I Became The Ancestor Of The Sect

Round 345 The third round begins

Seeing that Zheng Yu actually signed the duel book, Jiao Feiyang was also very nervous, so the lives of both sides could be controlled in this third round.

Jiao Feiyang said proudly: "Okay, you and I have already signed this book, and there are so many fellow Daoists here to testify. I'm not afraid that you will regret it. Let's wait and see, I will make you splatter blood on the spot."

After all, Jiao Feiyang turned and left.

Zheng Yu sighed helplessly: "These guys really don't grow up."

Chen Peng came over and said: "I said brother, you are too hasty, that guy just now is a famous alchemy expert of Long Hua, all the medicinal pills he made are for the sect master to eat, you duel with him, this is not Are you looking for death?"

Zheng Yu smiled lightly: "I don't know who will kill the deer, how can we come to a conclusion so quickly, let's see in the third round."

Chen Peng patted Zheng Yu on the shoulder: "Okay, brother, just ask for more blessings."

Ling Yun walked over and said, "Tell you, you have to defeat that guy, don't allow him to die, did you hear me, I haven't defeated you yet."

Zheng Yu said with a smile, "don't worry, I won't lose."

Just now, Zheng Yu had checked the data of Jiao Feiyang with the divine appraising technique. The level of an alchemist was only level 4. Now that he was a level 5 alchemist, would he still be afraid of him?

Seeing that Zheng Yu was so confident, Ling Yun said, "Okay, if you can be so confident, I'm relieved, don't say it, it's all nonsense if you talk too much, you can do your best."

The life-and-death confrontation between Zheng Yu and Jiao Feiyang soon spread throughout the arena, and everyone knew about the bet.

"I didn't expect this Longhuazong Jiao Feiyang to come, and Longhuazong is willing to let him out?"

"Long Huazong doesn't seem to be here this time, this guy should have run away by himself."

"It's amazing, but why is this guy fighting that Zheng Yu. Crazy?"

"Hey, I really know this. It seems that Jiao Feiyang's cousin was killed by this Zheng Yu, so he is here for revenge."

"Oh so that's the case, no wonder, this guy can do it, it's really a brotherhood."


Everyone was talking.

On the other hand, Aoki was a little worried. He didn't know whether he was afraid of Zheng Yu's death or that he would not be able to break through the rune level again in the future. Aoki was a little confused now.

"This guy is so troublesome, damn it."

Aoki sighed helplessly, she was actually a little worried about Zheng Yu's safety at the moment, she had already thought about it, if Zheng Yu lost, she would come forward to help Zheng Yu as soon as possible, run away or kill Jiao Feiyang is fine, anyway, Zheng Yu can't be allowed to die.

Su Maoquan and the others knew about Zheng Yu's bet. They were not worried about Zheng Yu, but about Jiao Feiyang. They were afraid that he was going to die, because as far as they knew, Zheng Yu would not do anything unsure. .

A group of people chatted about the issue of Zheng Yu's elixir.

"You said that Master is going to refine how many medicinal pills this time?"

"I said it is the best of the fourth grade."

"Wrong, I think Shizun is already a fifth-grade alchemist. The last time I saw him, I felt very wrong. I asked him, but he didn't tell me."

The person who has the most right to speak here is Xu Man. Xu Man is an alchemist. Although Ding Li has also learned some skins, she is not talented enough, so she gave up and decided to continue her business.

"Fifth-grade? You said that Shizun is now a fifth-grade alchemist?"

Everyone looked at Xu Man in surprise, and their faces were full of incredible colors.

"Yeah, it's definitely right. Look at it, the fifth-grade medicinal pills can appear pill marks, and it depends on how many pill marks the master can refine."

Everyone was shocked and didn't know what adventure Zheng Yu had in Xiaoyao Sect.

The third round of the match finally began, and everyone on the field looked at the host in front of them with high spirits.

The rules of the third round of the competition have been released a long time ago, that is, the winner is the one who refines the medicine pill to see who has the stronger medicine pill.

"Okay, I announce, the game starts, everyone... Come on!"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone ignited the flame in the pill furnace.

Zheng Yu turned his head and saw Jiao Feiyang looking at Zheng Yu angrily, his eyes wishing he could kill Zheng Yu right away would be fun.

You must be sick, Qin Mulian's death has nothing to do with him at all. This guy has to target himself, and now he has started alchemy. He still doesn't move, why is he staring at himself.

Still watching.

Still watching.

Sir, are you really sick?

Zheng Yu shook his head helplessly, and could only switch positions to give Jiao Feiyang his back.

That Jiao Feiyang snorted coldly, and actually started the refining of the medicine pill.

Zheng Yu is sitting in front of the pill furnace. His body shape is exactly the same as before, without any changes. After all, it is a plug-in. As long as he controls the heat well, the refining of fifth-grade pills is still the same as other pills. , but there are more options for Danken.

"Huh? Pill mark? Is the three pill marks the highest?"

Zheng Yu decisively selected Sandanhen's elixir, but a prompt appeared the next moment.


[Host, please note that this pill furnace does not currently support the refining of the three-dan mark elixir, please use the spirit fire to refine the three-dan mark elixir. 】

What the hell, this pill furnace can't make three pill marks?

"System, can I force refining?"


[Host, please note that forcible refining of medicinal pills will cause the danger of the pill furnace bursting, whether to continue. 】

f*ck, is this forcing Laozi to use the Wannian Xuanbing Pill Stove? However, according to the rules, the pill furnace cannot be replaced.

It's over, I can only choose Erdan Mark.


[The system prompts that the current pill furnace refining the second pill mark pill is also in danger of frying, with a probability of 70%. 】


Zheng Yu is really speechless, what can I do now, I wanted to be a blockbuster, but now it's better, I can only be unknown.

"Okay, system, give me the best option."


[After strict screening by the system, Yidan Mark is the most suitable. 】

Alright, that's him, let's go!

The next moment, the flame in Zheng Yu's Dan furnace suddenly turned pure red. As soon as the flame came out, the surrounding temperature instantly increased to a state that should be terrifying. The flames of other people suddenly became smaller at this moment. The flames tended to converge in the direction of Zheng Yu flames.

"What's the situation, what happened, how do you feel that all the flames are not calm."

"That's... hiss, it's spirit fire, my God, that guy actually has spirit fire."

"What? Spirit fire? This is spirit fire? Sure enough, the momentum is unusual."

"Well, that's right, it's the spirit fire. When the spirit fire comes out, Wan Huo Chao, the legendary spirit fire is really powerful."

"What a terrifying guy, he actually has a spirit fire, what a surprising kid."

Master Lingxu looked at Zheng Yu and was full of regrets. Why didn't he meet such a kid, or encounter a spirit fire, if he could win a kind of spirit fire, he would definitely be able to break through the seventh-grade alchemy master.

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