I Became the God of Light

Chapter 562 Battle


Ice condensed and instantly covered the area where Xiang Yang was, and a terrifying cold air overflowed.

Xiang Yang was worried at first, but when Bing Ling was blocked by the pink light around him, he breathed a sigh of relief, with a proud smile on his face.

"Haha, what can you do to me?" he shouted excitedly.

The magic lamp is really awesome!


The girl Wenying and the others were stunned. They knew the power of this ice very well!

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as a person is frozen, he will die in an instant, and the ice will break into ice slag on the ground!

However, it is actually blocked now?

Xiang Yang looked at their astonished expressions, his face full of pride. He began to imagine how powerful he would be later, beating these people to pieces!

But at this moment, to the surprise of several people, they discovered that Xiang Yang, wrapped in pink light, actually floated and flew ten meters into the air!

"What's going on?" Xiang Yang was filled with confusion, and then thought excitedly, "Could it be justice coming from the sky? For example, the palm of the Tathagata falling from the sky?"

Just after he finished imagining, he was stunned the next second. Even the people below who were all wary were dumbfounded.

The beautiful and melodious music echoed around Xiangyang.

At the same time, Xiangyang opened his mouth uncontrollably and shouted urgently, "The key that hides the power of the stars, Ukaraka, transform!"

Pink light shone, and as his body stretched, a set of beautiful pink women's clothes was put on Xiang Yang.

A pink magic wand was held in his hand after turning a few times.

Xiang Yang was dumbfounded, and the Wang Dao people below looked dull.

Not only them, because the next door is the downtown area, Xiang Yang flew into the air and the pink light on his body looked very eye-catching and attracted a lot of people's attention.

Watching the transformation process of this beautiful girl and little devil fairy, the crowd stopped and the scene became quiet. They all stared blankly at the beautiful girl who had completed her transformation.

No, it should be a boy!

Those thick thighs and leg hair...

While striking a pose, Xiang Yang showed a sweet smile that was three parts sarcastic, three parts charming, and four parts careless.

Wang Dao and others were stunned, wishing they could blind themselves so as to forget the terrible scene before them.

Xiang Yang was sluggish, his original excitement and anticipation had long since disappeared, and there was a look of collapse in his eyes.

Next, something happened that made him want to crawl into a hole so he could hide away from people.

I saw him shouting in a very male voice, "Evil people! I will destroy you on behalf of the moon!"

He looked directly at the five kings with piercing eyes, as if they were some kind of villain.

Everyone, including A-class member Wang Dao, became even more sluggish.


"Evil man?"

Before they could react, with the sound of arcade games hitting, the beautiful boy Xiangyang fell from the sky, bringing justice from the sky!

The pink streamer appeared behind him as he flew, so beautiful!

He grabbed the magic wand with his right hand and flicked it, and a strong tornado appeared, striking Wenying and the five people.

The wind is blowing like a knife!


In the blink of an eye, they were each thrown away!

Wenying and the other four hit the wall, and the sound of cracking bones was heard. In the blink of an eye, they were seriously injured and almost lost their ability to move!

"KO, KO, KO, KO!"

Four sounds of game victory sounded.

On the other side, Wang Dao hit the wall hard, and with a click, the wall cracked with several cracks. Due to his inhuman physique, he did not suffer serious injuries, only some pain.

However, the pain quickly made him wake up and regain his sanity from Xiang Yang's strange transformation.

"Roar!" With a roar, he began to undergo strange changes. His body swelled, gray hair grew from various parts, and wolf claws and wolf ears appeared!

The four Wenyings, who were groaning in pain, saw Wang Dao's transformation, and their eyes were slightly happy.

They knew that this was the power of another of Lord Wang Dao's contained objects.

Contained object – 290 Wolf Fang Necklace, has the ability to transform into the legendary werewolf, super physical fitness, super-speed healing and powerful energy attacks.

Coupled with the inhuman physique formed by the fusion of contained objects, it is simply a humanoid monster!

As soon as he turned into a nearly three-meter-tall werewolf, Wang Dao's eyes flashed with murderous intent. He stood up and rushed straight towards Xiangyang, reaching the speed of sound!

The strong wind that was like knives along the way was dispersed by him as soon as he rushed away. His right claw attacked the pink figure, and three bone-colored sharp claws about one foot long popped out, flashing with cold light.

Xiang Yang felt his eyes blurred and almost peeed with fright. He quickly recovered from the hopeless state and his hair stood on end.

Fortunately, his body was taken over by Didi's automatic beating at this moment, otherwise he wouldn't even be able to react, and he would be cold in those three sharp claws in an instant.

A pink shield emerged.

The next moment, three bone claws grabbed onto it, but as a result, not even a trace appeared!

Wang Dao couldn't believe it, "How could this happen?"

His claws, which have always been invincible, are actually useless at all?

The power of that magic lamp is so powerful?

"Magic light!"

Following Xiang Yang's scalp-numbing scream, a pink light beam as thick as two fingers struck the werewolf like lightning.


The light pierced the heart and gave me a chill.

Wang Dao groaned in pain and clutched his chest.

Xiangyang hadn't been happy for long when he was horrified to see that the blood hole that had just been pierced had healed in the blink of an eye!

Wang Dao, whose face was full of pain, laughed loudly and said, "You can't kill me, I am immortal!"

Another magical light passed through his forehead, and then he healed like a normal person the next second!

Xiang Yang's face was full of shock and he took a deep breath!

"Did you see it?" Wang Dao laughed loudly and said disdainfully, don't think that you can be arrogant just by relying on a mere containment object, I am invincible!"

"Xu Che!" He suddenly turned around and shouted.


A thirty-year-old handsome man nodded. The yellow talisman in his hand suddenly shook and shot behind Xiang Yang at a very fast speed. Then it actually passed through the backpack and stuck to the body of the magic lamp!

Xu Che breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that there should be no accidents when the talisman was shot out.

He murmured, "As long as my talisman is attached to the contained object, it will be sealed..."

Before he finished speaking, his eyes suddenly widened and he stared blankly at Xiang Yang, who was still wearing pink.

"Why haven't you changed back yet?" His eyes were full of doubts.

Logically speaking, as long as the talisman is attached to the containment object, the containment object will basically be suppressed. Derived abilities such as Xiangyang should be immediately ineffective. Now this?

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