I Became Stronger With Krypton Gold, And I Chose To Be An Alchemist

Chapter 56 Yang Xuance's Pride, What Happened To The Second-Grade Pharmacist?

A great man replied:

"Mr. Yang, we are discussing the ranking of the combat power of the students participating in the selection assessment this year."

"Based on the information of the students, the training camp ranked each student and each team according to their strength."

Yang Xuan Ce immediately became interested:

"Oh? Show me."

The big man handed over a few lists in his hand.

Yang Xuance took it and flipped through it.

On the list of the students' combat power rankings, Yang Xuan-ce looks from top to bottom:

No. 1: Xu Tapir, a late martial artist. (Note: Possesses a special weapon, the combat power is unknown)

No. 2: Wu Xuanying, early stage martial artist (Note: Possesses the power of Mingfeng bloodline, the combat power is unknown).

No. 3: Gu Han, early martial artist (note: if you practice high-level skills, your combat power is comparable to that of an intermediate martial artist).

Yang Xuance looked at dozens of others before seeing Chen Fan's name:

No. 666: Chen Fan, mid-warrior.

The corner of Yang Xuance's mouth twitched involuntarily.

[Warrior?! Mid-term?!]

[...The early stage of a martial artist becomes a mid-stage martial artist, are you preparing to come to the Yin people?

[Xiaobai, Xiaobai, you are really a sixth child. ]

He put down the list calmly, and nodded in agreement:

"I checked, and the ranking is indeed accurate. It seems that the people in the training camp are very hardworking!"

A big man replied with a smile:

"I will pass on your words, and I believe they will be very encouraged by Commander Yang's praise.

Yang Xuance picked up the list of team rankings and looked at it carefully for a while.

When he turned to the end and saw the list of the last team, his expression changed immediately.

"Hold the grass! I'm the last one in Wuyang City's team?"

"Did you make a mistake?!"

Several important people look at me and I look at you, with strange expressions.

After a while, someone awkwardly explained:

"Mr. Yang, there should be no mistakes in the list."

"The information we have obtained is very detailed. The quality of Wuyang City's team this year is indeed somewhat worrying."

"There are more than 100 people in Wuyang City, only a few are mid-stage warriors, most of the others are early-stage warriors, and there are even a few students who are late-stage warriors."

Several other people couldn't help but said:

"This level, compared with other teams, is indeed too poor."

"That's right, even the students from the later stage of martial arts are sent here, isn't this just to gather the number of people!"

Yang Xuan Ce remained silent, the corners of his mouth twitching.

Seeing him like this, several big men thought he was too angry, so they couldn't help being startled.

One of them hastily opened his mouth to persuade:

"Hey, Mr. Yang, calm down! It's not your fault that these juniors don't live up to expectations!"

The others glared at him, and made amends in a tacit understanding:

"You don't have to worry too much, Commander Yang. The assessment of combat power is just a reference, and it's not accurate."

"Yeah, yes, the ranking of the combat power of the team is actually not very meaningful. What the team values ​​is unity and cooperation. If they are sincerely united and cooperate with each other tacitly, it has happened many times before that a low combat power team overthrows a high combat power team! "

"That's right, Mr. Yang, don't worry too much. The ranking of this team is only based on the combat power of each team member, and many other factors are not taken into account at all. In fact, it is very inaccurate!"

Yang Xuan Ce: "...

[Don’t try to persuade me so much, I can’t help it anymore, I’m afraid that if I burst out laughing on the spot, then everyone’s faces will be ugly hahahahaha!]

Yang Xuance took a deep breath, stretched out his hands and rubbed his face vigorously, and said with a "sorrowful face":

"Thank you for your persuasion, I feel much better in my heart."

Seeing that Yang Xuance still looked sad, everyone didn't know how to persuade him.

When someone saw the picture of the Wuyang City team on the big monitoring screen, he couldn't help being startled, and subconsciously shouted:

"Why is the Wuyang City team still in the temporary camp? Are they going to abstain?"

Several other big shots stared at him with hatred:

[Will you still talk? Will you be happy if you get old Yang angry?]

The man came to his senses and quickly looked back:

"Well, I read it wrong, oh yes, look, they seem to be in a meeting, they should be discussing countermeasures, this is called making decisions before moving, the team in Wuyang City is very strong!

The topic was brought up on the monitoring screen, and a group of big shots looked at the big monitoring screen and the pictures of each team, and began to comment one after another.

A big man born in Lincang City stared at a picture on the monitor screen without blinking.

Looking at the team on the screen like chopping melons and vegetables, killing one after another fierce beasts, his face was full of relief:

"My city of Lincang produces outstanding talents every year, and this year there is a demon-level Xu Tapir, who is still in the late stage of martial arts at a young age, and his combat power is not weak enough to be a half-step master!"

The more he spoke, the more excited he became, and a proud and confident look appeared on his face:

"Such an incomparable genius! With his extreme combat power, who can stand up to a battle in the training camp?!"

"It seems that I am number one again in Lincang City this year!"

As soon as he said this, the other big shots were immediately blown up.

"Hmph! Is it too early to say this?! My Wu Xuanying in Huaiqing City, although only a martial artist in the early stage, has the rare power of the Mingfeng bloodline, which is no less than him!"

"My Gu Han in Taiming City is also extremely talented! Being able to jump through a few levels and directly practice high-level exercises, I don't think Xu Tapir can do this kind of ability! If Xu Tapir is against Gu Han

It's hard to say who wins and who loses!"

Several other people also opened their mouths one after another, speaking for the city where they were born.

Even though they knew that their team's combat power was far behind these top geniuses, they didn't show any sign of weakness.

Yang Xuance laughed inwardly as he watched these people refusing to give in to each other, arguing like a pot of porridge.

Argue, quarrel, the more you quarrel, the more swollen your face will be.

[You geniuses, no matter how powerful they are, can they still be as powerful as Chen Fan?]

[The first place is Xu Wei, a late martial artist? The second place is Wu Xuanying, a mid-stage martial artist? Sorry, Chen Fan has a record of killing Xue Xiao, a killer who is a mid-stage martial artist. ]

[Besides, he is still a second-rank alchemist, so you may not be able to predict some methods. In front of him, I'm afraid you won't get much bargain!]

In the mountains, at the foot of Rizuo Mountain.

Chen Fan has been wandering around the mountains for quite a while with the crowd of Wuyang City full of fighting spirit.

But luck is not very good, they have not encountered a fierce beast.

On the points badge, you can check the point rankings of other teams. The top teams have already reached three or four hundred points, and they are almost halfway to the passing goal of 1000 points.

Everyone couldn't help feeling a little anxious, subconsciously looking at Chen Fan.

"Brother Fan, it seems that the beast is a little hard to find?"

"Yeah, we still want to compete for the ranking in the standings. Everyone else has 300 or 400 points, and we haven't opened yet. What's the matter?"

Someone made his own suggestion:

"How about, let's disperse, search separately, and send a message to call everyone to rush over if we find the beast?"

Chen Fan thought for a while, then shook his head:

"Don't bother, just follow me."

He turned and walked up the hill behind him.

Everyone followed up suspiciously, looking at each other in blank dismay.

"What is Brother Fan doing?"

"I don't know, what's the rush, I'll know later."

Leading the crowd to the top of the mountain, Chen Fan looked around for a while and nodded with satisfaction.

There are no high peaks around this mountain, and there is a relatively strong wind blowing constantly on the top of the mountain, which fully meets the requirements.

He ordered to his team:

"You pick up some dry wood and light a fire."

Everyone was full of doubts, but they all believed that Chen Fan must have a way, and went to gather firewood to make a fire without hesitation.

A bonfire was quickly lit.

Chen Fan took out a few crimson elixir, thought about it, and was afraid that it would not be enough, so he took out a few more.

Feng Zheng put his arms around Chen Fan's arm and looked out curiously.

Liang Yue asked:

"Chen Fan, what is this pill for?"

The team members also looked curiously at the Dan in Chen Fan's hand.

Chen Fan smiled:

"You will know later."

After speaking, he raised his hand and threw these pills into the bonfire.

As soon as this crimson elixir came into contact with the flames, it immediately began to blaze.

A rich aroma diffused from the fire.

This kind of fragrance is very peculiar, a little like the fragrance of powder, a little sweet and greasy, after careful taste, you will feel a fishy smell.

The strange thing is that it seems to be mixed with chili peppers. After smelling it for a long time, it feels spicy and pungent.

The team members smelled it for a while, and some couldn't bear it anymore.

"Oh, my mother, I really can't stand it anymore, what kind of smell is this!"

"Brother Fan, what kind of pill is this, why are you burning it, cough cough cough! It's so choking!"

Feng Zheng clenched his sleeves and tightly covered his nose, his little face was wrinkled into a ball, and disgust was written all over his face.

"It stinks, it stinks!"

Liang Yue also covered her nose with her hand, her face turned pale.

Chen Fan looked at the disintegrated state of the crowd, and laughed straight away:

"You can't do it, you can't stand the taste?"

Everyone was opening their mouths to refute, and suddenly felt something moving.

After concentrating on feeling it for a while, someone suddenly shouted:

"What is this buzzing sound?! Could it be an earthquake?!"

Chen Fan smiled and shook his head:

"No, you look into the distance.

Everyone subconsciously looked into the distance, and then their eyes widened in shock.

Among the mountains in the distance, in all directions, huge figures are rampaging in the vegetation and forests!

That is a beast!

These ferocious beasts seemed to be mad, and rushed straight towards their mountain, without turning at all, even if there were trees blocking the way, they would all be smashed directly!

Boom boom boom boom!

These ferocious beasts are huge, and every step is as heavy as a thousand pounds, arousing huge movements, stirring back and forth in the valley, the momentum is quite huge!

Everyone in Wuyang City watched this scene dumbfounded:

"What's the situation? The beast's lair was bombed?"

...asking for flowers......

Liang Yue was the first to react:

"Chen Fan, is it the smell of these elixirs of yours that attracted them?"

Chen Fan nodded with a smile:

"so smart."

Feng Zheng widened his eyes in shock, his small face was full of admiration:

"Wow! Chen Fan big brother is amazing!"

People looked at Chen Fan in disbelief:

"Hold the grass, is that okay?"

"Niupi! You can still use this method to find fierce beasts, it's really insightful!"

"If you can't find the beast, let the beast come to us. Brother Fan's thinking is open!"

"Hey, do you think there are other teams fighting with the beasts, and halfway through the fight, their beasts came to us?"

Everyone looked at me, I looked at you, and suddenly laughed violently:

"There must be! Thinking about that scene, I think it's so funny hahaha

Ha ha!"

In a valley.

Gu Han is leading his team to hunt down a white-crowned megalodon.

This kind of ferocious beast is flexible and fast, making it quite difficult to deal with.

As with the previous tactic, the players were tasked with trapping it, and Gu Han ended the fight with one blow.

Although with his combat power, one person can easily single out this beast, but he must find something for the team members to do, and it will save him trouble.

A tyrannical energy erupted from Gu Han's body, and he jumped towards the white-crowned megalodon!


Accompanied by a sword cry, the long sword in his hand burst into a piercing and clear sword light!

At this time, Gu Han was in the air, holding a sharp and sharp sword light, full of vigor and majesty, like a god of war descending into the world!

He jumped on top of the white-crowned megalodon, his breath sank, and he bombarded down like a meteor!

The white-crowned megalodon was attracted by the attacks of the team members, and did not notice the attack from above.

But the next moment, it seemed to smell something, sniffed violently, and then went crazy instantly!

It roared, turned around and rushed out of the encirclement circle of the team members!

Seeing this, several team members standing in front of the white-crowned megalodon immediately launched an attack.

Based on the previous experience, in the face of their powerful combined attack, the white-crowned megalodon is cautious and should choose to dodge.

But this time, the white-crowned megalodon ignored their attack and ran straight towards them!

bang bang bang!

Several team members were directly knocked into the air!

The white-crowned megalodon broke through the encirclement, and disappeared in the blink of an eye from everyone's eyes!

Behind him, Gu Han bombarded down like a meteor, but hit nothing.

With the momentum of breaking the mountain and breaking the waves, he smashed to the ground fiercely!

The violent vigor poured into the ground, blasting some wet and soft soil into flying directions!

Gu Han wiped off the mud on his face, looked at the large spots of mud on his body, and then looked at the white-crowned megalodon disappearing in the distance, his face was ashen!

In the official camp of Jiangbei training camp, in the monitoring room.

The picture of Chen Fan's team was enlarged to the middle, occupying a full half of the screen.

In the picture, Chen Fan threw a few crimson pills into the bonfire, and after a while, countless wild beasts rushed here from all directions!

A group of big shots looked at the scene in the picture, dumbstruck.

"What is this doing?"

"My God, can it still be... still like this?"

Yang Xuance stroked his beard with satisfaction, and praised:

"Worthy of being a second-rank alchemist, he really has skills that surpass those of martial arts masters!"

Everyone in the monitoring room recovered from the shock, you looked at me, I looked at you, and didn't know what to say for a while.

The big man from Lincang City shouted angrily:

"This is cheating!"

Yang Xuance's expression moved slightly, and he turned around, seeing this man's angry face, with some panic and fear in his eyes, he just felt extremely happy in his heart.

[Chen Fan is powerful enough, just one move made Lincang City, which has occupied the number one throne for many times in a row, panic!]

This guy used to be arrogant and mocking in front of me, when has he ever been so flustered, he was so elated! Hahahahaha! What a joy!]

[This year's training camp, my Wuyang City will definitely shine!]

Yang Xuance showed a complacent and somewhat mocking smile, which seemed to be underwhelming:

"Cheating? Who told you it was cheating?"

"My student is a second-rank alchemist, certified by the alchemist chamber of commerce!"

"He refines some pills to attract monsters, what's wrong with that?"

Everyone was shocked.

"A second-rank alchemist?! This Chen Fan is actually a second-rank alchemist?!"

"This...isn't he a mid-stage martial artist? He even became a second-rank alchemist? This talent...is a bit enchanting!"

The big man who was born in Lincang City's complexion fluctuated, he hesitated to speak.

Yang Xuance's eyes flashed, and he directly suppressed his unspoken plan:

"Competing for rankings in the training camp is all about relying on one's own ability. You can't say that your students don't know how to make alchemy, so you don't let others use it?"

"If you want to play this kind of rascal in front of me, it won't work!".

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