I Became the God of Light

Chapter 311 Mysterious Human Skin

"Open them all and let me see." Su Yun did not confirm, but just said this.

The faces of the three Carlos people showed surprise.

Can this little guy understand?

Really or not, are you kidding them?

With a suspicious attitude, Carlos endured the discomfort, pulled left and right with both hands, and pulled away the rolled human skin.

As the human skin was pulled apart, a picture with beautiful colors that had not faded, and some ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs that looked like birds and snakes were revealed.

"This is..." Su Yun was a little surprised and looked at it carefully.

The three of them couldn't help but hold their breath. Finally, Carlos couldn't bear it anymore and asked, "What's written on it?"

Su Yun saw it with great interest and pointed to the image on the human skin.

Where he pointed was a color picture of a cross and a scale. There were things placed on both sides of the scale, and below the scale squatted a guy with the head of a wolf and the body of a wolf.

"You should be familiar with this guy. He has the head of a wolf and the body of a wolf." Su Yun said.

"Anubis, the God of Death?" Carlos said hesitantly.

"Yes, it's Anubis." Su Yun nodded.

"Anubis is the god of death in Egyptian mythology, in charge of hell, and is mainly responsible for weighing the scales of judgment."

He pointed to the picture again, "Did you see the things held on both sides of the scale? The one on the left is a heart, and the one on the right is a feather."

"Legend has it that a judgment will be held after death, with the feather of justice placed on one side of the scale and the heart of the deceased on the other."

"If the heart weighs as much as a feather, then the person can ascend to heaven and live forever with the gods."

"If the heart is heavier than a feather, then the person is guilty and will be sent to hell and eaten by the devil."

The faces of the three Carlos people were a little stunned.

Su Yun explained softly, "This thing is called the Pyramid Book, or it can also be called the Book of Death, but..."

He glanced at Carlos both of them.

"This thing is usually a funerary object, and it can only be easily preserved in something sealed, such as a coffin."

Carlos and Matt listened to the words in their ears and noticed that after the young man glanced over, they suddenly felt uncomfortable, as if something had been seen through.

But the next moment, the two of them shook their heads and shook the thought out of their minds.

"It's just a little guy, it must be an illusion." They thought.

They did get this Book of the Dead from a sarcophagus.

There was no mummy in the sarcophagus at all. Although there were some burial objects, it was simply a bait, and they almost lost their lives.

But this little guy was able to figure it out, which really surprised them.

At this time, Carlos pointed to the ancient Egyptian words and asked curiously, "There are some words written on this painting. Do you recognize them?"

"I'm curious too!" Ryan's face was full of excitement.

Su Yun glanced at them and said, "These are some poems praising God."

Looking at the ancient Egyptian text, he chanted slowly, "The dead rise up and sing to the sun, praising you, Sun God, for rising astonishingly towards you! You rise and shine, making the heavens roll aside."

After selectively reading a passage, he said, "In addition to these hymns, there are also some interesting things recorded."

"It says here that the body of Osiris after his death was buried in a place that exists and does not exist."

"Wait, Osiris?" Carlos and the other three quickly stopped, with surprise on their faces.

"It can't be the Osiris we know, right? Isn't he the god of Hades?"

Su Yun explained, "Osiris is one of the nine most important gods in Egypt, the Nine Gods. But he was an enlightened king during his lifetime, and after his death he became the ruler of the earth and the judge of death."

"In other words, he became a god after death, but he was still a mortal before his death. It is normal for him to have a body."

Su Yun had seen so many cases of mortals becoming gods after death that he was almost used to it. As for whether the other party was a god or not, that was a matter of benevolence and wisdom.

At least he hasn't seen a guy with extraordinary power for so long.

However, there seems to be something wrong with the description...

"Oh." Ryan suddenly realized after hearing this.

Carlos and Matt looked at each other, with surprised expressions in their eyes, but they thought of something together.

The place that exists and does not exist...Osiris...

In an instant, their breathing quickened unconsciously, and their heartbeats began to accelerate.

Could it be that Osiris is buried in that pyramid and is it the tomb of the god?


Thinking of this, their hearts were suddenly filled with fire, and they wanted to rush to the pyramid to explore and obtain the treasures inside.

Maybe we can also get a few artifacts?

Su Yun narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at them with a hint of interest, but in a blink of an eye he returned to his harmless appearance.

He murmured to himself in confusion, "Strange, the legend of Osiris was finally buried in the city of Abydos, and he was the patron saint there. How could he end up in this place?"

"Is it possible that descendants moved in?" Ryan said hesitantly.

Carlos saw that Su Yun was deep in thought. Having just learned about the gods, he suddenly became anxious, "Is there anything else written on it?"

Su Yun stopped thinking, glanced at the human skin again, and suddenly said quietly, "You really want to know?"

Carlos and the other three were confused for a moment, then nodded.

Su Yun pointed at the last sentence on the human skin, a sentence that looked very special in handwriting.

"There's a vicious curse on it."

"Anyone who disturbs Hades will have his soul taken to hell and receive the punishment of never being reincarnated!"

The voice seemed to have a chill to the bones, making the three men shiver, especially Carlos and Matt, whose faces turned pale.

They thought of a question. They had already entered the pyramid. Would it be considered an intrusion? Would they be cursed?

Thinking of this, they were extremely scared.

It is said that people who have entered the pyramids or the tombs of pharaohs have either died mysteriously or died of illness, let alone the pyramid of Hades. Could they be one of them?

When they thought of this, they suddenly felt a little regretful.

Just when they were afraid, they heard the little guy sighing and saying, "What a pity, there is no place recorded in the Book of Death, and we can't find that place."

"I really don't know what's inside. Will there be countless treasures? Or legendary artifacts?"

His face was filled with regret, "If we could find this place, what would be the opportunity? What a pity..."

Carlos and Matt, who were still scared at first, couldn't help but their eyes turned red and their breathing became rapid.



They know it's very possible!

As a god, why should he be buried with several artifacts?

There are also treasures. Even the Pharaoh has countless treasures. Doesn’t Osiris, who is known as the god, have more?


The two looked at each other and saw the passion and determination in each other's eyes.

The corner of Su Yun's mouth raised slightly, thinking to himself, "There is indeed something wrong with these two people, they should know that place."

If the description on the human skin was correct, then that mysterious place also aroused his interest.

Treasures are nothing, but artifacts are precious!

"I've had good luck recently. It seems that the blessing technique used for traveling has worked. What a coincidence..."

The three of them were thinking about their own things here, leaving Ryan alone with a face full of surprise, not realizing anything at all.

After the scene was quiet for a while, Carlos and both of them calmed down.

Matt suddenly frowned, noticed a problem, and looked at Su Yun with confusion.

"Little guy, how can you read ancient Egyptian writing and understand it so well? Who are you?"

As soon as these words came out, Carlos and Ryan were shocked, and then they realized belatedly, how could this little guy understand these ancient hieroglyphs that even experts might not recognize?

And it seems that he is very proficient, without any confusion.

Carlos hesitated and said, "And those gold coins..."

When the three of them thought of the gold coins they took out casually, they felt that the fragile and beautiful little guy in front of them was full of mystery.

Rich, beautiful, and knowledgeable, is this really a child that ordinary people can raise?

They thought about their previous guess again. Could it be that this little guy was really a noble child who was running away and they met him, right?

Thinking of this, Carlos couldn't help but feel lucky. He patted Su Yun on the shoulder and said, "You little guy is so lucky to have met us. Fortunately, you were not taken away by those bad guys!"

Matt nodded repeatedly and said, "Oh my god, it's hard to imagine how badly you will be treated when you face them alone!"

Su Yun's mouth twitched slightly, what were these two guys thinking?

His face was full of questions.

Ryan said, "Speaking of gold coins, kid, are you sure you want to sell these gold coins?"

Su Yun nodded.

Ryan lowered his head and looked at the gold coins carefully, and then counted nine coins in total.

He quickly estimated the true value in his mind, and then thought about how much to cut.

He opened his mouth and was about to cut it in half, "These nine..."

However, when he raised his head and gazed at Su Yun Wuhai's exquisite face that looked like a work of art, the price he was originally going to quote suddenly took a turn and was reduced by only half.

"I can give you $70,000."

After finishing speaking, fearing that he would misunderstand, Ryan explained again, "Do you need me to introduce this gold coin in detail? Don't feel that you are at a loss. I didn't make much at this price, and I have to sell it..."

"No, that's it." Su Yun said without any concern.

Ryan's face trembled. Why did he feel that this little guy didn't care at all? Is this the life of the rich?

He suddenly felt regretful. Had he wasted the opportunity to make money?

The two of them were discussing the price here, while Carlos and Matt next to them were stunned.

"Oh my God!" Carlos muttered.

"Dude, are you right? Seventy thousand dollars?" Matt opened his mouth wide.

The two of them looked at the gold coins with different eyes, especially when they turned to Su Yun, they couldn't hide their surprise.

To be honest, if the other party was not a child, they would not be able to lose face, otherwise they would have wanted to rob him!

After trading good things with Su Yun and Carlos, Ryan thought of something and said with a smile, "Hey, where did you get that human skin? Can you tell me?"

"Inconvenient." Carlos refused.

Ryan: "..."

After the three of them were sent out of the store, Carlos looked at Su Yun with a bulging pocket and couldn't help but remind him, "Be careful, don't be seen by those people."

As he said that, he glanced at the Egyptians wearing robes and white turbans around them, and glared at them fiercely, which made those people look back.

Su Yun naturally knew what he was talking about and nodded noncommittally.

Carlos couldn't help but sigh when he saw that there was no fear on his face and that he didn't care about his words at all.

"I'd better take you out of this place quickly!"

Matt nodded in agreement.

In the eyes of the two of them, this little guy is as innocent as a flower in a greenhouse, and has no fear at all.

Naturally, I didn't dare to let him stay here, lest he be eaten with his skin and bones.

"Just after I send you out, the two of us are going to do some business." Carlos and Matt looked at each other, excitement faintly showing in their eyes.

It’s time to contact that private organization too!

Su Yun's lips curled up vaguely and nodded.

In this way, the three of them walked towards the alley where they came from.

Along the way, Su Yun carefully looked at the things sold at the stall.

Not to mention, he really saw some useful things after observing along the way.

For example, sabers, nylon ropes and other things used for adventure.

As for why he paid attention to these things, it was of course that he was going to find an opportunity to sneak into Matt's team and go explore somewhere.

"However, due to the identity issue this time, I cannot use extraordinary power."

Now this identity is positioned in his mind as an ordinary person. Even if he encounters danger, he will not use extraordinary power and will rely on his body at most.

Of course, with his physical fitness and nerve reaction speed, he didn't think anything would happen. Even if something happened, it would be someone else's fault.

Therefore, those equipments were purely purchased for auxiliary purposes, to cover up and disguise the abnormalities of the body to make oneself appear to be a normal person.

"After all, I am just a beautiful boy. Wouldn't it be against the rules to become a superman?"

Su Yun lowered his head and pondered.

Suddenly, he noticed something and raised his head and glanced ahead.

After this period of time, the three of them had entered a dark alley.

But as soon as he walked in, Su Yun noticed something was wrong.

After walking a few steps, there was a sudden sound of footsteps all around.

Now let alone Su Yun, even Carlos and Matt noticed something was wrong.

Soon, a group of eight people surrounded them, each with their arms crossed and looking at them with evil eyes.

"Pa bang bang..."

The sound of clapping hands came out.

"How about it, do you still like to meddle in other people's business this time?" A slightly familiar mocking voice sounded.

"Hehe..." Jayne looked at them and sneered again and again.

"It's you!"

Carlos and Matt's expressions changed, they glanced at the eight people surrounding them, and suddenly they secretly screamed something bad.

Thanks to ‘Spring comes back after a thousand miles of winter’ for the 500 starting coin reward.

Thanks to ‘Zong Yian’ for the 500 starting coin reward.

Thanks to ‘20200909211025001’ for the 100 starting coin reward.

Thanks to ‘Pharyngobucculitis’ for the 100 starting coin reward.

Thanks to ‘20190526175534006’ for the 100 starting coin reward.

Thanks to ‘Luojiu 11’ for the 100 starting coin reward.

Thanks to ‘Wuyu Qingluo’ for the 100 reading points reward.

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