"Sit down!" Lin Daoran smiled slightly, and two chairs and a table appeared in an instant.

There was a plate of spiritual fruits on the table.

The old lady and the little boy sat down without any hesitation.

They didn't know that this was the first time that Lin Daoran treated his customers like this since he took over the pawnshop.

Then, under Lin Daoran's order, Xiuxiu flipped through the account book and found the contract of the old lady in front of him.

However, after seeing the contract, Lin Daoran's blood surged and he felt that he was about to vomit blood!

At this moment, he finally knew how the original Hunyuan Pawnshop, which was originally awesome, was ruined step by step by the previous shopkeepers.

According to the content of the contract... The old lady in front of him was called Bai Lingqing.

Fifteen thousand years ago, Bai Lingqing was driven out by the family because of her weak blood and could not meet the family's requirements, and was exiled to the world of cultivation to fend for herself.

And Bai Lingqing's family is an ancient family that has been passed down from ancient times to the present, and is called the God of War Family!

The ancestor of this clan was a powerful man in ancient times, who had dominated the world for countless years.

Therefore, the blood he left behind became a very powerful inherited blood. All clan members with a high blood concentration can get the inheritance in the blood and become a god of war!

Therefore, the God of War clan is proud of their blood and thinks it is an honor.

At the same time, it is because of the blood power of their ancestors.

Their clan has been passed down, with a deep foundation and is very powerful!

At that time, the previous pawnshop owner might have been thinking about the treasures of the God of War clan and wanted to get them.

When he accidentally met Bai Lingqing through the contract order, he actually signed a contract with the other party.

The content of the contract is that he will use the blood fruit to help Bai Lingqing improve the purity of the God of War blood to reach the point of returning to the ancestors! !

Bai Lingqing needs to find a way to find the ancestral land of the God of War clan.

Then enter the ancestral land and help the previous owner of the Hunyuan Pawnshop to obtain a treasure inside.

The most important thing is that this contract did not consider too many issues.

After spending so much money to help others improve their bloodline, they still did not imprint the prohibition in their souls.

Wasn't the previous owner afraid that Fang would go back on his word, or suddenly be unwilling, or fail in the ancestral land?

You have to know!

At that time, Bai Lingqing's bloodline of the God of War was very weak, in other words, it was a scum.

But the previous owner of the pawnshop spent five or six blood fruits to cleanse his bloodline again and again, turning it into an ancestral vein with a strong bloodline of the God of War.

Five or six blood fruits!

Any one of them, in the entire cultivation world or the fairy world, is something that can make countless big men and fairy emperors jealous.

But for a thing that he didn't know if he could complete, he consumed five or six and gave it to a person whose cultivation was so weak and whose bloodline was as weak as water.

I really don't know what was in the mind of the previous pawnshop owner at that time.

After Lin Daoran read this contract, his heart was bleeding!

Wouldn't it be nice to exchange these blood fruits for some treasures?

No wonder, after taking over this pawnshop, he was so poor that he had almost nothing.

"Master, I know about this contract, because I was there at the time and wanted to stop it, but after all, I am just a spirit of the weapon. I can only give suggestions and cannot control what the owner of the pawnshop does."

"So... the previous owner ignored my objection and forced to sign this contract!"

"The pawnshop was lost all over again and again!"

It seemed that he could also feel Lin Daoran's anger.

Xiuxiu sighed helplessly in her heart, and told Lin Daoran everything that happened in a voice transmission, full of helplessness.

For a while, Lin Daoran, who originally felt that someone took the initiative to pay off the debt and was in a good mood, became completely confused, his fists clenched, and his breathing was rapid.

If the previous owner of the pawnshop was still alive.

Not to mention that the heaven was angry... punish them.

Even he wanted to cut him into pieces! !

This contract was not signed for the purpose of opening a pawnshop, but for charity!

However, what can he do now that the matter has come to this point? The blood fruit has been used up. Fortunately, the person who signed the contract this time is an honest and trustworthy person. Now that the contract has expired, he still wants to take the initiative to fulfill the agreement.

Thinking of this, Lin Daoran kept comforting himself.

Be calm!

Everything will be fine!

At least they can still come to fulfill the contract.

Wait until we get the treasure in the ancestral land of the God of War.

It is equivalent to returning some of the cost.

Finally, Lin Daoran took a deep breath and calmed himself down completely.

"I have read the contract. The contract signed by the previous pawnshop owner with you at that time was to use the blood fruit to cleanse the impurities in your blood, so that your blood can be as pure as the first generation of ancestors in ancient times. As a condition, you need to enter the ancestral land and help us get a treasure inside!" Raising his head, Lin Daoran looked at the old lady, his expression was normal, and he spoke the content of the contract lightly.

The old lady nodded: "That's right!"

But his grandson, the little boy, looked shocked after hearing these words.

You know, the little boy in front of him also has the blood of the God of War flowing in his body.

And the blood concentration is very high!

Even compared with the direct blood of the God of War family, it is not weak at all.

Under the influence of his bloodline, he is only about thirteen years old now, but his cultivation has reached the half-step Yinxu realm!

However, the old lady never told him about the bloodline of the God of War, so the little boy always thought that his bloodline was strong because of his grandmother's bloodline.

But he didn't expect that his grandmother had such an experience in the past.

From this moment on, the little boy no longer looked down on Hunyuan Pawnshop, and even had a little more awe and mystery.

No wonder his grandmother reacted so strongly when he insulted Hunyuan Pawnshop just now.

"Back then, I was a weak cultivator, and my War God bloodline was very thin. I had no ability or qualification to get the Bloodline Fruit!"

"If it weren't for the selfless help of your Hunyuan Pawnshop!"

"I wouldn't be who I am now!"

"At the same time, with your help, although I still haven't returned to the family, as my bloodline returns to my ancestors, the War God bloodline flowing in my descendants is now very pure!"

"Especially my grandson, the War God bloodline in his body is enough to rival mine!!"

"So I came here today not only to fulfill the agreement, but also to bring my grandson to see you and thank you for your great kindness!"

"Bai Ming, why don't you kneel down... Thank you!"

"They, Hunyuan Pawnshop, are the lifelong benefactors of our Bai family!!"

"If it weren't for their selfless help, grandma wouldn't be like this now, and you wouldn't have such a talent..."

The old lady looked nostalgic, thinking about the miserable experience when she was expelled from the family, and at the same time thinking about the precious Bloodline Fruit that Hunyuan Pawnshop gave her, the feeling in her heart was still fresh in her memory.

Seeing Bai Lingqing's grateful expression, Lin Daoran was speechless!

If someone could give him five blood fruits for no reason, he would probably be moved and have to do it.

"It's grandma!"

This little boy named Bai Ming was not a bad person, just a little naughty!

After knowing everything, Bai Ming's heart was excited, and his eyes changed again when he looked at Lin Daoran. At Bai Lingqing's instruction, Bai Ming stood up and knelt on the ground, and thanked Lin Daoran with a very pious face: "Thank you for your kindness to my grandma and our family, Bai Ming thanks you again!"

After bowing respectfully, Bai Ming stood up and sat down.

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