I Became the Ancestor of the Villain

Chapter 387: you're done

  Chapter 387 You're done

  The time has come to the seventh day when Mo Qingkuang and others entered the Holy Fire Hall. At this time tomorrow, the gate of the Holy Fire Hall will open, and several people will encounter the most dangerous moment in their lives.

  But everyone didn't think about it for the time being, and their eyes were all on the spot where Youlan Mengyan was.

  Actually, you can't see the existence of Youlan Mengyan now, Han Shu's body has been completely repaired, without clothes to cover it, people can clearly see that every muscle line on his body is full of explosive power!

  If anyone dares to touch it, they will definitely be burned by the amazing high temperature!

  Although he hasn't woken up yet, he is out of danger.

  From last night, Mo Fan felt that Youlan Mengyan's self-awareness was very weak, and a vigorous soul appeared in the body reshaped by the cold and heat.

  Han Shu has completely controlled Youlan Mengyan, but his body has not been completely shaped yet, so he cannot move.

  But all the diseases in the body, including the innate ice spirit body and the obsession of the younger brother, have been wiped out in the persistence with Youlan Mengyan!

  Currently, the body of Han and Shu is a real innate fire spirit body, even more powerful!

  Because it is the innate fire spirit body recognized by Youlan Mengyan!

  Kongkong was controlled by Li Sheng in a far corner, and at this moment, he was also observing the changes of cold and heat with Mo Qingkuang and others.

  He never expected that Youlan Mengyan of the Blue Flame Empire would really be subdued one day!

  Suddenly unable to accept this reality, he yelled at Mo Qingkuang: "Mo Qingkuang! Damn you! Damn! How dare you seek my Blue Flame National Treasure! I'm going to kill you!"

   Li Sheng on the side gave him a hard kick, and spat: "Bah! How dare you speak wild words like this? If it weren't for us, Young Master Mo, you would have been burned to ashes by Lin Yang long ago!"

   After kicking the empty Li Sheng, he felt refreshed all over his body, and his heart was bubbling with beauty.

  This is the top genius in the entire continent, even worse than the saints and saints in the major holy places, and now he is his own prisoner.

   With this kick, Li Sheng will be able to boast to his great-great-grandchildren in the future.

  Kongkong was furious when he was kicked by Li Sheng, but now that his cultivation base is blocked, he is no different from an ordinary person, so he has no ability to resist.

  Just staring at Li Sheng viciously, wanting to imprint his appearance deeply in his mind.

   Mo frivolously turned his head and glanced at Kong Kong, whom he had never dared to challenge: "Kong Kong, each is his own master, and you know it in your heart."

   "You! I really regret not killing you the first time I saw you!" Kongkong struggled angrily, about to stand up and fight Mo frivolously.

   What Li Sheng got in exchange was another merciless kick: "Be honest!"

   Not far from them, a frightening white tiger was crawling on the ground, and a petite girl in a white skirt sat helplessly on its belly with her knees hugged.

  The soft touch did not bring comfort to the girl, but her shoulders trembled slightly, as if she was crying.

  She is Ning Xian. After repeatedly persuading Mo to be frivolous and fruitless, she sat for six days, weeping silently, and never said a word.

  The inner conflict reaches the extreme.

   Whether to watch Mo Qingkuang die or not to watch Mo Qingkuang die.

  In her heart, it is impossible for Mo Qingkuang to escape the sanctions of the Blue Flame Empire by doing so, and he will surely die without a place to die.

  The white tiger holy beast's deliberate flattery didn't make her feel better.

   It is said who made the woman, and the tears of Ning Xian, a water spirit, have not dried up after five or six days.

  Chen Kong and the others couldn't bear to see this poor woman.

  They believed that if what Mo frivolously stole was the Ten Thousand Years Cold Jade from the Tianxuan Empire, maybe Han Yan'er did the same.

  Mo Qingkuang didn't dare to visit her at all, and he didn't practice these days, so he turned his back to Ning Xian and forced himself to focus on Han Shu.

  Perhaps only the success of Han Shu can make his heart no longer soft!


  The strange atmosphere in the hall did not continue. After seven days of cold and heat, I finally opened my eyes!

   There seemed to be some faint blue flames burning in those eyes, just one glance made Mo Qingkuang feel hot all over.

   Then he took a deep breath and exhaled heavily!

  Suddenly, a terrifying wave of high temperature swept across the entire Holy Fire Palace again!

   Immediately afterwards, the aura so thick that it hurt people's cheeks gathered together, forming a white vortex of aura in the hall!

  They all go to one destination!

  In the body of cold and heat!

  Under the infusion of aura, under the shocking eyes of everyone, the aura of cold and heat is rising steadily!

  In just one breath, an ordinary person steps into a rank-1 martial artist!

  Second product!



  The infusion of spiritual energy has not stopped, and there seems to be no bottleneck in the breakthrough of cold and summer cultivation!

   In the blink of an eye, you can break through the martial artist and enter the martial artist!

   But it's far from over!

  First rank martial artist!

  Second rank martial artist!


   Breakthrough Grandmaster!

  First Grade Grandmaster!

  Second Grade Grandmaster!


  Breakthrough to the Grand Master!


  It wasn't until after breaking through to the grand master that the improvement speed of cold and summer cultivation slowed down a little!

  No one will believe that an ordinary person can break through and become a master of a great master in less than a stick of incense!

   And it's not over yet!

  First Grade Master!

  Second Grade Great Master!


  Mo frivolous heart tugged every time the cold and heat cultivation level increased by one rank!

  He is hating! Hate yourself why not a fire spirit body?

  He hates to know that there will be such benefits after obtaining Youlan Mengyan, and he is reluctant to give it up to others no matter what!

  It's a pity that he is a wind spirit body, so he is doomed to miss it!

   But fortunately, such a big and terrifying improvement did not let Lin Yang get it.

   Otherwise, Lin Yang's perverted talent would be worth it, wouldn't he be able to beat himself?

  Looking at the cold and hot weather, Mo's frivolous heart twitched nine times!

   In the end, I have become numb, from envy, jealousy and hatred, to blessing and comfort!

   Half an hour!

  Han Shu has changed from a dying ordinary person with no cultivation base, weak and sick, to a ninth-rank peak master!

  Such a miracle happened in front of the eyes of Mo Qingkuang and other six people and one tiger!

   Moved his body slightly, the cold and heat descended from mid-air, with a grateful look on his handsome face, he walked up to Mo Qingkuang and bowed deeply: "Junior Brother Mo, thank you!"

  Mo Qingkuang was slightly taken aback, and scratched his head in embarrassment.

  Of course it’s not because I can’t bear the ceremony of cold and heat, but because I have no clothes in front of me!

   Imagine a handsome big man bowing ninety degrees in front of you, how does it feel?

   Mo's frivolous feeling is strange.

  Fortunately, he bowed facing him. If his back was turned to him, it would be embarrassing for Mo Qingkuang.

   Hastily took out a set of clothes from the Sumeru Precepts and put them on in order to cover the body.

   also secretly checked to see if Ning Xian had peeked,

  Finding that Ning Xian covered his face and lowered his head, as if he didn't seem to be watching, Mo frivolously felt a little complacent in his heart.

   Only then did he say to Han Shu: "Congratulations, Senior Brother Han, for getting out of his illness and achieving great success."

  (end of this chapter)

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