I Became Invincible After Sweeping The Floor For 70 Years

Chapter 118: The turmoil continued, Ling Ran crossed the calamity (two updates in one)

Chapter 118 The turmoil continues, Ling Ran crosses the calamity

Qin Chen returned from the outer starry sky and landed in the Holy Land of Taiyi with the bow and arrow of the holy king who had passed the calamity.

About what happened outside the realm, because it is too far away and the level involved is too high, people in Taiyi Holy Land do not know it.

Only the Dragon Lord has a sharp eyesight, and he knows a lot. When he sees Qin Chen's return, he knows that everything is fine.

I just ran over to Qin Chen, and the dragon master smiled bitterly: "Sacred dust, you have killed enough ancient saints of the Taigu clan, and even the Taigu clan have exterminated three, now I killed another Sacred King of the Sacred Ancient Clan, but I am in big trouble. The Sacred King is no better than the Sage. There are not many Sacred Ancient Clans with Sacred Kings. You kill one now. The top 30 Nether Kings, I am afraid they will cause a lot of trouble."

In his eyes, Dust Saint is simply a great murderer of the Taikoo tribe.

How long after the Taikoo tribe was born, they destroyed three Taikoo strong tribes one after another, and now they killed another Taikoo tribe holy king.

If it takes a while, will Dust Sage have to kill a great sage of the ancient clan, and by the way destroy an ancient royal clan?

Just thinking about it makes my heart skip a beat.

Qin Chen pouted and said, "What does it matter, I wish I could kill a holy king every day."

He can use the Wanhua Emperor Technique in the Chaos Emperor Sutra to refine the holy source and replenish himself.

The origin of a holy king will save him years of cultivation.

In addition, the ordinary holy king came to trouble him, it was simply an act of seeking death.

What's more, even if the Nether Clan is the top 30 of the Primordial One Hundred Clan, and behind him is the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty.

Dragon Master: "…"

Qin Chen glanced at the dragon master and said, "It's you, you are only eight layers of heaven in the Eight Desolate Realm, so don't lose face."

Dragon Master: "…"

He wants to cry but no tears, do you think everyone is like a dust saint, how are you perverted?

In just over ten years, I have cultivated from the Eighth Desolate Realm to the Eighth Layer of Heaven, and my cultivation speed has been very fast, okay!

The Dragon Lord suddenly said: "Dust Saint, Ling Ran is already at the peak of the Seven Lights Realm. If there is no accident, within three years, she will be promoted to the Eight Desolate Realm."

Hearing this, Qin Chen nodded.

In the past three years, he has been very concerned about Taiyi Holy Land.

Three years ago, after he revealed his identity as one of the saints at the Feast of the Hundred Clan, he caused a great shock in the world. However, basically they only thought that he was the Venerable of the Eight Desolate Realm. He never thought that he was actually a Saint of the Nine Heavens Realm.

Afterwards, with the help of the Dapeng royal family, everyone in the world knew that the elder king was the holy king who destroyed the Tianma, Kongming, and Luojing.

Although I still don't know who the elder king's true identity is, which disciple of the Taiyi Holy Land has been in the past, but the holy king is still a golden signboard, especially in this era when all the ancient tribes were born one after another, he was attracted There are more arrogances coming.

Therefore, in the past three short years, more than a hundred talented geniuses have chosen to join the Holy Land of Taiyi.

The entire Taiyi Holy Land is now thriving.

Having all the treasures of the Tianma Clan, Kongming Clan, and Falling Whale Clan, and other rich resources, Qin Chen is naturally very concerned about the Taiyi Holy Land. On the basis of the formation, a more powerful holy king-level array is constructed, which can allow Taiyi Holy Land to resist the attack of the holy king in a short time at the critical moment.

At the same time, he pointed out the cultivation of the masters such as the Dragon Lord, Lu Xuan, Ling Ran, and the five demon kings of the Valley of Demons.

The personal guidance of a chaotic holy king who has the inheritance of many ancient emperors, building a high house, can often easily see the difficulties in their practice, and explain them in an easy-to-understand manner.

In particular, these people are loyal to themselves, Qin Chen is naturally not stingy, and from time to time will refine some medicinal herbs to help break through.

Dragon Lord has also reached the eighth layer of heaven from the fifth layer of the Eight Desolate Realm in just over ten years. It can be said that the speed of cultivation is already amazing. realm.

Unfortunately, even so, she was still disliked by Qin Chen.

As for Lu Xuan reaching the peak of the Seven Lights Realm, Ling Ran did the same. She came up later, and there was a faint sign of breaking through the Eight Desolate Realm.

Among the Supreme Elders, there are several people who have reached the level of the Seven Luminaries.

The entire Taiyi Holy Land has also risen to a new level in the past three years.

The fact that the elder king killed the holy king of the dark night naturally caused a lot of disturbance in the outside world.

But I learned that it was the Holy King of Nether Night who peeped at the elder king's superb weapon, and took action to **** it. After this was killed, many ancient tribes sighed that the human tribe is too strong now Now, especially this elder king, it's only been three years since he made another move.

And this time it was even more serious, killing a holy king of the Taikoo tribe directly.

This time the storm is not small.

On the other hand, I also learned from other sources that the bow and arrow of the supreme holy king that crossed the war was actually made by the elder king of the human race.

There is no doubt that it will cause a bigger storm.

Anyone who can refine a high-grade holy soldier can be called a master of refining. Looking at the ancient times, they are all honored people of the ancient times.

Yes, the master craftsman, even in the ancient times, can be regarded as one of the few absolutely distinguished figures, that is, the major crafting races and craftsmanship families, it is difficult to find a few people from ancient times to the present , can be regarded as a powerful person who is equal to the great sage. Rao is the ancient royal family who needs to be treated with respect and must not dare to despise.

Although the King of Nether Night was killed, the powerhouses of the Nether clan clamored to kill the elder king of the human clan at all costs.

However, not many people think that they can get this elder king. Even if the Dapeng royal family intervened in person before, they know what the result will be, and they are not all suppressed. .

Nowadays, the human clan elder king is also showing the noble status of the master of refining, and the human clan will undoubtedly protect him.

Even the ancient royal family must consider whether they should offend such a master refining master.

After all, one must know that both alchemists and artifact refiners possess amazing energy.

What's more, he is a master of refining, and his energy is even greater.

Qin Chen is naturally too lazy to pay attention to the disturbances in the outside world, but because of the disclosure of his identity as a craftsman, and because he has refined a superb weapon of the Holy King, many people in the outside world think that he is a craftsman Grandmaster, led to many forces taking the initiative to befriend, many of them Taikoo.

Only then did Qin Chen discover that the energy of the master of the artifact refining is far more amazing than imagined.

After half a month, suddenly, there was a terrifying calamity fluctuation between heaven and earth.

Ling Ran is over.

She cultivated for many years, and finally stepped into the Eight Desolations and became a World Venerable.

Under the attention of everyone in Taiyi Holy Land, Ling Ran crossed the terrifying catastrophe of the Eight Desolations.

Especially the kings of the Seven Luminaries, such as Lu Xuan, pay close attention to this kind of catastrophe.

If today's gradual recovery, the Dao will not be as difficult as it used to be, and they are very hopeful to step into the Eight Wastelands.

Especially Lu Xuan, who is also at the peak of the Seven Lights Realm, there is a great hope to set foot in the Eight Desolation Realm in the near future, and watching the robbery now will also be of great help for stepping into the Eight Desolation Realm in the future.


Fortunately, Ling Ran transcended the calamity at a high place in the sky, and there was a large formation in Taiyi Holy Land to protect it, so it did not affect the Holy Land.

Finally, after half a day, Ling Ran finally finished the calamity. He was covered in blood, his energy was sluggish, and he gradually fell from the sky.

At this moment, Qin Chen appeared, flicking his hand, the surging life essence from the heaven and the earth emerged, submerged in Ling Ran's body, and made her wound heal quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, Qin Chen flicked his fingers, and a crystal clear medicinal pill appeared and landed in front of Ling Ran. He said, "If you take it, you can quickly recover from the injury in the body."

Ling Ran naturally knew that the elder king would not harm him, and immediately took it.

She has already seen the magic of Elder Wang's medicinal pills, so she will not be surprised.

"Thank you Elder King for giving the medicine pill." Ling Ran saluted and thanked him.

"You're welcome!"

"Congratulations to the Lord!"

Ling Ran successfully crossed the tribulation and became a Venerable. Everyone in the Holy Land was congratulating him.

The old Holy Master Lu Xuan also sighed that this disciple stepped into the Eight Desolate Realm before him.

Qin Chen nodded slightly, Ling Ran was a Zixia Daoist after all, and he was able to become an Eight Desolate Realm Venerable in less than a hundred years.

After becoming a Venerable, Ling Ran became more psychic, and he was vaguely one with heaven and earth.

Vaguely, there is a trace of the legendary Zixia Queen's magic meaning.

Lu Xuan said with a smile: "Ling Ran, you are now the top expert in Taiyi Holy Land, second only to the elder king and the dragon master."

Indeed, don't look at Taiyi Holy Land's popularity in recent years, there is the elder king, the holy king, but in fact the overall strength is not strong, and there is a serious lack of mainstay-level powerhouses.

Looking at the entire Taiyi Holy Land, in addition to the elder king, there is only the dragon master, an outsider.

Now, someone has finally reached the Eight Desolate Realm, which undoubtedly greatly adds strength to the entire Taiyi Holy Land.

In particular, Ling Ran is still very young, only about a hundred years old, and he has become a sage of the Eight Desolates. He has great hope of becoming a saint in the future, and even has the hope of becoming a holy king such as the elder king, and even Aspiring to the realm of the Great Sage.

Ling Ran looked at the elder king who was surrounded by Qinghui. Although he had become one of the youngest Venerables in the world, he was not proud, on the contrary, he said very peacefully: "In today's immemorial ten thousand tribes In the middle of the age, the Venerable Eight Desolate Realm can only be regarded as barely entering the room. If you want to truly have the right to speak, you must at least reach the level of the Nine Heavens Realm saints before you have a preliminary grasp. Otherwise, you are not a saint, you cannot have real the right to speak.”

Qin Chen nodded, Ling Ran saw this clearly.

In this world, the Eight Desolate Realm is indeed far from the high status it had before the immemorial Wanzu entered the world.

In today's world, only the saints have the initial right to speak.

If you want to have a higher voice, you need to be a holy king like Qin Chen, or have a strong background such as an ancient royal family and an imperial family.

Qin Chen looked at Ling Ran, he was also the Holy Master of Taiyi Holy Land after all, although the Taoist soldiers on his body had grown to the venerable weapons, they could only be regarded as mid-level, so he said: "Ling Of course, if you have time, give your weapon to the old man to give it a little training to improve its rank."

Hearing this, Ling Ran looked overjoyed, but he knew that the elder king was an inscrutable master for refining weapons.

If he can help with the sacrifice, her Taoist rank can at least be improved by one step.

Wang, the younger generation will not be able to use weapons for the time being, when you have free time to refine them, you can give them back to the younger generation."

The purple light sword under Qin Chen nodded slightly: "Okay, wait for the old man for a few days."

He was very efficient in his work. After he went back, he directly helped Ling Ran to sacrifice and refine this purple light sword.

It can be seen that although the material of the Purple Light Excalibur is extraordinary, the refining skills are very general.

But Ling Ran is no wonder, because unless it is from an aristocratic craftsman family, most of the weapons made by cultivators are only the first grade. to grow gradually.

After Qin Chen came back, he immediately used the holy furnace to completely burn the Purple Light Sword for sacrifice. The Purple Light Sword turned into a pool of metallic liquid.

Then, using a forging technique in "Forging the Heavens and Sacrificing the Earth and Soldiers", I re-forged the original appearance, but the whole body was reduced by one-third.

Afterwards, Qin Chen added other extraordinary divine materials, and on the basis of the Taoist patterns inscribed by Ling Ran himself, he added a lot of holy patterns, and even some holy king patterns.




"Ling Ran, come over here, old man."

Qin Chen's voice transmission.

Soon, Ling Ran appeared in the holy peak. When he saw the familiar and unfamiliar Purple Light Divine Sword, it was already brand new, with a sharp edge, and he immediately looked overjoyed.

She took it over and caressed it carefully, sensing that this purple light sword surpassed by how much she didn't know before.


Ling Ran was surprised and delighted.

(End of this chapter)

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