“Senior Colonel of the Military Region?”

Mu Yi was also stunned.

As for the front desk lady, she knew each other and left immediately.

Before leaving, the front desk lady also deliberately closed the door of the director’s office.

She knew in her heart that some of the next things and conversations would not be something she could listen to at her level.

Sometimes that’s what life is like in the city.

The more you know, the worse it gets.


In the era of the Galaxy Alliance, the alliance vigorously promoted – military power!

Because, this universe is not very peaceful.

There are many, exotic races, all of which were established against mankind – the Galaxy Alliance, the tiger is watching!

Terrans, in order to defend their homeland, must build a strong military force!

To this end, basically, each alliance planet, specifically, an independent city on the planet, has its own military district!

Cangshi City, as a separate urban area, naturally also has its own military strength – Cangshi Military Region!

And the supreme leader of the Cangshi Military District is Colonel Hus!

In the Galaxy Alliance, the rank and rank of soldiers are divided into:

1, Generals: marshals, generals, generals, lieutenant generals, major generals; (Starting from the admiral, it is divided into: five stars, in order: one-star admiral、、、、、 two-star admiral、、、、、 five-star admiral).

, 2, colonel: major, colonel, lieutenant colonel, major;

, 3, lieutenants: lieutenant, captain, lieutenant, ensign

4. Non-commissioned officers: sergeant, sergeant, corporal

5. Pawns: 1st class, 2nd class, 3rd class

“The colonel is the highest-ranking existence among the colonels!”

An officer of the rank of a colonel, in an urban area, can be said: a big man like calling the wind and rain!

Senior Colonel Hus, with a resolute face, smiled slightly, and gave a military salute.

“I, Hus, Senior Colonel of the Cangshi Military Region!”

“I heard the chief say about you, you are very powerful!”

“Young age, sitting on tens of billions of assets! It’s an outstanding person in my Cangshi City! ”

Colonel Hus, admiring.

“Hehe, the colonel has passed the award!”

“I’m not just an ordinary teenager!”

Mu Yi said modestly.

Director Jin Yin looked at Mu Yi and said with a smile: “Mu Yi, you suddenly came over, isn’t it, what’s the matter!” ”

“As the saying goes: don’t go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything!”

“You came suddenly, do you have a big order again?”

Director Bullion asked suspiciously.

In fact, in the heart of the director of the gold and silver bureau, he is not very sure.

After all, not long ago, Mu Yicai came over and exchanged gold and silver once!

That big order is worth tens of billions!

Director Jin and Silver, it’s hard to imagine that Mu Yi, in a short period of time, where did he get such a large amount of money?

“Hehe, chief, guessed well!”

“I, just to find the director and make another big order!”

Mu Yi, laughed.

“This big order is bigger than the previous one!”

“It’s worth a lot!”

“If it can be done, it will be very beneficial for us!”

Mu Yi said with a smile.

“Even bigger than before?”

Director Gold and Silver asked, dumbfounded.

“Well, that’s right!”

“Indeed, bigger than before, not a little bigger! Rather, much bigger! ”

“Super much!”

Mu Yi said truthfully.


“It’s much bigger than before!”

“Super much?”

Director Jin and Silver, can’t help but look excited!

All over the body, Director Jin and Silver, are extremely excited!

He is the director of the Bureau of Gold and Silver, and his biggest responsibility is to exchange more gold and silver for the Water Blue Planet Gold and Silver Administration, and other strategic reserve materials!

And the Planet Gold and Silver Authority, the backer behind it, is the entire Galaxy Alliance!

Money is not a problem!

The key is gold, silver, how much?

How much gold, silver,! Gold and silver bureau, you can eat it!

All converted into cash!

“Well, let’s take a step to talk!”

“The space here is too small! Go to the big warehouse in the bureau! ”

“I’ll release the stuff!”

Mu Yi said slowly.


Director Gold and Silver Bureau and Senior Colonel Hus both got up and accompanied Mu Yi to the warehouse of the ——— Gold and Silver Bureau!

The warehouse of the Gold and Silver Bureau is very empty and can accommodate a lot of things!

Mu Yi does not procrastinate either.


Mu Yi is like, pouring something.

From the storage box of the system, a large amount of gold, silver, obtained from the martial arts world, all poured out!

“These are, pure gold and silver!”

“In general, gold is ten million taels, and silver is five million taels!”

Mu Yi said lightly.

“Oh my God!”

Rao is, the gold and silver bureau chief who is accustomed to seeing gold and silver, at this moment, looking at the mountains of gold and silver, is also completely stunned!



“Ten million taels of gold, five million taels of silver?”

“According to the market price, if you calculate!”

Colonel Huss was also stunned and said slowly

One gram of silver, value: 3.7 Galaxy (coins/yuan).

One gram of gold, value: 270 Galaxy (coin/yuan).

One or two equals 50 grams!

One or two silver, about equal to, the currency of the Galaxy Alliance: 185 (coins/yuan)!

One or two gold, about equal to, the currency of the Galaxy Alliance: 13500 (coin/yuan)!

“10 million taels of gold is equal to 135 billion (coins/yuan)! Five million taels of silver is equal to: 925 million (coins/yuan)! ”

“If the two are combined, it is more than 135.9 billion yuan!”

“Hundreds of billions of billionaires!”

Colonel Hus, who is accustomed to iron-blooded, cold-blooded, bloody battles, can’t help but be moved!

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