"Please sit down."

Chen Lun stretched out his hand to signal.

Akbin nodded and sat down on a wooden chair.

Gold Cup Councilor Frey bowed tactfully and resigned, leaving only two people in the tent.

"I haven't had time to thank you before, after Maggie studied with you for a period of time, she has made rapid progress, and now she has almost entered Sequence 6..."

Chen Lun poured a cup of tea for Akbin and raised his glass.

Akbin thanked him, took a sip from his teacup, and shook his head.

"You're welcome. After all, there are too few people trekking on the natural branch path, and there is no experience left by the predecessors as a reference. I also need an inheritor like Maggie to confirm each other..."

He put down his teacup and looked up.

"After the ceremony was completed, I was successfully promoted to [Sequence 5 - Catastrophe Master], and also became a member of the Gold Cup Councilor under the Mulunga Consul... I didn't expect the recent turmoil. Not only did the club win the seat of the Orthodox Church, but you also took advantage of the trend Entered the Senate and served as the tenth seat of the consul."

Akbin stroked his chest with his right hand and lowered his head slightly.

"That's why I'm here, Consul Jack."


Chen Lun heard the other party's subtext.

It was precisely because of his past friendship with himself that Akbin voluntarily submitted an application from the Mulunga Consul, and was assigned to his subordinates to come to help.

With Akbin, a powerful "poison doctor", it will be of great help to the next battle. [Disaster Master] has a wide range of output capabilities, which can effectively clean up a large number of fallen believers and low-level priests.

Chen Lun accepted Akbin's love, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

it is more than words.

"How's the situation in Gem State?"

Chen Lun asked aloud.

Consul Mulenga is in charge of the "Jewel State No. 3" war zone. As his former subordinate, Akbin should have more detailed information.

"Everything was going well, but recently it has not been optimistic."

Akbin said in a low voice.

"The Red Apple Church's counterattack was fierce. The mobile 'Fortress of Abomination' caused great hindrance to us, and the councilors suffered heavy casualties... Rafa, one of the new ten cores of the 'Scarlet Monastery', died the evening before yesterday. An attack was launched, and four Jinbei councilors were killed on the Bindu Consul's side, and more than a dozen cities that had been wiped out were also lost."

After Chen Lun heard the news, he fell into deep thought.

'Rafa has also entered the Scarlet Monastery ahead of schedule. As an important BOSS of version 1.0, he has begun to work hard... Also, it seems that I need to hurry up and sort out the information about the Fortress of Abomination, and submit it to the Speaker and the Senate. '

At this time, Akbin continued:

"Because of Rafa's frequent movements, His Majesty Terrence, who is in charge of Gem State Fossil City, decided to deal with him personally...but there was an accident in the process."

He looked up at Chen Lun.

"'The Ferry Sword' Byers suddenly descended, came to seek revenge, and fought fiercely with Terrance outside the Fossil City... Both saints used their bodies to fight from the shallow level of the spirit world to the second level, Fighting to the dark world again, the fighting between the two sides lasted for a day and a night."


Chen Lun's expression changed slightly.

He wasn't surprised that Mr. Byers would make a move at this time, but he cared about the final result.

Akbin is not humorous either, so he didn't make a joke at this moment, and he told Chen Lun immediately:

"Terrence returned with a slight injury, but he was unable to deal with Rafa for the time being, so that the situation in Jewel State became more and more serious...Byerswolf fled with a serious injury and disappeared for the time being."

As he spoke, he silently observed Chen Lun's expression.

At this stage, the high-level leaders of all parties almost all know the information that "Pale Knight Jack" is "Spades Knight Joko", and from the fact that he and Byers teamed up to kill Terrence's incarnation, it can also be seen that , the relationship between the two should not be simple.

The reason why Akbin said this news was to convey Biers' recent situation to Chen Lun in a disguised form.

"I see."

Chen Lun's expression didn't change much, he just nodded to express his understanding.

"Akbin, next I will trouble you to go to Floy's team and follow them... Maggie is also there. If possible, please give her some pointers."

"No problem, Consul Jack."

Akbin got up slowly, saluted Chen Lun and left.

When the curtain of the tent fell, only Chen Lun was left here.

Only then did he let out a long sigh.

'I hope Mr. Byers is okay...'

Chen Lun first took out a pen and paper, and spent half an hour recording all the information he knew about the "Fortress of Abomination", then compiled it into a book, and checked it.

After confirming that it was correct, he summoned the Faceless Servant with the Golden Cup token and handed it the booklet.

"This is a top-level confidential document, and it must be sent to Lord Azgilro."

Chen Lun said solemnly to the waiter.

The latter was taken aback for a moment, then bowed respectfully.

"Yes! Lord Consul Jack!"

Chen Lun thought for a while, then raised his hand to signal.

"You wait a moment."

He then flew out a card and shuttled out from the gap in the tent curtain.

After a while, Frey, the member of the Golden Cup Councilor, walked in.

"Master Jack, what are your orders?"

"You are responsible for escorting this confidential document and accompanying the courier back to the parliament headquarters."

Chen Lun said to Frey.

The latter didn't ask much, but said solemnly:

"Okay, my lord consul."

"Well, let's go, go back quickly."

Chen Lun nodded.

Immediately afterwards, Frey and the Faceless Servant escaped into the spirit world together and disappeared without a trace.

Chen Lun sat on the chair, meditating for a while.

In the end, out of concern, he silently recited Mr. Byers' honorable name in his heart.

‘The guardian knight of the night, the sword of ferrying souls, the fearless man who challenges the scorching sun...Mr. Byerswolf, Jack is praying to you, please respond. '

half an hour.

Chen Lun frowned.

Because there is no echo.

‘It seems that the problem is a bit serious... Either Mr. Byers’ current situation is very bad, or he has encountered something and cannot escape. '

After thinking for a while, Chen Lun took out Mr. Byers' token "Youlan Statue", activated it, and guided him into a hidden space in the spirit world.

Darkness came.

The purple moon is in the sky.

He appeared again in that cemetery.

This is the residence independently developed by Mr. Byers. Under normal circumstances, Chen Lun can find him here. But this time it was different, he found the cemetery was empty.

Chen Lun walked to the center of the cemetery with a solemn face, and found a letter under the huge stone tablet. Under the envelope, there is also a letter wrapped in cowhide.

He stooped to pick it up and opened the letter.

This is a letter left by Mr. Byers, which seems to have expected him to come.

"——Jack, I have been exploring the dark world alone for several months, and I have basically mastered the power of the saint... But this time, due to the intensification of the red disaster, Terrence had to take a direct shot. This is a rare opportunity, and I cannot Miss... If I don't come back, please take good care of Floyd, she is the last descendant of the wolf family."

At the end of the letter, Byers also said that he had written a notebook of what he had seen and heard from his trip to the dark world in the past few months, and that he might be able to help him a little in the future.

Chen Lun put down the letter, opened the letter and glanced at it casually.

It records about the polluting organisms and geographical conditions in the dark world. In addition, there is an important discovery of Mr. Byers, that is, leaving from a special place in the dark world will reach another place in this world. The corner, that is, the bottom of the Sun Continent.

There was no light there, like a cave extending in all directions.

"Dark world" is another name for the third layer of the spiritual world. The world it is connected to is the underground of the continent? Under the feet of Trisur Empire, there is another world!

Mr. Byers also stated in his letter that he found traces of human life there.

This news shocked Chen Lun very much.

Because even in his previous life, he didn't know this information.

Maybe it's because the version of experience has only reached the middle of 2.0, and the map hasn't been opened there yet, or maybe it's a hidden plot that no one knows about... In short, Chen Lun faintly feels that this matter is not simple.

He didn't have time to read the handbook in detail for the time being, and after putting it away, he left the spiritual cemetery.

Returning to the present world, Chen Lun tried to divination about Mr. Byers' life state and direction, but unfortunately, nothing came of it.

This is also in his expectation, after all, Mr. Byers is already [Sequence 4 - Ferryman], a high-ranking person, and his own weight is not enough to detect him.

But Chen Lun did not give up. He immediately went to the fairyland, sat in the wooden house on the top of the ivory tower in the Crystal Mountains, and divination again.

This time, with the "power blessing" and "shielding interference" of the fairyland, he got a vague prediction-Mr. Byers' situation is very bad, and he is in danger!

Chen Lun frowned.

Mr. Byers is not only his high-level helper, but also a teacher and friend like Philip, and is the only blood relative of Floyd left in the world. He wants to help her, but he can't do it.

Because the divination only roughly knew the condition of Mr. Byers, but still couldn't get the specific location. This made Chen Lun even more convinced that the other party was trapped by something, or that he was in a special area that could not be detected.

'Try again later...'

Chen Lun had no choice but to leave the fairyland first, planning to conduct a probe on Mr. Byers every few hours.

The bloody battle is not over yet, and there will be more arduous fights to continue.

He had no choice but to take his men and players to rest for a day before continuing to act.

But during this period of time, repeated divinations still failed to yield results. Fortunately, although Mr. Byers was dying, he had not yet fallen... This made Chen Lun secretly relieved while feeling depressed.

this afternoon.

Chen Lun's team has advanced to the second main city in the "Yanbang No. 2" theater, Rongshan City.

Looking at the huge red castle in the middle of the city group in the distance, Chen Lun narrowed his eyes and murmured softly:

"Fortress of Hate..."

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