To bring the relationship closer.

Lin Daoran deliberately chatted with these little animals for a while.

When he took out the golden jade tube of the Tianxing Sword Technique, the ancient sword intention inside turned into a stream of light, flew out, and turned into a little bee.

The Tianxing Sword Technique is in the Library Pavilion. Compared with other techniques, although the level is not high, it is still a part of it.

"Xiao Feng, you're back!"

When they saw the little bees transformed from the Tianxing Sword Art, all these little cuties exclaimed in surprise.

The eyes looking at Lin Daoran completely turned into worship!

They began to believe what Xiu Xiu said.

It's all true.

Later, after some exchanges, Lin Daoran learned about the situation of the Tiandao Library.

There are actually more than these little animals at the moment, but most of them were sold by previous shopkeepers and have not been recovered yet.

In addition, the Tiandao Library has nine secret scrolls of Tiandao in ancient times, recording nine kinds of magical powers that defy the heavens.

These nine exercises involve Tao, space, time, reincarnation, yin and yang, metal, wood, water, fire, and the original power of earth.

These skills are said to be given by heaven!

Contains the best in the world!

The most original of everything!

A monk who can cultivate to the extreme can endure the punishment of heaven and become one of the agents of heaven.

But later, all these skills were taken away by the previous pawnshop owners and never came back, and now they are missing.

At this point, all the little animals felt disappointed.

After hearing this, Lin Daoran twitched the corners of his mouth and felt distressed!

Now, he finally knows how wasteful the previous shopkeepers were!

Such a heaven-defying can even lose it!

It’s so sad and crazy!

Then, under the leadership of these little animals, Lin Daoran and Xiu Xiu walked throughout the library space and got to know some of the little animals transformed by the techniques in other areas.

Now Lin Daoran felt like he was visiting a library instead of visiting a zoo!

Finally, with the support of these little animals, Lin Daoran was brought to the center of the entire library space.

There, there was a flash of lightning, motionless, suspended in the air, like a light bulb, shining all around, filled with an ancient and mysterious atmosphere.

According to their introduction, the lightning in front of them is the highest-level technique besides the Nine Secret Scrolls of Heavenly Dao.

Currently he is the boss here.

But over the years, watching Tiandao Library being ruined by the previous owners of the pawnshop, the number of small animals has decreased one by one.

The Lightning boss was disheartened and fell into a state of suspended animation.

However, as a technique transformed from the law of heaven, these little animals can never die. Even if they are scattered by people, they will still condense out after a few years.

When Xiuxiu saw this lightning, she licked her lips, slapped it hard, and shouted: "Old Shen, I haven't seen you for so many years, and you are still pretending to be serious..."

I saw that under Xiuxiu's shot, the lightning bolt did not move at all, but a melancholy and deep sigh came from the sound: "I am not pretending to be deep, I am pretending to be lonely... Since ancient times, there has been so much passion and hatred, and this hatred continues endlessly... …”

Hearing a bolt of lightning and such a voice coming from him, Lin Daoran felt weird and suddenly felt that this guy must also be a slut! !

The eyes of the little animals around were widened!

Looking at the lightning in the void in disbelief.

Over the past few years, countless people have come here to call out to Lightning, but received no response. They thought that Lightning died from time to time, or something.

But I just thought that as soon as Xiuxiu came, Lightning came to life.

I'm going!

For a moment, all the little animals looked at this lightning and their eyes changed, becoming a little unfriendly, which made them worry for so many years.

"Okay, Lao Shen, isn't it because your girlfriend's time secret scroll was sold? As for being sad for so long?"

"She won't die anyway!"

"You've been sitting here in a daze for hundreds of thousands of years!"

Pouring her lips, Xiu Xiu joked about the lightning, and even told such exciting news. It turned out that the time technique in one of the secret scrolls of heaven in the library was the girlfriend of this lightning.

Damn it!

Do you want this!

Can practitioners still fall in love with each other?

Not only Lin Daoran, but also the small animals around him were stunned. It was the first time that they knew such a secret.

"You're a bachelor of hundreds of thousands of years!"

"What do you know!"

"Do you know what love is?"

"My love for her is like the stars in the sky, endless, like the eternal way of heaven, unswerving. When my most beloved girlfriend was sold by the damn previous shopkeeper, I could only watch helplessly, I can't stop it, I feel like a failure and guilty..."

"Forget it she was sold!!"

"The key is that this time, once sold, it will be hundreds of thousands of years old!! I haven't seen her for hundreds of thousands of years!!"

"Do you know what it means that one day without seeing you is like three autumns?"

"Calculate, my heart seems to have been waiting for hundreds of thousands of years. For me, every day that I don't see her is a kind of torture!"

Suddenly, as if the lightning was angered, it glowed brightly and erupted into a bright electric light.

A lightning bolt several feet thick burst out, rising from the ground, turning into a thunder dragon, rushing into the sky, roaring, and then dissipating.

Such a terrifying power frightened all the small animals and made them tremble and crawl on the ground.

Lin Daoran was shocked!

They were all a little awed.

"Come on!"

"Before, your girlfriend was sold countless times. It was because she saw you were sad for a few days, and she ran over to tease the Samsara Scroll while the Time Scroll was not back. Don't think I don't know."

"And I have told you countless times not to thunder in front of me, let alone pretend in front of me. I haven't seen you for all these years. Are you itching for trouble?"

"Pah", in front of everyone, Xiuxiu's little face was puffed up, and she slapped it again, forcibly slapping the lightning into the ground.

Such a scene made Lin Daoran swallow his saliva and look at Xiuxiu in surprise.

Is this still the usual gentle, lovely, and amiable Xiuxiu?

Unexpectedly, there is such a violent side.

As for the originally arrogant lightning, it was suddenly wilted, and then jumped out from the ground, saying aggrievedly: "Sister Xiuxiu, it has been so many years, and there are so many people here today, can't you give me a little face... You always like to bully me!"

Then, under Lin Daoran's gaze, the lightning glowed and turned into a little boy in his teens, standing there with a wronged look on his face, holding Xiuxiu's arm and acting coquettishly.

But Xiuxiu not only did not sympathize, but "bumped" again, and hit the little boy's head hard.

The sound was very loud, like thunder, and you can imagine how hard it hit.

"Let go!"

"Don't think I don't know, you want to take advantage of me again!"

"You're really stubborn!"

Looking at the little boy, Xiuxiu cursed and stood next to Lin Daoran, and the little boy put away his grievance, smiled and said: "Sister Xiuxiu, it's been so many years, and you're still so boring!"

Then, the little boy transformed by lightning began to look at Lin Daoran, with a look of disdain on his face, and said: "Is this the new owner of our Hunyuan Pawnshop?"

Obviously, the little boy in front of him, because of the incompetence of the previous owners, had no good feelings towards the owners of Hunyuan Pawnshop.

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