I Became the God of Light

Chapter 324 The Tomb Keeper Arrives

Especially Giss's words before his death made the dark environment a bit weirder.

Su Yun was silent for a moment and said, "These gold jewelry must have been smeared with poison."

"If I guess it's not bad, it might be on the mural."

When Emma and others heard this, they couldn't help but shine their flashlights on the surrounding walls. Looking at the murals emerging from the darkness, everyone felt a chill.

Kyle, who had almost touched the mural before, even shivered, and was glad that he used a dagger instead of his hand.

"What did Giese mean by his last words?" Emma asked after hesitation.

Death, monster?

Everyone thought about it and felt a little cold around them.

Matt couldn't help but said, "Giese is dead, should we continue?"

Everyone was silent.

After a while, Emma gritted her teeth and said, "Go on, I must complete the boss's task!"

Carlos hesitated for a moment and then said, "Our final destination is the corpses and artifacts buried in this pyramid."

"Compared to that thing, these treasures are just ordinary things."

When Carlos said this, Tam and others, who had never understood their true purpose, were suddenly surprised.

At first, they thought that Boss Charlie was here for the treasure in the pyramid.

Now that so much gold has been discovered, they believe that it should be enough for them to do business, so they feel a little discouraged.

However, now there are divine corpses and artifacts?

"Divine corpse?" Tam asked in disbelief.

Facing their confused looks, Carlos slowly recounted the matter.

As he explained, Tam and others' eyes widened.

Although they heard Su Yun say the name Osiris before, they rough guys didn't think much about it and thought it was the name of some pharaoh.

Even some people who have vaguely heard of the name Osiris have not thought too much about it. How could they have the imagination to think that there are divine corpses and artifacts placed here?

Mysterious power!

Divine corpse!


These thoughts kept wandering in their minds, and even their original intention to retreat disappeared!

All of a sudden, they didn't care about the gold anymore.

If you get the artifact that Carlos talks about, or even get lucky and get the mysterious power...

Even if there is no mysterious power, these things must be very valuable!

After all, they are all people who have been stained with blood. Tam and others still have a bloody spirit and adventurous spirit, and they have almost made a decision in their hearts.


After making the decision, everyone arranged Giese's body properly, and after a farewell ceremony, they began to look at the place.

"Be careful, don't touch those things." Emma reminded worriedly.

"Don't worry, we don't want to die!" Kyle said.

Although they are greedy for gold, in their hearts it is not to the point where it can be compared with fate.

After observing for a while, they found that there was nothing else in this place except murals and gold.

In addition, there is a similar passage ahead, I don't know where it leads.

When Su Yun and the others inspected it, changes occurred outside the pyramid.

Boss Charlie was squatting inside the golden door. While eating delicious snacks, he took out his mobile phone and started playing games. His life was very leisurely.

Just when Charlie thought he would stay happily like this until Emma and others brought out the loot.

As a result, something unexpected happened!

"what sound?"

Charlie paused while playing with his cell phone. He seemed to vaguely hear the sound of running.

After wondering for a few seconds, he realized that the sound was getting louder and louder, and it didn't look like an hallucination at all.

Strangely, he stood up and looked in the direction of the sound.

When he found the place where the sound came from, he was stunned.

I saw a burst of dust rising on the sand in the distance, and tall horses galloped towards me. On the horse was a fierce man wearing a cloth scarf.

Judging from their direction, they are clearly heading here, and their goal is very clear, and they have not been affected by the strange magnetic field here.

"Oh, my God!" he muttered.

He couldn't believe where these people came from and why were they not affected by the magnetic field?

Just as his thoughts were in confusion, a very handsome man who was leading the horses over there noticed the man standing on the pyramid.

"Outsiders!" he shouted angrily.

The other men who were guarding the tomb also noticed Charlie when he called him like this, and all of a sudden they cast their vicious eyes on him.

On the running horse, an old man with an old face looked at the outsider who invaded the pyramid, and shouted viciously, "How dare you invade the territory of God, you outsiders should all go to hell!"

When Charlie heard the faint shouting and cursing, he immediately knew that something was wrong.

When the group came to the bottom of the pyramid, he resisted the urge to run away and shouted, "Who are you?"

However, before he could ask anything, the old man Juan took out a black pistol from his waist and shouted, "You disrespectful guy, go to hell!"

Charlie was so shocked that he didn't even bother to ask anything. He turned around and ran away without saying anything.

Bang bang bang!

The bullet hit the rock behind him, sending up sparks.

Looking at the golden door entrance, he murmured, "God, I think I'd better go in."

Charlie was a little lucky. Fortunately, he had been prepared to escape, otherwise it would have been really bad.

He didn't care about the danger anymore and rushed through the door in the next second, running towards Su Yun and others.

After he left, Chief Sebino got off his horse with his men, and ran in the dark towards the direction where Charlie had escaped.

When they climbed up to the Golden Gate, all the tomb-keepers were shocked.

"They found the real door?" Sebino looked incredulous.

Even he, the leader, didn't know where the True Sect was. How could those outsiders find it?

Regarding this Pyramid of the Sun God, the information that was originally handed down about the location of the True Sect was deliberately erased by the sages when the dynasty collapsed.

Only some information about the pyramid, as well as the layout and mechanisms inside, have been preserved for unknown purposes.

Of course, it may also be the wisdom of the person who erased the information. Over the past few thousand years, not only outsiders have not entered this pyramid, but even the tomb guardians like them have not entered.

So Sabino was shocked that those people could find the true door.

Not to mention the other tomb guards, they only knew that the real entrance to the pyramid was hidden in the false door. Now that they saw this door that was different from the one described, they vaguely realized something.

"Let's go in quickly and we must stop those people from offending the God of La!" The old man Juan looked anxious.

"Let's go!" Sebino shouted, and called the people to rush in.

Running striding in the dark and silent passage, old man Juan was still chattering and angrily said, "Those guys who offend God should not be found by me. I must make them look good!"

As an unbeliever, Sebino shook his head and did not agree with anything.

Apart from him, several of the dozens of running tomb guards shared the same hatred and looked indignant.

As for most of the remaining people, although they were also a little angry, they were more annoyed because of their responsibility.

The nearly thirty people mostly disagreed with the God of Ra.

Compared with the sun god Ra, they believe in Allah, or God, or other gods, and they no longer believe in the sun god.

Thanks to ‘Black Dragon Rises, Clouds Flying’ for the 100 starting coin reward.

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