I became the Great Old One

Chapter 140 Ares's adventure, the disaster from the western continent

The world named Norland where the Dragonborn live has a geographical environment very similar to that of the Blue Star in the previous life.

There are also regularly moving ocean currents in the vast ocean of the Norland world. Ocean currents can be roughly divided into warm currents and cold currents. When two ocean currents of different temperatures collide with each other, the kinetic energy generated is enough to stir up the silt and various nutrients in the deep sea water, forming a natural fishing ground.

Hundreds of kilometers away from Winterfell, near the coast, there is such a natural fishing ground with abundant resources.

Since the Second Abyss War between the Dragonborn and the Deep Divers in the Ice Age.

The offshore area is no longer threatened by the Deep Divers.

Since then, fish has also become an important part of the Dragonborn's extensive diet. Outside this natural fishing ground, there is a small town called Magunis.

The population in the town is not large, with only about 300 Dragonborn living here.

They simply pickled the sea fish caught from the fishing grounds and transported them to nearby cities to pay taxes in exchange for various necessary living supplies.

Since the end of the Ice Age.

The town of Magunis has appeared on this coastline for hundreds of years.

On this day, the sun was shining.

The climate in the north seemed to have become warmer because of the bright sunshine.

The mayor of the town was an old dragon named Gu Lie, who was born in the early Ice Age, so he was much taller than ordinary dragons.

In the early morning, Gu Lie went for a walk on the beach as usual after breakfast.

Watching the sun and the silver-white fish swimming in the sparkling sea, Gu Lie's mood became better.

At this time.

Gu Lie saw a black object slapping on the beach along with the silver-white foam.

Driven by curiosity, Gu Lie walked towards the black unknown object. When he got closer, the old dragonborn found that the black object was not a dead object, but a strange life form that was similar to the dragonborn in shape, but completely different in details.

The humanoid creature had thick black hair on its head, a smooth body, no scales, but tough bronze skin.

In addition, this life was particularly tall.

It was a whole head taller than Gu Lie's parents.

Gu Lie didn't know where this guy came from, and what he encountered in the mysterious sea. This strange life seemed to have lost its consciousness, lying on the ground motionless, and seawater continued to seep out of its mouth and nose.

However, despite this.

The humanoid life was not dead. Gu Lie could hear the strong and powerful heartbeat coming from his chest.

Even when Gu Lie approached him, he could feel the amazing heat radiating from his body. After leaving the sea, white smoke began to quickly emerge from the surface of the humanoid life, and the steam was hazy. In a few breaths, all the seawater was evaporated, leaving only a few salt grains mixed in the hair and the gaps in the clothes.

After several thoughts.

Gu Lie still called a few young dragons to drag the monster to the village on the coast.

At the same time, Gu Lie also ordered his children to set off for Winterfall.

After hundreds of years of development, under the leadership of Xinhuo Academy, Winterfall has once again restored its former prosperity. Today, it is the largest city in the northern border of the Dragon Empire.

There are many knowledgeable scholars in Winterfall. Although Gu Lie himself does not know what this life is.

But the wise scholars and priests in Xinhuo Academy will definitely know something.

Not long after Gu Lie's eldest son left with the order, the unconscious humanoid life on the ground opened his eyes. He sat up from the ground, and looked around with sharp eyes like hawks. When he saw Gu Lie and other dragons, the humanoid life showed an obvious expression of surprise on his face.

Gu Lie tried to talk to this life with gestures and simple language.

To Gu Lie's surprise, this humanoid life showed amazing intelligence. In just a few hours, he mastered the language of dragons and could communicate unimpeded.

The humanoid life was naturally Ares, who was expelled from the Holy Mountain of Olympus by Zeus a few years ago.

In the past few years.

Ares drifted alone on the sea, wandering aimlessly. When he encountered an island, he went forward to rest. If he could not see land, he closed his eyes and drifted in the sea.

Even without divine power.

Ares is still the son of the God King, with a strong vitality that mortals can hardly imagine.

He slept in the dark sea, moving forward with the push of the ocean current. Every time he woke up, he saw a different scene. At the beginning, Ares was still a little excited and curious, but soon such emotions faded away, leaving only boredom and boredom.


What Ares didn't expect was that after waking up this time, he actually saw intelligent life!

Whether it was for the Eastern Continent or the Western Continent, the Ice Age was a complete catastrophe, but after the catastrophe, the flame of civilization would burn more rapidly.

In the past hundreds of years, with the establishment of city-states, the human beings on the Western Continent have multiplied.

The gods on Mount Olympus have gradually realized that the sacrifices and beliefs of mortals have a certain strange power, which is more intoxicating than the sweetest wine, and can change their nature and enhance their power.

On Mount Olympus, the gods who are high above often get red-faced and even fight because of the disputes between beliefs.

Now, Ares has been exiled from the Western Continent by Zeus.

The temple he has worked hard to build over the past hundreds of years will inevitably be abandoned, and the beliefs he has collected with great difficulty will probably be divided up by the other greedy gods.

During the time he left the Western Continent, Ares was sad for a long time because of this established fact.

However, there is always a way out.

Ares actually found a brand new world on the other side of the sea!

The young god was shocked at first, and then he was overwhelmed with joy, but after coming to the new environment, especially after losing his divine power, Ares became a little calmer.

He did not immediately choose to clash with these mortals and establish his own faith on this land.

Instead, he planned to first learn the basic information of this continent from the dragonborns in front of him to see if there were any gods who had taken the lead.

Coincidentally, the mayor of Magunis Town, the elderly dragonborn Gulie, was also a very hospitable host. Ares's appearance seemed very strange in the eyes of the dragonborns, but since he had shown his wisdom and could communicate with language, Gulie still treated Ares as his important guest.

Gulie quickly ordered his children to arrange a banquet for the guest.

The grilled fish that had been developed, the fresh fruits and vegetables picked from the forest, and the homemade wine were all placed on the table.

Ares was not polite either. The food of the dragonborn tasted only average to Ares. However, Ares had been hungry in the sea for several years, and he was a vulgar and reckless person. He had no special requirements for food, as long as he could fill his stomach.

Ares swallowed the food from the banquet into his stomach with big mouthfuls.

It was said that the old mayor had picked up a strange-looking creature on the beach. This news also spread in the small town, attracting many young dragons to come and stand in the distance to watch.

"God of the Primordial Fire, I have never seen a life with such a good appetite. Even a primitive stone Tyrannosaurus Rex would never have your appetite here!"

Seeing Ares eating like this, the old mayor couldn't help but smile and sighed.

Being close to the rich fishing grounds, the town is not short of food.

On the contrary, the guest who came from afar could eat happily, which made the mayor feel sincerely happy.

"You just said... do you have a god you believe in?" Gu Lie's subconscious sigh caught Ares' attention. The god of war raised his head, stared at Guile with his shining pupils, and then asked: "So, old Dragonborn, can you tell me about the god you believe in?"

"Of course..."

The belief in the primordial fire is the oldest and most mainstream belief among the Dragonborn. Even a three-year-old child can tell a lot of myths related to the primordial fire that have been passed down from ancient times.

From the fall of the demon star to the first battle of the abyss. From the establishment of the Dragonborn Dynasty to the end of the Ice Age, those ancient myths were vividly described by the old mayor.

Ares was listening in confusion.

Judging from the performance in these mythological stories, this god probably has quite extraordinary power.

However, Ares was not scared. Myths are often spread out after being exaggerated, so although there is reference value, it is not much.

"By the way, we also have an altar and sculpture built for the gods. If you want to travel in the East Continent, you can pray to the great primordial fire to get his protection." Gu Lie said warmly, hoping that the alien life in front of him could convert to the primordial fire like the dragonborn.

"Okay, take me to see."

Ares nodded and agreed without thinking too much.

He needed to see what kind of power the gods of this world had in order to determine his next action plan.

Soon, under the leadership of Gu Lie, Ares walked towards the height of the village. In a beautiful valley, some crude altars were built by the dragonborn for worship.

A black beast stood on the altar made of black stones.

The beast was armored and scaled, and howled at the sky. Although it was only sculpted from ordinary stones, it revealed an amazing momentum. The sculpture was extraordinary, but there was no extraordinary power emanating from the altar, which was completely different from the temple in Ares' impression.

Seeing this scene, Ares was relieved immediately.

He opened his arms and laughed loudly, his voice echoing in the valley like thunder: "How stupid you guys are, you actually let an ugly beast be your god."

"Now, abandon your so-called gods and convert to my throne."

Ares seemed to have seen his faith spread across the vast continent, and countless dragons knelt down and worshiped after seeing the real gods.

After that...hundreds of years later, with the help of the faith of all living beings on a complete continent, he may be able to have power beyond Zeus, become the new God King, and become the true ruler of the two continents of the East and the West.

Thinking of this, Ares was so excited that he trembled all over. He laughed wildly, "What you believe in is just a powerless beast, and I am the ruler of your destiny!"

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