I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 240 Chapter 0235: Fighting and Support [Please subscribe]

The city of Sanmenxia has no distinction between inside and outside.

Except for the government offices, school grounds, armory, city walls and various towers, they are heavily guarded.

There were no officers or soldiers visible on most streets in the city.

Noise and bustle are the tone of the city.

And there is a strange sense of order in this atmosphere.

In other words, it is a different kind of self-consistency.

In the small market in the city, many mountain people are selling golden pheasants, golden pheasants and fire turtle doves.

From time to time, one or two foreigners playing with fire red chains or black vipers can be seen walking past.

Here, exotic customs blend with the local culture of the Central Plains.

The soil and water of the high loess slopes gave birth to the honest and tough men of northern Henan.

The collision of multiple cultures adds a touch of different regional customs here.

The foreigners who can come here are mostly barbarians from the northern tribe.

They worship totems and are often distributed in clans and tribes.

Therefore, the extraordinary system is very different from Tianqing and overseas demons.

The barbarians are accustomed to baptizing with the blood of specific barbarian or demonic beasts to temper their bodies.

There is no talent threshold.

But the baptism of blood carries the risk of failure, and the price of failure is death.

So those foreigners all looked gloomy and fierce.

In addition, there are shamans and prophets among the northern barbarians, some similar to Tianqing's monks.

Sanmenxia is a very tolerant and open town.

Unlike the coast, this place has not been too much harassed by foreign demons.

Its own ecology and rules continue.

There are many streets in the city.

The most lively one is Huangshuizi Street.

This main street contains more than 70% of the city's spring restaurants and restaurants.

Wine flags hanging high everywhere were fluttering in the wind, and hunky men came and went.

Walking in the street, you can hear the shouts of fist fights and drinking at any time, occasionally mixed with one or two angry arguments or high-pitched roars.

It feels like a wine shop is like a battlefield.

The wind passing through the street carries the smell of alcohol, passing through the drunken travelers and past the false cries of prostitutes.

At this time, in Man Yuanchun Restaurant.

After disguising herself, Qin Yujiao sat at the top of the long table, next to the caravan men.

The restaurant was filled with warmth.

What fills the air is the smell of beef and mutton, the spiciness of wine and the steam from cooking Poon Choi.

The complex smell is also mixed with a touch of turbidity.

Most of it is the smell of sweat from the drinkers mixed with various odors.

"Waiter, here are ten pounds of boiled mutton neck, two pounds of soy sauce beef, five salt-baked chickens, six bowls of braised noodles, hot and cold side dishes, a few more plates, and two jars of Yangshao wine."

"Cook the boiled water with salt, garlic, and some green onion leaves and bring it over."

Qin Yujiao put the long sword on the table.

He tapped the table and put down a silver coin, then spoke out a list of dish names in a familiar voice.

It can be seen that this is not the first time for her to come to Sanmenxia.

The martial artist has a large appetite, and there is not even ten pounds or eight pounds of meat on the table and several portions of staple food that can't fill his stomach.

The long table that was supposed to seat ten people can actually only seat five or six people at most.

If there are more, it's not that there won't be room for people to sit, but that there won't be room for the dishes.

Qin Yujiao, who was sitting in the first seat, looked calm and steady.

He took out the cup and poison measuring needle he brought with him, without any attempt to conceal his precautions.

The expressions on the faces of the tattooed caravan men were a little more cautious and cautious.

Just when he entered the city, Qin Yujiao took out an official document.

Coupled with her demonstration of the realm of a great martial artist in the Condensation Realm, she is enough to rank among the first-rate masters in this small town.

And these caravan men are no match for her.

The principle of respecting strength applies everywhere.

Meat and wine were quickly placed on the table.

Qin Yujiao tested them one by one and looked at those people after confirming that they were not poisonous.


Several men nodded hurriedly and started pouring wine and cutting meat.

Although he was reserved, he was not polite.

She served herself a bowl of mutton soup.

It is said to be a mutton soup, but it actually looks clear and watery. It is the white water left after boiling the sheep in clear water, rather than the slow-cooked broth in the south.

From here to the northwest, white water mutton is cooked.

The simple taste is delicious with a little salt or seasoning.

But there is no way to eat it like white water soup, because both Shaanxi and Henan have authentic mutton soup with local characteristics.

Minced garlic and green garlic leaves float in this bowl of white soup.

The slightly salty taste gives it a lot of aroma.

Qin Yujiao was holding the bowl of mutton soup, with some emotion in her eyes.

He took a gentle sip and his expression became even more nostalgic.

She remembered when she was a child in Bitterwater Town.

The landowner in the town celebrated his birthday. He slaughtered many cattle and sheep and made soup with the boiled meat in white water.

Add some minced garlic and leftover garlic leaves from the kitchen, and serve each person a colorful steamed bun.

It can be regarded as a delicious meal that "everyone celebrates".

When she was young, she once thought that this was the most delicious food in the world.

After drinking a few mouthfuls of hot soup, my stiff and tired limbs became warmer.

She grabbed a piece of tender and juicy lamb neck, dipped it in a little salt from the small plate, stuffed it into her mouth and pulled off a piece of meat boldly.

"Tell me about the situation in Kushui Town."

Looking at the caravan men who were immersed in eating and drinking in front of them, Qin Yujiao started talking in a calm tone.

The reason why she was sure that they must have been to Bitter Water Town was because of the few gray raccoon furs tied to the cargo box.

This kind of raccoon only lives around Kushui Town and is different from the raccoons in other places.

And Qin Yujiao knows the habits of the caravan very well.

They will never ask second-hand dealers to buy goods. They buy bulk goods locally.

Therefore, it is concluded that these people must have been to Kushui Town.

As the war in the Western Region became more and more intense, the price of leather materials and herbs in the Northwest Region continued to rise.

Most caravans who have the opportunity to go to the northwest border will choose to make extra money.

By simply buying and selling, you can make almost three times the profit.

Of course, this transaction is only suitable for doing on the way back.

After all, a distance of more than a thousand miles one way is the best threshold.

You have to be careful of those gangsters on the road.

This world is very chaotic.

Even many caravan members occasionally make cameos as horse bandits.

But there is no such thing as sympathy among fellow gangsters.

If you don't keep your eyes open, there is still a possibility of being tricked.

After hearing Qin Yujiao's words, several people immediately stopped and ate.

There was a moment of stasis, as if the pause button had been pressed.

After looking at each other, it was the man with the goshawk tattooed on his arm who finally spoke.


I saw this guy swallowing the mutton in his mouth.

An ugly smile appeared on the corners of his lips, which were stained with a layer of oil and fine salt.

"This heroine."

"We escorted a batch of Wushi casting materials to Kushui Town last month."

"It looks the same there as it used to."

Qin Yujiao took a sip of soup calmly.

"Where's the Black Bee Thief?"

"Is there any strange behavior?"

Hearing this, the man with the goshawk tattoo quickly shook his head.

"No, it's still the same."

"It's just that in recent months, the goods tax has been increased by half a percent."

"In addition, in Kushui Town, it turns out that the rich man Hu's house became a big blacksmith workshop."

"I heard that you can make foreign guns and cannons."

"There are indeed foreign guns for sale in the big shopping malls in the town."

"By the way, the Black Bee Bandits are still recruiting troops."

"Fifty taels of silver per month, one meal of meat every three days, one meal of wine every seven days, and two women to sleep with..."

After he finished speaking, the tattooed man started to speak. At this time, the person who asked him was also a woman.

He heard that women in the Central Plains were not allowed to listen to dirty talk, so he was afraid of offending this heroine who seemed not to be trifled with.

So he quickly covered his mouth.

But Qin Yujiao waved her hands nonchalantly.

The tattooed man breathed a sigh of relief and was about to continue talking.

A gloomy voice came from the table.

"It seems that this heroine is very interested in our Black Bee Thieves."

"How about I come down and explain it to you?"

The source of the sound came from the table at the back.

Several people dressed in black, with double blades beside them and bamboo hats behind them, were sitting there.

There are drinks and food on the table.

It's just that these people all sit upright, clearly showing that they are well-trained elites.

He looked completely different from the Black Bee Bandit who had a background as a mountain bandit.

But the other party reported his family status.

This made Qin Yujiao narrow her eyes, and then silently put down the soup bowl in her hand.

The caravan men became even more nervous.

They are all people who travel through mountains and rivers to make a living, and there is no way to tell that the heroine in front of them is planning to do something when they inquire about Kushui Town.

Unexpectedly, there were Black Bee thieves at the scene.

Then this matter suddenly became difficult to handle.

Neither side is easy to mess with. If they were caught in the middle, they would die without knowing it.

"You can go."

"Take all this wine and meat with you so that it won't be ruined."

Qin Yujiao's right hand rested on the hilt of her sword, her tone still calm and calm.

This made the caravan men feel like they had been granted amnesty. After thanking them, they hurriedly left with the meat and wine.

Affected by the atmosphere here, the drinkers standing between the two tables quickly moved away.

The man in a hat, who claimed to be the Black Bee Thief, did not move and continued to eat wine and vegetables.

It wasn't until this moment that Qin Yujiao suddenly took action.

She tapped the table, the scattered chopsticks rose up, and then she pushed them with one palm.

Shengyun Jin attached to them, and these chopsticks turned into flying arrows and shot towards the men in bamboo hats.

"Take it!"

The six men in bamboo hats were like pressing an elevator under their buttocks.

It disappeared from the spot with a "swish" sound.

When it reappeared, six scimitars slashed down from all angles.

The sharp force cut the wooden table into several halves.

However, Qin Yujiao had already withdrawn from her original position. As the black shadow danced, a snow-white sword light appeared, illuminating a corner of the hall with a startling glance.

"The fight started!"

There was chaos in the restaurant lobby.

Both applauded and panicked, and everyone evacuated to a safe distance in tacit agreement.

A great martial artist who uses all his strength can even demolish this building.

It has happened more than once before that someone was killed just to watch the fun.


At this time, a sword beam about ten feet long swept out, cutting off the wooden beams, causing the restaurant to emit an overwhelming buzz.

The clash of weapons did not stop.

Everyone was sincerely surprised when the two sides got into a fight over a disagreement.

Intense confrontations often reach fever pitch very quickly.

Not long after, Man Yuanchun's three-story restaurant collapsed.

Such movement finally attracted the attention of the Sanmenxia officers and soldiers.

Although the control in the city is not too strict.

Fighting happens from time to time.

But in the final analysis, this is the official territory after all.

Even the restaurant has been destroyed. It would be inappropriate if the government does not come forward.

Moreover, the movements here have also attracted the attention of various forces in the city.

Ordinary low-level warriors cannot make such a big noise.

Among the attracted crowd, a young man holding a magical horse was frowning.

There was a small bamboo tube in his arms, with a scent-sensing insect inside.

It can identify specific scents.

At this time, the scent-seeing insect was shaking non-stop, and the small bamboo tube was also shaking.

Qin Yujiao has this kind of fragrance that can arouse the reaction of insects.

The person who came was none other than Rosen.

The iron scale horse given to him by the sect is faster than Qin Yujiao's bay red horse.

Hurrying slowly, Qin Yujiao finally arrived here about an hour after Qin Yujiao arrived at Sanmenxia.

At this time, there was movement from the front, and the fragrant insects reacted violently.

Rosen didn't know that the fight in the street ahead must be related to Qin Yujiao.

Long before entering the city, he took out a Gauss rifle, wrapped it in a rag and carried it behind his back.

Qin Yujiao's opponents who can fight back and forth are definitely not something he can handle with his martial arts skills.

Just in case, he still took out something powerful enough in advance.

After running through the crowded street, Rosen could finally see the scene of the incident from a distance.

The restaurant there had collapsed, and on the ruins rising from the ground, several figures were rapidly colliding and fighting.

The short sword and the long sword clashed and sparks were produced.

Gang Qi and sword light complement each other.

The strength of those people in bamboo hats is not bad.

Four yin organs and two marrow.

They were completely overwhelmed in terms of numbers, but there was still going back and forth during the fight.

It proved that Qin Yujiao alone had the confidence and strength to defeat six people on the opposite side.

Rosen continued to watch calmly.

He just took off the cloth bag wrapped in the Gauss rifle from his back.

If Qin Yujiao could win, then he wouldn't have to take action.

If she can't beat her, Rosen can only choose to help.

The fierce fighting did not last long. Shortly after the Man Yuanchun Restaurant was demolished, the situation took a turn.

Qin Yujiao destroyed two Yun Zang organs.

The remaining four people held a gray silk thread to form a simplified formation.

Not long after, Qin Yujiao's hands and feet were entangled.

It seemed that those men in bamboo hats had great intentions of capturing Qin Yujiao alive.

At this time, Rosen chose to attack decisively.

He pulled open the rag, revealing the smooth silver-gray body of the Gauss rifle.

Then he jumped on one leg and stood upright on the iron scale horse.

Immediately he raised his gun neatly.

The intelligent sighting system locks on the target that can be attacked in front and quickly calculates the aiming trajectory.

Rosen locked onto one of the cloaked men in the Essence Realm and pressed the trigger directly.

The arc surged, and a mass bullet shaped like a jujube was shot out under electromagnetic acceleration.

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