I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 104 Chapter 0099: The Mongolian Eagle and the Double Z Mark [Please subscribe] [Update]

Chapter 104 Chapter 0099: The Mongolian Eagle and the Double Z Mark [Please subscribe] [Update I]

Zhang Zhenyu's words made Rosen stop chewing.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, and then swallowed the food in his mouth.

"Hasn't Pei Baoquan been told to let go in the past few days?"

Rosen asked doubtfully.

Zhang Zhenyu mentioned Pei Baoquan's reluctance to sell land a few days ago.

Unexpectedly, this problem is still unresolved.

The most important thing is that Pei Baoquan is the largest landowner in Shuangkou Town.

When Rosen was planning the site, he drew a circle on the map around Jinmen.

So much land, if it were all cleared for farms and ranches.

Just build the food processing plant.

Normal output is enough to consume more than 100,000 people.

In terms of topography and location, Jinmen is a good place for farming.

The lowest altitude is -5 meters, the highest altitude is 20 meters, and the average altitude is 4 meters.

The surrounding areas are mainly plains and depressions.

Among them, the area of ​​the accumulation plain area is estimated by Rosen to be at least tens of thousands of square kilometers.

Due to the impact of productivity, large areas of land are not effectively utilized.

The land here is relatively fertile with dense river networks and many wetlands.

The only drawback is that there are occasionally many salt marshes. This kind of alkaline land is not suitable for farming.

However, land salt removal and transformation are not a big problem in the wasteland.

After all, even low-quality soil full of radiation and toxins can be completely optimized regardless of cost.

In addition, except for the scattered fields of a few small farmers, the best land outside Jinmen is occupied by landlords in various towns and districts.

The land owned by Pei Baoquan in Shuangkou Town happened to be in the center of the circle planned by Rosen.

As far as he knew, Pei Baoquan had been a prominent local family for generations, and there was more than just that piece of land.

Logically speaking, it was impossible for the other party to refuse the price he had instructed Zhang Zhenyu to offer.

In these troubled times, people everywhere are panicked.

How can the little harvest gained from renting land be worth real money?

The land doesn't grow long, and if something goes wrong, the land can't be taken away.

Ever since the foreigners pried open Tianjin through the Battle of Gukou, the surrounding land prices have become even cheaper.

He pondered for a moment, and soon realized that there might be something hidden behind this matter.

Hearing Rosen's inquiry, Zhang Zhenyu showed a wry smile.

"I offered a price that was twice the market price, but he still didn't want to sell."

This is indeed a bit weird.

Rosen thought to himself.

In fact, the easiest way is to take it by force.

With the strength of the Zhang family brothers and sisters, it is not a problem to deal with a mere landlord.

But doing so obviously goes against Rosen's original intention.

It would be best if he could solve it by spending money, because he is not short of money at all.

If we really can't solve it, we can only think of other ways.

I saw Rosen's slightly troubled expression.

Zhang Zhenyu suddenly changed the subject.

"However, Pei Baoquan made a new suggestion after seeing my identity as a warrior."

"His youngest daughter Pei Yunjuan was abducted by a group of bandits entrenched at the border of Tianjin and Hebei two months ago and made her a village wife."

"That group of bandits is called Menshan Ying, and their village is located on Moutai Mountain, more than two hundred miles southwest of Jinmen."

"That place already belongs to the territory of Hebei Province."

"Pei Baoquan said that as long as we can rescue his little daughter, in return, he will donate the land to us free of charge."

"As for the reason why he insisted not to sell the land, it was because there were the Pei family's ancestral graves and ancestral halls there."

"If Pei Yunjuan can be successfully rescued, he is willing to move the grave."

"Otherwise, no matter how much money I pay, he won't be willing to sell it."

Rosen only raised his eyebrows slightly at first, but after hearing the news, his brows completely knitted together.

He didn't want to go two hundred miles away to suppress bandits.

Especially at this critical juncture recently, whether it is the Eight Wastelands or the Wasteland, he needs to seize the time to complete the construction and layout.

After a moment of silence, he raised his head and asked.

"What is the origin of that group of bandits named Menshanying?"

"What about their martial arts strength?"

Zhang Zhenyu obviously already understood this issue.

He answered almost immediately.

"The leader of the thieves, Song Youjian, should be at the third level of martial arts with the strength of Yi Jin."

"The rest of the thieves generally train their skin and body."

"There are also many ordinary people who have no foundation in martial arts."

"However, the terrain of Ma Te Mountain where they are entrenched is steep, making it easy to defend but difficult to attack."

"And this guy also got a batch of long guns from the Hubei Province Gun Factory."

"Song Youjian was so courageous that he often robbed foreign convoys on the Beijing-Hebei Road."

"I heard from Pei Baoquan that not long ago he robbed more than a dozen boxes of foreign goods and guns that he said were shipped from England."

"I heard that there is also something from the British Royal Family's Commendation Front."

"I asked someone to check it out and found that it was indeed the case."

There was a hint of appreciation in Zhang Zhenyu's tone.

After that, he pulled out a newspaper from under the table.

There are several cut-out newspapers and periodicals from Hebei Province, all with the latest dates.

Rosen didn't care about those foreign guns.

The best firearms of the foreigners in the Bahuang Realm, placed in the wasteland, are not even as good as the homemade iron pipe rifles made by the looters.

He raised his hand to take the newspaper, narrowed his eyes slightly and read it quickly.

These newspapers reported in a cheerful tone that foreigners were intercepted by Menshanying.

One of the pictures was taken of the remaining convoy of British foreigners in a city in Hebei Province.

When Rosen looked at the blurry black and white photo, his pupils suddenly shrank and his expression became extremely tense.

"What's wrong, Asen?"

Zhang Zhenyu saw his reaction and couldn't help but ask.

Rosen shook his head gently, and his expression returned to normal.


"I saw something wrong."

He turned over the page of the newspaper, his expression no longer changed, but his heart felt like a turbulent wave.

In the newspaper photo, the remaining baggage boxes of the British transport team were clearly marked with double Z marks.

If these things were all shipped from England, then the matter would be intriguing.

There is a high probability that the double Z marks in the two worlds are related in some way.

But a new problem came again.

If only the British foreigners could go to the wasteland.

So why are their technological levels still so backward in the Bahuang Realm?

You must know that the mysterious people in Shenhai City have all kinds of advanced tanks and weapons.

And he is quite experienced in fighting, and he is definitely not a soldier from the Eight Desolate Realm.

Regardless, this matter deserves investigation!

The first thing to determine is the origin and meaning of the double Z mark.

The "double Z" can only describe the general shape of the mark.

It's actually some kind of separate symbol.

"Tell Pei Baoquan."

"We took over this matter."

"The time is set in five days!"

Rosen said loudly, and Zhang Zhenyu immediately nodded in agreement.

He has a lot to do in the wasteland.

Not only did they have to deal with the captured hover tanks, but they also had to modify the newly acquired T-29 "Ranger" power armor.

In addition, he also wants to attack the blood wolf group's station.

This was the commission given to him by Golden Ear.

At the base of the Blood Wolf Group, we might be able to find an opportunity to ask Uncle Zong and Ah Hao about their whereabouts.

Nearly more than a month has passed.

Uncle Zong and the others may not be imprisoned in the camp, they may also be sold.

As the wind season ends, the slave trade will also usher in a peak season.

But no matter what, dealing with the Blood Wolf Group is Rosen's answer to the past.

The result is no longer important, whether you do it or not is what matters.

In fact, he had another plan to accept the commission to clear out the Blood Wolf Regiment's base.

The Blood Wolf Group's headquarters is dozens of kilometers away from Golden Sunshine Street.

It is located near the ruins of the viaduct on the G73 highway in the western suburbs of Shenhai City leading to Su City.

It's even further away from the city.

In terms of location, it is even close to the scope of Su City.

But the environmental radiation value there is also relatively low, and there are very few zombies and alien species wandering around.

There is enough flat land to develop.

It is suitable to build Rosen's own camp based on the Blood Wolf Regiment's base.

The ruins of the nearby viaduct can be remade into cement using a high-strength cement making machine after being broken into pieces.

Materials like steel bars can also be recycled.

These two types of equipment do not need to pass through the Golden Sunshine Block and are sold in the Iron Grave Camp.

Buy a few engineering robots, and as long as the surveying and mapping are completed and the building model is input, you can start the construction independently.

Therefore, dealing with the Blood Wolf Group is a win-win situation for Rosen.

After the Blood Wolf Group is solved, he can deal with the affairs of the Eight Desolate Realms with peace of mind.

As for Men Shanying, what concerned him was actually the batch of foreign goods from England.

The royal awards given to the English garrison might contain clues about the double Z symbol.

Even if not, it can be further determined whether the symbol is related to the British royal family.

Therefore, he had to go to Ma Tei Mountain.

Due to traffic and social environment, the pace in the Eight Wastelands is much slower than that in the Wasteland.

Let alone five days, I'm afraid it wouldn't be a problem to delay it for another ten days and a half.

It's just that Pei Baoquan's daughter was kidnapped into the village. She wouldn't die, but she would definitely be spoiled.

Pei Baoquan himself seemed to be mentally prepared.

It is no longer important whether she is perfect or not, what is most important is that her daughter can come back to her alive.

That Menshanying didn't look like an overly vicious gangster.

It's more like a righteous gang that turns into a bandit.

"That's right, Asen."

"The foreigners were very angry after their goods were intercepted."

"I heard that two to three hundred soldiers were transferred to Magui Mountain."

“The local officials and associations in Hebei Province secretly took action to obstruct it.”

"But it's almost time for those foreigners to arrive in the next few days."

Zhang Zhenyu added promptly.

During this time, he had a more fulfilling life than Rosen.

In addition to practicing martial arts every day, he also helps Rosen run errands. In the process, he has accumulated many connections and intelligence channels, either explicitly or covertly.

In terms of being well-informed, they are no longer the same.

Rosen nodded, knowing better.

In this way, Men Shanying and others should have no chance to sell the stolen goods.

That batch of foreign goods completely became a hot potato.

For foreigners in England, the symbolic meaning of those things is greater than the actual value.

For the sake of face and honor, foreigners will never give up.

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