I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 222 Chapter 0217: Cixi’s speculation, gray time domain and radiation changes [Please subscri

Galeries Lafayette is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

After the death of the late emperor, her ambition was completely exposed.

Before his death, Xianfeng thought about giving Cixi death.

The emperors of Tianqing, no matter which dynasty or generation they were in, were always full of martial virtue.

Even when choosing a prince, most of the time the talent for martial arts and god refining is taken into consideration.

In the Bahuang Realm, strength is far more important than the ability to govern the country.

It is worth mentioning that many old emperors of this dynasty would take the initiative to abdicate at a certain age and go to the so-called "Longxing Land" outside the pass to retreat for a long time.

He has not been born for hundreds of years and does not care about world affairs.

This is true even if a foreign enemy invades, unless they attack the tribe outside the customs.

Otherwise they will not come out.

In this world, there is no incense to become a god, and it is meaningless to gather the will of all people.

The royal family established a dynasty essentially to consolidate the national destiny and facilitate access to cultivation resources.

At its core, the dynasty is no different from those sects and associations.

It’s just that the stalls are bigger.

Another theory is that since the departure of the First Emperor, the faiths of all peoples can no longer gather together.

However, some sages have made deductions and speculations, believing that the fate of the country and the trust of the people still exist.

They may even be the key to condensing the soul martial arts and becoming the Supreme Yang God.

Moreover, the dynasty is the foundation of the people and the country. There is never a shortage of people who want to be emperors in this world.

It's just that after practicing the soul martial arts to the extreme, he can condense the Supreme Yang God.

Even within the separate lineage of martial arts and god refining, fewer and fewer people can reach the ninth level.

In the past two or three hundred years, not even one person has become a martial saint or a yin god.

No one can try at all, the role of incense and faith.

Talking back to Cixi, she was originally just an ordinary beautiful girl, but later she was spotted by Xianfeng and selected as a nobleman.

To become Xianfeng's favorite woman in the future is enough to illustrate her skill.

The ghost place in the harem is not a playground. The overt and covert fights in it are more brutal than the fighting in the rivers and lakes.

Emperor Xianfeng's health was deteriorating, and one of his princes was extremely talented but still young.

In order to prevent Sichen's situation from happening, Sushun, the minister at the time, suggested that Xianfeng follow the example of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and grant Cixi's death in the same way that he killed Lady Gouyi.

This made Xianfeng hesitate for a long time.

After Cixi found out about this, she pretended not to know and used retreat as an opportunity to advance.

Every time he was in front of the emperor's hospital bed, he would hold his child in his arms and his eyes would be filled with tears.

This made Xianfeng extremely intolerable, and in the end he did not order her death.

Before his death, Xianfeng dictated the imperial edict, and the six-year-old prince Zaichun succeeded him as emperor.

In order to prevent powerful officials from controlling the government, he ordered eight ministers to assist in the government to check each other.

Cixi's mother and son were also given two seals as a pass for the decision to take effect to restrain the eight ministers.

At this point, Cixi became the legitimate empress dowager and began to control the government.

However, Cixi, who was well versed in the strategies of power struggles, immediately saw the loopholes in Xianfeng's arrangement.

The first is to completely ignore the extremely prestigious Prince Gong, and the second is to ignore the generals Seng Gelinqin and Shengbao who hold heavy troops.

Cixi took advantage of Minister Gu Ming's arrogance and domineering to annoy the old minister, and at the same time secretly contacted Prince Gong and gave him the perfect win-win condition "Prince of Political Affairs"!

In the end, he completely seized power through a straightforward Xinyou Incident.

Originally, the little emperor wanted to hand over power when he grew up.

But time also means destiny.

The first little emperor died young, and the second little emperor lost the support of the conservatives and reformers because he was eager for reform.

Eventually the power fell into Cixi's hands again.

Cixi was ups and downs, and instead of always holding on to power, she took the opportunity to cultivate herself with the resources of the royal family.

On the contrary, he really found a way to refine the gods and successfully survived the catastrophe of the blazing sun.

Looking back on the journey, it can be said that every step is startling.

There is luck and personal choices. It is no exaggeration to say that she is a girl of luck.

But the country is about to collapse, and the gap between agricultural countries and industrial countries is not so easy to bridge.

In addition, Cixi now spends most of her thoughts on how to go further.

She found a mysterious black-patterned book in the palace secret vault.

A secret method is recorded in it.

Faith can be used to a certain extent, but what can be invoked is not formal faith.

But black faith, something like infamy and curse.

According to the above records, undertaking serious beliefs is not only about blessing all people.

You also have to bear the cause and effect of your faith, but black faith does not require it.

Therefore, it is simpler to call it. It is 70% feasible to match the Yang Tribulation Realm with a specific ritual.

By using black faith to get through the last link, you can easily become an infinite Yin God.

This record is indeed biased and contains deep hidden dangers.

Cixi knew this, but had no choice.

Because when she became a strong person in the Yang Tribulation Realm, she understood that the possibility of becoming an infinite Yin God through normal cultivation is very low.

The changes in the rules of heaven and earth gave her almost no chance to take that step again.

Many old ghosts in seclusion are thinking of ways.

However, life span is limited.

In addition, disaster is quietly coming to the entire Eight Wilderness Realm.

Maybe in a few decades, maybe in two or three hundred years.

Time is no longer on their side, old monsters like them.

This is one of the reasons why foreigners began to plunder wildly.

Therefore, half of Cixi's notoriety was intentional, and the other half was indeed her own doing.

Because Cixi didn't care about the rise and fall of the dynasty at all.

There are many inside stories, which are not enough to explain to outsiders.

But the young master named Yu Zhen knew a lot of relevant things.

I saw him put on a long gown.

He just sat on the wooden chair opposite the couch with his arms open.

He picked up the wine glass and took a sip first while looking thoughtful.

As one of Lafayette's favorite faces recently, he knows his position very well.

After putting down the wine glass, Yu Zhen answered Lafayette's question in a strict and careful tone.


"Judging from the information obtained by the secret guards I sent."

"That explosion was probably caused by a mundane weapon."

"The Iron Man Martial Arts Association in Jinmen has strange armors and firearms that are superior to those of foreigners."

The paleness on Yu Zhen's face receded slightly, and after all, he was half a golden body.

The bones in this body are still quite strong and not easily squeezed dry.

Hearing what he said, Lafayette moved his graceful figure slightly, exhaled a puff of hazy and intoxicating smoke, and then spoke.

"Mortal weapons?"

"The power of the explosion would probably level the Purple Gold City without the protection of the talisman array."

"What ordinary weapon can be so terrifyingly powerful?"

Lafayette shook his head, obviously skeptical of this statement.

Yu Zhen frowned, he didn't know what kind of weapon it was.

These are just his speculations, and only the parties involved know more details.

Tianqing is very weak on the technology side.

The reform has been going on for decades, but it has not achieved anything great.

The same goes for learning skills from foreigners.

New schools were opened again and again, and many factories imitating the West were set up.

Machines and weapons continue to be imported.

But the technical background is still far from that of the West.

Traditional Tianqing Chinese studies are too conservative and moderate.

Under the influence of this major trend of thought, students who graduated from new-style schools also lacked the spirit of pioneering and enterprising. Their ability to accept new things was stronger than that of ordinary people, but far weaker than that of Western scholars.

Under such circumstances, it would take at least 180 years of development to catch up.

I saw Yu Zhen thinking for a moment and answered in an uncertain tone.


"The foreigners' armored battleships have huge cannons that can blast a crater with a radius of more than ten feet."

"Recently, England has also developed a larger rail gun."

"If the caliber of the giant cannon can be increased thousands of times, the shells fired will almost reach the power of the Jinmen explosion."

Yu Zhen thought about it and found that this was the most logical explanation.

But he saw Empress Dowager Cixi laughing frivolously.

"Increase the caliber thousands of times, cluck..."

"You, you, are always so wild and unconstrained."

"That's all, you can go with the Ai family in person tomorrow."

"Aijia is tired. Let's rest for a while. It's not too late to go back before noon."

Cixi yawned lazily and said in a nonchalant tone.

Immediately, he stretched out his white arm and hooked Yu Zhen.

The latter came to her very respectfully and slowly lowered his head.

On the outskirts of Jinmen, the scene of the nuclear explosion.

Rosen is still wearing the K-0 power armor.

But at some point, he changed into a cross-legged sitting position.

His spiritual thoughts spread out like tentacles, constantly absorbing radiation.

In order not to affect the experiment, he had changed positions several times.

Currently, he is located more than ten feet away from the spies.

Fortunately, this strange radiation absorption process did not last long.

Because the [Gray Time Domain] is finally lit up!

Rosen took a deep breath, feeling a little nervous and expectant.

For this new option that suddenly appeared after experiencing a close-range nuclear explosion.

He was actually a little unsure.

But after all, they are all based on ancient keys.

Most likely it will be beneficial and harmless.

No matter what, give it a try first.

Rosen made up his mind, and immediately moved his mind to communicate the options of [Gray Time Domain] with his own thoughts.

In an instant, the ancient key within his consciousness burst into light.

Then, with himself as the center, a force field suddenly spread out.

This force field covered a spherical area of ​​about three to four feet around him, completely isolating the inside and outside.

For a moment, Rosen felt nothing but silence.

External sound sources captured by the K-0's receiver almost disappear.

He just stayed alone in this gray force field.

Rosen in the power armor was stunned.

Because he saw the elite Iron Man who was patrolling a few hundred meters away, and his movements at least slowed down a hundred times!

This is a more obvious slowdown than the super-sensible state.

At the same time, a countdown appeared inside and outside the force field.

The countdown inside the force field appears light gray and counts down from 1200 seconds. The time sequence passes at a normal speed.

The countdown outside was dark black and started counting down from 10 seconds. More than ten seconds had passed in the force field from just now to now, but the countdown outside still didn't even count down to 1 second.

But now the conclusion is obvious.

[Gray Time Domain] has the power to adjust timing.

But it should be limited to the force field.

Time is a type of data that requires a frame of reference to be reflected.

Externally, any action of Rosen inside was accelerated 120 times.

Think about it, if Rosen held a gun and fired continuously for 1200 seconds in a force field.

These 1200 seconds will be condensed into 10 seconds in the outside world. Isn't this an artificial "metal storm"?

And this is just one of many possible applications.

Internally, Rosen's time is slowed down. He can do 1,200 seconds of work in 10 seconds outside, and he even has time to boil water and make tea.


Rosen's eyebrows lit up.

Actively tried to disperse the force field with his thoughts.

After his thought, the force field disappeared.

At the same time, less than a second passed in the outside world.

But he felt that there was a certain loss of spiritual thoughts.

Judging from this loss, after ten seconds from the outside world, his spiritual energy will be on the verge of exhaustion.

Does this mean that the duration of the force field is related to the total amount of his spiritual thoughts?

Of course, this is just a guess.

In addition, there are other details that need to be studied regarding the targets that the force field can cover.

After he dispersed the force field, he found that the [Gray Time Domain] had not returned to gray silence and could still be activated. It seemed that this function was completely anchored.

This is a great joy for Rosen.

He stood up slowly, planning to study it carefully later.

Then I focused on radiation testing.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The first hour passed.

All the spies looked the same, and all of them even had red skin, which was a sign of active qi and blood.

The situation occurred in the second hour.

Those spies who only had skin training skills suddenly had something strange happen halfway through the second hour.

They suddenly had difficulty breathing, and the muscles on their bodies swayed and bounced unconsciously, as if there was a built-in motor device.

This situation did not last long, only a few breaths.

The ends of their joints were so fierce that bone spurs popped out.

The face also became distorted and crooked.

Areas rich in glands, such as the neck and abdomen, begin to bulge and swell.

Everyone became frantic and roared.

Rosen filmed this scene with a recording device separated by a transparent shield inside the armor.

He chose to fire with a serious expression.

Electromagnetic sniper cannons and particle cannons swept through, wiping out all the mutant warriors within half a minute.

This scene frightened the other spies.

Originally, they felt the energy and blood in their bodies leaping, and they were a little happy.

This is a natural cultivation aid.

But what happened just now made them change their minds.

I am afraid that I will become like a human being or a ghost.

This is the real big fear.

Rosen collected the blood and flesh samples calmly.

The bodies of the mutants were also wrapped in body bags.

Taken away by the Iron Man Elite.

These are precious sample materials.

And he also roughly figured out some reasons.

At this time, Rosen turned the gun indifferently.

Aimed at the spies who were frightened.

His cold, tired voice came over the loudspeaker.

"Continue, otherwise I will kill you guys directly."

After recharging, the particle cannon's muzzle once again accumulated the glow of death.

This scares everyone.

[Well, again, this book is an imaginary extraordinary background. It is impossible to copy the official history. In addition, due to the existence of extraordinary powers, the time scale will also be different, so it does not make any historical discussion and does not represent any author's views. There are many doubtful points involving foreshadowing, which will be unfolded as the plot gradually unblocks]

[PS: I am really afraid of the debate party]

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