I became the Great Old One

Chapter 234 Black Hole-Level Lifeform (Subscription Request)


Su Heng suddenly opened his eyes, with a terrifying brilliant light flowing in his pupils.

He was preparing to fight the Pillar God at this time.

His real body had left the Burning Continent in the subspace and came to a remote star outside the galaxy.

His huge body pierced through the hot molten gas and high-energy particles in the outer layer of the star and entered the innermost layer of the star. Here, the extreme high temperature and unimaginable huge pressure are constantly tearing Su Heng's flesh and blood.

And the energy from the outside world.

It was also constantly absorbed by Su Heng in this process.

This star is larger than the one that Su Heng detonated last time, and the temperature and gravity inside are much stronger.

And it is in its prime.

But even so, it is difficult to cause too much fatal damage to Su Heng.

After experiencing the evolution with the Pillar God and obtaining part of the original power of the World Tree.

Su Heng's life essence has undergone an obvious evolution. The gravity inside the star can cause harm to Su Heng.

The speed of causing damage is far less efficient than the speed of self-healing.

From the outside.

The dark scales on Su Heng's body were slowly heated to a red-hot state.

Then it exploded with a bang, and the flesh and blood turned into smoke and merged into the star body.

The new and harder scales began to grow rapidly, and the wounds healed quickly with a loud snapping sound.

This process.

Repeated back and forth, although it brought great pain to Su Heng.

But the curse power left in Su Heng's flesh and blood by the Pillar God Yog-Sothoth was slowly removed and wiped out.

The Pillar God is a terrible opponent.

In the information provided by Naya, Su Heng has seen the power held by this incarnation.

In order to win the final victory in this war, Su Heng must do every detail well, any key that can affect the direction of this war.

Su Heng will not let it go.


After the experience of fighting the Pillar God for the first time.

When facing the Pillar God again, Su Heng also has more trump cards in his hand.

Logically speaking, this battle should be much easier than before.


While thinking.

A mass of flesh and blood on Su Heng's shoulder exploded violently.

Faintly, there seemed to be some kind of howling sound coming from the flesh and blood.

Su Heng slightly side-glanced and saw a twisted black mist in the blood of the wound burning into ashes in the golden flames.

He retracted his sight, closed his eyes, and planned to draw more power from the stars, trying to improve his life essence in the harsh and harsh environment.

But soon.

Su Heng found that something seemed wrong.

With the removal of the Pillar God's curse, a huge gap appeared on Su Heng's shoulder.

But the speed of healing the injury was much faster than Su Heng had originally expected.


Su Heng felt a strong and pure vitality.

From the distant void, it gathered into his body.

As this part of power was slowly contained and mastered by Su Heng, the scorching temperature inside the star seemed to no longer be unbearable, and a cool and gentle feeling permeated Su Heng's flesh and blood.

His muscles were torn and growing rapidly.

A faint dark golden cold light was faintly covered on the dark armor.

Under the wrapping of this layer of light, the armor's defense power was instantly improved by several levels.

Even the particle torrents generated by tens of millions of high temperatures inside the star could not have any effect on Su Heng's body.

During the last battle.

The curse power left in Su Heng's body by the pillar god Yog-Sothoth.

It was also quickly emptied under the effect of this vitality, and the whole process was quite gentle, even giving Su Heng a sense of refreshing.

"This is..."

Su Heng's mind moved slightly, and soon found the source of this power: "The power of the Golden World Tree, so much?"

This part of power is almost one-third of the original power obtained from Caius.

The power of the Golden World Tree is mainly concentrated on life.

For Su Heng at this time, the effect is quite obvious.

"What did those little guys like Ziglina do in the Nine Realms of Asgard?"

After noticing the changes in his body.

Su Heng's first reaction was not to feel happy, but to worry about his children.

After all, Ziglina and others were born only more than ten years ago, and they are far from reaching their peak power level.

And the Nine Realms of Asgard are now facing the invasion of the Mother Tree of Desire.

The attitude of the God King Odin is ambiguous.

The Nine Realms at this time are really turbulent.

It's like a huge gunpowder barrel. A little spark can completely detonate it, bringing the predicted Ragnarok ahead of time.


The power of the World Tree is extremely strong.

Su Heng's incarnation died in the war with the Flesh Giver, coupled with the interference of the Mother Tree of Desire.

At this time, it is really not easy for Su Heng to see the scene inside the World Tree. Even if he wanted to get in touch with Ziglina, he would need to rely on the power of the subspace.

The threat of the Pillar God was imminent.

However, Ziglina and the Great Snake White Wolf were also the heirs that Su Heng valued.

Su Heng was about to escape into the subspace and ask Ziglinna what happened recently.



Another pure life force was poured into Su Heng's body.


A huge and magnificent sound like the creation of the world came from Su Heng's body.

His body began to expand rapidly, and the scales covering his muscles were all stretched out, and new scales were growing between the gaps.

Now, Su Heng's injuries were not only completely healed.

Even his vitality at this time surpassed the peak of history and reached a new level.


The sound of intense bone friction continued to come.

Su Heng's height slowly increased from 30,000 meters to nearly 40,000 meters.

Before Su Heng had time to completely digest this power, the third power surged from the void and injected into Su Heng's body like a green waterfall.


Even though he had experienced millions of years.

This was the first time Su Heng had encountered such a thing, and he was a little surprised.

In Su Heng's long life, his strength improvement was mostly smooth, and it was rare that he would improve so exaggeratedly in a short period of time like now.

However, this level is not over yet.

It can even be said that it is just the beginning, in Su Heng's surprise.

The fourth, fifth, sixth...

A bunch of pure and majestic life energy was injected into Su Heng's body, and his body became bigger and harder in the process.

When the tenth life force was absorbed and smelted by Su Heng, Su Heng's body broke through the 100,000-meter mark.

And when the eleventh life force was absorbed by Su Heng.

Su Heng's body size no longer continued to increase, but instead had a tendency to collapse downward.

At this time, the scales on Su Heng's body were no longer the dark gold color before, but pure and extreme black.

That kind of blackness was not because of a certain color.

But because all the light and power were absorbed by Su Heng into his body.


The star, which was in its prime, was affected by the strong gravitational fluctuations emanating from Su Heng and began to fluctuate violently.

The huge corona was like a wave hitting the void.

The desolate planets closer to the star were wrapped in flames and turned into melted boulders. They inevitably accelerated and fell in the direction of the star and were swallowed by the star in the blink of an eye.

The original power of the twelfth world tree was integrated into Su Heng's body.

The gravity was further strengthened.

Every breath Su Heng took away a lot of heat energy from all around.

In less than a second, it seemed as if millions of years had passed from the star.

At a speed almost visible to the naked eye, the star changed from a stable and energetic main sequence star to an unstable red giant, and its size was reduced by almost half.

The thirteenth, fourteenth...

Until the eighteenth world tree's original power was integrated into Su Heng's body.

Such changes slowly stagnated.

At this time, Su Heng had completely turned into a celestial body with strong gravity.

The entire star, including hundreds of planets of different sizes revolving around it, as well as countless meteorites, debris, etc., were all swallowed up by Su Heng's body.

At this time, Su Heng's height was still about 100,000 meters.

But such a height no longer meant anything to Su Heng.

With the help of the original power of the World Tree, after the transformation of the life level, Su Heng's mass could no longer be accurately calculated.

As long as he wanted, he could easily cover his gravitational field within the range of several star systems.

"Or... is this my true form?"

Su Heng pondered.

He walked out of the ruined star and looked at the bright starry sky in front of him.

Stars shining like diamonds were embedded in the dark and deep void, vaguely forming a giant river of light and color. In this silver-white river.

Countless stars, under some great traction, performed regular movements in their respective functions.

And now...

The same power was mastered by Su Heng.

Although this kind of power is still in its infancy, it has already shown an astonishing upper limit.

"Gravity, release!"

Su Heng gently stretched out his hand, as if to hold the stars in front of him in his hand.


A translucent ripple came from the void.

Under the influence of the power of the subspace, gravity spread outward at a speed faster than light, covering a distance of dozens of light years around in the blink of an eye.

Stars were pulled by Su Heng's power. The dim void was lit up by eternal light. Brilliant star mist and countless small celestial bodies covered the surroundings and trembled gently.

Su Heng closed his eyes.

He felt that his super sense had spread to every corner touched by his own gravity.

Like an arm driving.

Every star and every piece of dust within the range of gravity was under his control.

This is the authority of the Creator.

Under the influence of Su Heng's will, a super-giant beast with a body size of dozens of light years vaguely appeared in the vast universe.

Nebulae and dust are the flesh and blood of this giant beast, and broken meteorites and asteroids form the beast's ferocious scales.

The comets and high-energy rays that emit intense light are the blood that flows continuously in the beast's body.

The two most brilliant stars are placed at the position of the eyes.

Su Heng's true body is the heart of this behemoth, controlling everything about it.

"This is the real god, this is the power comparable to the Pillar God." Su Heng was immersed in such pleasure, almost unable to extricate himself.

His consciousness melted with every star in the gravitational field, and the meaning of time seemed to disappear. Even the most precious emotions and memories began to be forgotten by Su Heng.


As those images fade.

Su Heng suddenly woke up from this state of harmony between heaven and man.

He opened his eyes again, panting heavily, and the look in his eyes looked a little scared.

"That feeling just now..."

Su Heng recalled: "The state of full liberation is indeed powerful. However, in this state, my consciousness is too scattered. If it lasts for too long, I will forget everything in the past. This is too dangerous."

Thinking of what just happened.

Su Heng's heart felt a little hairy.

As his thoughts refocused on his body, the prototype of the gigantic beast gradually dissipated in the universe.

"My life essence has been upgraded to a level comparable to that of a black hole. If it continues to improve..." I recalled what just happened and the various experiences in my heart.

Su Heng had some vague guesses about the future development.

If it continues to be strengthened and can be maintained in a liberated state for a long time, every star within the gravitational range will be marked with its own brand.

Perhaps, he can build a paradise truly controlled by himself on a cosmic scale.

This is also one of the ultimate expressions of dominance.

"However, these things are too far away." Su Heng sighed, his eyes becoming firm.

"The top priority is to find a way to deal with the threat posed by Yog-Sothoth. Moreover, this part of the original power must be quite precious even to the World Tree, which is more powerful than Picaeus."

Su Heng realized that some drastic changes must have taken place in the World Tree.

Zygelina and White Wolf Orochi are still in the realm of World Tree. They may be in danger. Su Heng must rush over to take a look.

Think so.

Su Heng restrained his power.

The gravity slowly strengthened in front of him, and gradually a deep and huge wormhole appeared in front of Su Heng.

The universe is like a huge bubble. Under the influence of gravity, both ends of the bubble collapse inward to form a short-lived "wormhole". With the help of the power of wormholes, Su Heng can achieve ultra-long distance movement across galaxies even without passing through subspace.

Compared with the chaotic subspace, this method is more accurate.

However, the disadvantage is that the method is much more troublesome.

Su Heng looked at the unstable wormhole in front of him, took a step forward, and his huge figure disappeared in an instant.

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