I Became The Ancestor Of The Sect

Round 172 Level 8 Warcraft Riot

Seeing that the place where the magic core was supposed to be located was empty, the team member was also stunned.

Normally speaking, it is impossible for a monster of level 5 to have no magic core. The probability of a monster of level 4 or above to have a magic core will be higher. You can tell whether there is a magic core by just looking at the body of the monster. There will be a circular groove at the position of the magic core, which is where the magic core is stored.

But this shadow fox demon clearly has this position in its head, but there is no magic core, which makes no sense unless someone takes out its magic core in advance, but the odds are too low.

However, it appeared in front of him, which had to make Iron Wolf distressed.

"Who did it, he was able to take out this demon core, how did he do it?"

The team member took a closer look and said, "Look here, head, there is a hole here."

Looking in the direction of the team member's fingers, it turned out that there was a hole the size of the magic core, and this hole was the key to taking out the magic core.

This is also the main reason why a few steel cables can easily catch the Shadow Fox Demon.

"Head, it seems that someone did it on purpose, but who is so powerful that he can actually cut a hole in the head of a fifth-level beast!?"

Tie Lan shook his head solemnly: "Although I don't know who did it, this trick is really wicked and wicked, but although there is no magic core, we can sell this beast at a good price, inform all brothers, Be careful."


It was naturally Zheng Yu who took away the magic core.

At this time, Zheng Yu was practicing the ability to cut holes in the heads of monsters. He hoped that he could take out the magic core without killing the monsters. Anyway, after these monsters lost their magic cores, their combat effectiveness would be greatly reduced. It is easy to be killed, and it happens that you can also increase the task entry, killing two birds with one stone.

Zheng Yu is currently catching a fifth-level monster with the corpse puppet, the Swift Shadow Leopard.

This guy is very fast and powerful, but in front of the ghost sickle, he can't display his abilities. The ghost sickle corpse has been tempered by various materials, and now it is indestructible. The speed of the fast shadow leopard is fast, The teeth are sharp, but they can't break through the defense of the ghost sickle.

The figure of the swift shadow leopard flashed, biting the arm of the ghost sickle, and the ghost sickle reached out and quickly grabbed it.


The ghost sickle pressed the swift shadow leopard to the ground.

Zheng Yu appeared, took out his long sword and opened a hole in the head of the Xunying Leopard!

A magic core was taken out by Zheng Yu.

At the moment when the magic core was taken out, Xunyingbao let out a roar, which was a very cruel technique, but then Zheng Yu let it go.

Quick Shadow Leopard got up and fled.

Zheng Yu's intention is very simple, he doesn't want to kill this beast, because although the magic core is robbed, this swift shadow leopard can still grow a new magic core, it is only a matter of time, but if it is unlucky, If you go to the human camp, it is a dead end, then you can't blame Zheng Yu.

Zheng Yu's normal quest has been completed, and all the hunting numbers have ended, but the quest is not displayed as completed. According to the system prompt, the quest will be automatically liquidated when the beast tide ends, so Zheng Yu just needs to wait slowly for the end to end. That's it.

"Okay, we're almost there, it's time to go back."

Although Zheng Yu hunted down a few level-5 monsters, he didn't plan to complete any high-reward quest. After all, he knew how strong he was. He couldn't deal with level-6 or 7 monsters, let alone corpse puppets. Now, even a few more corpse puppets can't beat the seventh-level monster.

However, at this moment, in the depths of the forest in the distance, a huge roar suddenly came from the sky, and the whole earth trembled in this roar.

This sudden roar made the entire forest quiet for a while.

The beasts that were rioting at first were all quiet at this moment.

Even the monks stared into the distance in unison.

Iron Wolf realized that it was not good, and hurriedly said: "Everyone immediately exit the forest immediately, fast, the sooner the better."

Under the order of Iron Wolf, the entire mercenary group began to retreat in an orderly manner.

I saw the Iron Wolf mercenary group begin to evacuate.

The Apocalypse mercenary group also began to evacuate, and everyone retreated.

The other people also started to quickly back away in this roar.

In Xuanyang City, everyone also heard this roar.

Everyone ran into the room with their families as if they were facing the enemy, and the street was immediately empty.

Qin Mu looked into the depths of the forest with a terrified expression, and murmured, "What on earth is there?"

Seeing that all the mercenary groups and cultivators had retreated, Qin Mu realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Come on, send spies immediately, I want to know what happened in the forest!"


Zheng Yu was naturally very frightened when he saw this scene, but just when Zheng Yu was about to leave, the system beeped.


[Found a diamond treasure chest 300 meters ahead. 】

Diamond chest?

Nope, it's a diamond! ?

Zheng Yu originally thought that the grades of the treasure chests were bronze, silver, and gold, but after playing, I didn't expect that there were even diamond grades, and the gold ones could be used to perform heaven-level exercises. Wouldn't the diamonds be against the sky?

But the front is very dangerous. I am now on the edge of the depths of the monster forest. If I go deeper, I am afraid that I will encounter a sixth or seventh level of monsters, then I will die.

But I have cloud stepping boots, and with the shadowless magic skill, I am afraid that even the seventh-level monster can't catch up.

Thinking of this, Zheng Yu's greed finally defeated his rationality, and he still rushed forward.

at this time!

Deep in the forest of monsters.

The three people at night were fighting an eighth-level demon beast.

That roar just now was issued by this rodent.

A rodent, this is an extremely large monster, with a body the size of a ship, and huge claws that are indestructible.

However, the three people who fought against him were all powerful people, each of them stood on the void, and the breath on each of them was so powerful that it was suffocating.

The three of them were all wearing black Taoist uniforms and masks, so they couldn't tell each other's faces, but by listening to the voice, they could tell that one of them was actually a woman.

Zheng Yu hides and grabs the diamond treasure chest with his palm.

"There are ten seconds left, don't mess with me!"

Zheng Yu was afraid in his heart, and he was ready to leave quickly after ten seconds.

"Brother Lin, there is a little mouse, how do you count!"

"Brother Zimo, don't worry, he's just a little mouse who doesn't know what to do, he'll be scared away in a while."

"You two bastards, stop chatting, hurry up and take action."

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