The sky suddenly changed.

The clear sky was replaced by heavy rain clouds. Heavy rain poured down without warning.

The sea was rolling, with waves coming one after another.

"What is that? A huge wall? Why is there a wall in the sea?"

Through the hazy mist, Kuina saw the huge red earth wall towering into the sky, and her mouth opened in surprise.

"That is the legendary Red Earth Continent that divides the world into two. To be honest, this is the first time I have seen it. It is said that after crossing the Upside-Down Mountain, you can reach the Grand Line!"

Nami swallowed her saliva, with a little nervousness in her voice.

Even though she was used to the ups and downs of the East China Sea, crossing the Upside-Down Mountain was her first time.

"Is it a supercontinent that stretches across the entire planet? How high is it? What's on it? It's really curious!"

Thor's eyes flashed with excitement.

"Xiaolin~Xiaolin~I want to go up and take a look!"

"Well, go ahead!"

Rowling nodded in agreement.

Thor bent his knees slightly, and the next second her petite body shot up into the sky like a cannonball, creating a large, transparent hole in the heavy rain clouds.


Even Nami and Kuina, who knew Thor was very powerful, were shocked again.

"Hey, Luo Lingge, how powerful is Thor?"

Guina asked curiously.

"Well, I can’t really say for sure. Anyway, you just need to know one thing: no matter how powerful the enemy is, Thor can help you deal with it!"

Rolin said seriously.

How strong is Thor at full firepower?

Rolin didn't know this.

In the world of Dragon Maid, Thor once said that he could easily destroy the earth, but there was no actual performance.

But she and another dragon, Eluma, easily fought from the sky to the depths of the underground magma.

The four emperors with the highest combat power in the sea are not a big problem for Thor.

The only thing to pay attention to is the hidden secret weapon of the world government.

Easily wipe out a country, make an unhealable hole in the sea, and at the same time cause earthquakes around the world, causing the sea level to rise by one meter... This level of magnitude is not a joke.

And this is just a technological product of Vegapunk. What exactly is the more mysterious Uranus? Even Rolin, a time traveler, doesn't know

"Girls, hold on tight, we are about to enter the Upside Down Mountain Canal!"

Luo Lin held the rudder with both hands and slightly adjusted the direction.

【The Never Air Force rolled over the surging waves and accurately entered the gap in the red earth wall.

Driven by the Upside-Down Mountain Climbing Canal, the ship accelerated towards the top.

This strange scene made Nami and Kuina both mouth-watering.

Five minutes later.

The Never Air Force broke through the cumulonimbus cloud and reached the top of Upside-Down Mountain.

In an instant, the sky was bright.

"so beautiful~~~"

Nami stood at the top of Upside Down Mountain and looked out at the boundless sea, her beautiful eyes full of intoxication

"Everyone, I'm here~"

Thor, who had been circling the Red Earth Continent, fell from the sky and was held by Rowling in a princess hug.

Although he did not fall directly on the deck, the powerful force of the dragon's fall still landed on the ship.

The next moment

【The bow of the Never Air Force was pointing downward.

It began to accelerate like a roller coaster.

""Oh, ah, ah."

The girls' exciting cries were heard all the time.

The youthful laughter added some color to the Twin Cape.

It also attracted the attention of the old man who was lying on the chair on the shore watching the news.

However, before the old man, the sea surface of the Twin Cape suddenly surged violently.

A small hill suddenly rose on the sea surface, the sea water continued to surge, and a scarred whale appeared in front of Rowling and his party.

It was the island whale Labu who had been waiting for the Rumbar Pirates for fifty years.

"Wow, the legend is actually true, the first checkpoint on the Grand Line that people who cross the Upside-Down Mountain encounter is really a whale as big as a mountain!"

Nami exclaimed in surprise

"This, this, this... It seems a little bad, is he going to be eaten?"

Kuina swallowed nervously.

But the next second, she remembered Rowling's evaluation of Thor's strength not long ago.

Her heart suddenly calmed down.

"Wow, what a big whale! I wonder what it tastes like?

Thor's eyes lit up and he was eager to try it.


"Wait a minute."

Before Rowling could speak to stop him, an old voice came first.

Hearing that Thor wanted to eat Laboo, the flower-like old man next to the lighthouse could not sit still.

As the former ship doctor of the Pirate King, the knowledgeable Crocus naturally had extraordinary eyesight.

He could see the extraordinaryness of Rowling's four people, especially Thor's hidden aura.

"Lab, don't be rude, leave now!"

Kurokas scolded


Rab shouted and retreated obediently.

He couldn't disobey, after all, the dragon power on Thor was too terrifying.

""Oh, old man, is this whale yours? It's so cool!"

Nami asked in surprise.

"No, Laboo... This is a long story. Do you want to hear it?"

Kurokas asked.

Although the aura of Rowling and his party was terrifying, Kurokas could see that they were not vicious.

If he knew the story of Laboo, he would not hold Laboo accountable.

"Then let's listen to it!"

Luo Lin steered the boat and moored it to the shore.

"That was about fifty years ago.……"

Kulokas looked nostalgic and began to talk about the past of Lab and the Rumba Group.

As a time traveler, Rowling knew all about this, and after listening for a while, he started chatting with Thor.

He originally wanted to ask Thor about his experiences on the Red Earth Continent. After all, Rowling had never been to the Red Earth Continent. He only knew that the other side of the Upside-Down Mountain was the holy land of Marijoa.

However, even Rowling did not expect that this chat would lead to a"king bomb"’

"What? Thor, you blew up the holy land of Marijoa?"


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