The five gray men breathed rapidly and looked at each other in astonishment.

"How big is this?"

Nal hurriedly controlled the auxiliary system and asked it to project the images here.

A brand new picture appeared, as if looking down from a high altitude.

In the picture, a circle of light spread crazily and soon exceeded the projection's line of sight.

Stunned, Nall couldn't help but raise the screen again, and a whole continent appeared.

Under everyone's stunned gaze, a circle of light appeared in the middle of the continent, and then the circle suddenly covered the entire Europe.

Seeing the white light that once again went out of range and covered the entire continent, the five little grays had a look of astonishment on their faces and continued to raise their sights in fear.

Soon, the blue earth appeared on the screen.

Then, the five Grays were terrified.

The white light of the entire continent was still spreading at an extremely fast speed. Within a few seconds, half of the earth was covered in white light, and then in a few seconds, the entire earth was covered with white light.


The white light once again exceeded the range of sight. It was still spreading toward the outside of the earth, and the speed became faster!

The field of vision was raised to the moon, which was submerged and the light continued to spread.

In the screams of the five Grays, the light drowned the sun!

And it is still spreading outwards...

At this moment, trembling and fear appeared in their hearts. They could no longer observe it and did not dare to look at the scene.

The end of the light is the solar system?

Or the universe?

They dare not think about it...

And just when they were frightened, another mutation occurred.

Beyond the earth, two vast white eyes emerged.

Humans all over the world looked at the eyes that appeared in the projection and were instantly suffocated.

How big are those two eyes? The earth looks pitifully small under His gaze.

No, not even the sun is as huge as these two eyes!

Compared with Him, the sun is also small and pitiful!

“Is there really an almighty God?”

The five little gray men trembled, their faces full of fear.

They regretted why they came to this terrifying earth and why they offended the Holy Son Messiah.

The dozen or so little grays on the moon couldn't help but hate the Dork people at this moment.

At this time, those two eyes looked at the earth indifferently.

Screams rang out all over the world, and everyone looked horrified.

Because they only saw indifference and coldness in that eye, as if the owner of that eye was thinking about whether to destroy the world.

No matter they were humans or grays, they were all trembling under those two eyes.

"It's God?!"


"Almighty God, forgive us!"

People prayed frantically, hoping that God would forgive them.

At this time, they have long forgotten what the end of the world is. Compared with offending God, the end of the world is simply child's play!

Unfortunately, no matter how much people prayed, they could only see the cold side of the eyes, and everyone trembled.

"Are we going to die?"

they thought with fear.

At this moment, another mutation occurred, and everyone was shocked.

I saw a ray of light appearing on the body of the Holy Son, then the light condensed, and then the light disappeared in a flash.

Just when everyone was wondering what happened, they suddenly noticed something unusual.

Those two vast white eyes, the coldness contained in them disappeared without knowing when, and there was a touch of softness, and they were looking at the world gently.

It's like... there's an extra touch of humanity!

Everyone stared blankly, and before they could figure out what happened, they saw the two eyes suddenly looking in one direction.

The five little grays were frightened, thinking that someone was looking at them, and almost fainted from fright.

They quietly used the auxiliary system to calculate, and then came to a conclusion, looking at the destroyed city!

What are you looking at over there?

They couldn't help but put up another projection, playing pictures from that direction.

Then, everyone fell into shock.

The city in the picture that was destroyed into a deserted and dark city is changing rapidly.

The dust and fog began to shrink, and the splashed soil began to flow back. The ground recovered piece by piece, and trees and buildings began to appear.

Just like pressing replay, everything starts to flow backwards!

Not long after, all the originally dead humans appeared in the city, looking around blankly. Everything became the same!

As for the meteorite, it disappeared the second it appeared.

Even more than that, as the city recovers, everyone finds that everything around them is also recovering.

Except that human beings have not changed, the effects of earthquakes and tsunamis have all started to reverse!

After a while, everything returned to its original state.

The whole world fell into silence.

People's eyes widened and their mouths opened as wide as they could.

Is this God?

Is this the power of God?

"This kind of thing...this kind of thing..."

The five little grays were in disbelief, their faces full of shock.

“This is definitely not something technology can do!”

At this moment, people suddenly saw that the white eyes had returned to indifference, as if their humanity had disappeared.

The five little grays were startled and had a bad feeling, with frightened expressions on their faces.

"no, do not want!"

In the ears of more than seven billion humans, screams came one after another.

The five little gray men suddenly burned with holy white flames, and they were wailing in despair in the flames.

And unlike normal burns, the skin on the grays is disappearing, followed by muscles...

"God, I want to believe in you, no!"

"Spare my life!"


Five Grays screamed.

A gust of wind blew, and items fell to the ground.

The five Grays were burned into nothingness, but the things on their bodies miraculously remained.

At this moment, the two white eyes flashed slightly and disappeared under everyone's gaze.

Everything returned to normal, as if nothing had happened.

But just as they were thinking this, the Son of Man who passed away on the cross reminded them all the time that this was not a dream!

At the same time, people were shocked to find that as the light receded, all the diseases on their bodies disappeared!

"This is... a miracle..."

This is the last blessing God left for the world!

People were lost for a long time before slowly recovering from the impact.

At this moment, a sad old voice sounded, attracting people's attention.

The Pope seemed to have lost his soul, looking up at the Son and muttering to himself.

"Our Son, with the crown of thorns on his head, bears all the curses and pains upon his head alone."

As he read and recited, he suddenly understood something and murmured, "God does not need human sacrifices. Only holy ones are sacrifices. God's sacrifices are holy."

"The Son is holy and sinless. Only if the Son Himself can be offered as a sacrifice to God can we receive God's redemption."

Listening to the Pope's words, the others came to their senses in a daze and looked at the Holy Son quietly.

Everyone is filled with sadness.

They know that although the Son and God are one, the Son is not entirely God.

That man, for their sake, has left.

Tears were shed.

He was pierced for our sins.

For our transgressions, he was severely beaten.

By His chastisement we are healed.

People all over the world shed tears and covered their faces to cry.

In a daze, people thought of something, and there seemed to be a voice echoing.

God loves the world.

He even gave them his only begotten Son.

Let everyone believe in him.

not perish.

But have everlasting life.

"Ask, and it will be given to you."

"If you look for it, you will find it."

"Knock, and it will be opened to you."

“For whoever asks will receive.”

“He who seeks shall be found.”

“To him who knocks, it will be opened.”

Thanks to ‘Heartless’ helmsman 10696 for the reward.

Thanks to the guardian ‘Black Cat in the Rain’ for the 1,200-coin reward.

Thanks to ‘Just a Unlucky Guy’ for the 100-coin reward.

Thanks to ‘20191004180007555’ for the 100 coin reward.

Thanks to ‘Knowledge’ for the 100 coin reward.

Thank you to the heartless helmsman for the reward, and thank you to the black cat protector in the rain for the reward every day!

Thanks! ^_^

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