I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 228 Chapter 0223: Death Ray Cannon and Noah [Please subscribe]

Wasteland World, outside Golden Sunshine Street.

Rosen replaced the K-0 power armor and wore a combat-style Z2 exoskeleton.

Still dressed like an elite wastelander.

In front of you is the signboard of Golden Sunshine Street, and there is an oil painting style LOGO of the rising sun.

Since the end of the wind season, the weather around Shenhai has been good most of the time.

There are no more violent sandstorms in these two months, and sunny weather can often be seen.

Photos of nearby neighborhoods glistening in the sun.

In fact, there are many states of sunlight every day.

The early morning light is as gentle as water, firmly driving away the night.

The sunshine before noon is bright and cheerful, which makes people feel energetic.

The afternoon sun is as hot as fire, releasing energy to all things.

The evening light is dim and peaceful, with a hint of tiredness.

It was just before noon, and the white sunshine was particularly bright.

But Rosen didn't feel energetic. Instead, he was still a little uneasy.

The stronger the spiritual sense, the more I believe in the sixth sense that exists in the dark.

He always felt that something bad was going to happen.

So I stood there and thought silently for a while.

There should be some problem in the Bahuang Realm.

There is a high possibility that the foreign ghosts will remain evil.

There was no serious negotiation between the two parties, and there was no communication at all.

The ghost guys in England will only give in at best, and they will definitely not give up targeting him completely.

But when Rosen thought about this, his thoughts still didn't become clear.

That uneasy feeling is still there.

So he scanned the [Consciousness Space] and confirmed that the big killer weapon in his hand could be taken and used at will.

Then he took another step towards the checkpoints deployed on the outside of the neighborhood.

After successfully passing the checkpoint, he first went to find Otok.

During this time, he has been asking Otok to help collect more powerful weapons in the Hangzhou United District.

In addition to nuclear bombs that specialize in face-to-face killing, he began to turn his attention to weapons that were powerful for point-killing.

Especially beam energy weapons.

For example, larger-caliber particle cannons and plasma cannons.

There is also a special weapon placed on the tank before the war.

That weapon was still not widely available before the war.

It is a non-mass-produced experimental equipment, its performance is not very stable, and it has many shortcomings.

But in terms of lethality, it is definitely first-class.

This is a particle beam weapon, but it is different from a traditional particle cannon.

It can literally accelerate particle beams to nearly the speed of light.

It falls into the category where an attack is a hit.

This thing is a death ray cannon.

Until the war, its technology was not fully mature.

The Pan-Asian Alliance's research on death-ray cannons mainly focuses on the vehicle side and the space-based side.

"Death light", as the name suggests, bombards the target with non-neutral particles to produce a fragmentation effect.

In a sense, its destructive ability to a single object even exceeds that of a nuclear bomb.

It is also one of the few weapons that can directly destroy energy shields.

The pre-war Pan-Asian Alliance went furthest in the study of death rays.

Among them, the tank-style death ray cannon is Rosen's target.

There are still relevant reports in his memory.

Several tanks equipped with death ray cannons have been tested and improved at research institutes in Shenhai and Hangcheng.

The quantity should be between 30 and 50 vehicles.

There must be relevant samples in Hangcheng Liantong District.

Even getting it is a big problem for Ottok.

Rosen just wanted to try his luck.

If you have a death ray cannon.

It should be effective against things like military array light curtains.

He really hates those turtle shells.

This is true whether in the Eight Wastelands or in the wasteland.

The energy shield is too soft and hard to eat, it's really disgusting.

Even if you hit it hard with a nuclear bomb, it won't work.

Because even if the protective light curtain can only last one ten thousandth of a second, it is enough to help the people under the light curtain survive the damage of light radiation and shock waves.

The aftermath is not so scary.

Whether it is a wasteland warrior wearing powered armor or an extraordinary cultivator from the Eight Wastelands, there is a certain degree of confidence that he can survive it.

Of course, Bakuxin should be an exception.

The temperature there is the highest, even enough to melt the surface and form surging magma.

In order to deal with the shield turtle shell, Rosen must prepare some special things.

Nuclear bombs are powerful, but they also have great limitations. They are a good method for area-wide killing, but not necessarily for targeted killing.

Especially when used to deal with single extraordinary beings, it is indeed not that efficient.

Rosen is convinced of this.

In fact, it doesn't matter if you have shortcomings, no one in the world can be perfect.

If you find any shortcomings, just work hard to make them up.

In the underground fortifications of Old Jim's Shoe Store, Rosen met Otok who was shooting at the shooting range.

The two parties chatted for a while in the reception room with the crappy sofa.

Otok gave him two pieces of good news and one piece of bad news.

The first good news is that there are indeed death-ray tanks in the Hangcheng United District. There are seven in total, as well as two sets of separately disassembled death-ray cannon systems.

And these weapons and equipment are well maintained.

The second good news is that Otok found a fusion warhead from the military base on Blue Bay Island.

The equivalent capacity is estimated to be 1 million to 1.5 million tons.

Specific conclusions can only be drawn after disassembly and inspection.

It's just that the nuclear warhead was not loaded with a detonation device and lacked maintenance for a long time.

Mushroom bombs require a lot of maintenance.

In fact, after they are manufactured, most of the expenses are spent on maintenance.

Simply because most arsenals have an environment suitable for long-term storage of weapons.

Therefore, many nuclear bombs found in the wasteland can be used.

This is not absolute.

Bad bombs and stink bombs are also everywhere, and they have no use other than causing pollution.

After a few days soaking in the ruins, everything that should be leaked will be revealed.

Judging from what Otok said, the fusion bomb was not in good condition.

Whether it can be used depends on the condition after disassembly, inspection and reorganization.

If the restoration is completed, its price will be at least 400,000 dark crystals.

And this is a friendly price.

Some frantic mercenary groups purchased this equivalent-level fusion bomb on the black market, and the price they offered started at least 500,000 dark crystals.

The reward Yuan Yewen of the Rampage Oil Group offered to Rosen was only a 10,000-ton fission warhead.

For example, megaton-level fission warheads are basically priceless, and you may not be able to buy them with money.

High-yield nuclear weapons are also one of the trump cards of all major forces.

And its initial holding amount is inherently small.

Nuclear warheads with yields ranging from kilotons to 10,000 tons are not uncommon in the wasteland.

Because these warheads are generally removed from cruise missiles.

Those pre-war cruise missiles could often carry a dozen or even dozens of small-yield tactical nuclear warheads.

But the megaton yield is different. This is a strategic-level nuclear warhead.

The significance and power of the two are completely different.

So this is really good news.

Judging from Ottok's leisurely tone, Rosen believed that the success rate of the repair was still very high.

The huge expenditure on Dark Crystal doesn't matter to him, as long as he can spend it, he can make money.

As for the bad news, Rosen could guess it without saying anything.

The hope of getting the death ray cannon is slim.

Hangzhou Liantong District cherishes these technologically advanced equipment very much.

All huddled in the core arsenal of the joint command area.

Only local institutes can be called upon once in a while.

This is no longer a question of price.

Unless Rosen can build connections among the senior officials of the United Unified District, this unrealistic idea can basically be put to rest.

Sitting on the tattered sofa, holding a beer, Otok explained the situation clearly.

Rosen frowned somewhat depressedly: "I don't even know the senior executives of the Golden Sunshine District, let alone have connections with the senior officials of the United Unified District."

Hearing this, Ottok smiled and said nothing.

The living room fell into silence.

Until the bottle of water beer in my hand is finished.

Only then did Otok come up with his own opinion.

"Golden Ear's boss Tiexin has enough connections in the Liantong District."

"Secondly, if you want to get the death ray cannon, you don't have to keep an eye on the joint command area."

"There are two ways out before you."

"The first way out is to try your luck at the ruins of the relevant research institute in Shenhai City."

"The second way out..."

"That's finding Noah."

"It is a dangerous and mysterious organization with little sense of existence, but they are like icebergs floating on the sea. What is hidden under the sea level is amazing."

At this point, Otok stopped talking, reached out and took out a bottle of water beer again, and popped the bottle cap with his thumb.

Rosen did not answer, quietly waiting for the next step.

He knew Otok's conversational habits.

Whenever he slowed down, it meant he was about to talk about something big.

Sure enough, after drinking a few more beers, Ottok continued.

"Noah seems to have taken on some mysterious mission."

"They rarely interact with other survivor forces, but they will send envoys around."

"Those envoys occasionally hire wastelanders to collect samples of mutated creatures for them."

"They will also invite people they like to join in the name of recruitment."

"No doubt Noah had a deeper purpose."

After listening to his description, Rosen felt that it was not very reliable.

This mysterious organization is often equated with danger.

It is impossible to survive alone in the chaotic world without strong strength as a guarantee.

Speaking of which, the first time I heard about Noah was at the Iron Tomb Camp.

At that time, the guy wearing a full-coverage special exoskeleton armor extended an olive branch to Li Qi.

"Such an organization must be difficult to contact, right?"

Ottok nodded matter-of-factly.

But since he said that, there must be a way.

So Otok immediately added: "I know one of Noah's overseas locations, but it only opens every three months."

"Noah's people are interested in strange mechanical creations and all kinds of weird biological samples." Ottok put down the wine bottle and sat upright slightly: "If you can get relevant materials, maybe Maybe they can pick it up and I’ll send you the location later.”

This news made Rosen's eyes light up.

Ottok is indeed interesting.

He couldn't help but get up and hugged Otok, shaking him like a team celebrating a victory.

Mutated biological samples?

Aren't the human-headed trees the best material?

Noah people will definitely be interested.

Taking this as an opportunity, Rosen will have the opportunity to further contact them.

Find ways to get rare weapons and equipment from there.

"You're still interesting enough!"

"I'm leaving first. The weapons and equipment are still the same as before. Just transport them to the camp."

Rosen raised his wrist and looked at the time.

Ottok was dazzled by him.

"You are so strong again..."

"Here, here's the address. The next open day is on November 15th!"

"By the way, don't have too much hope. Although Noah prefers neutrality, it is not so easy to gain their trust..."

Rosen waved his hand in a hurry.

"I got it."

His schedule today is quite tight.

Now we have to go find Commissioners No. 7 and No. 5 immediately.

In addition to making money, Rosen is also planning to get some life-saving things from Golden Ears.

While in the Bahuang Realm, he still couldn't completely let down his guard.

It is easy to dodge an open spear but hard to guard against a hidden arrow.

Especially at this juncture, when he has not yet reported to Yunjianmen.

Zou Xiao couldn't stay by his side every day.

When possible, Rosen should try to increase his chips.

When he walked briskly in the Golden Sunshine Street.

In the Iron Tomb Camp, the Steel Gear Machinery Workshop closed its doors early.

Sitting on the workbench next to the manual machine bed was a muscular red-haired woman.

The woman was wearing denim overalls and had a thin cigar dangling from her mouth.

His muscular arms were resting on the edge of the workbench, and his legs were dangling leisurely.

Li Qi, who also had red hair, took out two beers and a can of canned fruit from the refrigerator.

"Here, teacher."

"Pure canned fruit."

Li Li grinned and sat on the old sofa opposite the workbench.

The woman took the water, beer and cans and placed them next to them.

Then he took off the thin-stemmed cigar from his mouth, gently squandered it, and stuffed it into the big pocket in front of his overalls.

This red-haired woman has a bold look and dark eye shadow on her face.

"Little Guitou, you've been having a good time lately."

"We can open a bigger workshop."

"How's it going? Have you saved enough money?"

The woman easily bit open the bottle cap with her teeth and poured beer into her mouth.

Li Qi showed a wry smile.

"I have saved enough money."

“But no one has completed the commission.”

"The situation there seems to have changed. I heard that there is an additional alien nest."

"Unless the army is dispatched, ordinary mercenary groups cannot handle it."

"And even if it can be done, the cost will be far more than tens of thousands of dark crystals."

"Maybe I will never be able to get back my brother's belongings in this life..."

She lowered her head in frustration.

At this time, the red-haired woman jumped off the workbench and came to her.

He hugged Li Qi's head.


"You're just too paranoid."

"Your parents, mother and brother must hope that you can live well."

"Instead of torturing yourself repeatedly with obsession."

"They are in your memory, not in any external object."

"Either come with me to the United Unified District."

"I've taken the position of chief mechanic."

"You can see many powerful mechanical weapons there."

The woman stroked Li Li's red hair and persuaded him in a tone that sounded like both a teacher and a mother.

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