerless to change, while Gongsunzhi needs to stabilize the rear and cannot be changed temporarily.

He simply asked Mr. Wen to manage the government affairs of the rest of the state of Zhou, while he sent the government affairs of Han to the army to handle them himself.

The state of Zhou is short of talents, and the monarchs and ministers are all accustomed to one specialty and many abilities.

This makes most of the officials of Zhou State need Jiji Linglu and Ningshen scented tea to continue their lives, and all of them are workaholics.

Juan, Zhou Guozheng highlighted the word "juan".

Not to mention rolling one's own people into the air, it is also rolling up the political leaders of various countries.

The servants of the king of Zhou are all working so hard. As the enemies of the king of Zhou, what qualifications do they have to indulge in drinking and enjoying themselves?

Perhaps the courtiers of King Zhou didn't feel it, but they had already exported the huge mental pressure to the Quartet.

I don't know when other vassal states in this world will be crushed by this kind of mental pressure.

And because of the efforts of these ruthless people, Zhou Guo was stunned to make the whole country run efficiently in the absence of people.

This made Zhou's internal affairs extremely clean.

Because everyone obtains spiritual pleasure through the results visible to the naked eye in their own work, why do they care about still having time to care about material enjoyment?

They have become people who have broken away from low-level interests and have higher-level pursuits. What kind of blessing is this?

Years of war in a normal country will inevitably make people exhausted and haggard.

However, for Zhou Guo, they seem to have been fighting for years, but in fact they are very cautious in using the power of the people, and it is the officials who are really tired.

However, the officials are proud of this, and all of them are high-spirited and unyielding, and there is an extremely fanatical atmosphere throughout the country under the influence of others.

This made even though many soldiers had been fighting with Gongsunzhi, they did not show signs of fatigue.

Therefore, when other countries go to war, they will consume their people's strength and national strength. Only Gongsunzhi's Great Zhou can maintain its national strength against the trend during wartime.

It has been more than a year since Gongsunzhi's Eastern Expedition took place. South Korea was destroyed and Zhao State was hit hard, and now it is starting to deal with Qi State.

He wants to kill all the three kingdoms of the Central Plains in one go!


On the other hand, Jiang Sibai's practice is finally getting better.

This time, he did not conduct the retreat in the fairy world.

Instead, he entered the Sky Mirror alone and returned to the mirror lake.

In the Mirror Lake Realm, Luoyun Fairyland is already a big faction in the world at this time, and it is rumored that the entire Mirror Lake Realm is the only place that holds the secret of ascending to immortality.

Therefore, it is respected by people all over the world, and it is naturally the safest place.

But Jiang Sibai's place of retreat is the residence of his childhood friend Han Qianjin.

At this time, Han Qianjin was already at the top of the three-flower gathering cultivation base, but he couldn't break through the Five Qi Chaoyuan, and he couldn't comprehend the void.

It's not that he is not motivated, but that his talent is limited, so he can only stop here.

It's just that Han Qianjin didn't feel sorry for this at all, instead he lived a life with his sons and daughters around his knees.

He also doesn't want to work hard in the Fairy World at all, he just wants to live a stable life with his wife and children in his familiar hometown.

Jiang Sibai knew about this, in fact, as long as he said a word, Han Qianjin would immediately drop everything and follow him.

But since he regards Han Qianjin as his brother, he can only bless him.

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