I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 216 Chapter 0211: Chaos? ,FAQ! 【Please subscribe】

Zou Xiao said in a calm tone.

In this era of universal birth, even swordsmen are paying attention to the current situation.

In fact, after seeing the strength of high-level warriors, Rosen felt that his mind was a little confused.

But he didn't raise doubts rashly.

For Tianqing's extraordinary beings, even nuclear bombs and other atomic weapons cannot be the final word.

However, his previous actions against foreigners seemed to be unstoppable.

There seems to be some contradiction?

Now that he heard Zou Xiao talking about the current situation and the situation in the court, Rosen felt a glimmer of enlightenment in his heart.


Not messy.

It can even be said that there has never been any chaos.

Before this, the demons he dealt with were generally of six lines and below.

And those ironclad ships are not purely extraordinary products.

After being hit by a nuclear bomb, it will be silent.

So the chaos is never the situation, but the blinded thinking.

The nuclear bomb is not weak, at least at a certain level, it is still explosive.

But it doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want in this world with just one nuclear bomb.

If the levels of a world are compared to a pyramid.

So what nuclear bombs can threaten is the levels below the top of the tower.

Very strong, but not to the point of shaking the entire pyramid.

Back to that clichéd topic that cannot be ignored.

This is an extraordinary world.

If you practice for hundreds of years, you won't even be able to withstand a nuclear bomb.

It's better not to be extraordinary, why not go to the wasteland with him to learn to repair the Holy Shield system.

Rosen looked enlightened without realizing it.

He is still young and still has a lot to learn.

But this kind of worry is actually not his turn to worry about.

After all, there are two worlds on the back, and no one stipulates that practicing martial arts and refining gods means you can't play with nuclear bombs.

Even if he becomes an innate or a strong man with a golden body in the future, he can still play with mushrooms.

I'm a majestic Golden Body Realm warrior, so it's reasonable to throw a mushroom in my opponent's face at the beginning, right?

Weapons have no level restrictions.

The biggest advantage of technological weapons is that they can be used at any time.

Seeing the change in Rosen's eyes, Zou Xiao thought he was still worried about Lafayette.

When he was about to open his mouth to say something more.

Rosen suddenly raised his head, raised his hands and asked respectfully.

"Senior Zou."

"Junior, I have a question that has been bothering me for a long time. I don't know whether I should ask it or not?"

Hearing this, Zou Xiao took a sip of tea and raised his chin slightly.

"Ask whatever you want."

"As long as it's a question I can answer, I will tell you the answer."

Rosen nodded lightly and quickly raised his doubts.

"This junior has discovered that in coastal areas, there are very few high-level monsters involved in the battle."

"Including Tianqing's side, warriors and overhauls above level six don't seem to often participate in official battles between the two sides."

This question made Zou Xiao narrow his eyes and bring up a smile.

"Ha ha."

"No wonder you're confused."

"The martial arts schools here in Jinmen are mostly the result of the branches and leaves of those sect masters."

"Therefore, there is no most authentic sect inheritance."

"Actually, of course the foreigners have high-level demons to suppress them."

"And those sneaky things are not weak!"

"They are all real old monsters who have lived for hundreds or even thousands of years."

"Demons are different from warriors or monks like us."

"They value the so-called bloodline more."

"The demons in ancient times are not comparable in strength to those crooked melons and split dates today."

At the end of the sentence, Zou Xiao's tone became a little heavy.

"But when it comes to the ancient times, we in Central Continent are even more outstanding."

"At that time, all newborn babies had the power of the Nine Cauldrons."

"No ordinary person, not even an idle village woman, can exert tens of thousands of kilograms of brute force with one arm!"

As soon as these words came out, Rosen secretly clicked his tongue.

Isn’t this two-way degeneration, or the end of the Dharma?

"Senior Zou, is the current situation really what the classics say?"

"Is there some kind of rule deficiency?"

This question made Zou Xiao look at Rosen thoughtfully.

After pondering for a while, he answered.

"So be it."

"But the situation in Central Continent is slightly different from that of demons."

"The roots of demons were cut off by the First Emperor, while the source of the soul and martial arts of Zhongzhou were sealed before the First Emperor ascended to the stars."

"Based on some allusions and legends I've read."

"The First Emperor once gathered all the gold and magical weapons in the world to create the powerful Twelve Golden Men."

"The golden man has not left."

"They guard a door."

"There is a sealed soul and source of martial arts in that door."

"Of course, this is just a legend. No one has ever seen that door."

"And the First Emperor is the Supreme Yang God with both soul and martial arts. He can truly see through time and space and is an omnipotent being."

"Cultivation of soul and martial arts is the great way, but no one after the First Emperor has been able to truly achieve this, because it is too difficult!"

"After the First Emperor went to the stars, there was a period of chaos."

"Many inheritances and classics were lost."

"The First Emperor also burned many precious secret books before leaving."

Zou Xiao took another sip of tea. Rosen's question obviously aroused some of his thoughts.

When talking about these situations, there are corresponding historical reasons.

At this point in the conversation, it seemed that Zou Xiao did not answer his question directly.

But Rosen had already guessed the answer.

Whether it's the demon or Tianqing's side.

There must be some kind of restriction on the high-level combat power of both sides or another battlefield that he didn't know about.

"I see…"

Rosen murmured.

At this time, Zou Xiao put down the tea cup and said seriously.

"The battle between Tianqing and foreign monsters has never stopped."

"It's just that the strong have another battlefield."

"Those battlefields can also be called the secret realm of heaven and earth."

"There are many things to say about the secret realm."

"When you reach the peak of the Xiantian realm and start to absorb gold and temper your body, you will naturally understand everything."

"So the game between the two parties is limited to a certain level."

"However, this restriction is not absolute."

"We and the other party's ancient demon are the finale."

"As long as the other party sends out a big demon, we can also take action."

Zou Xiao opened the conversation and talked about more details.

"When those ancient demons were born, the demon roots gave them many difficult characteristics. However, the later demons not only had their bloodline degraded greatly, but also lost those powerful abilities."

"Logically speaking, Tian Qing shouldn't have been beaten so badly."

"The main thing is that foreigners have pioneered a new path in strange and obscene techniques."

"Just like...your iron man."

"Do you know why, strange skills can give you an advantage in a general battle?"

Zou smiled pointedly and threw the question back to Rosen, with a smile on his lips.

Rosen has also thought about this issue.

He answered without thinking.

"Because technology can spread quickly."

"Foreigners' factories can produce large quantities of guns and ammunition every day."

"They can still quickly kill ordinary people, low-level warriors and monks."

"It often takes a lot of time and resources to cultivate a strong person here in Tianqing."

Supernatural power does not come without a price.

The power of this resource itself has limitations.

But technology has the characteristics of popularization and productivity improvement.

During the emergency mobilization during the war in the wasteland.

Major military factories can roll out thousands of sets of power armor every day.

The powerful power armor legion is still a torrent of steel here. With the help of weapons, it is no problem to crush the warriors under the six realms.

In short, the same amount of time.

When raw materials, energy, production equipment and technology are sufficient.

Technological productivity can produce 10,000 or more power armors in a short period of time.

Can extraordinary productivity quickly cultivate 10,000 great martial arts masters in the Marrow Condensation Realm?

It cannot be said that it is completely impossible, I can only say that the possibility is extremely low.

After all, the extraordinary system of the Eight Desolate Realms is essentially resources, or it can be said to be accumulation type.

Rosen benefited a lot from chatting with Zou Xiao today.

The Eagle Strike Battalion was left out.

After all, Jin Shen is a strong man in the eighth realm, and he is currently at the ceiling level of martial arts combat power.

There really is no need to give the Eagle Strike Battalion too much face.

The other party did not have the courage to face the difficulties.

If he really took action, it would definitely not be Zou Xiao who would be in trouble but Eagle Strike Camp.

Looking at it now, high-level warriors and monks should be more understanding than most people.

But so far, no one has gone against the court.

There may be other constraints.

Qinghong will come forward, including Zou Xiao's efforts to protect it, not for no reason.

I'm afraid it's still for gold.

After all, gold is a necessary thing to enter the golden body.

Just when Rosen was thinking to himself.

Zou Xiao suddenly stood up.


Rosen asked quickly, it would be advantageous to assume a weak posture at this time.

Zou Xiao frowned slightly.

"The foreigners are coming."

"a lot of."

He stepped lightly and stepped out of the martial arts hall in an instant, as elegant as a gust of wind.

Rosen followed closely behind, looking at the distant sky.

It was only ten minutes in the morning and the weather was bright and sunny.

But the sky in the south was unusually gray.

It looks like a tide moving from far to near.

The gray line approached very quickly.

In just a few minutes, they came to a stop more than thirty miles away from Jinmen.

From Rosen's perspective, it was a large gray fog.

The means or treasures that can carry people on a large scale are generally like this. From the appearance, they are either clouds or fog.

The mist was billowing, but more details couldn't be seen clearly.

Zou Xiao's expression became serious.

"Here comes an old demon, at least tens of thousands of foreign soldiers, and thousands of vampires with six lines and below."

"We can't stay here any longer."

"I'll take you away."

he said loudly.

When facing the Eagle Strike Battalion, Zou Xiao could use face brushing to solve the problem.

But this time the foreigners came with great force and planned to conquer this place. If Zou Xiao took action, he would inevitably bear the risk.

For him, the best solution is to take Rosen away directly.

But Rosen shook his head firmly,

There was a different light shining in his eyes.

After learning more about the situation, he had a completely different idea.

This battle still has to be fought.

Hit with one punch to avoid hundreds of punches coming.

At the end of this battle, he is the well-deserved king of Jinmen!

Neither foreigners nor the imperial court dared to act rashly against him!

"Please ask Senior Zou to take action once more!"

"Juniors are willing to pay enough."

"As long as the seniors can contain the opponent's big monster, the juniors will be sure to deal with most of the remaining foreign soldiers and monsters!"

Rosen's tone was firm.

Zou Xiao raised his eyebrows, hesitated to speak at first, and finally turned into a smile.

"300 taels of gold and 200 taels of silver."


He made an offer directly, and Rosen agreed without hesitation.

There is no resource-based extraordinary person who treats external objects as dirt.

It just depends on whether the price is suitable or not.

Gold and mercury are both hard currencies.

Zou Xiao was willing to make a direct offer without deliberately holding back, so he was already considered a straightforward person.

So Rosen was also unambiguous and gave an accurate answer.

"Are you really sure you can deal with so many foreign soldiers and low-level demons?"

Zou Xiaodan asked.

Rosen's expression turned grim at this time.

"I can use the power of the sun..."

Without explaining much, Rosen re-entered the K-0 power armor.

He took out a 10,000-ton fission bomb with his backhand.

His strategy is simple.

That is, the eldest brother who is not afraid of nuclear bombs is left to Zou Xiao to deal with.

And he used the range of nuclear bombs to destroy the effective forces of the foreigners.

As for the Eagle Attack Camp outside, let them dry out again.

If Zou Xiao takes action, they will definitely not dare to stab him in the back.

Otherwise, it will inevitably arouse the anger of the Qinghong Club.

Rosen has already understood some of this obvious check and balance.

"The time of a stick of incense."

"I will hold down the big demon there for you for a stick of incense."

"As expected, it should be the old ghost who comes."

"Its vitality is extremely tenacious, and it is not afraid of the cutting of true energy and the erosion of liquid silver."

"It takes some effort to kill it, but entangling it isn't a problem."

Rosen nodded silently and activated the optical deflection field.

Zou Xiao is not talking nonsense.

He stamped one foot, and spiderweb-like cracks and depressions suddenly appeared on the ground.

And his whole body turned into a thunderbolt and shot towards the distance.

At this time, the black cloud was puffing out and releasing the foreign soldiers.

Rosen ordered the surviving Iron Man recruits to enter the underground bunker that had been built before.

The remote-controlled weapons station was also retracted underground.

The situation in the distance was also seen by the six Xiantian realm masters of the Eagle Strike Camp and Prince Kang.

They certainly didn't act rashly.

From the moment Zou Xiao appeared, it meant that Lafayette's decree could not be accomplished.

The Qinghonghui, a prickly association, was too involved, and it was difficult for the court to suppress it.

What's more, the governors from various places have a tendency to disobey orders.

All they can do now is stay here and wait for a reply from the capital.

However, Zou Xiao, who suddenly rose into the sky, caught their attention.

In the Xiantian realm, one can walk through the air, and in the Golden Body realm, one can fly at hypersonic speeds.

Without covering up his figure, he looked powerful.

Just the "rumbling" sound of the sonic boom made everyone feel shuddering in their hearts.

With such a strong posture, does it mean that the swordsman Zou Xiao will face the big monster and thousands of foreign troops for the Iron Man Martial Arts Tournament?

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