I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 199 Chapter 0194: Learning to be Junjie【Please subscribe】【52K】

Chapter 199 Chapter 0194: Learning to be Junjie【Please subscribe】【5.2K】

Since the injection of the E-type gene enhancement agent.

Zhang Zhenyu's martial arts talent was partially activated.

Whether it is tempering the body or practicing martial arts, he has become more and more comfortable.

However, in recent times, his focus has been on consolidating the Qi and blood of the Strong Bone Realm.

After finally having enough stable energy and blood, I could try to open the Talisman Secret Room.

But news came from the Iron Man Martial Arts Association that there was a group of foreign officers

Found the door.

This made Li Jingmin, who was waiting nearby, shout bad luck.

I wanted to urge Zhang Zhenyu to open the secret room first.

However, what happened later forced Zhang Zhenyu and Rosen to pay more attention.

Because that group of monsters has a lot of background, and there are many high-level beings wearing military uniforms among them.

Such monsters are often nobles in their respective countries.

The reason for being transferred to Tianqing was mostly to establish a career and accumulate prestige and merit.

To put it bluntly, we are here to get gold plating.

Relying on their leadership in productivity and science and technology, foreigners have great advantages in fighting Tianqing.

Especially along the coast, there are strong ships and cannons to clear the way.

Those warriors who aspire to rebel against foreign countries can only use 60% to 70% of their 100% ability when faced with the baptism of fire.

Of course, on local battlefields, foreigners sometimes suffered defeat.

Firearms offer great advantages.

But in a purely transcendent level game, Tianqing's side has the upper hand.

It's a pity that whether it's martial arts or god refining, it's a long journey of exploration.

Martial arts is okay, at least if they are willing, most people can get started and learn some fists and kicks.

The situation is different when it comes to refining gods. Ninety-nine percent of ordinary people don't even have the qualifications to get started.

Basic productivity cannot keep up, and there is a big gap in firearms.

In addition, extraordinary power is not a common thing on the street. Compared with all living beings, those who master extraordinary power are only a few.

Therefore, in big scenes, Tian Qing was always suppressed and beaten by foreigners.

What's more, there is a group of younger brothers behind Yingjili.

Among them, the one that has emerged most powerfully in recent years is undoubtedly Yingzhou.

You must know that a few decades ago, Yingzhou was also a traditional agricultural island country.

Yingzhou's target is Japan on the other side of the wasteland.

Rosen once compared the cultural and historical characteristics of the two sides in his spare time.

It was found that there were actually great similarities.

But he did not casually say whether this was a coincidence or there was another reason.

The two worlds are both similar and yet strange.

His eyes returned to the gate of the Iron Man Martial Arts Association.

There were dozens of foreign officers who came to visit this time.

If you take a closer look, you will see that there are military uniforms from the Eight Kingdoms.

The leader was a vampire marquis from the English Empire.

This is the highest lord below the duke.

In England's foreign strategy, the marquis is usually the top person in charge of a certain region.

Following behind were America, the Third French Republic, the Hank Empire, the Rakshasa Empire, the Yingzhou Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the Kingdom of Italy.

The composition of this group of monsters is quite complex.

In addition to vampires, the Flying Man from Yingzhou also has a strange head in a wheel, which seems to be called "Wheel into the Way".

Hank's country has the iconic full moon werewolf, and America has the Jersey Devil and Bigfoot...

There are many types of monsters, many of which are uncommon.

Most of them have strange shapes and are dressed in various lord or officer costumes, which looks very inconsistent.

Compared with these monsters and monsters, vampires and werewolves are actually a bit more pleasing to the eye.

The vampire Marquis who led the team had his hair carefully combed back, and his white hair set off his red eyes.

Judging from his appearance, this guy is only thirty or forty years old at most.

The actual age is much more than that.

His name was Bastien Chill, and his fiefdom was on the Isle of Wight, so he was also called the Marquis of White.

His father is the famous Gennady Chill in England. He participated in the War of the Roses and is the prime minister appointed by the Queen of England today.

The first of the four major state ministers in the British monarchy.

The background is scary enough.

But even so, Bastian Chil still had to accept the task of expanding the territory.

This is not for itself, but for future generations.

In England, hereditary titles are inherited.

Before the death of the father, the children will not receive the actual title.

There is only one way, and that is meritorious service.

Bastian's fiefdom and title come from his father's achievements in the War of the Roses.

Now it is no exception and has to fight for the title of its children.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to apply to come to Tianqing and lead a team to study the radioactivity project of the Imperial Academy of Sciences.

At the same time, he became the highest lord officer targeting the British side in the Beijing-Hebei region.

In the empire's planning strategy, there is a high probability that an armed war will break out between Yingjili and Tianqing.

And war means meritorious service.

Tianqing used to be known as "Zhongzhou", and it was so powerful that it made people tremble.

The sword of the ancient emperor cut off the root of the demon.

As a result, the bloodline of demons in the Eight Desolate Realms becomes thinner and thinner each generation.

But today's Tianqing is just a weak and closed agricultural country.

The legendary eternal emperor has also disappeared.

No one knows what happened in the stars.

After more than two thousand years of cultivation, the demon not only recovered its vitality, but also experienced stages such as the Renaissance, scientific enlightenment, and industrial revolution.

Finally, I embarked on an orderly knowledge system that explores laws and predicts the form and organization of objective things. It is essentially a kind of induction and summary of knowledge.

It's called "Science".

"Praise for science."

"We will destroy ignorance."

"The lowly Tianqing people only deserve to be blood food..."

Marquis Bastian, holding a prayer card, recited silently in his heart.

Trying to calm down the anger in his heart.

These filthy Eastern pariahs had been waiting outside the door for a quarter of an hour.

No one received him, and even some warriors and patrol teams with hateful eyes gathered around him on the roadside.

If not for the results of the weaponization of "radioactive" materials, how could it come here in person?

Thinking of the power that could destroy the world, Bastian still restrained the anger in his heart.

The other demons from the Seven Kingdoms behind him were also a little restless.

At this time, the door to the martial arts association finally opened.

Zhang Zhenyu walked in front, followed by several Yunzang realm warriors in the meeting.

Rosen and Zhang Yuening followed behind in a discreet manner.

After seeing Zhang Zhenyu, Marquis Bastian immediately handed over the greeting card with a smile on his face.

It was actually a formal visit according to Tianqing's rules.

Zhang Zhenyu took the invitation with a stern expression. Foreigners and demons were all his father-killing enemies.

It was somewhat reluctant to ask him to put on a good face.

"Please come in."

"If you have anything, you can talk in the hall."

He cupped his hands perfunctorily, Rosen's instructions coming to his mind.

The two communicated secretly through spiritual sound transmission.

Seeing Zhang Zhenyu's attitude, the gloom in Marquis Bastian's eyes flashed.

You must know that the identity of the Marquis is aimed at the governor of Tianqing.

The demons from all over the world behind him became agitated again and wished they could break out on the spot.

But it raised its hand to stop him.

Twenty or thirty demons walked into the martial arts meeting and came to the main hall.

There are only two rows of chairs, with twelve seats.

As a representative, Zhang Zhenyu naturally sat in the first seat.

Marquis Bastien sat in the side seat.

The other demons took their seats in order of status.

The Lun Enter Road from Yingzhou stands beside the Marquis.

The strange combination of wooden wheels and heads made the Tianqing warriors present frequently cast curious glances.

The head looked like that of a middle-aged man with a beard.

Judging from his position, he looks like Bastian's staff.

As for the monsters who can't take their turn, they can only stand.

No tea was served, no small talk.

Zhang Zhenyu said straight to the point.

"If you have anything to say, just tell me."

Marquis Bastian's eyelids twitched slightly, but he still spoke patiently.

"I am here on behalf of the Eight-Nation Alliance to extend an olive branch to the Guiwu Association."

"The Tianqing court is in decay. It is a vicious tumor on the giant's body."

"Only by cutting it out can the people of Tianqing usher in a new life."

This guy's Tianqing speech is very standard, and he can be said to be well-spoken.

It shows that it is quite prepared to make achievements in Tianqing.

Hearing these words sounded just and awe-inspiring.

All the warriors in the field couldn't help but sneer.

Who among the people present has never seen the true face of foreigners?

Human experimentation, blood feeding, slavery…

Even the status of local civilians in their respective places is not high.

How could it be the people of Tianqing's turn to enjoy the so-called new life?

Just think about it and you know this is impossible.

The essence of aggression is to plunder and exploit.

They come all the way here not for charity.

"It's not your turn to interfere in Tianqing's affairs."

"The so-called olive branch is even more nonsense."

"In our Tianqing terms, that's called complicity."

Zhang Zhenyu retorted mercilessly.

The two sides have a blood feud with each other. If you believe in its evil deeds, you will inevitably be liquidated in the future.

There is no such thing as wavering or unwavering, because there is no turning back.

At this time, the wheel-like body standing next to Marquis Bastian rolled to the front, while its head always remained in the center.

"The ancient saying of "Ni Men Tian Qing baked in oil, it is wise to learn it with practice..."

"It's better if you don't take medicine and don't get used to it..."

Lun Ruidao's tone was fierce.

But Da Zuowei's Tianqing words made Zhang Zhenyu suddenly startled.

Bastian also lowered his eyes in embarrassment.

It originally wanted this guy to be a bad guy, but it didn't expect that there would be no dignity at all when he said it.

"Has your brain been run over by a wheel?"

Under Rosen's instruction, Zhang Zhenyu mocked mercilessly.

This made Lun enter Dao, whose body is a wheel, suddenly furious.

After a few words of conversation, the atmosphere in the hall became uncomfortable.

The demons who are used to being aloof have never been so angry.

Immediately, many demons roared,

Bigfoot from America stomps the ground.

The three-inch-thick bluestone slabs on the ground were dented and cracked.

The warrior behind Zhang Zhenyu was not willing to be outdone and responded angrily.

He even drew his weapon.

Rosen was not surprised by the scene before him.

In fact, the wooing of foreigners in Tianqing is still very attractive to many warrior forces.

But the Iron Man Martial Arts Association is different.

Most of the warriors who joined were people from the coast. They had seen what it was like when foreigners were wreaking havoc, and many of them had direct or indirect blood feuds.


At this time, Marquis Bastian held his forehead and yelled speechlessly.

I brought these guys with the intention of building a strong momentum, but I didn't expect that the Iron Man Martial Arts Club would be too stubborn.

"President Zhang, let's talk in private."

"I'll make you an offer you can't refuse."

After those monsters calm down.

Marquis Bastian said sternly to Zhang Zhenyu.

"Promise it and see what medicine it sells in its gourd."

Rosen simply used his spiritual thoughts to transmit the message.

Zhang Zhenyu agreed without hesitation.


A quarter of an hour later.

Zhang Zhenyu and Bastian came to the secret room.

"If you have anything to say, just say it here."

He remained indifferent.

But he saw Bastian sneer on his face and no longer maintain his dignity.

"You are indeed not the real person in charge of the Iron Man Martial Arts Association."

"With your low level of martial arts training, aren't you afraid that I will suck you dry?"

When he was alone, Bastian began to act like a guest.

However, Zhang Zhenyu remained unmoved and assumed a posture of neither sadness nor joy.

Neither admit nor deny.

"Huh, let me keep the story short."

"As long as the person behind your Iron Man Martial Arts Association is willing to hand over the secret weapon used to attack the Concession Hall that day, Her Majesty the Queen is willing to grant a hereditary marquis and a fief of the island."

"I even agreed to open the secret realm of Pendragon Bauhinia and give me a precious opportunity to embrace the king for the first time."

"What's here is just a blood shadow clone of mine. You don't have to think about threatening me."

Marquis Bastian lost all his grace and revealed his sharp hollow fangs.

Its words made Zhang Zhenyu sneer.


"Get lost."

"Do you really think of us as pigs, dogs, cattle and sheep raised in England?"

"I know what you monsters are planning."

"Just let the horses come over."

Zhang Zhenyu said it with confidence.

Because Rosen has already finalized the development plan.

Rise in troubled times requires opportunities.

Being anti-foreign is undoubtedly a good reason.

This allows him to legitimately raise an army and gain power.

The good thing about power is that it doesn’t have to be restricted by others.

If he wanted to make the pure Bahuang Realm his Rosen's back garden, he still had to fight for it.

This matter cannot be settled at all.

The invasion of foreign monsters and the arrival of new ideological trends are unprecedented changes in Tianqing in a hundred years.

It is also a good opportunity for Rosen to rise.

He is not afraid of war, because war in troubled times is meaningful.

Who is the hero and who is the bear? It is clear at a glance under the general trend.

There is no need to negotiate with the demon at all.

No matter how tempting the other person’s terms may seem.

But the two sides are even of different ethnic groups and cannot urinate into the same pot.

Rosen never took it for granted.

"So, you want to start a war?"

"The warriors of England are gathering, and the Blood Spirit fleet outside Jinmen is already hungry and thirsty."

"Artillery fire can swallow up the entire Jinmen."

"Even if you master that terrible weapon, you will not be able to effectively destroy the dispersed fleet on the vast sea."

The English Academy estimated the power of that night.

Several conclusions were drawn.

On the sea, as long as the distance between them is more than three hundred meters, that kind of weapon can only destroy one warship at most. At the same time, the rapid-fire cannon on the ship can shoot down incoming enemies.

Even if the opponent has a more powerful weapon, the sea can dilute the power very well.

As for the rising tide, it is not worth mentioning at all.

Blood Spirit's main battleships have a displacement of seven to eight thousand tons, so ordinary waves don't matter at all.

The most important thing is that attacking Tianqing is the general trend.

And this time they plan to take advantage of the overwhelming strength of the Tianping Army to directly lead the coalition forces into Kyoto. They heard that ancient wealth is flowing everywhere there.

"let us wait and see."

Zhang Zhenyu replied calmly.

The conversation broke up unhappily, and the Iron Man Martial Arts Association did not attack these monsters.

Because their naval guns can destroy the port area at any time and kill tens of thousands of people there.

This matter cannot be tolerated by justice.

War is inevitable.

Bastian left with the demon and got into a car parked at the street corner with a sinister and terrifying expression.

The scene of leaving was witnessed by two people in the private room on the second floor of the teahouse across the street.

These two people, with graceful faces, are a man and a woman respectively.

The man is middle-aged, with a dignified temperament and a calm expression. He wears a gold silk round hat and a delicate silk brocade garment.

The girl is relatively young, with a bit of childishness on her face, but she is wearing a smart new army training uniform.

Exquisite facial features, willow eyebrows and starry eyes, standard oval face,

"Dad, look!"

"Those monsters left in despair."

"Looks like he was defeated in the Iron Man Martial Arts Tournament."

The girl couldn't help but said.

The middle-aged man took a look, his expression remained calm, and he seemed not surprised by the result.

He just picked up the white jade tea cup and took a sip.

Sandalwood is lit on the tea table, which brings peace of mind.

"Shuya, you are already a big girl, how can you act so gracefully?"

The man first gave a lesson and put down the tea cup before continuing.

"If the rumors are true, the Iron Man Martial Arts Association did what happened in the British Concession that night, then there must be experts behind them."

"In addition, the Iron Man Martial Arts Association also built a training ground to train private soldiers in the new army model."

"The number is as high as more than five hundred."

"Yi Guangxin, the prefect of Jinmen, turned a blind eye to this."

"I've been observing a lot in the past few days."

"The other party's training methods are far more clever and rigorous than what we learned from Hank Guo."

"It's not simple, it's not simple."

After saying two things in a row, the middle-aged man remained silent.

"Dad, are you going to start calling soon?"

"Are those Tianping troops really that powerful?"

The girl sitting opposite asked again, a little confused and a little reluctant.

Hearing this, the man shook his head.

"Tian Ping Army?"

"They're just a bunch of chickens and dogs!"

"What's difficult is the English people behind them."

"The missionaries who are active in the team also have all kinds of new firearms."

"Our factory in Tianqing has already lagged behind."

"After all, those things come from foreigners, and how can foreigners, as invaders, hand over real good things."

"Now the land and sea are in danger."

"The four major naval divisions do have some good warships."

"But military spending is tight, and Lafayette never liked spending money on military affairs."

"The Beiyang Navy is still using sand-filled artillery shells for training."

"The navy of Fujian Province is well-trained, but its ships are no match for the demons. Now they are facing off against the French fleet, and their chances of winning are extremely low."

"The Guangdong Navy now exists in name only."

"As for the Nanyang Navy, it is even worse than the Beiyang Navy."

"The land is surrounded by jackals, and the Rakshasa wolves in the north are ambitious."

"In addition, the Tianping Army is surging."

"The foreigners did not leave us any chance to breathe and develop."

"If there were fifty years, no, only thirty years of stable life."

"I, Tianqing, will never be so passive!"

"Think about Yingzhou, it's only been a few decades since America joined Hong Kong."

“There’s been a sea change.”

The man sighed.

There is infinite sadness in the words.

The young girl snorted.

"The restructuring of Yingzhou is a sign of Emperor Ying's courage."

"Our Lafayette..."

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