I Became the King of Villains In the Game

Chapter 351 I, Jack, the kidnapper!

The white ball let out a scream, and with a loud bang, it came overwhelming!

Chen Lun wanted to test out more abilities of the opponent, so he shook his wrist this time and threw out one after another red "diamond" magic flying cards.

He also wanted to see where his operating limits were.

clang clang clang! !

The red streamer flew straight over, hit the white balls precisely, and split them one by one, attacking Andersson with unabated momentum!

However, the cut white ball regrouped in the next moment, returned to its original appearance, and continued to fall "as if nothing had happened".


Countless white balls bombarded Chen Lun's area heavily and intensively.

A cloud of dust rose high, causing the ground to tremble.

Andersson's body was like a sliced ​​long potato, which separated into dozens of pieces by itself, accurately avoided every "diamond card", and after reuniting, it was unscathed.

But just when he breathed a sigh of relief, applause came from beside him.

clap clap...

"Excellent juggling."

Chen Lun stood beside him, less than one meter apart.

"In just two seconds, I threw a total of eleven magic flying cards. This is my limit, but I only hit nine white balls... But you are manipulating seventy-eight white balls at the same time, and you can do it with ease." restore them."

Anderson's pupils shrank, and he turned his head stiffly.

"You... are not affected by space interference."

His voice was a little dry.

Jack moved to his side in an instant, and Andersson's heart sank suddenly.

He knew that there was actually no need for him to continue fighting.

Whether there is "teleportation" determines whether the two sides are at the same level.

Chen Lun looked up at the sky, and Anderson's hands and top hat stopped moving.

He asked with great interest:

"This is your sequence ability? Brain limit development, support multi-line manipulation?"

In Chen Lun's eyes, the hands, the top hat, and Andersson himself all operate independently, not only will they not interfere with each other, but they also cooperate very tacitly, as if they are forming an army alone.

Andersson didn't answer, just sighed deeply.

The left and right hands and the top hat flew back, and he bowed to the black hat gentleman in front of him.

"Mr. Jack, I admit defeat."

Chen Lun was a little disappointed to see that the other party gave in so simply.

"I won't fight now? I want to see if you have more performance."

Andersson just looked bitter.

hit? What to fight with? !

The space is disturbed, I can't move instantly, and many supporting abilities, such as water without a source, can't be used...but the opponent is invincible. The most important point is that Jack didn't take it seriously at all, and didn't even reveal another form in the intelligence!

You can't fight and you can't fight, you can't run and you can't run away.

Anderson was helplessly discouraged and simply chose to surrender.

"What do you want?"

he asked dejectedly.

Chen Lun glanced at Weiss, who was lying unconscious on the ground. This guy was seriously injured by the aftermath of the fight between the two just now. He was indeed a rookie with little combat experience.

I don't know where his confidence comes from.

"Should I say it twice?"

Chen Lun chuckled lightly.

"Of course I'm arresting you to the Knights of the Round Table."

"Mr. Jack."

Andersson forced a smile.

"Don't you need the extraordinary knowledge of [Sequence 5 - Juggler]? The Murder Club shouldn't be able to give you such a reward, how about..."

"Yes, you reminded me."

Chen Lun interrupted him with a dazed expression.

"So I have an idea."

He pointed to Andersson and Weiss on the ground.

"How about taking the two of you as hostages and letting the evening tea party redeem them with extraordinary knowledge?"


Anderson was in a daze, he didn't expect the other party's thinking to jump like this.

"Are you going to send us to the Knights of the Round Table?"

he asked tentatively.

If this is the case, that would be great, it is equivalent to using a piece of Sequence 5's extraordinary knowledge to recover life.

Chen Lun pondered for a while.

"You're right, Mr. Anderson, the club can't give me the rewards I want... Instead of sending you to the Knights of the Round Table, it's better to exchange for the extraordinary knowledge needed for promotion."

"In this case, let me pass on the situation here to the tea party."

Andersson let out a long breath.

But he was thinking in his heart that Weiss has a special status. He is the nephew of Manolan, the other vice president of the tea party, and he is deeply favored by him... Presumably for him, Manolan will also show extraordinary knowledge.


Although Jack was powerful, as long as Manolan was smarter, he would bring enough people over. Maybe he could fight back and force him to sign a contract and join the camp of the tea party.

In this way, my original goal can be regarded as achieved in a disguised form!

Andersson thought about it, and under the watchful eyes of the gentleman in black hat, he wrote a letter on the spot, described the situation here in detail, and finally handed it to the other party consciously for inspection.

After Chen Lun took the letter, he read it word by word and nodded in satisfaction.

Andersson was a man who knew the current affairs, he neither added fuel to the picture, nor did he bluntly say that he was aware of the plans of the tea party and the Black Knife Brotherhood. Instead, he explained his kidnapping of the two very euphemistically, and blamed Weiss, saying that if this guy hadn't made trouble, the two parties would have already reached a cooperation.

In short, there is nothing wrong with Jack's approach, it's all about Wes, the scary whale.

Between the words and sentences, Anderson's full desire to survive is filled.

Chen Lun asked Anderson for a pen, but added a sentence at the end of the letter——

"I, Jack, have captured your vice president, Andersson, and a trash named Weiss. Hurry up with the extraordinary knowledge of [Sequence 5 - Juggler], and 10,000 gold pounds, or you will tear up your ticket!"

Andersson looked at the letter and asked hesitantly:

"Are you sure you want to add this sentence?"


Chen Lun waved his hand lazily.

Andersson stuffed the envelope into a juggling ball with a picture of a white dove, but secretly laughed in his heart. Jack's arrogant message would probably irritate Manolan...

At that time, he will definitely bring his own party members out.

Jack is still too young, why bother.

Andersson shook his head secretly.




In an inconspicuous small town in Gem State.

Behind a dilapidated theater, there are two old buildings.

This is one of the strongholds of the evening tea party.

Andersson's letters appeared in the corner of the second floor of the building on the left, where an ordinary bright yellow mailbox stood.

This mailbox is a [B-level weird thing], which can automatically send and receive letters without being disturbed by external factors. It is an extremely important information medium for the evening tea party.

The lid of the bright yellow mailbox opened automatically, and the letter popped out and landed in a hand.

The member of the tea party who was waiting by the letter box changed his expression drastically after seeing the contents of the letter, and immediately rushed to another room.

After a while.

A man's roar could be heard faintly in the building.

Immediately fell into silence again.

If someone walked in and took a look at this moment, they would be shocked because the whole building was empty. The roar just now seemed to be the howling of a ghost.

A group of fancy-dressed men and women suddenly appeared in an alley in Peacock City, Yanbang.

The leader was a middle-aged man with a hooked nose, wearing a dark brown dress and a top hat. He had a gloomy face at the moment, and he was followed by nearly twenty men and women who were also dressed in fancy clothes, with mysterious and powerful auras.

"Damn Andersson! You can't do a little thing right!"

The man with the hooked nose said in a deep voice.

He is the other vice president of the Evening Tea Party, Manolan.

Also a senior transcendent of Sequence 5 of Destiny Path.

And the men and women beside him were the members of the tea party who supported him, and they were all mid-sequence Transcendents.

"Lord Manolan, this matter is a bit strange."

A female member spoke up.

"Even if Vice President Andersson and Weiss lost to Jack, they shouldn't have been captured by him... They didn't even use Cloud Leap, they must be restricted by something, we should be more careful. "

Manolan was silent for a few seconds.

"Of course I know, that's why I took all of you out... The results of the three divinations were all the same, indicating that there was a certain danger, but it was not too strong. And just to be on the safe side, I also brought the president's A manuscript "Theatrical Etiquette"... With this extraordinary thing of the mythical level, there will be no problems."

He paused and continued:

"After arriving at the winery in a while, I need you to ensure the safety of Weiss as soon as possible, and then assist me as much as possible to suppress Jack and force him to sign the 'martial contract'."

"Understood, Lord Manolan."

The rest of the people agreed succinctly.

"Let's go."

Manolan suppressed his displeasure, and led the crowd to leap over the clouds again, appearing directly at the entrance of the winery's villa.

However, as soon as they appeared, they found that the surrounding scenes had changed.

Blurred and distorted blue covers everything in sight, presenting an unreal picture.

"This is the spirit world... Jack found us."

Manolan glanced around blankly, then frowned.

"And the space in this area has been disturbed. No wonder Andersson and Weiss can't escape. It turns out that Jack still has such a means!"

"What should we do next? Lord Manoran."

asked a man next to him.

"The plan remains unchanged."

Manolan said coldly.

"Let's see what other tricks that guy has!"

He took a step forward and led everyone into the villa building.

In the empty living room, there were only three people sitting on the sofa.

Jack Speight, who was wearing a black flat top hat, was sitting on the side with a big sword, and when he saw Manolan and others coming, he nodded casually.

Opposite Jack are Andersson and Weiss.

But Manolan and his party felt something was strongly wrong.

It was like a sudden sense of disobedience, inexplicably flourishing in the hearts of everyone.

Not only Jack's indifferent attitude, but also Wes's pale face. Manolan noticed that his beloved nephew didn't seem to see him coming. He lowered his head, trembling violently as if suffering from a serious illness, and beads of sweat dripped down his face.

Manolan frowned, and looked at Anderson again in great perplexity.

But Andersson raised his head and looked at himself.

On the other side's pale face, the expression was almost stiff, and he could only open his mouth slightly, but did not say a word. And those eyes showed complex emotions, including apology, fear, and even imperceptible relief.


Manolan just spoke.

But was interrupted by the gentleman in black hat, who stood up with a polite smile on his face.

"Mr. Manolan, you are all welcome."

Chen Lun took a step forward, and stretched out his hand to flirt aside.

"Come on, let me introduce you..."

The gazes of Manolan and his group involuntarily followed the direction of Jack's finger.

Their expressions suddenly changed.

Beside Jack, five men and women wearing retro knight armor appeared at some point!

These people seem to have stood there long ago, but they just ignored them subconsciously!

"These are the five adults from the Knights of the Round Table. They are very interested in the evening tea party. I think you should have a good chat."

Chen Lun's smile was extremely bright, and his voice was very enthusiastic.

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