I became the Great Old One

Chapter 211 A life as huge as a planet (please subscribe)

"Abyss? Haha!"

General Calkas sneered twice: "I want to see what this so-called abyss is!"

"Since it is impossible to observe with auspicious auspices, let me observe with naked eyes. Command the Glory Queen's main gun to charge up and launch a 'Death Star'-level particle lance. With the help of the explosion of the particle lance, With light waves, we can directly observe the complete structure of the mysterious celestial body ahead with our naked eyes!”


The Death Star Particle Spear is a strategic level weapon.

It can cause severe damage to the continental shelf level and is only equipped on the latest Queen of Glory class battleships.

"We only have ten particle lances in reserve. Do we really need to use them at this time?" The navigator on the console raised his head and asked.

"You only need to be responsible for executing the order." General Calkas said: "This celestial body is blocking the front of the waterway. If we cannot erase it or find out what is going on, it may bring disaster to the fleet. Moreover, Don’t forget, our home is behind us.”

"As you wish, General!"

After hearing these words, the navigator immediately stopped talking.

All the staff in the entire command room became busy, hurriedly manipulating the console.

After a few breaths, the originally stable battleship suddenly began to tremble violently, and purple-black lightning flashed violently from the two bulges on the edge of the crescent-shaped battleship.

Two high-energy particles with completely opposite energies burst out from it, and then collided together in the center of the battleship.

The majestic force generated by mutual annihilation was captured by a powerful stance, and then changed its direction and exploded in the direction of the mysterious celestial body detected by the auspicious device.

Dazzling light filled the dark universe again and again.

As the particle light spear flew towards the mysterious celestial body at an extremely fast speed, General Kalkas finally directly witnessed the scene from the starry sky through the translucent dome.

A huge and majestic body, ferocious fangs and claws, rough scales covering the body, and pupils emitting a terrifying red light.

General Karkas was stunned on the spot, his pupils suddenly contracted.

He was wrong.

And it couldn't be more wrong.

What is blocking the front of the Queen of Glory battleship is not some mysterious celestial body, but some kind of space life that is so huge that it is unimaginable.

"Oh my god..." General Calkas heard the unsuppressible roars coming from around him.

In the thousands of years he has been in the stars, and in the wars that have conquered hundreds of living planets, General Calkas has not never seen the so-called gods.

Some of these powerful beings have very powerful bodies, as big as mountains.

But even so.

Those so-called gods are also so small compared to the figures standing in the dark starry sky in front of them.

This smallness is not only reflected in the body shape, but also in the stance and courage. That monster stood in the starry sky, as if it had become the center of the entire universe, and the bright stars and celestial bodies seemed to have turned into his background.

Under everyone's gaze.

The particle light spear spanned a distance of hundreds of thousands of kilometers and collided with the monster's chest.

However, what happened next surprised everyone. There was no huge explosion as expected. When the powerful attack that could destroy the mountains and shake the skeleton of the continent fell on the monster, it only caused an inconspicuous ripple, and then all the light and heat disappeared. The huge figure of the monster disappeared from General Calkas' sight again.

"Get out of here!"

Kalkas felt that his head was beating uncontrollably, and a strong sense of crisis lingered in his consciousness.

This feeling is unprecedented for this victorious general.

But at this time, General Calkas had no intention of fighting the monster. The so-called glory, wealth, power, etc. seemed to be so insignificant in the face of the horror of death.

"As you command!"

The navigator gave a brief reply while maneuvering the Glory Queen battleship to slowly turn around.

At the same time, the fire spirit in the command room who was responsible for transmitting information was also sharing the abnormal situation in the starry sky with the rest of the fleet, asking them to avoid this area and not approach rashly.

The situation seemed to be urgent, but everything on the battleship was being handled in an orderly manner.


Calkas took a deep breath.

The tension gradually relaxed, and he was about to return to his seat to rest and deal with the subsequent problems encountered by the fleet.

But at this moment, a violent shaking feeling interrupted Kalkas's thoughts.


Something seemed to explode.

In the void outside the window, bright flames were rushing like a river in the dark void.

Kalkas saw the most shocking and unforgettable scene in his life. In front of him, the invincible fleet that the Fire Elf Tribe was proud of exploded like firecrackers.

It turned into a ball of brilliant sparks in space, and then completely disintegrated after a short period of glory.


The Glory Queen was struck by a huge force.

The huge steel creation quickly lifted upwards in a way that defied the laws of physics, and the ear-piercing scream echoed in Kalkas's ears. Wait until everything finally calms down.

Kalkas opened his eyes and looked out through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows of the command room.

A huge pupil like a red moon appeared in front of him.

The pupil reflected the burning hell.

Extreme fear filled Calcas's consciousness. He opened his mouth and struggled madly to scream, but what came out of his throat was a scorching stream of flames.

Although the hull of the Queen of Glory-class battleship remained intact.

But inside the battleship, those fire spirits had begun to spontaneously combust and lost their lives in extreme pain.

"It's meaningless."

Su Heng moved the battleship in front of him and exerted force with his palm.


The huge Queen of Glory battleship turned into a pile of fragments under unparalleled pressure. The particle light spear exploded and produced a terrible energy reaction, but it was suppressed by the position surrounding Su Heng in an instant.

After discovering the whereabouts of these fleets just now, Su Heng subconsciously used the power of wisdom to read the consciousness of the fire spirits.

From these consciousnesses.

Su Heng learned the ins and outs of this fleet.

In addition, Calcas had taken the initiative to order an attack on Su Heng, although it did not cause any harm to Su Heng. But such an action still completely angered Su Heng.

What happened next was very simple.

Su Heng's altitude at this time had exceeded 30,000 meters. Even the strongest warships made by the Fire Spirit civilization were basically about the size of his palm.

In the case of dense arrangement, these warships could not exert much combat capability, and even had no chance to escape from the battlefield.

When they found that something was wrong.

Su Heng had already scrapped hundreds of warships with a breath of hot extinguishing. Su Heng could not make a judgment on whether intelligent life could create a machine that could rival the old gods in the future.

But for now, the technological civilization of the Fire Spirit could not pose any threat to Su Heng at all.

So far, half of the Fire Spirit's combat power had been solved by Su Heng.

For Su Heng, this was just a small matter that he could do at will. Having found the target, Su Heng did not stay on the burning battlefield for long. He continued to move forward and in an instant he had arrived outside the atmosphere of the planet Kosig.

Su Heng's body was suspended in outer space.

He opened his eyes and looked down at the planet Kosig, hoping to find traces of Kthugya.


Su Heng's arrival brought great panic to the fire spirits living on the planet Kosig.

The light emitted by the star was obscured by Su Heng's huge body, and the huge shadow almost enveloped the entire continent. The social order of the fire spirits had disappeared under such a terrifying change of the sky. Endless violence began to occur in the city, and the shrill sirens kept echoing, causing panic to spread rapidly.

Even though the guards were doing their best to maintain order, their efforts were useless like a mantis trying to stop a chariot.

The chaotic people instantly broke through the sentries set up by the guards and swept away like a red tide.


Finally, as a last resort.

The guards decisively pulled out the safety pins on their guns, and pointed the black muzzles at the fire elves who had no resistance.

The fire elves have a relatively developed civilization, but their bodies are not strong. The hot firepower guns caused a lot of casualties to the civilians, but the blood stimulated the already tense emotions, making the situation even more out of control.

"Tsk tsk..."

Although the distance was very far, everything that happened in the city under the spread of super senses could not escape Su Heng's observation.

Su Heng realized that his arrival had brought great disasters to these aliens, and he really couldn't find any trace of Cthugya on this strange planet.

He planned to leave.

Today, Su Heng can easily destroy an interstellar civilization, but Su Heng does not intend to do so.

As for the specific reason... It is probably because in Su Heng's subconscious mind, civilization is a very precious thing that takes a long time to form.

It is precisely because of the existence of various different civilizations that the desolate and dead universe can be filled with various myths and legends, becoming extremely exciting.

Just when Su Heng was about to leave.


A dull sound came from the depths of the earth of the planet Kosig, and thousands of volcanoes were simultaneously detonated by some force.

The destructive flames rushed up to the sky, like a pillar that supported the sky and the earth.

Su Heng's movement to leave suddenly stopped. He seemed to realize something, opened his eyes wide, and a little surprise appeared on his face covered with hideous scales.

In the moment just now.

This planet gave Su Heng the feeling of being alive.

It was no longer a pure planet made of inorganic matter, but a living monster.

"Could it be..."

An incredible idea appeared in Su Heng's mind.

And soon, this idea was confirmed.


The red ocean on the planet Kosig suddenly began to sink, and amid the roaring sound of the seawater colliding, a narrow trench tens of thousands of kilometers long appeared on the surface of the planet.

Scorching flames gushed out from the trench, and countless huge scarlet tentacles spread out from the cracks in the city like giant trees.

The moment those terrified fire spirits touched the tentacles, they burst one after another, turning into sticky plasma and being swallowed by those huge tentacles, while the vitality emanating from the planet "Kosig" became stronger and stronger.

"Bastard! It's you who woke me up from my slumber!"

The narrow trench suddenly tore open.

A huge pupil with an area of ​​one-fourth of the entire planet suddenly appeared in front of Su Heng.

Dense tentacles covered the surface of the planet, and scarlet flames gushed out from the gaps between the tentacles. The vitality of the planet Kosig reached its peak at this moment.

An ancient and terrifying wave swept out from it, and a series of thunders appeared in the void.

"Kthugya... So you have been here all the time."

Su Heng suddenly realized.

Cthugya, the terrible Old One, has always been in front of Su Heng, but Su Heng was confused by the experience he had accumulated in the past. He thought that Cthugya was a being similar to Cthulhu, sleeping in an inconspicuous corner of the planet. However, what Su Heng did not expect was that Cthugha was actually the planet itself.

In terms of size alone, Cthugha is so exaggerated that it is a foul.

The size of the "Cosig" planet is much smaller than that of the Noland world, but its diameter is at least more than 10,000 kilometers.

All the Old Ones that Su Heng had seen before were as small as sesame seeds compared to Cthugha. No wonder this terrible guy could chase the Yellow King Hastur around everywhere, and no wonder Cthugha could still live well after offending the Pillar God... Even though he has not fought with it yet, just from such a huge size, Cthugha has brought extraordinary pressure to Su Heng.

"Cthugya... I didn't come here to fight you." Even facing the planet-like Cthugya, Su Heng didn't have much fear in his heart. He stared at the abyss-like huge eyes of the Exploder and said calmly: "I want to come here to ask you for some news about the Pillar Gods."


Cthugya laughed wildly, and the rocky mountains covering him collapsed under this violent vibration.

"You woke me up from my slumber, killed my followers, and wanted to get the taboo knowledge about the Pillar Gods from my mind. How arrogant and stupid you are!" Cthugya roared: "Descender! I will tear your body apart, empty your internal organs, and taste the hot and sweet flesh! When my desire is satisfied, maybe I can share my knowledge with you... Of course, the premise is that you are still alive at that time!"

"Hey!" Su Heng sighed softly: "In the end, we can't avoid solving the problem through fighting. Then let's compete to see whose flame is hotter!"

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