I Became Invincible After Sweeping The Floor For 70 Years

Chapter 104: Time is accelerating, and the ancient royal family is born!

Chapter 104 Time accelerates, the ancient royal family is born!

At this time, Qin Chen returned to the Holy Land of Taiyi, and immediately entered the Great Emperor's Palace to retreat.

The first time is to check in habitually.

Whether it's a good thing or not, it's time to sign in.

The indifferent voice of the system resounded in his mind, but Qin Chen was greatly surprised.

It's time acceleration.

In particular, the time is accelerated three hundred and sixty-five times, that is, one day is like a year.

Hundred days, wait like a hundred years in the outside world.

Now Qin Chen just lacks time.

Sure enough, he is the son of luck.

"System, I want to turn on time acceleration for 100 days!" Qin Chen thought silently in his heart, and turned on time acceleration without thinking.

Start the retreat!

At the same time, what happened at the Hundred Clan Feast, with the help of some Taigu people who participated in the Hundred Clan Feast, spread the world at an alarming speed, causing a great uproar.

At the feast of the Hundred Clan, it should have been many Taikoo tribes who took the lead to target the human race, but no one expected the final result. The human super saint who destroyed the Kongming tribe appeared, After directly destroying the Falling Whale Clan, showing the cultivation base that shocked the heroes, and then negotiating with the Taigu Hundred Clan at the scene, and finally ended.

However, after the Kongming Clan, another Primordial Clan was exterminated.

In addition, this time, the Whale Clan is much stronger than the Whale Clan, and the clan king exists at the level of a quasi-sage king, but the final result is that they are exterminated.

Human race, when did such a mysterious super saint appear.

What's even more amazing is that he also borrowed a piece of Ji Dao emperor to shock the ancient tribes.

Faced with such a super saint who has the ability to kill the quasi-sage king, and who controls the extreme emperor soldiers, even the most powerful Taikoo tribe must be afraid of three points.

Naturally, the consequences of this incident are far more profound than imagined.

Many Taikoo tribes were alarmed.

Some Taikoo people are very afraid of today's Terran, and it can be seen that the Terran is far from the Primordial Era, so we can't continue to look down on it.

There are also some Primordial Clan, still like the Kongming Clan and the Falling Whale Clan, they are not afraid of the Human Race, even after hearing that the two Great Ancient Powers were exterminated, their attitudes were very gloomy, and they threatened the Human Race to be so domineering , vowed to pay the price for the human race.

Among them, there is an ancient strong clan, which can rank among the top 50 among the hundred strong clans, and the clan has the supreme power of the holy king level, and a gloomy voice came out: " What a human race, I really don’t take me and other immemorial races into my eyes. A small human race sage has repeatedly shot and destroyed the two great immemorial strong races. If you give a little more courage, wouldn’t you want to Is it impossible to completely exterminate the ancient tribes?"

Another Taikoo strong clan also in the top 50 also made a deafening voice: Today's human race is really more and more arrogant, and less and less attention is paid to me and other Taikoo people inside. It seems that after the Taikoo period, after I waited for the Taikoo tribe to fall asleep, the human race became one of the best awakened races in the world, and gradually grew, becoming the current big tribe. It seems that it is also time to let the people see, I am waiting for the real power of the Taikoo people. "

One by one, the ancient strong clan chose to speak out one after another.

The five major domains of the world have holy-level fluctuations, causing panic in the human race.

However, in the land of human race inheritance in the five domains, there are also holy-level fluctuations in the mighty, showing force, confronting each other in the air.

Of course, there is also the shock of the extreme imperial soldiers.

In the final analysis, the number of ancient sages of the human race may be far less than that of the ancient tribes, but the terrifying emperor soldiers of the extreme Tao make the ancient sages of the ancient tribes dare not act rashly, unless there are ancient imperial soldiers confronting each other in the air , containment, in order to have no fear.

As time goes on, the situation between the Terran and the ancient tribes has become more and more tense.

Sometimes, there are even conflicts.

Only both sides suppressed the battle below the holy level, so the impact was not too serious.

But the top powerhouses of the human race are far inferior to the ancient tribes, so there are many casualties, and many holy masters and elders of the immortal holy land have been killed by the ancient powerhouses.

This made the human race very angry, but they were always afraid, and there were also extremely strong people in the human race, killing many strong people from the ancient people.



This day originated from the land of the West, which belongs to the great Western realm.

Canglan Continent, the five major domains of the world were suddenly alarmed, and countless monks were looking at the western sky at the same time.

The terrifying fluctuations, affecting all domains, are unimaginable.

The four immortal dynasties of Zhongzhou, each with an ancient sage, looked at the west sky, showing an unprecedented dignified color.

Because, the ancient royal family was born!

The ancient royal family is the descendant of the ancient emperor who attained the realm of extreme Taoism in the ancient times, the most powerful clan in the ancient times, incomparable.

In the past few decades, although the Taikoo tribes have been born one after another, they are only some relatively powerful 100 strong tribes, and the top 30 100 strong tribes have never appeared, let alone stand The ancient royal family on the top of the Taikoo Wanzu Pyramid has never shown any trace.

Nowadays, in the land of the West, there is a legendary ancient royal family, which undoubtedly has an unprecedented impact.


The human race is in danger.

At this time, someone discovered that several people from the ancient clan went to the place where the ancient royal family was located.

Earlier, the remnants of the two great ancient clans did not dare to show up because they were worried about the revenge of the human race, no one knew.

Now that the ancient royal family was born, they went directly to ask the ancient royal family for justice.

At this time, a voice came from the west: "The human saints of the Kongming and Luojing clan have been exterminated, and I order you to go to the west to apologize immediately, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences!"

(End of this chapter)

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