I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 107 Chapter 0102: Li Qi and Noah [Please subscribe] [Update]

Chapter 107 Chapter 0102: Li Qi and Noah [Please subscribe] [Update I]

As a mechanic, she naturally has a strong interest in power armor.

Moreover, Li Li, who was born just after the war, had not experienced the boom and decline of technological civilization before the Great Destruction.

The most important thing is that the guy in front of me actually got a power armor after not seeing him for two or three days.

Li Qi knew very well in his heart what it meant as an individual to own a complete standard power armor in this long-dead world.

She is considered a true insider in the relevant field, and naturally understands that it has become increasingly difficult to obtain power armor in the years after the war.

The ruins of a city are the most dangerous treasure troves.

After nineteen years, the easy-to-explore areas of this treasure house have long been explored by endless wastelanders and early wasteland development teams.

The rest are either extremely secretive or extremely dangerous.

Others are like shelters, hidden underground where they never see the light of day.

As for why she concluded that Rosen's power armor came from the ruins of the city, it is actually not difficult to understand logically.

Because Rosen said it himself, the model of the power armor he got was T-29.

This is not a model that can be produced in large settlements within hundreds of kilometers.

In fact, if Rosen said that he got a T-33 heavy-duty power armor, Li Qi wouldn't be so surprised.

After all, the T-33 is a mass-produced power armor that can be manufactured in the Golden Sunshine District.

No matter how strict the controls are, there may still be ways for it to escape.

Li Qi knew very well that the young man sitting in front of her, who was wearing a bulletproof mask and whose voice seemed not much older than her, was not the one who was short of money.

This can be seen from the attitude of that guy in Ottok towards Rosen.

I have to say that this petite red-haired mechanic is indeed a guy with a flexible mind and strong logical thinking.

Although she had not dealt with Rosen several times, she had made a rough guess about his true situation based on the known clues.

For Li Qi, Rosen, his name and appearance were not important.

The key lies in the hidden connections behind him.

Meeting high-value connections is what Li Li values.

She has her own goals and obsessions.

"T-29, is it the T-29 codenamed Ranger?"

"What a surprise!"

She took the initiative to ask in a surprised tone to cover up her previous moment of confusion.

Rosen smiled and said nothing, picked up the beer and took a sip.

The alcohol content of this water beer was more than ten degrees, but with his body, the alcohol content was dissipated as soon as it entered his stomach.

"Where's the stuff?"

Li Qi took off the insulating leather hat on his head.

He casually pulled out a piece of soft copper wire from the messy mechanical workbench and tied up his gorgeous red hair.

Rosen remembered that she did the same thing last time, and he could see that Li Li was a girl with a rough life but a very delicate heart.

Rosen raised the corners of his mouth and answered in a relaxed tone.

"Everything is in the workshop I rented."

"By the way, do you have a power armor maintenance platform here?"

He then asked another question.

The maintenance and modification of power armor require specialized platform equipment.

The structure is similar to a large clothes hanger, but it is actually a hydraulic hanger with a base.

During maintenance, the power armor can be mounted completely to facilitate the disassembly of various components.

Power armor is also modular.

It's just that each series has a dedicated basic framework.

The K-0 airborne model in the experimental stage mentioned by Commissioner No. 7 at the Sihai Street Public Security Station is a modular component and is compatible with T-series armored platforms.

Modularity has many benefits, such as significantly improved compatibility and adaptability to component mass production.

As a result, before the war, power armor maintenance platforms were almost as common as power armor itself.

If Li Li didn't even have a serious maintenance platform, then Rosen would have to question her experience in power armor maintenance.

The [Steel Gear Machinery Workshop] only covers an area of ​​a few dozen square meters.

It can be said that you can see the end at a glance.

In addition to the workbench, smart furnace and small machine tools, there are only two crappy sofas they are currently sitting on.

Hearing this question, Li Li waved his red ponytail proudly.

The dark and slender eyebrows were raised, but there was a confident smile on his face.

Pointed behind.

She replied in a husky tone.

"Of course."

"Although my power armor maintenance platform is probably gathering dust."

"But I have repaired hundreds of power armors in virtual reality courses."

"When I study with the teacher, I have at least ten opportunities for power armor maintenance every month."

Her voice was still rough and stiff, but Rosen could hear full confidence in it.

Moreover, Li Li's words revealed that her teacher was not a simple person.

There are more than ten power armor repair opportunities every month, which means that her teacher must be a backbone mechanic with a large number of power armor forces.

I didn't ask because that would be rude.

Getting to know anyone needs to be done step by step, unless it's a one-time tool.

But the professional value shown by Li Barley is worthy of Rosen's attention.

No matter what, it was necessary for him to train a mechanic who was trustworthy and technically competent.

What's more, the Li Li in front of him is equally accomplished and talented in electronic information technology.

Mechanical engineering and electronic information technology are two complementary majors.

When they are integrated into one body, they can often achieve twice the result with half the effort in the field.

"I can rest assured that."

"Otok really did not recommend the wrong person."

Rosen complimented Li Qi by the way.

This made the smile on Li Qi's face even bigger.

In her eyes, Rosen is also mysterious and has an equal psychological identity.

Unlike most people's praise for her,

Li Qi was happy to receive Rosen's praise.

Sitting on the sofa that smelled like engine oil, the two drank beer.

I just couldn't help but speed up my drinking.

After drinking this beer, you can get down to business.

Neither Rosen nor Li Li wanted to lose their composure in front of the other party.

While drinking, Rosen looked around casually.

He looked at the messy workbench in front of him.

The metal countertop was covered with grease and grime, and various tools and parts were accumulated.

After just a quick glance, he suddenly saw a finely crafted silver badge next to the pile of tools.

The badge was only the size of a thumb cap. With his eyesight, he could see that it was engraved with a large ship sailing on the waves, and the ship was carrying a planet.

The fine silver badge looks out of place among the dirty parts and tools.

Following Rosen's focused gaze, Li Qi also saw the badge.

She looked slightly surprised, but she didn't mean to panic or cover up.

Instead, he took the initiative to get up and go to the workbench, took off the emblem, and threw it to Rosen.

After taking the emblem, Rosen gave her a meaningful look.

Then he lowered his head and started playing.

"A very delicate emblem."

He commented as if appreciating it.

"Yes, that's Noah's sign."

Li Qi introduced it bluntly.

This made Rosen even more curious.

Since she didn't mind it herself, Rosen naturally wouldn't hesitate.

So he followed her words and asked.


"Sorry, I've never heard of that."

Hearing his words, Li Qi let out a light laugh.

Only in laughter are there no rough and obscure thoughts.

“Noah is a loose and broad organization.”

"They're trying to win over me."

"This organization has mastered exquisite bionic technology."

Rosen was surprised in his heart that the other party was very honest.

"Bionic technology? Does it mean Xiaowei No. 1?"

His words made the smile on Li Qi's face brighter.

Her red ponytail flicked and she shook her head.


"Xiaowei No. 1 just uses machinery to imitate the appearance of humans."

"The real bionic technology is the fusion of flesh and blood with machinery."

"Such as rhino tanks, killer crab electromagnetic guns, laser earthworms, etc..."

"The above is taken literally."

Rosen's mouth opened and closed slightly.

According to the common sense he learned, this type of technology was strictly taboo before the war.

Because it involves forbidden areas of humanitarianism and biological systems.

When the molybdenum nerve connector made a technological breakthrough, the related fields were pursued by capital.

But it was quickly sanctioned by the scientific ethics regulatory committee.

However, this is only on the surface. Behind the scenes, the three pole forces may not have given up research on this aspect.

Flesh and flesh are bitter and weak, and machines soar.

After thinking about it, Rosen suddenly smiled.

Taboos are often meant to be broken.

Before the war, cloning was also a strictly prohibited project, but after the war, it even began to overflow in some settlements.

At this time, Rosen remembered another thing.

Although he has no memory of what happened three years ago.

But he has a good understanding of the social situation, life experience and scientific progress before the war.

On the contrary, I am relatively unfamiliar with the situation after the Great Destruction.

Even though Rosen doesn't seem to care about his past life at all.

But in fact, he still had doubts about this issue in his heart.

Sensing that his thoughts were gradually drifting away, Rosen decisively curbed those divergent thoughts.

"I can see that you are surprised?"

Li Qi stared at him with interest.

Rosen did not deny this.


"But what puzzles me even more is why you don't want to join that organization called Noah?"

"It stands to reason that they should have very strong technical strength."

"The bionic technology that combines flesh and blood with machinery requires profound technical accumulation in both biological and mechanical engineering."

"Maybe it also involves taboo medicine."

"Isn't this kind of technology attractive to you?"

Rosen's question seemed a little abrupt, but it was actually the result of his careful consideration.

He could see that Li Qi was not resistant to the topic.

There was magnanimity in his words.

And he is very curious about this kind of technology.

Naturally, he would not let go of this opportunity.

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