Chapter 169 War?

Hearing the words of Great Sage Pengying, many people from the ancient times buried their heads and looked a little guilty.

After all, compared with the human race, the ancient tribes are indeed not very united.

However, most people showed an unhappy look. They believed that even if the Taikoo tribe was not very united, this was not the reason why the Dapeng royal family betrayed the Taikoo tribe. The Dapeng royal family, as the ancient royal family among the ancient tribes, should not have done such a spineless thing even if they were to exterminate their clan.

"Pengzheng, you are going too far, your clan is doing this to kill you!"

The old man of the Taisheng clan snorted coldly, stretched out his palm in a hurry, mobilized the power of heaven and earth, exerted the peerless supernatural powers of the Taisheng, and hit the Great Saint Pengyi.

The Great Sage Pengyi, who was the target of the attack, looked even more ugly.

"I spelled it with you!"

The Great Sage Pengzhen shouted angrily, recovered with all his strength, performed the Great Peng Treasure Technique, turned into a 100,000-zhang Great Peng Bird and leaped forward, killing the old man of the Taisheng clan.

However, the difference in strength between the two is too great. The Great Sage Pengying just met the supernatural power of the old man of the Taisheng clan, and the whole body was directly split, blood splashed everywhere, and died in in the void.

"Old Ancestor!" Pengwei Ancient Sage shouted, his face was extremely ugly, he did not expect that the Dapeng royal family, which is the ancient royal family, would have such a miserable day.

"I really don't know whether to live or die! The Dapeng royal family, let's destroy it like this!"

The old man of the Taisheng clan snorted coldly, without any intention to stop, the power of the great sage broke out, the peerless magical power was still in operation, and he was killing the ancient sage Pengwei and others. This is to destroy the Dapeng royal family!

"Taisheng people, you don't want to deceive people too much!" Pengwei ancient sage shouted, and together with everyone, he shot out a spiritual mask to protect himself.

However, the strength gap between them and the elders of the Taisheng clan was too great. The supersacred clan supernatural power just fell, and the mask was shattered inch by inch, turning into fragments of spiritual power in the sky.


The ancient sage of Pengwei coughed up blood and suffered serious injuries.

Looking at the divine power of the Taisheng clan who kept killing and killing, a look of despair appeared on everyone's face.

's magical powers shattered.

Qin Chen used his spiritual power to drag the corpse of the Great Sage Peng Kong to the sky above Dapeng Forest, looked at the old man of the Supreme Saint with a cold eye, and said solemnly: "If your Supreme Saint wants to be with my Human Race, Go to war, you can do whatever you want."

The old man of the Taisheng clan looked cold and snorted: "Your human race is too domineering, I am too ancient to clean up the door, you have to intervene? Is it possible, you think it will be Can your human race have the Supreme Dao Emperor Soldier?"

The breath of the Great Sage's peak burst out, and everyone present became quiet. Under the pressure of the Great Sage's breath, even breathing became heavy.

Qin Chen fearless, revives the desolate halberd in his hand, blocks the holy power of the old man of the Taisheng clan, and snorts: "You can kill the great sage Pengying, but you have to destroy the Dapeng royal family. , it just doesn't work."

"Human elder king, you are too lenient!" The eyes of the Taisheng elder became cold, and the great saint's prestige increased rather than decreased, obviously he did not intend to give up.

The big scorpion came behind Qin Chen and whispered: "Elder King, the Taisheng clan is the first clan of the ancient times. If he really wants to go to war with the human race, even if the human race has emperor soldiers in hand, It may not be able to win. Besides, aren’t you here to destroy the Dapeng royal family? It’s better to take a step back and find out when you grow up in the future.”

"Since the Dapeng royal family has surrendered to me, I can't let it be destroyed by others. What about the Taisheng family, if you want to fight, then the war is, others are afraid of them, I can Don't be afraid!"

Seeing Qin Chen like this, the big scorpion did not persuade him any more, but silently took out the big holy soldier and looked at the ancient world with a look of fear.

Saint Duanmu held a swallowing bottle of Heaven Emperor, stepped on the void and walked over, shouting: "Taisheng, if you want to fight, my human will accompany you to the end!"

The voice just fell, Cao Jiashengwang, Dugushengwang and the great saints of the three immortal dynasties all rushed over, and they all had their own family's pole emperor soldiers hanging on their heads, although they have not recovered yet , also made everyone in the Taigu Wan clan take a deep breath.

"The emperors of the human race are here, is this going to start a war with our ancient tribes?"

"If they want to fight, then they will fight! Are we immemorial people still afraid?"

"That's right, we have eight great royal families, and there are more ancient emperors than the human race. They should be afraid of their human race."

"Why haven't the other Taikoo royals moved, are you still planning to continue watching the show?"

Just as the people of the Taigu Wanzu shouted for the Taikoo royal family to take action, a phantom of the fighting saint ape walked out not far away, and said loudly: "Prince Zhan said, the human race and Taikoo In the battle of the holy clan, I fight against the holy ape clan to remain neutral."

At the same time, a child's voice came from Beiming: "Like the monkey, I remain neutral. However, the war cannot spread to the Wind Dynasty, otherwise I will kill it with thunder."

A group of demonic energy appeared in the sky over Zhongzhou, turning into a terrifying grimace, and sneered: "If the human race goes to war with the Taisheng clan, my demon **** clan can help out."

In the southern barren land, the Great Sage Wutian of the Ancient Witch Clan appeared in the sky, cupped his hands at the Taisheng Clan old man, and said humbly: "Senior, my Ancient Witch Clan is not good at fighting. The war is not involved."

In just a short while, the four ancient royal families expressed their positions one after another. They all chose to be neutral and did not plan to help the Taisheng tribe to deal with the human race.

When the people of the Taigu Wanzu heard the words, their faces changed greatly. The reaction of the four ancient royal families was something they never thought of.

"Isn't that right? Fighting holy apes, **** silkworms, and ancient witches all expressed their neutrality. Demons actually want to help humans. Is my ancient royal family so disunited?"

"The three ancient royal families are neutral, and the demons support the human race. In this case, how can my ancient ten thousand clan go to war with the human race?"

"The human race is so united, but my immemorial myriad clans have their own thoughts. If this goes on, how can my immemorial myriad clans be able to restore the glory of immemorial time?"

"Hey! Without the support of the four great ancient royal families, if I go to war with the human race, my ancient family will be in danger."

(End of this chapter)

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