I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 232 Chapter 0227: Wolf Shooting, Extraordinary Background [Please subscribe]

At the same time, inside the 20813 weapons manufacturing factory.

It is located on the east side of the inner circle of Jinyangguang District and occupies a large area of ​​land.

Not only was it backed by the city wall in the inner circle, but protective walls and watchtowers were also built on the other three sides.

Elite soldiers wearing modified Z3 exoskeletons and T-30 powered armor can be seen everywhere patrolling nearby, and there are a variety of drone combinations at different heights in the sky above for detection.

All the internal factory buildings have been reinforced.

Key production equipment is hidden in the underground space.

Over the years, human beings' methods of avoiding disasters have been relatively simple.

Either go to heaven or go to earth.

Behind it is the raw material warehouse, and on both sides are transfer areas.

Most weapons produced are shipped immediately.

Therefore, there are armed trucks and elite escorts waiting in the transit area at all times.

Important areas such as energy cabins are also placed underground.

The external defense is strict, but the internal defense is not lax.

It's just that in the inner circle, who is guarding whom is an issue that cannot be explained clearly, but everyone knows it.

Speaking of Li Weida, he was the former colonel commander of the 20813 Pan-Asian Joint Unit stationed in Shenhai.

The soldiers under his command were all former regular troops, and they were lucky enough to survive until now.

Those young men who had just joined the army for a year or two back then are now in their prime.

Their combat and training experience were superior to the soldiers recruited later in the neighborhood.

The most critical thing is the inheritance of discipline and military literacy.

The combat capabilities of the combat battalions affiliated with 20813 are stronger than those of the other combat battalions of the neighborhood corps.

In terms of military affairs, the Golden Sunshine District is roughly divided into two systems.

They are the internal security team and the external pioneering corps and expeditionary corps.

The nature of the former is similar to outsourcing.

The four major consortiums account for almost half of them.

The other half is a mercenary group that has long-term employment and cooperation.

They are mainly mobile support infantry equipped with Z3 exoskeletons, and light infantry wearing polymer bulletproof vests. Each team also has an intensive firepower T-30 power armor.

In addition to every three squads, there will be an additional mobile squad.

Distribute jeeps, off-road motorcycles, reconnaissance drones, combat drones and other mobile equipment.

The task of the security team is very simple, that is, to patrol the outer circle of Jinyangguang Street.

It includes surveillance and daily inspections within a radius of more than ten kilometers around the block.

His strength is not weak, but he cannot be said to be the elite of the neighborhood or a true blood and blood person.

The two major corps are only regarded as elites on the surface, and the four major consortiums each have a share.

In addition to the security forces and the two major corps, their respective private soldiers should not be underestimated either.

In terms of private weapons, Luo Che Machinery Industry and 20813 Arms Manufacturing Factory each retained their own hands.

In fact, the two of them are the only ones in the neighborhood who can compete with each other and have an implicit competitive relationship.

As for Yu Jing of Trust-Mart Food Co., Ltd. and Hong Yuanting of Aier Biotech, they are both relatively transparent.

Of course, taking sides has actually already appeared.

Yu Jing prefers to support Roche Machinery Industry.

Because Luo Feng is younger, more ambitious, and full of enterprising ideas.

As a serious officer and the oldest among the four, Li Weida seemed to be more rigid and inflexible.

The neighborhood's conservative strategy in recent years is not unrelated to his advocacy.

But Hong Yuanting wants to get closer to Li Weida.

His view is exactly the opposite of Yu Jing's.

Hong Yuanting believes that although an offensive strategy can allow neighborhoods to expand, it can also lead to military disasters and trouble.

Steady conservative policies are the right path to long-term peace and stability.

People need to cultivate their health, and more importantly, they need order.

It's hard to judge who is right and who is wrong.

In other words, both of them are actually right.

Since this year, the atmosphere among the higher-ups in the neighborhood has become uncomfortable.

Luo Feng proposed more radical strategies at meetings more than once, including clearing out the outer urban areas of Shenhai, rectifying scattered camps, and gathering refugees.

But most of them were rejected by Li Weida using the equal authority of the four major consortiums.

Because Luo Feng's plans all involve war methods.

Just like reorganizing the camp.

There are more than 70 camps with a population of more than 500 people around the Jinyangguang District.

There are also several large camps like Blacktown and Iron Tomb.

All campsites have their own characteristics.

Their relationship with the Golden Sunshine District is like the planets and the sun.

Coexistence mode is the optimal solution.

Bringing them all under neighborhood management will make the administrative system bloated and redundant.

It will also significantly increase the logistical and administrative burden.

Cooperation has always been based on consensus.

When consensus begins to break down, the prerequisite for cooperation no longer exists.

The entire 20813 has been under martial law as early as some time ago.

Li Weida, who looks like a Buddhist, has a keener sense of crisis than others.

Recently, he received news that a group of well-equipped gangsters were robbing business groups under the name of 20813 Arms Manufacturing Factory.

This has resulted in him receiving more than one inquiry letter recently.

Judging from the information collected, the other party will deliberately cover up the marks on the equipment.

But every time, the logo belonging to the 20813 Arms Manufacturing Factory is always revealed inadvertently.

Such a clumsy blaming trick may seem childish, but it actually caused some trouble to the 20813 Arms Manufacturing Factory.

Because what the other party looted were sensitive materials.

Including special steel, high-precision chips, and many raw materials that can be used in military production.

At this time, Li Weida was squatting beside the factory, wearing a military green vest.

There are several purple foxtail grass growing stubbornly beside the concrete steps in front.

Their swaying arcs perfectly fit Li Weida's mood.

He reached out and took off the cigarette pinned to his ear, and sniffed greedily with the end of his nose.

"Pa bang..."

Light footsteps sounded behind him.

"Why don't you get one?"

A clear female voice appeared as the footsteps settled.

"Nanny won't let me."

Li Weida did not look back.

Soon there was a woman next to him wearing iron-gray overalls and a hood.

This woman has thick eyebrows and hard and clear eyes.

There is a horizontal scar on the nose.

She took out a pack of soft-shell cigarettes from her overalls pocket, knocked one out and put it in her mouth.

After lighting it casually, he started puffing away.

After smoking out half of the cigarette in one breath, the woman looked at Li Weida: "Seven years have passed in the blink of an eye."

"If Xiaoying hadn't been in an accident, she would be a big girl now." She exhaled a puff of smoke.

Li Weida shook his head gently.

"Haiying." He called out the woman's name, paused briefly and then asked, "How far is the production progress?"

The woman named Haiying narrowed her eyes and smoked out the remaining half of the cigarette boldly.

The strong smell released by the mutated cut tobacco lingers in the mouth and lungs.

After a long time, he slowly exhaled the smoke that had circulated in a circle.

He replied concisely and concisely: "The progress is normal. It is expected that the output will reach 120% before the end of the wind season, which is enough for our people to complete all the replacements."

Li Weida nodded and looked at the swaying foxtail grass again.

His expression was calm and relaxed, no one knew whether he was distracted or thinking.

Seeing this, the woman patted his shoulder like a buddy.

Haiying is his subordinate and his right-hand man. He has been following him for more than ten years.

Possess considerable expertise in weapons and equipment.

It can be said that Li Weida supported half of the 20813 weapons manufacturing factory.

"Captain, you look not in a good mood?"

Hearing this, Li Weida grinned and put the crumpled cigarette behind his ear again.

"Luo Feng makes too many little moves."

"He's testing the edge of danger."

Haiying licked the dry corners of his lips with his tongue, his eyes still firm.

"You didn't say that often before."

"You can stop hunting wolves, but you can't live without a wolf hunting gun?"

"As long as you have a gun in your hand, you can fight wolves when wolves come, and destroy ghosts when ghosts come."

"Luo Feng's robots are certainly difficult to deal with, but our weapons are not incompetent either."

"Especially those secret weapons..."

Her words made Li Weida feel a little more relaxed.

He raised the corners of his lips and glanced at Haiying: "We have a secret weapon, and Luo Feng must have one too. Anyone who can get around in the neighborhood doesn't have a secret weapon."

After saying that, he stood up without waiting for the woman to answer and twisted his stiff neck.

The conversation immediately changed.

"But some battles have to be fought."

He raised his hand and took out a round anti-eavesdropping device.

After starting up, there is a continuous white noise.

It can effectively interfere with the normal collection of sound sources by radio equipment.

After taking this step, he said to the woman beside him.

"Get ready."

"We have to move faster."

"And over there in the Joint Unified District..."

At this point, even with the anti-eavesdropping device, he couldn't help but lower his volume.

The sight continued to zoom out, and the two of them turned into a small dot in the inner circle.

For the vast and desolate land.

Any plan seems to have become ordinary.

The next morning.

Bahuang Realm, Yu Mansion, Yunjian Gate.

Zou Xiao personally led Rosen into the sect's main hall.

Here, the deceased ancestors of Yunjianmen are enshrined.

There are only two chairs in the main hall.

One belonged to the great elder who had been in seclusion for many years, and the other belonged to Zou Xiao.

As the only golden body in the sect, he was the leader when the elder was not out of seclusion.

Although he usually doesn't like to take care of things, and most matters are handled by the headmaster and other elders under his sect, his final decision is still indispensable for key decisions.

At this time, two to three hundred people gathered in the hall.

Each stands in a different position according to their martial arts cultivation, position and seniority within the sect.

Those who can start in the main hall are those who have the cultivation level of the fifth level Yunzang.

This does not include those disciples who are traveling abroad or performing sect tasks.

It is no exaggeration to say that just these warriors in the palace can make Jinmen tremble.

In addition, except for Zou Xiao and the Great Elder, two strong men with golden bodies.

There are a total of 26 Xiantian realm masters in the entire Yunjian Sect.

Even if these guys just stand there together, they will naturally release an invisible pressure.

These warriors in the palace are basically the brains and minds of Yunjian Sect from the bottom to the top.

Each was responsible for different matters.

When everyone arrived, Zou Xiao sat on the chair.

He solemnly introduced it to everyone.

"This is my new disciple Rosen."

"Directly incorporated into Yunfeng."

"Junior sister Chen, you are responsible for teaching Rosen the basic sword techniques, body techniques and pile skills."

"The gates will be opened in three days, and I have sent out invitations widely."

"This time I want to announce it to my colleagues all over the world and officially hold the apprenticeship meeting."

"Also, let Dingfeng prepare the materials needed for the golden body's true energy to change the tendons and cut the marrow."

"Tomorrow night I will personally wash out Rosen's muscles and marrow."

Zou Xiao said in a businesslike tone.

It is both an order and a public official announcement.

Under the influence of his eyes, Rosen walked into the hall and made a sect salute with his ceremonial sword.

It was like saying hello to these senior brothers.

Most people had envious expressions on their faces, and even those Xiantian realm masters were very curious.

Being able to become the direct disciple of a strong man with a golden body is definitely a blessing gained through eight lifetimes of training.

From now on, Junior Brother Rosen's future will be limitless!

So everyone returned the favor with a smile, and the scene was very harmonious.

Zou Xiaoduan sat on the chair and watched this scene with a smile.

Regardless of whether the recruitment of disciples is sincere or not.

But it finally made the atmosphere of the sect a little more lively.

On the surface, Rosen smiled at everyone's greetings, but he was muttering in his heart.

"No wonder Tianqing is bullied by foreigners."

"It turns out that none of these sects have ever taken the initiative to go down to fight against foreigners."

"Everyone follows a wise path to protect themselves."

He figured it all out in an instant.

It's obviously an extraordinary world, but those foreigners can still suppress Tian Qing.

It seems that it cannot be explained by using only industrial countries to fight agricultural countries.

Now it seems that Tianqing's background in the extraordinary world is indeed not weak, but just scattered.

Failed to form a fist.

Yunjianmen is just one of the many sects in Tianqing.

It can be considered a T1 sequence.

There are even more awesome hidden sects with a longer heritage.

There are countless small and medium-sized sects down there.

If we really combine these forces, how can we beat the foreigners to death?

In addition, the power of the monk world cannot be underestimated.

Perhaps in terms of numbers alone, the monks were far inferior to the warriors.

But when a high-level monk is protected by someone, he is definitely a killer on the battlefield.


"It seems that Tianqing still has a lot of potential worth exploring."

"And there must be a reason for this current situation."

"No wonder Qinghonghui can develop well."

"The three forces of officialdom, private sector, and sect are all mixed together."

Rosen understood a lot instantly.

This is definitely good news for him.

He has no interest in becoming the king of this world.

I just want to gain extraordinary power as much as possible and seek self-breakthrough and improvement.

To sum up, although the extraordinary world in Tianqing has signs of decline.

But the foundation is still abundant.

Rosen can still keep going on this road.

You don't have to be a Martial Saint. If you have a Golden Body Realm, you can look around in the wasteland as long as you are careful.

The process of visiting everyone was quickly over.

Rosen returned to the small courtyard where he temporarily lived.

The environment here is quiet and located in Yunfeng, which is also where the core disciples are located.

It can be regarded as a great show.

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