I became the Great Old One

Chapter 147 What is destiny? (Subscribe)

Su Heng did not choose to immediately step forward to ask the mortal who was pushing the stone, but stood not far away and observed with interest.

It wasn't until the mortal man was knocked to the ground by a stone for the third time, panting and resting against a big stone that Su Heng walked up to the fat man.

The shadow spread from Su Heng's feet, covering the man entirely.

The obese man raised his head, his eyes first resting on Su Heng, and then quickly spotted the goddess Ergani beside Su Heng. His eyes suddenly lit up, like a mouse seeing cheese.

It's worth mentioning a little bit.

After experiencing the Ice Age, intelligent life on the Western continent also completed an evolution.

The size of those primitive humans has shrunk significantly. From now on, Su Heng feels that the man in front of him is not much different from the terrifying erect apes in his memory.

He is about two meters tall, with a soft nose, a fat body, and two small and cunning eyes.

At first glance, the dirty face does not give a good impression.

After a while, the fat man took his eyes away from the goddess. He looked at Su Heng, with an exaggerated smile on his face, and introduced himself in an exaggerated tone: "Oh, you have such a tall body, you must be a famous hero in the world. Unfortunately, I was punished by the gods. Imprisoned here, I don’t know your legends and stories.”

"Haha... As for my name, my name is Sisyphus. I am the king and builder of Coster City, and I was also a hero."

Sisyphus...Su Heng understood the name of this king, and then asked curiously: "So, what kind of mistakes have you made that caused those kind and generous gods to inflict such cruel and terrible punishments."

There was a hint of ridicule and sarcasm in Su Heng's words.

Unfortunately, Sisyphus did not hear the change in Su Heng's tone. He just said loudly: "The gods on the Holy Mountain of Olympus are just mortals with powerful power and endless life. They are neither kind nor kind. Not great, but full of vanity and lies, and even his wisdom may not be comparable to ordinary people."

"As for the reason why I am being imprisoned here and being punished, it is because a hundred years or more ago, I saw the God King Zeus having an affair with a mortal woman in the garden. I was in the temple of the goddess Hera. Report this matter. After the incident was over, Zeus sent Death to take away my life. Unfortunately, the stupid Death was fooled by me. I held a banquet in the gorgeous palace, and then let the kingdom go. The most skillful blacksmith forges a chain."

"Just like that, when Death sat on the gorgeous seat, the chains were tied to his body. The chains were made of the pain of life and death and the despair of the dead, and even the gods could not break free from them. Just like that, a A true god was imprisoned in the palace. From now on, mortals can have the same eternal life as gods on earth. "

Sisyphus said proudly with an excited smile on his face.

"That was really an amazing achievement." Su Heng said, "What happened next?"

"It's a pity that this matter cannot be hidden from the eyes of the gods on the sacred mountain of Olympus."

Sisyphus sighed: “Death brings not only pain, but sometimes hope and redemption.

Those who lost limbs in the war, those who wailed because of hunger, and those who were tortured by diseases to the point where life was worse than death. They were all unable to get the death they deserved because the God of Death was imprisoned. The severe pain they caused alarmed the cruel god-king Zeus. The glorious sun god Apollo came with the order of the god king, cut off the chains that bound death with his sharp sword, and also took away my life. "

"In order to punish me for my evil deeds, Zeus built a big mountain in the underworld. There is a stone at the foot of the mountain. As long as I can push this stone to the top of the mountain, I can regain my freedom. Unfortunately, there is a vicious inscription on the stone. Divine power, every time I push the stone to the top of the mountain, it will roll down. Over and over again, I will be bound here to be punished forever and never be free."

"Mortal, your story is indeed wonderful."

The goddess Ergani, who had been standing next to Su Heng, finally spoke at this time. The goddess was slightly unhappy because of the wanton gaze of mortals.

However, the goddess's voice was still as soft as ever, like the rustle of the morning breeze blowing through the dense woods on the paradise island. She said: "Mortal, we need to get the whereabouts of the princess from your mouth. In return, I can free you from this eternal torture."

To show your strength.

The goddess raised her hand, and a golden thunder sounded in the dark underworld.

At the same time, the cage-like mountain behind Sisyphus was also trembling violently, with countless cracks spreading, tiny stones falling, and it looked like it might collapse completely at any time.

However, there was something unexpected about Ergani.

Seeing the mountain that bound him cracking, Sisyphus's face did not show the joy of regaining freedom, but was filled with fear.

His face twitched, he waved his arms to block the goddess, and roared in a crazy voice: "I don't allow you to touch my monument!"


A little surprise and confusion appeared rarely on Ergani's beautiful face.

However, after seeing Su Heng nodded slightly, Ergani still obeyed the wishes of the mortal king.

She put down her slender white arms, and the roaring thunder dissipated from the underworld. The mountain behind Sisyphus no longer trembled, standing as always on the barren land of the underworld.

"Thank you for your kindness."

After realizing the true power of the goddess, Sisyphus's fat and funny face showed a little fear.

"This mountain set up by the gods to punish me is my monument." Sisyphus explained: "As long as this mountain stands here, every dead person will understand that those high gods were once fooled and imprisoned by weak mortals."

"Gods are great, but mortals are also as great as gods!" Sisyphus said loudly.

"Hahahaha!" Su Heng laughed loudly, and the loud voice made the whole underworld tremble and shake. The pair of eyes under the ferocious mask were clearly shining with joy. Su Heng said, "You are absolutely right. Mortals can also have countless possibilities. So, Sisyphus. My friend, tell me, how can I get the whereabouts of the princess from you?"

"It's very simple, just answer me a question."

Sisyphus's little eyes were shining, and his expression became more serious than ever before: "What is fate?"

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