I became the Great Old One

Chapter 137 The God King's Beloved, Zeus Fooled by Fate (Please subscribe and vote)

Western continent, Mount Olympus.

In the temple decorated with gold and gems, Zeus sat on his throne with a gloomy look. The originally clear sky also gathered dark clouds as Zeus' mood changed, and lightning like a mad dragon twisted and crisscrossed in the dark clouds.

The gods trembled under the power of Zeus.

Even Zeus' brothers were frightened by the power displayed by the God King at this time.

Only Hera, the Queen of Gods, who had the same power as Zeus, sat beside Zeus, looking out the window with beautiful eyes, without taking Zeus' anger in her heart at all.

The two seemed to be in a cold war.

The anger of the God King was not without reason, but he realized that his fate seemed to be firmly controlled by a pair of invisible hands.

In the past hundreds of years, after Zeus became the king of gods, he tried many times to go to the Eastern Continent to find a way to transcend his fate. Unfortunately, these attempts were interrupted by various unimaginable unexpected situations before they even started.

The first attempt was after Zeus fought with the goddess Ergani and suffered a disastrous defeat.

At that time, Zeus wanted to go to the Eastern Continent immediately.

To find the source of the power held by the goddess, Zeus even broke up with the goddess who had helped him and threatened her brothers and fathers with their lives.

To this day, Zeus has not seen Ergani for hundreds of years.

But even so, every time he thought of the beautiful and wise face of the goddess, the desire accumulated in Zeus' body was still constantly bursting and stirring.

Unfortunately, Zeus' first attempt had not yet begun. He had just returned to the temple when he met Poseidon, who wanted to challenge him without knowing his own strength.

Although he successfully sealed Poseidon's power and exiled him to the earth, this incident also made Zeus realize that his throne as the king of gods was not yet secure, and he had to postpone his plan to go to the eastern continent.

Two hundred years later, when Zeus felt that he had fully contained the power of the king of gods and was about to start his second attempt.

On his way to the eastern continent, he saw the flawless body of Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty and desire, in the vast ocean, and Zeus was immediately deeply attracted by Aphrodite's amazing beauty.

He wanted to have sex with the goddess at all costs, and even used his power as the king of gods to force her.

Unfortunately, the goddess was afraid of Hera's majesty and rejected Zeus' strong love.

The goddess turned into a dolphin and wanted to escape, and Zeus turned into an eagle and followed closely. The goddess fled to the forest and turned into an elk, and Zeus turned into a swift cheetah. The goddess turned into a fish swimming in the stream, and Zeus turned into a poisonous water snake...

In this way, the two gods chased each other, and dozens and hundreds of years passed quickly.

Finally, the exasperated Zeus betrothed the most beautiful goddess to his ugliest offspring, the god of fire, Hephaestus.

Then came the third time, when Zeus wanted to set out again. His favorite daughter, Persephone, was abducted by his brother Hades, and Zeus had to sit down and negotiate with his brother, which took decades.

The fourth time, the goddess of beauty Aphrodite cheated on the god of war Ares and was caught in bed by the god of fire, and Zeus had to stay to deal with this scandal.

The fifth time, due to the influence of the Ice Age, the Cyclops and the Hundred-handed Giants went crazy and released the Titans trapped in the abyss of Tartarus. Zeus had to seal those Titans and giants again, and the war lasted for hundreds of years.

On the sixth time, Zeus met Arachne, the princess of the Kingdom of Thebes on the road. Although this princess was just a mortal, she had a beauty that all the gods coveted. She had long hair as brilliant as gold and pupils as blue as the sea, and always had a gentle smile on her face. She was exactly the figure that Zeus had been dreaming about.

Zeus fell in love with this mortal desperately, gave her the immortal wine, and even brought her to the banquet of the gods to let her pour wine for the gods.

Zeus saw that all the gods were fascinated by Arachne's beauty and gentleness, but he didn't see the fierce eyes of the queen Hera behind him, who wanted to choose someone to eat like a mother wolf.

After Zeus spent the happiest decades of his life with this mortal woman.

One day, looking at his diary, he suddenly remembered that there was still the Eastern Continent to explore.

"Zeus, Zeus, you can't continue to fall like this."

Zeus said to himself.

Then, he continued to be intimate with this mortal woman, and even disappeared from the Holy Mountain of Olympus for several years and decades.

It was not until this gentle mortal woman saw Zeus's worries and inner entanglement and took the initiative to avoid Zeus's strong love that Zeus picked up his former ambitions again and prepared to set off again towards the Eastern Continent.

As a result, Zeus had not yet left the Western Continent.

A tragic war broke out in the mortal world, and his outstanding son Ares raised his butcher knife against the mortals to satisfy his desire for killing and war.

Hundreds of thousands of mortals fell under Ares's magic blade, and the earth was covered with blood and corpses piled up like mountains. More than a dozen kingdoms disappeared, including the Kingdom of Thebes.

Zeus's favorite mortal Arachne also disappeared without a trace in this disaster caused by the gods, and her life and death are still unknown to this day.

This was Zeus's seventh attempt, which still ended in failure.

The pain of losing a loved one, the anger of being betrayed by the gods, and the fear of being wantonly manipulated by invisible fate, complex and intense emotions tortured the God King at this time.

Before this incident, Zeus had always thought that he was powerful and that he was the omnipotent supreme god-king.

Even if the Titans of the past were released again, he could easily suppress them with his own strength. Even if all the gods on the sacred mountain of Olympus were put together, they would not be able to match Zeus.

But it wasn't until this incident happened that Zeus realized that in the face of fate, he was just a puppet being manipulated and played with.

As a god king, he couldn't even protect the woman he loved.

How sad!

At the same time, Zeus gradually realized that he might not be able to leave the Western Continent. If this is the case, then let other gods try it. The process may be more tortuous, but the result will be the same.

As the God King, I can never lose to the so-called fate!


The gloomy-looking God King finally spoke, and the entire Holy Mountain of Olympus began to rumble and tremble.

Zeus once again showed his power, and all the gods had a look of horror on their faces. Ares, the God of War, who was kneeling on the ground, was trembling all over, and a cold sweat fell down his forehead.

"You are killing wantonly on the earth and violating the laws I have established. Even if you are my beloved heir, you should be punished!"

Zeus waved the thunder scepter in his hand and roared: "I will punish you by leaving the Holy Mountain of Olympus. In the next three hundred years, you will not be allowed to set foot on the land of the Western Continent, and you will not be allowed to approach the surrounding areas of the Western Continent. Ocean! I will deprive you of your divine power and let you wander in the mortal world. Only after you have experienced enough suffering will the Holy Mountain of Olympus open its door to you again!"

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