I Became the King of Villains In the Game

Chapter 313 Fierce Battle in the Rain

Chen Lun stopped in his tracks.

Standing in the rain, he looked up at the team of ancient readers who were chasing after them from the spirit world and falling in mid-air.

There are a total of eight men and women on the other side.

All in bright yellow robes, with indifferent faces hanging under the hoods.

"Extraordinary criminal, Qiao Ke! You plan to attack the History and Ritual Association and provoke the authority of the Orthodox Church. You are punishable for a felony! If you are still alive and dare to resist, we can only kill you on the spot!"

Lonoli pulled down his hood, revealing the image of a tough man with short yellow hair. With a serious expression on his face, he scolded in a deep voice.

At the same time, Luo Nuoli secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The other party finally stopped running around...

The ancient reader team he led chased for two days and two nights, but they were always left behind by the opponent, half a beat behind. Every time I chased to the scene according to the guidelines, I could only see a place of corpses left by the other party, all of them were congregants and monks of the Red Apple Church, and the picture was horrible.

Every time the Knight of Spades kills everyone, he will leave as soon as possible.

The other party seemed to disdain to pay attention to them at all, hunting and killing on their own, enjoying it. Luo Nuoli cursed each other more than once, cursing the damn path of fate - long-distance space jump, it is really a disgusting ability!

The conventional spirit world shuttle can't catch up at all!

Sage Quiller confessed that he completed the hunting mission within a day, and now it was timed out. Lonoli felt extremely ashamed and full of resentment towards the Knight of Spades.

Although I don't know why the other party suddenly stopped in this small town, it's still a good thing. After all, the time limit for the yellowed paper bestowed by the sage is about to expire.

This chase and escape made people physically and mentally exhausted. Luo Nuoli was fed up with the feeling of being teased, and now he just wanted to have a good fight to vent out the aggrieved and angry in his heart.

"After such a long hunt, it's impossible for the other party not to know our existence... But he still chooses to stop and wait. Being so reckless, he probably has something to rely on, so he must be careful!"

Drenched in the rain, Luo Nuoli whispered to the team members around him.

The sound was covered by the rain, but the companions could hear it, nodded one after another, and silently raised their vigilance.

Chen Lun looked at the group of men and women in yellow robes.

Laugh secretly.

Possessing "general knowledge of the five senses", he can easily capture the content of the other party's conversation by using his vision.

Whispering in his presence is tantamount to plotting out loud.

And the reason why Chen Lun didn't run away anymore, but chose to stay where he was and wait, was of course because his goal had been achieved, everything was ready, and he could start harvesting the last sweet fruit.

He glanced at a panel that no one else could see.

[Total level: Level 120! 】

[Sequence 6 - Trapeze LV40 (MAX)! 】

In the eyes of others, the frenzied hunting in the red disaster area of ​​Yanbang in the past two days was just a manifestation of his hatred of the Red Apple Church, or his enthusiasm for killing.

But in fact, he was just rushing to rank.

Countless monks and bishops of the Red Apple Church have become his experience points.

Finally reached the full level.

At present, Chen Lun's four basic attributes are 112 points of strength, dexterity, 122 points of intellectual endurance, 10 points of retained skills, and 28 points of attribute points.

Among them, the reason why there are so many attribute points is because the players in the circus have contributed killing rewards by constantly dying in the wonderland. And the last time in Peacock City, those players who broke into the winery and were killed by the black crystal craftsman also contributed.

'The kite tactics in the past two days have somewhat exhausted the opponent's pursuit, resulting in my state not being at its peak...but I have been promoted to the full level by hunting the Red Apple Church! '

Chen Lun thought to himself.

‘This increase and decrease is the accumulation of advantages. '


On the silver giant sword in his hand, a purple-red raging flame suddenly ignited, and the burning death sword had been activated suddenly. The rainwater that fell from the sky was evaporated before it got close, and thick mist formed around it.

"Catch it without a fight? Do people from the History and Ritual Association like to dream so much?"

On the visor of the rusty helmet, a low voice came from the black cross hole.

"It's ridiculous."

As he said that, he also noticed that more and more players were watching from a distance, and he was extremely satisfied. There was also a reason for choosing this small town as the battlefield. He took the time to watch the game forum and knew that the Lost Name guild was broadcasting live.

He was a little surprised at first, but then he came up with the idea of ​​using players to become famous. Although the Knight of Spades is just Jack's vest, it won't be a bad thing to let more players know how powerful this "NPC" is.

Maybe one day, we can use this to do something.

"Since you are stubborn, go to hell!"

Lonoli said coldly.

With a throw of his hand, a strange rock the size of an ostrich egg fell to the ground in front of him, rose in the wind, and instantly swelled to the size of a warehouse.

Then there was a loud bang.

The ground trembled and the strange rocks shattered.

A giant beast emerged from the inside, and its claw-like limbs stepped on the stone floor, leaving cracked and sunken footprints.

Including the players who were watching the live broadcast, everyone's eyes widened when they saw this scene.

What kind of monster is this? !

Three thick necks stand tall, connected to three snake heads, the whole body is as huge as an elephant, with dark green scales all over the place, and the long tail behind it is still burning with blue flames.

hiss! !

The three-headed giant snake spit out snake letters, shook its neck, and neighed with its head raised, its scarlet eyes fixedly staring at the knight.

Then wag your tail!

Blue flames burst out, burning the surrounding air, distorting the space, creating vortices one after another, as if turning the entire area into a constantly churning stream of water.

A sense of suffocation hits my face, and it seems that even the wind is blocked.

"Did you feel it? Qiao Ke... The space here has been disturbed, and the ability you rely on cannot be used! You are too arrogant to stay and wait for death!"

Lonoli sneered.

"This time, you can't escape!"

Facing the crowd in yellow robes, the knight of spades still hunched over, his scarlet cloak was windless and automatic, hunting.

He dragged the flaming giant sword and let out low laughs.

"Why should I run...? I'm waiting for someone, what are you waiting for?"

Chen Lun said slowly.


The ancient reader team was taken aback for a moment.

Lonoli suddenly yelled:

"Be careful!"

Whoosh whoosh! !

Countless shadows and cold lights came towards them from all directions.

There was a burst of tinkling and crisp sounds, accompanied by a few cries of pain, and the two ancient readers in yellow robes were seriously injured and fell down, but they used the "historical retrospective" to recover in the first time, and their faces were full of surprise.

The chaos lasted for half a minute, and calm was restored again.

The two sides stood facing each other dozens of meters apart.

Luo Nuoli's face was extremely ugly. He was accidentally attacked by the other party just now.

Beside the knight of spades, a group of killers in suits stood at some point, seventeen in total, all mid-sequence transcendents, most of whom took the path of conspiracy.

The attack just now was that they used their own sequence ability, or turned into a shadow to lurk, or approached with a hidden figure...

"It turns out that there are helpers, and they hid around early, no wonder they are so unscrupulous!"

Luo Nuoli's forehead was full of veins, and he gritted his teeth.

"Mutual Aid Club, Murder Club, damn you all!"

With a pull of his strong red arm, the yellow robe on his body was thrown away, and he immediately transformed into a huge gargoyle, shouting violently:

"Go, kill them all!"

The blue-gray stone wing membrane behind Loonoli unfolded, and the whole person flew over.

The pursuit and encirclement this time turned into the opponent's counter-encirclement and suppression. The advantage in numbers turned into a disadvantage, which made him very shocked and angry. But Luo Nuoli, as the captain of the ancient reader team, is extremely courageous and confident that he can stabilize the situation.

"As long as Qiao Ke is killed, the rest is nothing to worry about."

he thought.

In the next second, a huge flaming sword struck head-on.

The Knight of Spades rose into the air and chose to fight head-on.


pong! !

The gargoyle howled angrily, pulled out a large ax from nowhere, and struck the giant sword, making a loud noise.

It's still raining.

The shock wave of the confrontation shattered the raindrops, and was burned into nothingness by the high-temperature dead fire.

The knight of spades and the gargoyle fought fiercely in mid-air, sparks burst out, and the air trembled.

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!

With every blow, the onlookers are shocked and awed.

If a low-sequence transcendent approached, the aftermath might kill him instantly!

Bang! !

It was another violent weapon collision, and the two were pushed away with great force.

'This guy is Sequence 5...'

Chen Lun flew back seven or eight meters out of thin air, and stagnated strangely in the air, watching the huge gargoyle not far away tumbling, flapping its wings to maintain balance, thinking to himself.

'But his panel is slightly lower than mine. '

The panel threshold of Sequence 5 is 150 points, and Chen Lun's basic attributes are far apart, but he put on the Balague armor and used the bandage monster, and the superimposed bonus has already reached this critical value.

in addition.

Although he can't use teleportation and cloud leap now, the air walk is not affected. This is his own ability, so he is not at a disadvantage in terms of air supremacy.

On the contrary, the air is his main battlefield!

The two sides tacitly adopted a battle of "soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals". On the ground below, seven members of the Ancient Reader Squad were fighting with seventeen killers from the Murder Club. Even with the help of the three-headed giant snake, they were still in a bitter battle. .

Loonoli glanced at it, suppressed some anxiety in his heart, and took out a potion bag at an extremely fast speed, unfolded it to reveal three alchemy potions of different colors, and poured all of them into his mouth.

Then flew back with a cold face.

"Without the ability to manipulate the stage space, how can you defeat me!"

The stony skin on Loonoli's body became deeper.

His strength and speed also seem to have improved!

Not only that.

Lonolly's tail snapped apart and floated beside him.

[Earth Faction Sequence 5 - Wax Figure Master]!

This broken tail is like a wax figure of a fish tail!

The wax figure instantly became bigger and turned into a ferocious sea monster. Following Luo Nuoli, he rushed to Chen Lun, opened his mouth and screamed——

The ear-piercing sound waves spread, and the mysterious power boiled.

A powerful mental shock went straight to Chen Lun!

The people fighting below couldn't help but froze and looked up.

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