I became the Great Old One

Chapter 209 The Returning Fire Spirit, the Great Chief's Reward (Subscribe)

After finishing the conversation with Kratos, Nop already had a general idea about how to deal with the fire spirits.

As the saying goes, small matters should be handled by big meetings, and big matters should be handled by small meetings.

For issues related to the entire empire, only a few forerunners can make decisions in the end.

And now, on the basically isolated planet Lagnia, there is no response from the gods, and no contact with other forerunners. Only Nop can make a choice.

Another way to deal with the problem is to gather all the dragonborn in the base together.


The dragonborn in the base are all Nop's confidants.

He knows his brothers and knows that the final result of the vote may not be much different from what he expected.

"In this case, let me be a dictator for once." Nop looked up at the sky, and the red light of the sun could be vaguely seen on the gray sky. "If the decision today really brings disaster, let me bear the consequences of this matter alone."

Just like Kratos said.

In this case, even in the worst case, only Knop will be punished, and the other researchers in the base have nothing to do with this matter.

"I can let you go, but there are prerequisites."

Knop returned to his laboratory, and the deputy commander of the Fire Spirit, Gracia, still stayed here obediently, with a flattering smile on her face, without any impatience.

"You say."

Gracia replied with a smile: "You are the most sincere friend of our Fire Spirit. Let alone one condition, even if it is ten or a hundred conditions, as long as they meet the requirements, we can agree to you."

"To be honest, I still can't completely trust you." Knop said: "But your proposal is reasonable. You can leave the planet Lagnia, but only the person I designate can operate the spacecraft to leave. You and other people must stay in the outpost base and wait for a good result before I choose to release you."

The smile on Gracia's face gradually became a little stiff.

However, after noticing the murderous intent vaguely released from Knop, Gracia immediately became much more obedient.

"Of course." He nodded repeatedly. As a captive, he had no right to bargain.

"Then this matter is decided."

Knopp took a deep breath, rubbed his temples, and had a tired expression on his face. It seemed that making this decision had consumed all his strength and energy.


After getting Knopp's permission.

Some fire spirits were released, and they operated the spacecraft to leave the planet Grania.

After leaving the planet Granita, these fire spirits immediately showed a relieved expression. Most of the fire spirits are relatively weak, far from the monster-like physique of the dragonborn.

Living with the dragonborn without equipment.

It is indeed a very stressful thing for these fire spirits, and they also need to disguise their true nature in the process of getting along. This is simply a double torture of the body and mind.

Fortunately, this difficult time is over...

However, the fire spirits did not stay in the void for a long time, wasting time meaninglessly.

After leaving the planet Lagnia, the remaining fire elves immediately launched their spacecraft and headed for the holy land of the fire elves, "Kosig".

After several years of arduous voyages, the fire elves finally returned to their homeland safely. They fully reported what they encountered on the planet Pit No. 3 to the relevant departments of their superiors, and then waited for the time to be summoned.

The administrative response speed of the fire elves was much faster than expected.

Almost a few days after the report, the fire elves on the spacecraft were summoned by the chief.

The administrative structure of the fire elves tribe is very simple. At the top of the power is the chief, and below the chief are generals of all sizes. Each general has his own armed forces and space battleships that can travel in the stars.

General Cyrus, who was knocked open by Kratos, is also one of them.

The overall strength of General Cyrus, the chief, ranks last among all the generals, but he is also a top figure in the fire elves' administrative system.

The death of such a person on a remote planet is also a big deal for the fire elves. It was expected that the chief would attach importance to him.

Among the returning fire spirits, there was the navigator of the warship.

To be honest...

Knopp did not have a good impression of the navigator, after all, it was the navigator of the fire spirit who first wanted to attack the city.


For driving a warship, the navigator is absolutely an indispensable position.

The rest of the fire spirits can be detained, but without the navigator, the warship can only be lost in the vast deep space of the universe.

And now, the navigator who successfully returned to his hometown holy land has been summoned by the chief. For a low-level person like him, such an opportunity is absolutely unique.

After learning the news, the navigator was so excited that he couldn't sleep all night.

He spent several days to take care of himself meticulously, and spent all his wealth to customize an exquisite dress.

Hundreds of detailed records were also carefully prepared on issues the warchief might raise. When he finally got everything ready, the great chief's guards also came to his door.

The navigator suppressed his excitement and followed the guards to the chief's palace.

The huge palace was built on a giant volcano nearly 10,000 meters high. Black-red lava stone pillars formed the main body of the palace, and thick chains crisscrossed the dome.

Beams of high-energy lasers spurted out from every corner of the palace, forming layers of onion-like shields above the palace.

After a rigorous search, the navigator was led by the guards to the meeting hall inside the palace.

In the empty hall.

Sitting cross-legged on the throne at the end was the great chief of the fire spirit.

The warchief is over five meters tall and wears a gorgeous feather crown on his head. His size is huge among the fire spirits, but he seems a little uncoordinated. The belly is bloated and fat, but the limbs appear a bit slender.

Coupled with the fangs protruding outward, a sinister feeling emanates from the chief.

There are more than ten seats arranged next to the great chief, and the figures on them also exude a strong sense of oppression. These fire spirits are the chief's staff and direct generals.

He is also a big figure in the fire spirit tribe.

"Meet the great chief!"

The navigator knelt on the ground, his tone trembling slightly with excitement.

He had prepared more than ten different opening speeches in the past few days, but at this time, his mind went blank and he could only say some dry words.

Fortunately, although the chief had a ferocious face, his tone was quite approachable and he did not blame the navigator for his gaffe.

"I have read the message you sent." The chief spoke slowly and said with a smile: "I am saddened by the death of General Cyrus. Those barbarians must pay the price for their cruelty."

After a slight pause, the chief continued: "However, I am also very interested in some of the contents of those messages, so I specially summoned you this time to inquire."

"It's my pleasure," the navigator replied.

"Those creatures called dragonborn have a strong subspace affinity?" the chief asked directly.

"That's right." The navigator said: "We discovered the city of the Dragonborn on the planet Mine 3. However, according to the information revealed by the leader of the Dragonborn, they are not the aborigines of the Planet Mine 3, but came from Migrated from other living planets.”

"What's the strength of the Dragonborn?" the chief asked again after thinking about it.

"Very strong."

The navigator had a look of fear on his face.

What he recalled in his mind were two scenes that happened ten years ago.

In the first scene, Knop, the forerunner of the Dragonborn, dealt damage comparable to that of a battleship's macro cannon with his bare hands, almost damaging the battleship's external armor. The second scene was even more terrifying. The ghostly Kratos sneaked into the battleship and tore General Cyrus's head alive from his neck, just like a ferocious beast hunting defenseless prey.

"Dragon society seems to have a unique practice system, and the strongest among them have the power to threaten battleships."

The navigator added: "However, that kind of existence seems to be extremely rare in dragonborn society."


The great chief nodded, and the staff and generals beside him murmured.

Although it was unclear what the big shots were talking about, the excitement revealed in the words could not be hidden.

"Then there's another problem here."

The chief said, the expression on his face became more solemn: "The report you provided mentioned that those dragonborn seem to believe in some real gods?"

"That's right."

Belief and worship of gods have been integrated into all aspects of dragonborn culture.

Even if Knop deliberately wanted to hide some information from the fire elves, there would definitely be clues leaked out and discovered by the enemy.

Whether it is for the Dragonborn or the Fire Elf, ten years is not a short period of time. If you are careful enough, you can collect a lot of useful information in a relatively closed environment in ten years.

"The dragonborn worship mainly two gods. One is Quetzalcoatl, who brings good harvests, and the other is the goddess in charge of wisdom."

The navigator replied: "Beyond these two gods, there seems to be an even more ancient and powerful primordial god. Legend has it that this god is the God of Creation, who created the existence of all things from chaos. The description of this god is too It is too exaggerated, so whether the existence of the third god is real or not is still open to question.”

"Yeah, good."

The warchief carefully considered the information provided by the navigator.

The civilization of the Fire Elves has developed to a very tyrannical level. In the past thousands of years, they have conquered and devoured hundreds of different intelligent races.

Among these races, some guys also believe in powerful gods.

Those ancient beings with bodies as huge as mountains, capable of tearing apart the earth and churning the sea... indeed have the qualifications to be called gods.

Unfortunately, even gods get hurt and bleed. Under the saturation bombardment of space battleships with endless layers of fire spirits, the gods believed in by the intelligent tribes are not difficult to deal with.

The opposite is…

The flesh, bones, and even the extraordinary power contained in each god.

For the fire spirits, it is a precious treasure, and it can even directly affect the evolution of the entire tribe.

Low-level civilization, subspace affinity, strong blood, magical witchcraft, and real gods... No matter from which angle, the dragonborn found on the mine planet No. 3 are enough to be regarded as the most suitable prey.

The chief smiled happily, and said to the navigator kneeling on the ground: "You are a good boy, and the information you provide is also very valuable."

"However, I have one last question for you to answer. Come... Come to me, I will give you the supreme reward."


The navigator felt his heartbeat suddenly quicken.

He raised his head bravely and saw that the chief was looking at him gently. The staff and generals on both sides of the throne also had warm smiles on their faces, as if welcoming the return of the hero.

Everything was like a dream.

"Thank you for your generosity." The navigator did not doubt him and stood up and came to the throne of the great chief.


However, what happened next was completely beyond the navigator's expectations.

Two tall and strong guards appeared silently behind the navigator, grabbed his neck and lifted the navigator into the air.

"What are you doing!?"

The navigator was stunned by the sudden change and kept struggling.

But as a civilian staff member, how could his strength be compared with those genetically modified imperial guards. The thick palm pressed on the navigator like an iron clamp, and no matter how he struggled, he could not shake it at all.

"The information you provided is very valuable, but not comprehensive. In order to ensure the authenticity and effectiveness of the information, I must see it with my own eyes."

The great chief's smile remained unchanged, and he explained softly.

The same smile...

Before, he brought the navigator a friendly attitude, but now he is like a devil from the abyss.

"Don't eat me!" The navigator had no idea of ​​the chief's plan at this time. His facial features were distorted and he cried out at the top of his lungs.

Then, a crisp snapping sound was transmitted into his brain.

He felt that his skull was knocked open by some hard and sharp tool, and the severe pain was accompanied by a cool feeling... Then the hard object was stuffed into his brain and kept stirring.

The navigator's tongue fell down weakly, his white eyeballs twitched with the rotation of the spoon, and his muscles all over his body spasmed terribly.

"It is your honor to be able to become food and merge with me." The chief said with a smile: "For inferior fire spirits like you, isn't this the supreme reward?"

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