I Became the God of Light

Chapter 53 Three flowers gather at the top, and five qi are in full swing

"But it doesn't matter if you haven't seen it, because Master Fang is about to perform on stage, and you can all see her martial arts practice next!"

With that said, the live broadcast view shifted to the arena.

Master Fang, wearing white practice clothes, walked onto the stage, and some people followed him.

"It is said that these people are Master Fang's apprentices. Later they will cooperate with Master Fang and perform Fang's Tai Chi technique. Don't blink!"

Xiaoyu smiled on the side and explained, "Since our country developed the smallpox vaccine, there are no more 'Three Flowers Gathering' monks and warriors in our country."

"After having Huoxiang Zhengqi Water, there is no need for 'Five Qi Chaoyuan'."

"Even with surgical operations, Senior Jiedan and Yuanying old monsters were brutally murdered one by one. Many years of cultivation were destroyed in one day, which distracted the ancestors from relying on their powerful cultivation."

"Alas...it is really a misfortune for our country."

As she spoke, she sighed and pretended to wipe the corners of her eyes.

"Fuck, lie, lie..."

"I have a stomach ache!"

"Hahaha... Stones, pregnant women, and schizophrenia? Xiaoyu, you are so awesome. I would like to call you the strongest!"

"666, I laughed so much that I spit out my rice!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a large number of netizens immediately started swiping the screen, all amused by Xiaoyu's funny tone.

"Okay, we're done with the jokes, let's get serious and watch Master Fang's performance!" Xiaoyu smiled slightly.

In the arena.

Master Fang, who was dressed in white, stood in the front, and five disciples in black behind him lined up in a straight line, with their hands on the backs of the people in front.

Master Fang smiled and said to the onlookers, "The next thing I want to perform is beating a cow across the mountain!"

She walked up to the male disciple at the front, raised her palm and pointed it at his chest.

"With this distance, we can achieve conduction!"

After saying that, she pushed the disciple with the back of her hand, and an astonishing scene happened!

Except for the two disciples in front, the three disciples in black at the back stumbled, rolled backwards and fell!

The three disciples were trembling as they rolled around, as if they were suffering from epilepsy.

The crowd burst into exclamations.

"Oh my God!" Xiaoyu was surprised at first, and then his face turned red, as if he was suppressing something.

"Awesome, a master is a master!"

"Haha, this Fang's electric shock technique means that I accidentally pressed the switch? As long as I conduct electricity like this, it will pass!"

"Are you upstairs trying to laugh me to death so you can inherit my ant flower?"

"The cow upstairs!"

Listening to the questioning voices of the tourists in the audience, Master Fang's expression did not even change. He still had a smile on his face, as if he had heard a compliment.

She greeted her disciples and continued her performance.

Five disciples formed a circle around her. Master Fang closed his eyes, then suddenly opened his eyes and spread his hands.


The disciples were instantly blown away, and fell to the ground twitching and jumping around.

"Fake, right?"

"too exaggerated!"

The onlookers and those watching the live broadcast were all in disbelief. They really did not believe that Tai Chi could achieve this level.

Internal force?

"Hahaha, it's amazing. Master Fang's Lightning Mother Fist is so powerful! It really made me laugh to death. Is this move because the high-voltage cable on the roadside is leaking electricity? His whole body is twitching..."

"Let me see, this is not a Tai Chi master, this is a high-voltage cable that has become a spirit!"

It’s the same brother’s comment from before.

As soon as this comment came out in the live broadcast room, a lot of messages immediately exploded.

"666, Xiu'er, sit down. If I don't help anyone, I will help you up!"

"Both are nine-year compulsory education, He Ruxiu?"

"I'm so angry, haha..."

"Do you want to die upstairs? Be careful of Master Fang's electric fist, which will hit you through the network cable!"

"Pfft~" Xiaoyu was also laughed at the comments from netizens and couldn't bear it anymore.

But this can't be blamed on her. Not to mention, the main reason is that Master Fang's performance is too exaggerated and not up to the standard, which makes people feel fake.

Su Yun, who was hiding in the dark to investigate, was also amazed by this master's performance.

But it's not his martial arts that amazes him, but his opponent's thick skin that he can do such unexpected things in front of everyone.

And the most important thing is that he didn't feel the energy in this person, which means that the other person is just an ordinary mortal, nothing special at all!

This kind of move is really the opponent's performance!

"Haha, Master Fang, do you think we are fools?"

At this time, on the high platform, a thirty-year-old Master Dong with a mustache and a somewhat handsome appearance suddenly stood up. He laughed loudly and walked off the high platform.

When Master Fang and her disciples heard this, their expressions darkened.

"Master Dong, what are you doing?" Master Lei, who was sitting next to Master Dong, shouted in a deep voice.

"What to do? Of course, go up and let her demonstrate it. I think the audience also wants to see it, right?"

Master Dong smiled playfully and said to the spectators.

"We want to see it!"

"That's right!"

At this time, all the tourists in the audience agreed. They wanted to see Master Dong, who specializes in fighting counterfeiting, challenge Master Fang.

Whether Master Fang has genuine materials or parallel imports, they should be able to tell this time, and they are looking forward to it.

Master Lei's face darkened, and the faces of the other martial arts masters on the stage were not very good either. They really couldn't get a good impression of this guy who broke the rules.

With this in mind, he defended Master Fang a few words, "Master Fang's Tai Chi belongs to the Chen style of Tai Chi. It is true that she can shake up her disciples!"

"She has so many disciples, can you say that they are all fools? It's like two foreigners talking and you can't understand them. How can you say that what they speak is not human?"

The corner of Su Yun's mouth twitched when he heard this, he was another master of mouth.

"It's no use what you said, the truth will come out later!" Master Dong sneered.

Soon, he walked to the stage and stood opposite Master Fang, "Come on, use your skills to beat the cow across the mountain on me, you won't dare, right?"

He waved to the black-clothed disciples with a look of ridicule on his face.

Master Fang's expression changed, but with so many people watching, she couldn't refuse, so she had to look at the disciples and signal them to stand still.

Soon the five disciples took their positions, and Master Dong stood behind the last disciple.

Seeing that the performance was about to begin, both the audience in the live broadcast room and the tourists were all staring closely at the venue.

Master Fang glanced at Master Dong, suddenly frowned and said, "Master Dong, you need to relax a little, relax."

"Okay, you can start!" Master Dong smiled nonchalantly.

Master Fang pushed towards the leading disciple in a pretentious manner, and the disciple immediately took a few steps back, but...

However, Master Dong stood firm and steady, only taking a slight step back.

Everyone was silent at this scene. Master Dong laughed mockingly and was about to make a few sarcastic remarks.

However, Master Fang's face darkened first and he reminded him, "You have to relax, otherwise its power will not be transmitted. You can't do this!"

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