I became the Great Old One

Chapter 9 The Evil God with Three Heads and Two Wings (Please collect and read)

Hundreds of years passed quickly.

God's Enlightenment Land.

It was already time for the sun to rise in the morning, but there was no golden dawn. The rolling black clouds covered the sky, and the waves rose from the turbid sea and hit the rocks, making annoying sounds.

Under the huge volcano, the dinosaurs were holding a large-scale sacrificial ceremony.

Tall and strong dragons with beautiful red stripes on their bodies lined up solemnly. They appeared in the huge square, holding bloody raw meat in their hands.

In the center of the stone square.

A golden bonfire was burning, making crackling sounds.

Those dragons slowly moved forward, and in the ancient and vast singing, they put the pieces of meat in their hands into the bonfire. The flames seemed like some kind of living thing. After devouring the flesh and blood, they burned more vigorously, and the flames splashed dozens of meters high.

Kanda is still alive.

However, after thousands of years, even though he was the strongest among the dragonborn, he inevitably aged.

His muscles, which were originally as hard as rocks, eventually became loose due to the passage of time. His skin, which was like the roots of an old tree, was covered with black spots. The red flame patterns that symbolized the gods' grace also became blurred with the passage of time.

But even so.

Kanda still exuded majesty and wisdom.

Especially his eyes, whose azure blue pupils were deeply sunken in his eye sockets, contained the waves of nearly three thousand years. No one in the tribe dared to look Kanda in the eye.

Although the passage of time made Kanda's body weak, his control over the flames became more exquisite.

People said.

Kanda was the beloved offspring of the gods, and even time could not defeat him.

However, when facing those almost endless aliens that were constantly evolving and multiplying, Kanda felt his powerlessness and exhaustion several times.

In the past thousand years.

Those aliens called "snakes" suddenly ran out from the fragments of the Demon Star.

They devoured everything, whether it was plants or animals, but never gave anything back to nature.

The snakes gathered together to form a gray tide that devoured everything. Wherever they passed, the land was barren for thousands of miles, and there would be no trace of life left, only bare surface and exposed rocks.

Some people say that snakes are servants of the Demon Star.

In the original era, the Demon Star that was shattered by the gods did not die completely, and began its revenge after the gods retired.

And the Dragonborn, as the most outstanding descendants and creations of the gods, it is naturally their duty to protect this continent. When the number of snakes had not yet formed a scale, the Dragonborn had already discovered the omen of disaster under the revelation of the gods.

The war that lasted for a thousand years began.

At the beginning.

With their strong bodies and the ability to control fire, the Dragonborn did have the upper hand in the war.

The tide of aliens gathered was defeated by the Dragonborn many times, but the aliens were so cunning that once they fell into a disadvantage, they would hide deep underground, and when the Dragonborn left, they would reproduce rapidly, and it would not take long for them to form a scale again.

If it were just like this.

The Dragonborn could still suppress these aliens so that they would not form a large scale.

Although there are still hidden dangers, the ecosystem of the entire continent will not collapse, and the servants of God can still manage this pasture well.


With the birth of the Alien King from the wreckage of the Demon Star, the situation was completely out of control.

The terrifying Alien King was an evil god who climbed out of the abyss of hell and was born in the world only for revenge and destruction.

It has three heads, wings covered with thorns, and two long snake tails. When the wings were spread, the evil god's huge body could even block the light of the stars and the moon in the sky. He had the ability to call thunder and dark clouds, and every breath could bring huge casualties to the dragons.

At the most intense time of the war.

Kanda once personally led 300 of the most powerful dragons to charge at the evil god.

Unfortunately, they were too weak. Even if they had been blessed by the gods, they were as weak as reptiles in front of the evil god. The golden nine-day thunder rumbled down from the sky, and more than half of the dragons turned into charcoal on the spot.

Then a tail flick, only a dozen dragons were left around him still charging forward.

In the end, even if he tried his best.

Kanda only left a wound on the evil god that was enough to heal in an instant. If it weren't for his youngest child who risked his life to bring him back, perhaps his life would have ended in that war.

An attack with all his strength ended in total annihilation.

Since that war.

The situation took a sharp turn for the worse. The Dragonborn not only lost a large area of ​​pasture, but also lost contact with the rest of the tribe.

Now, only the last piece of fertile land of God's Revelation remained for the remaining Dragonborn and primitive dinosaurs to survive.

Even so, the aliens still refused to give in. Terrible wars were happening every day. If you stand on a high place and look around, you can find many fragmented corpses in the dark of the forest or in the foam of the sea.

Among those corpses, there are Dragonborn, but more are aliens.

Although they were at a disadvantage and in a passive situation in the war, the Dragonborn were still the most outstanding servants and warriors of the gods.

Any Dragonborn could defeat opponents of the same size several times or even dozens of times, and they were invincible on the battlefield, fighting their way out of a bloody battle. It was because of their devout belief in the gods and their powerful strength that the Dragonborn could survive to this day.

In the solemn and desolate singing.

The sacrificial ceremony finally ended.

The crowd in the square dispersed in an orderly manner, and everyone had a firm and angry look on their faces, even those newly born dragons. Seeing this scene, Kanda's heart was in pain, but he had to hide his emotions.

He was the patriarch, and he was the pillar of the tribe in the years when the gods had not appeared. No matter how painful it was, he could not show his inner weakness at all.

At this moment, a rough voice with a little youthful innocence came from Kanda's side.

"Father, do you think the gods will really come to save us, just like when the evil star descended three thousand years ago?"

A young dragonborn with a sturdy body, strong arms, and fangs as sharp as a file appeared beside Kanda. His eyes were sparkling. Even in the face of such a terrible situation, there was still a light of hope shining in his eyes.

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