I became the Great Old One

Chapter 79: The Queen Sweeps the World (Part 1) (Subscribe)

A tall figure appeared on the Holy Mountain of Olympus.

It is Caius, the god of chaos.

"Long time no see." Su Heng grinned and said hello to Caius.

Compared to Su Heng's casualness, the Chaos Gods and Titan Gods created by Caius seemed much more nervous, and could even be said to be trembling, with their majestic faces full of uncontrollable fear.

That look.

It wasn't like meeting their father, their creator.

On the contrary, it was like seeing his natural enemy.

"It seems that Caius's family relationship is not very good..." Su Heng noticed this and thought about it in his heart.

"Get out of here and don't bother me."

Caius spoke for the first time.

The sound mixed with thunder came from the top of the mountain.

Compared to the last time they met, it had only been a few months. Caius didn't know what he had done during this time, and he became more humane.

"Easy to say, easy to say..."

Su Heng waved his hand, Caius's strength was severely reduced due to the creation of the god.

However, Su Heng is not willing to take action at this time, taking advantage of others' danger and forcibly interfering... After all, although the God of the Old Times is powerful, he usually will not take action without any reason.

Su Heng took Yu Shen and his heirs and left from this subspace area.

Because Caius intervened.

Su Heng's plan to bring back the two Titans failed, but this operation was not without success.

He learned about Caius's plan and status, and at the same time collected part of the chaotic energy left over from the creation of the gods, which was directly injected into the body of the star core by Su Heng, turning it into nutrients for incubation.

"Creating gods, dividing himself...why did Caius do this?"

Return to the Flame Continent.

Su Heng thought about this, but unfortunately, every old day has its own unique authority and wisdom.

Even Su Heng cannot be omniscient and omnipotent.

He thought for a long time, but couldn't figure out the reason why Caius did this.

"Could it be because he is too lonely..." Quetzalcoatlus seemed to see Su Heng's distress, and came over and said, "I have seen some intelligent beings become depressed and even commit suicide because of loneliness and unsociability. There are very few intelligent beings like Dones who are completely isolated from the outside world and torture themselves."

Quetzalcoatlus is lively and active.

Since the day it was born, it has been silently observing the world.

However, Quetzalcoatl also knows that his power is unbearable for most intelligent creatures.

Moreover, he also represents his father, so Quetzalcoatl is only observing, not intervening. Even so, Quetzalcoatl has grown a lot and learned many interesting things.

"Can dragonborns also be depressed?"

Su Heng was a little surprised. This was the first time he heard about this problem.

"What Kukulkan said makes sense..." Feather God Istaya nodded as if he had a deep understanding: "I didn't feel it when I was alone before, but now if you are not around, I will feel it. boring."

"Why do I sound a little moved?"

Su Heng patted Istaya on the head with a kind smile on his face.

Of course…

Maybe the Old Ones really do have mental problems.

But Su Heng didn't believe that Caius would split himself for this reason. He was more inclined to believe that Caius was making some kind of attempt to enhance his authority or achieve a specific purpose.

"Western Continent, it seems that we need to pay more attention to it in the future."

Su Heng thought so.

However, he noticed a faint drowsiness brewing in his spirit.

After all, the fight with Caius had an impact on Su Heng. The period of sleep seemed to be coming early... Every time he fell asleep meant a substantial improvement for Su Heng.

From this point of view.

The impact of the confrontation does not seem to be a bad thing.

Anyway, for the Old Ones, time is the least valuable thing.

Because of the authority of Star Color.

Su Heng can observe various things happening in Noland's world without leaving home.

From then on, Su Heng spent most of his time in the subspace and rarely came to the physical universe. There were even fewer dragonborns who witnessed the arrival of gods with their own eyes.

In the Western Continent.

The Chaos Gods and Titans created by Caius descended from the Warp.

It will definitely bring about earth-shaking changes in that land.

In the Eastern Continent where the Dragonborn grew up, although the gods were less active during this period, the far-reaching cloud of war still hung over every Dragonborn.

It has even affected other intelligent life forms.

The Alby family unites with the exiles of Winterfell to assassinate the Queen.

This incident was like a bomb dropped in the water, causing an uproar in an instant, and the entire Dragonborn tribe was shaken by it.


It became the trigger for the Dragonborn's all-out war.

Queen Hispania returned to Gatan with her brother Dones, and immediately declared war on the Alby family.

In the past hundreds of years since the queen ascended the throne, Istaya has been known in many cities for its gentleness and forgiveness, but now when the queen shows her fangs and claws.

People were surprised to realize.

Gatan City, this originally medium-sized city-state in the central part of the country, already has nearly 150,000 dragon descendants.

Such a number of dragonborns has exceeded the peak of the city of God's Revelation, and it is the most populous dragonborn city in history.

At the same time, the Anerbi family was not to be outdone.

They desperately exaggerated the threats posed by the queen and Donies, and promised various benefits, and sent people to lobby in various cities. In the end, ten cities agreed to form an alliance and put pressure on the queen under the persuasion of the Anerbi family's lobbyists.

In this way, there are eighteen cities on the East Continent.

Except for the city of God's Revelation, which was completely destroyed hundreds of years ago, the remaining seventeen cities.

The two fortress cities, Winterfall and Koster, remained neutral.

Only four cities, including Gatan, were willing to devote all their strength to support the queen, and all the remaining cities stood on the opposite side of the queen.

This is a huge pressure.

When everyone thought that the queen would succumb to these Grania families and the royal power was destined to decline. Unexpectedly, the queen responded with a strong attitude.

"I am bathed in the glory of God. Anyone who dares to stop me will be destroyed!"

The queen declared under the huge statue.

The representatives of the Grania family, led by the Albi family, sneered at the queen's arrogance mercilessly, but soon they could no longer laugh. In the next month, Dones led the army and captured five cities in a row with thunderous momentum.

The bloody bodies of the rulers were hung on the city walls, which was terrifying.

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