I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 203 Chapter 0198: Explosion and hope, a place of broken void [Please subscribe]

"Is it over like this...?"

Zhang Yuening's voice sounded on the intercom.

The tone was very complicated, more like emotion after a shock.

Even though she had already seen the power of technological weapons, what happened tonight still gave her an unreal feeling.

The nine brilliant orange flames look like orange "mung beans" from an altitude of 7,500 meters.

They represent the blooming of death.

"Gudong..." Zhang Zhenyu's throat slid and he made a sound of swallowing saliva.

Soon it turned into choking again.

"If these weapons had been available."

"Daddy will not die..."

The easier tonight's battle gets, the less worth the sacrifices of the past seem.

The contrast is huge.

Rosen shook his head, he understood what the brother and sister were thinking.

However, this is not the time to feel sad about spring and autumn.

"Let's go, it's time to find the Blood Spirit Fleet."

"The coordinate parameters given by Qinghong are lagging."

"But the areas they've traveled to recently have been fixed."

His words brought the brother and sister back to their senses.

The Eye of the Sky drone located below fed back the picture after the explosion.

All nine guild halls in the concession area were destroyed. Among them, the Yingzhou and Hanke concession guild halls had hidden fortifications underground.

There were also many concession soldiers patrolling around and survived.

But it doesn't matter, the goal of this trip has basically been achieved.

The demon's middle and lower-level officers in Jinmen definitely suffered heavy losses.

The next most urgent task is to destroy the Blood Spirit Fleet, so that England's deterrent effect on the northern coast of Tianqing will be greatly reduced.

After a circle of scanning and observation, the Eye of the Celestial Sphere automatically returned, retracted the external module, and reshaped itself into a square box that was attached to the bottom of the bird's cabin.

Xiaowei No. 1, who was in charge of driving, received new instructions and immediately turned the rudder.

After a beautiful side push and turn, it flew in the designated direction.

It is not easy to find the Blood Spirit Fleet on the vast sea.

This is especially true in the absence of sophisticated maps.

They are currently using charts drawn by the Tianqing court for more than 20 years.

The only good news is that the Blood Spirit fleet will definitely not be able to escape in a short time.

With the advantage of mobility to search the designated area, it is only a matter of time before the location of the Blood Spirit Fleet is discovered.

The demon used technology to completely suppress Tianqing.

Rosen also used technological differences to suppress the demon.

The whole chain has long since been turned upside down.

Now, he is the hunter!

Jinmen, port area.

Thirty young people carrying baggage came here in batches.

Their appearance attracted the attention of some members of the Foot Gang.

It turned out that the port was the territory of the Red Shark Gang, and the Tian family and his son were following the foreigners.

However, after the Tian family father and son were executed, the new gang leader Xu Cangsong brought order to the chaos.

Change the name of the Red Shark Gang back to the original Foot Gang.

Today's footwear is quite low-key, neither cooperating with foreigners nor shouting anti-foreign slogans.

Because the port cannot be separated from the footband, and the footband cannot be separated from the port.

The relationship between the two is like water and fish.

Facing these suspicious young men, the warriors of the Foot Gang began to become selectively blind.

Don’t participate, don’t support, don’t oppose.

This is the core strategy of the foot gang today.

The port area is still under the jurisdiction of the Jinmen government, and patrol teams and government soldiers patrol here regularly.

Because this is also a place where some foreign warships, especially low-displacement gunboats and torpedo destroyers, often berth.

This move is mainly to cope with the Gu whistle point while maintaining continued deterrence against Tianjin.

This situation has continued since the Battle of Gukou until now.

You can often see foreign sailors gathering together at those ports.

Defense is nowhere near as good as the concession area.

Thirty Iron Warriors entered the port in pieces.

They activated the light deflection field in the dark.

The whole person's figure immediately became blurry.

It moved like a ghost under the cover of night.

There are currently nineteen foreign ships moored at the port.

Among them were five wooden-hulled horizontal-masted supply ships.

Nine gunboats of various types and five torpedo destroyers.

In addition to the English ships, several of these ships are from Japan and Hank.

Basically in a state of rest.

The iron warriors who participated in this operation were all young and proficient in water skills.

They often have close relatives die at the hands of foreigners.

When I joined the martial arts association, I was alone and had no followers.

Many people still learned their martial arts from those rural martial arts masters.

Most young people's martial arts cultivation has not exceeded skin training, and they are relatively reliable.

Hatred is the best driving force, better than a thousand words to beat the blood.

Entering the water from a remote port, thirty iron warriors swam towards the targets determined in advance.

The light deflection force field can still take effect after entering the water.

Especially when diving several meters underwater, it can effectively cover the bubbles and ripples produced during diving.

With just a short covering, all traces of the water surface will disappear.

When you get under the ship, the magnetic remote-controlled bomb can be attached to any position.

As for those wooden-hulled supply ships, it would be easier to solve.

The steering wheel at the stern of the ship already has a groove, and the bomb can be dropped directly into it.

Anyway, these bombs are waterproof for a short time.

All the remote-controlled bombs were quickly installed, and the process was very smooth.

Among them, those torpedo destroyers with larger displacement basically have two bombs placed on each one.

The excess was conveniently thrown onto the baggage piles piled by foreigners at the dock waiting for subsequent loading.

After completing the deployment of the bombs, all the Iron Warriors swam to the Haihe River along the waterway of the dock, and then landed at a small port two or three miles away from the dock area.

The person holding the detonator was a young warrior named Dong Tianshi.

He has a dark face and no beard, and has the temperament of a country boy.

His eyes were particularly determined.

His father was Zhang Yuntian's disciple, and he also died on the Gukou battlefield.

After learning that the Zhang Family Martial Arts School had not only not been stripped of its plaque, but had also developed into an Iron Man Martial Arts Association, Dong Tianshi immediately came to join him with several of his companions.

After officially joining the Iron Man Martial Arts Association, it was because of the factors of his parents.

His trust rating is relatively high.

Dong Tianshi is the leader of this operation.

Everyone came ashore wet, their night clothes clinging to their skin.

Water droplets slid along the folds to the ground, and almost everyone had a small pool of wetness under their bodies.

Find clothes prepared in advance from the shore.

Dong Tianshi lit a fire pit by the port, and everyone changed clothes rustlingly.

Holding the detonator in his hand, Dong Tianshi felt a little nervous.

Since Zhang Zhenyu talked to him last night, he has seen many things that subvert his cognition.

Until this moment, he still had some unreal feelings in his heart.

Dong Tianshi did not change his clothes, but stood quietly on the spot, raising his neck slightly and looking in the distance towards the concession area.

He seemed to be waiting, also seemed to be expecting something

About a quarter of an hour later, the sky in the distance suddenly lit up with orange light.

Due to the obstruction of the terrain and houses, he could not see the specific situation clearly, but Dong Tianshi's eyes lit up.

First, there was a halo of light reflecting the night in the distance, followed by the roar of explosions one after another.

When the violent explosion reached here, it was like rolling and resounding thunder.

"Iron Man Martial Arts Association..."

He murmured to himself, seeing hope of revenge for his father.

Immediately, his thumb pressed the detonation button hard.

After a delay of about half a second, a series of explosions also came from the port area.

Taking a deep breath, Dong Tianshi showed a smile.

Before he knew it, all his fellow travelers were standing behind him.

There was an inexplicable sense of belonging in everyone's heart.

By now, they all understand that the people behind the Iron Man Martial Arts Association are definitely not the Zhang family brothers and sisters.

But no matter who is behind the scenes, these young rural warriors are willing to serve him.

Because they see hope.

There was chaos in the port area.

The sturdy iron-clad destroyer was torn apart by the violent explosion.

The harsh sound of the heavy steel plates twisting was terrifying.

A huge gap was torn out of the blasted side, and the entire battleship was obviously deformed.

The water waves caused by the explosion were as high as several stories.

They fall back to the sea, creating rich, turbid white bubbles.

The damage to the large structure caused the watertight compartment to lose its due function. The most fatal thing was that the torpedoes in the ship were exploded. This was the root cause of the explosions one after another.

In the firelight, the figures of the foreign sailors and monsters were twisted and wailing.

There was no time to escape, and the fierce flames of the explosion and the secondary disintegration of steel pieces turned the battleship into purgatory.

As for the gunboats with smaller displacement, it is even worse.

They exploded into flaming metal remains.

Black powder and exploding projectiles caused dense black smoke to drift over the ship.

The flames even illuminated large areas of the sea.

The baggage on the shore was also detonated.

Most of the port area was reduced to a sea of ​​flames.

Many nearby merchant ships were affected, and shouts of "fire" were heard constantly.

But compared to the foreign warships that were accurately blasted, only a few were affected.

This series of actions all happened at the same moment.

But tonight, many people inside and outside Jinmen are destined to be unable to sleep.

at the same time.

Haicheng, Tianqing Branch of the English Academy of Sciences.

Marquis Bastien, who was sitting at his official desk and looking through the latest research reports, paused.

Then his eyes widened and his pale face turned red.


The next moment, it vomited out a large mouthful of blood as thick as pulp.

"Damn it... the blood shadow clone is destroyed!"

"That light... must be an actual "nuclear" weapon!"

The person who sits in the Academy of Sciences is the true body of Marquis Bastian.

After the blood shadow clone was killed, it also suffered a certain amount of trauma.

The most important thing is that it understands that the concession area in Tianjin is finished!

After regaining consciousness, it pressed the bell on the table.

Not long after, several vampire guards wearing high-collared cloaks came in and bowed.

"Quick, issue an emergency notice."

"All scientists moved into underground bunkers."

"Instruct Earl Sairaorg of Ji Province to send someone to Jinmen."

“The message is being delivered to several subdivisions in the South at the same time.”

Several vampire guards took the order and left.

Then Marquis Bastian stood up and came to the wall.

After twisting the candle holder on the wall twice, the entire wall slid sideways.

A narrow passage was revealed behind the wall.

Bastian entered the passage without stopping and came to a quiet study.

There is an upright cross coffin placed against the wall of the study.

"Child, what's wrong?"

When he stepped into the study, an old questioning voice came from the coffin.

After Bastian heard this voice, his uneasiness calmed down slightly, as if he had found his backbone.

It came to the coffin and knelt down respectfully, describing the situation at the same time.

After listening to its story, it took several minutes for the old voice in the coffin to appear again.

"The attack plan against Tianqing Kyoto must be adjusted. Maybe you should launch a thunderous offensive against Jinmen first to capture those reptiles from the Iron Man Martial Arts Association."

"And then torture the secrets out of their mouths..."

The old voice said calmly.

"Judging from your description, the other party has weapons technology that is beyond the times."

"This cannot be the situation that Tianqing should have."

"It reminds me of the legends left in ancient times..."

"The eternal emperor cut off our demonic roots. At that time, the late King Pendragon made two preparations in order to preserve his bloodline."

"First of all, he used most of his own royal blood to create the Pendragon Bauhinia Secret Realm."

"Another group of elite bloodlines were sent to find a way out in the Broken Void Land."

"Then the emperor went to the starry sky, and the broken land of the void was completely healed."

"Pendragon's ancestors fell and were annihilated, but they burned the fire for the continuation of the bloodline of future generations."

"Speaking of the Broken Void Land, at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the capitalists in the handicraft workshops suppressed the promotion of steam engines. At that time, the Broken Void Land was intermittently..."

"Well... I can't tell you about this yet. When you inherit your father's title, you will be qualified to know the whole story."

"Bastian, coordinate this matter well. If necessary, I will take action myself."

"The attack on Tianqing Kyoto can be carried out as usual, but the landing location needs to be changed.

"The war in the south is almost over."

As if realizing that he had spoken too much, the old voice stopped talking.

There was still blood on the corners of Marquis Bastian's mouth, and he looked a little surprised.

The so-called Broken Void is a strange sea area.

It is located in the Scottish Sea between England and Scotland.

The area with a radius of more than a hundred nautical miles is shrouded in fog that is so thick that it cannot be broken away all year round.

It is easy for a ship to get lost in it.

Legend has it that it can lead to the unknown void.

The violent void storm can tear everything apart.

But more than two thousand years ago, there was a sudden bridge.

To this day, the sea area where the Broken Void Land is located is still one of the restricted areas.

But most of the monsters in England have forgotten that it exists.

There are more than one places with similar mysterious colors, but they are all silent.

The younger generations of monsters have no idea about these past events. Now it seems that it is definitely not simple there.

It even touches on the post-Industrial Revolution boom…

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