I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 225 Chapter 0220: The cunning Cixi, rare relaxation [Please subscribe]

Seeing is better than hearing a hundred times.

Rosen was very curious about this notorious Lafayette.

I want to see what is so special about her.

Judging from Zou Xiao's slightly wary reaction.

Lafayette is by no means an easy person to get along with.

And the individual's strength should not be weak.

The two Zhang brothers and sisters are still a little confused.

Originally, there was a lack of rest in the past few days. Not long after landing, people came one after another.

Each one is bigger than the other.

In the past, you couldn't see anyone, but now you always get together when you come.

Rosen slowly retreated behind the two of them without changing his expression.

In name only he is the vice president.

At this point, just keep trying to be a little transparent.

Although it is very likely that it will no longer be transparent.

The melodious palace music became louder as the golden jade phoenix car approached.

In the sky not far away, the luxurious and elegant phoenix carriage fell slowly.

This is a top-notch magic weapon.

The whole car is full of brilliance and can float in the air.

There were no accompanying eunuchs or maids.

First, a figure carrying a wild goose wing knife opened the bead curtain.

Then a beautiful woman in palace clothes floated out without her feet touching the ground.

There seems to be an invisible air current under your feet.

Occasionally, there are light golden lightning flashes.

The beautiful woman has high eyebrows and a natural and calm expression.

First he glanced at Rosen and others, and then focused his attention on Zou Xiao.

"Master Zou."

"I haven't seen you for a long time, but you are still so handsome."

"It seems that the Jiutian Cloud Sword has improved again."

She said in a clear voice.

Zou Xiao nodded gently and performed the court etiquette.

"Lafayette is still great."

"I first entered the Yang Tribulation Realm a few years ago."

"Now I can activate the Fierce Sun Golden Pattern at will."

He looked at the golden lines flashing under Lafayette's feet and praised.

In response, Cixi just smiled and did not continue to compliment each other politely.

Next to her, the white-faced swordsman carrying the Wild Goose Wing Sword was her face-souling jade-sword, and he was regarded as a confidant.

Seeing that the two of them had exchanged greetings, he reminded the three of them in a loud voice.

"Why don't you be polite when you see Lafayette?"

His tone was not too harsh, but there was an unspoken meaning in his words.

The Zhang brothers and sisters subconsciously wanted to bow down.

Rosen did not move.

Just when the two brothers and sisters were about to kneel down, Cixi waved her hand and showed a generous and generous smile.

"Private visit incognito, no need to be polite."

On the contrary, Yi Guangxin and others who came first suddenly knelt down.

It was only then that Cixi turned her head and glanced at Yi Guangxin and the others.

There is power in the eyes under the slender eyebrows.

"Prefect Yi and all the generals, if you don't stay at the Yamen, why did you come to the port?"

"Is it because you are dissatisfied with the Iron Man Martial Arts Association?"

"The Ai family tells you that the Iron Man Martial Arts Association has made great achievements in fighting foreign affairs!"

"That's why the Ai family wants to be heavily rewarded!"

She directly caused a wave of conflicts, overtly and covertly telling Yi Guangxin and others to get out.

As veteran officials, Yi Guangxin, Li Jingmin and others still couldn't hear the subtext in Lafayette's words, so they hurriedly bowed and left.

At this time, Lafayette returned to his smile.

She did not look at the Zhang brothers and sisters, but looked directly at Rosen who was standing behind them.

This made Luo couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"This old thing is really not easy to fool."

Zou Xiao also noticed this scene, the smile on his face remained unchanged, but his heart felt dark.

At close range, the golden body warrior can easily suppress the Yang Jie cultivator.

Using a magical metaphor, the former is a warrior and the latter is a mage.

However, the high-level monks have treacherous methods and have a mess of magic weapons around them.

If we really take action, no one can guarantee the result.

"Is this Vice President Luo?"

"So young."

"It is true that the sun rises red in the east and heroes emerge from youth."

Lafayette opened his mouth, and started with a wave of praise, making it difficult for people to find fault.

When Rosen heard this, he could only smile awkwardly but politely.

"Lafayette Miao praised it."

"The boy is not worthy of your compliment."

"I am able to make great progress in the great cause of anti-foreign affairs, thanks to the good training of my master."

You are polite, I am even more polite.

This is Rosen's strategy. Who doesn't know how to play haha?

He looked at Zou Xiao calmly.

The identity of master and disciple is clarified.

Inadvertently, he shook the purple cloud sword ring on his waist.

After all, he and Zou Xiao were really master and disciple.

Even if it's just a day, that's true.

Seeing this, Zou Xiao breathed a sigh of relief. Rosen is still smart.

Knowing that when adults are present, it is best for children to talk less and read more. It is a wise choice to bring the topic back to adults.


"Disciple, you still don't want to pay homage to Lafayette."

Zou Xiao took the initiative to speak. When Rosen heard the words, he understood instantly and made a warrior's salute like him.

The general idea is that if he returns to Yunjianmen, don't try to use the name of the imperial court and Lafayette to suppress him.

This scene made Lafayette curl up his lips.

"Then Master Zou has gained a good disciple."

"Ai family, let's keep the story short."

"Yesterday's battle was very satisfying."

"Sweeping away the decadence of the past can be called the greatest victory along the coast!"

"The Aijia must reward you!"

"Only in this way can the mother-in-law of Ai's family show her dignity to the world, and the court's rewards and punishments will be measured."

"After March, the spring season is the birthday banquet of the Ai family."

"When you come to the capital, the Aijia will reward you heavily to encourage righteous men from all walks of life for their anti-foreign deeds."

After that, she flicked her long sleeves and flew out another token with a yellow phoenix carved on it.

Good guy, all the powerful people who co-authored Tianqing like to stuff tokens?

Rosen was speechless.

I could only raise my hand to take it, and I had to bow and say thank you.

After giving the token, Lafayette looked at Zou Xiao again.

Invitations were also sent out.

Zou Xiao happily agreed to this.

Then Lafayette took the phoenix carriage and left decisively.

No probing, no verbal threats.

This is a very sociable woman, but she does not spend her time on running the dynasty.

After Lafayette left, Zou Xiao didn't talk too much about the matter.

He knew that Rosen should understand.

After experiencing these situations, the four of them lost interest in talking.

After Zou Xiao said goodbye, he began to work on Rosen's request.

Won the port area and sold the whistle point running relationship for him.

At the same time, Rosen was asked to rush to the sect in Yunjian Mountain within five days to report.

By the way, prepare for the apprenticeship ceremony at that time.

The Zhang brothers and sisters also received the invitation and seemed very excited.

Yunjianmen is a big sect!

The kind with a big family and a big business!

After completing the arrangements for the aftermath, Rosen chose to leave.

He returned to the wasteland temporarily.

On the Jinmen side, the Zhang brothers and sisters rested for a few hours and began to arrange reconstruction work.

At the very least, a place of residence must be restored first.

Rosen suddenly appeared in the nuclear-proof bunker below the camp.

After stretching and looking at the time, he decided to take a nap.

It's not good to keep spinning like this.

But before going to bed, he first handed over the two T-21 power armors to the machine repair room for maintenance.

Only then did I regain my sleep beautifully.

After I was completely full of sleep, it was evening.

Rosen took out clean water and washed his face, then went straight to the pharmaceutical workshop where Xiao Yunli was located.

It's still the bunker compartment, but after a while, there are many more tricks in it.

A lot of small equipment was added and a simple isolation room was planned.

A simple sterile room was created.

It can achieve almost 95% sterility, barely meeting the pre-war entry-level sterility requirements for pharmaceuticals.

It is not easy to do this under simple conditions.

Moreover, there were several more female apprentices in the workshop at this time.

Wearing a sterile isolation gown and goggles, he was mixing some kind of potion under Xiao Yunli's personal supervision. The camp had recently added several virtual reality cabins.

There are also many courses in science and engineering.

Begin to consciously train apprentices in related fields.

Rosen did not rush into the sterile compartment.

Just a gentle tap on the wall through the transparent closed curtain.

The vibration caught Xiao Yunli's attention. After he saw Rosen, he gently patted the apprentice's shoulder, and then walked out after a simple spray disinfection.


Xiao Yunli still had that calm expression on her face.

It seems that nothing can move this iceberg beauty.

"How is the preparation of the Plant Spirit Growth Liquid going?"

Rosen gets right to the point.

When he returned yesterday, he brought some fresh monkey brains.

That was what Zhang Zhenyu collected overnight before he took action in the Bahuang Realm.

There are many merchants selling mountain products in Tianqing.

There is a market for game and savage meat.

If you were not in a hurry to fight, it would not be difficult to collect the heads of ape-like beasts and savage beasts.

For the first few he got, Rosen brought Xiao Yunli to prepare the [Plant Spirit Growth Liquid] to practice his skills. He first made a sample so that he could later test the effect of the growth liquid on the medicinal herbs.

Faced with this question, Xiao Yunli nodded calmly.

"Prepared 376 ml."

"The effects and ingredients are consistent with the ratio in the document."

She said very strictly.

He immediately turned around and took out a sealed glass container from the thermostatic cabinet against the wall.

Glass, an inorganic material, is always the best choice for containing pharmaceuticals.

Rosen nodded, and then took away the small jar of [Spirit Planting Growth Liquid].

Wait until you return to the Bahuang Realm to test the effect.

The changes brought about by the growth rate of thousands of times are absolutely visible to the naked eye.

Therefore, whether [Plant Spirit Growth Liquid] is effective or not, you will know after giving it a try.

Then Rosen took away a batch of commonly used pharmaceuticals here in the wasteland, and told Xiao Yunli that she might need to prepare growth liquid in the future, so that she could be prepared.

Always make time for preparing growing solution.

After the arrangements were made, Rosen left and went to Tang Jing's weapons workshop to have a look.

The bunker has been moved there and a purpose-built building has been erected above ground.

Right next to the machine shop.

Tang Jing also found a few deputies, whose current main task is to repair and maintain the camp's own equipment.

It just so happened that Rosen now had a new task to give her.

That is to design a suppressed large-caliber machine gun.

The reference standard is still the bolt-action rifle from last time.

Smokeless powder ammunition can be used.

Rosen gave Tang Jing a week to complete this design plan.

The physical strength of the warrior can be used to advantage.

It doesn't matter if some weapons are stupid or dark.

A warrior can shoot it when he picks it up.

Taking advantage of the wasteland side, continue to strengthen a wave of conventional firepower from the Eight Wastelands side.

This is also to prepare for the future preparation of the Iron Man peripheral legion.

When the time comes, the elite confidants will directly use the advanced weapons from the wasteland.

The peripheral corps, which played a transitional role, was equipped with "original" weapons designed by Tang Jing.

Form differentiation and hierarchy.

I stayed in the weapons workshop for almost an hour.

Rosen went to deal with the recent messages again.

I have been paying attention to the developments in the Iron Tomb Camp and the Golden Sunshine Block in the past few days.

In almost four or five days it will be time for him to deliver the first batch of fresh ingredients.

He had to get this done before reporting to Yunjianmen.

Nothing major happened in the wasteland during this time.

The mobilization order for the Golden Sunshine District is still in progress, and the strategy for the Brood remains unchanged.

It’s just that two more brood nests have been breached recently.

There is no news of the mysterious force reappearing.

But the concentration of mysterious spores has not decreased.

Sampling and analysis results indicate that the spores are harmless.

Extracted spores have even been used to conduct various tests on heterogeneous species.

The conclusions drawn are consistent.

But when something goes wrong, there must be a monster.

There's definitely something more to this harmless-looking mysterious spore than anything else.

It's just that everyone hasn't found the trick and can't decipher its secrets.

Rosen did have some ideas, but he couldn't get a sample.

In today's urban ruins, the active density of alien species and ghouls has greatly increased.

There are also various chaotic armed forces operating in the area, including those in the neighborhoods.

Rosen doesn't have anything in short supply right now.

Therefore, the desire to explore is low and I don’t want to wade into muddy waters.

The campground changes every day, it can be said that it changes with each passing day.

Recently, refugees have begun to join us.

They volunteered to wear collars just for a bite to eat.

This is a good sign, and means that the camp has some influence in the surrounding area.

Perimeter defenses continued to improve.

The defensive strength is greatly enhanced.

There is a standard combat force of hundreds of people.

Mainly composed of slave armies.

The total population is heading toward 1,300 people.

There are also some signs of mutated fruit plantations.

This shrub crop grows quickly.

In just over half a month, they basically turned into clusters.

The overall situation is prosperous.

At the Iron Tomb Camp, the Rampage Oil Machine Regiment sent people over from time to time to "greet" them.

The main thing is to see if Rosen has run away, not much else.

Yuan Yewen didn't even leave a message for him.

Follow the principle that if you can run away from a monk, you cannot run away from a temple.

The camp became Rosen's biggest credit guarantee.

The safer it is here, the more confident he can be in accumulating extraordinary power in the Eight Desolate Realms.

Isn’t the true meaning of complementarity between the two worlds just that if the wheel in front does not turn, the wheel in the back will turn?

The wasteland is stable, and he develops in the Eight Wastelands Realm Lord.

When the Eight Wastelands are stabilized, he will come to wasteland to expand.

The two worlds can be whatever you want, whatever suits you.

Without mandatory task constraints, Rosen has rarely become more relaxed in the past few months.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, isn't this calmness and relaxation what he wants?

But this relief is still temporary.

Rosen still needs to keep working hard!

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