I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 249 Chapter 0244: After dawn, the flame girl [Please subscribe]

The city under the two-color moonlight is lonely and absurd.

The appearance of the building is relatively complete.

There were just some that looked like lame old men, leaning slightly to one side.

Standing on the high-rise balcony and looking out, the feeling of deathly silence lingers in my heart.



Inexplicable roars echoed over the city from far to near.

Then it fell silent again.

Rosen looked at the distance, and then at the two moons hanging high in the sky.

In the end, he went out without any rashness.

He first took out the light deflection force field generating device for simple optical camouflage.

Then the reconnaissance bee drone was released.

Wondering whether to wait until the night is over before going out to explore.

These two evil moons gave him an unpleasant feeling.

Just to be on the safe side, watch more and move less.

Anyway, the anchor point has been locked, and he can come and leave whenever he wants from now on.

After releasing the two Scout Drones, he turned around and used the exoskeleton's jet module as a hair dryer, blowing half the dust in the room to the other side.

He put on the gas mask and sat down on the ground.

Having [Consciousness Space] is convenient, and he has abundant supplies.

Whether it is a combat type or a life support type, you can basically use it at any time.

As long as you have supplies with you, you won't be afraid of traveling to the ends of the earth.

Two reconnaissance drones flew out of the balcony.

Then pull up the height in different directions.

Rosen raised his wrist and looked at BP, which showed split-screen feedback on the images captured by two drones.

Soon his pupils shrank, as if he had seen something shocking.

A monster nearly as tall as the building appeared in the drone screen aimed at the south.

It has a humanoid shape, with clearly defined limbs and torso.

The dark red skin looks like thick tanned leather.

Through the picture, you can vaguely see black blood vessels snaking under the skin.

What makes SAN worth going crazy is this guy’s head.

Its head has no normal facial features or hair, and only has a huge vertical eye that almost occupies the entire face.

In addition, there is also a rune branded on its chest.

Due to light differences, the drone footage is not clear.

But Rosen could still barely identify that this rune was different from the runes imprinted by the evil spirits that appeared in the Eight Wastelands.

The monster ambled aimlessly.

His slender arms dropped past his knees.

Every step made the ground tremble slightly, but it did not damage the buildings on both sides of the road.

Just walking quietly on the main street of the city.

Another drone sent also made a discovery.

There was actually a group of "squids" swimming in mid-air.

The tentacles under his body stretch and flutter, looking particularly leisurely.

The head and tail of these squids are also about two meters long, and their bodies are sometimes transparent and sometimes solid.

There is a light silver light shining inside the body.

In addition, there are also runes on their bodies.

But it's a different rune.


Rosen swallowed subconsciously.

If we say that the alien species in the wasteland are vicious, they are still within the understandable range.

Then the monsters that appear in this [Evil Disaster Realm] can only be described as magical.

He carefully returned the drone.

Without a terminal, the drone’s detection radius is limited.

Rosen suppressed his curiosity and decided to wait until dawn.

At least the residential house where we are currently is relatively safe for the time being.

After putting away the drone, Rosen took out two Xiaowei 1s and asked them to stand guard. Then he got into the sealed sleeping bag, set the alarm clock on BP, and prepared to take a nap.

Four hours later.

Rosen woke up from his sleep leisurely.

The energy consumed before has almost been recovered.

After getting out of the sleeping bag, it was as safe as ever outside. The two Xiaowei No. 1 were standing meticulously by the window and the balcony respectively.

The slightly bluish early morning sunlight shines into the house.

Rosen collected all his things and came to the balcony again.

The two evil moons were gone, replaced by a misty blue sun.

It's not that the sun itself is blue, but that its surface seems to be covered with a blue filter, which makes it feel awkward no matter how you look at it.

Rosen shook his head and stopped worrying about these details.

Now that it's dawn, it's time to go out.

Instead of wearing the Z3 exoskeleton, he first took out the K-0 power armor.

It can be seen that the armored arm on one side is severely deformed.

That was caused by the shock wave previously sent by the Silver Flying Wolf.

It will have to be repaired by the camp’s mechanics. I hope the K-0’s components are not damaged.

After thinking for a moment, he took out the long-lost Abandoned One.

As a firepower-modified power armor, its combat effectiveness is unquestionable.

The only drawback is that it has slightly less maneuverability, although it also has a scroll engine.

But a single engine alone is not enough to keep the heavy body of the Rejection flying for a long time.

Can only be used for descent and gliding.

After entering the Abandoned One, Rosen gave the order and was accompanied by two Xiaowei No. 1s.

Immediately afterwards, he jumped directly from the balcony on the 20th floor.

Halfway through the descent, the scroll engine exerts force and the slow descent mode is activated.


He landed suddenly, making a pit full of spider web-like cracks on the paved stone road.

Gravel and dust flew, and the loneliness at this moment came to an end.

Three reconnaissance bee drones took off, directly using the Abandoned Power Armor itself as the terminal.

A typical triangular detection area is formed.

The picture quickly returned to Rosen's eyes.

Four hours later, I observed again, but no longer saw those exaggerated-looking monsters.

"Is it related to the sun, moon, morning and dusk?"

A bold guess came to his mind.

He said that, but he had no intention of stopping at all.

In fact, he also wanted to see if the monsters in [Evil Disaster Realm] could withstand mass bombs.

The bipedal sliding system was activated, the turbo engine sprayed afterburner, and the renounced body drove away from the community at a speed of about 70 kilometers per hour.

First come to the two-way four-lane road not far away.

The whole road was jammed with cars like a car accident.

Many cars have been trampled into discus.

Huge footprints can be seen.

In addition, there are deep gaps in the glass and walls of the buildings on both sides of the road.

It was like someone scratched it with a sharp nail magnified thousands of times.

Rosen was a little confused. Those giant monsters seemed to be deliberately maintaining the integrity of the city's buildings.

At dawn, although there are no traces of those giant monsters, you can see the various traces they left behind.

Three drones and two Xiaowei 1s were on guard duty for Rosen.

It's like he has five extra eyes.

Coupled with the powerful firepower of the Forsaken Power Armor, he became more courageous.

At this time, Rosen regained his composure.

As long as this world still follows physical constants, and as long as those giant monsters have not left the category of carbon-based life, then his weapons can exert their due lethality!

Just as he was walking on the roadside, observing everything around him.

There was a sudden explosion in the shopping mall across the street.

Orange flames flew out, carrying fragments of the light blue curtain wall.

A huge roar resounded.


Judging from the diameter of the fireball, the power of the explosion was at least equivalent to the detonation of three kilograms of high explosives.

Don’t underestimate the value of three kilograms.

The charge of a grenade is only a few dozen grams.

If directional blasting were used, this much explosive would be enough to flatten a building.

The shock wave of the explosion caused the remaining glass of the rusted cars in front to tremble.

Rosen did not act rashly and continued to stay in place and observe.

After the explosion, a large hole was torn open in the outer wall of the shopping mall.

Then a red-haired girl jumped up from the gap with explosive power comparable to that of a wild beast.

He actually jumped twenty or thirty meters away in one go.

This kind of physical performance, in the Bahuang Realm, is at least equivalent to a fifth-level Yunzang martial artist.

The red ponytail flutters in the wind.

Behind her, more than a dozen strange monsters swarmed out.

Those monsters were relatively stupid, and they all fell to the ground after rushing out of the gap.

It fell to the ground like a dumpling.

However, the monster's vitality is also very tenacious.

A drop of more than twenty meters would not kill them.

These monsters have four arms.

Two pairs are blade arms, and two pairs are stabbing arms.

The feet are very strange, like sea cucumbers covered with downy hairs.

Their movements depend entirely on the wriggling of their fur.

The most outrageous thing is that the speed of this method of action is not slow.

All monsters have no heads, only a gaping gap in their abdomen.

After they got up, they rushed towards the girl again.

The red-haired girl seemed to move vigorously, but in fact she was injured.

Because there is a bandage wrapped around the abdomen.

There were blood stains oozing from it.

Without the cover of explosions and flames, the monsters immediately rushed towards the girl.

Just when she was about to be overwhelmed by monsters.

A circle of flames suddenly burst out with the girl as the center.

At this moment, the girl seemed to have become a rocket engine, and the flames were surging.

It even hit the ground in reverse direction, causing shock waves to ripple in circles.


"Is this a fire technique?"

"No, I didn't feel the fluctuations of the fire spirit."

"It seems that it should be an extraordinary method unique to this world."

Rosen commented in his mind.

He had no intention of helping, even though the weapons on the aircraft were ready for launch.

In an unknown environment, the risk of a hero saving a beauty is very high.

Unless it’s the right time, right place, and right people.

Just when Rosen was thinking this.

The flame eruption in the distance had stopped, and the dozen monsters were reduced to charcoal.

It stands like a sculpture in the surrounding area.

The ground was scorched black.

The girl was panting violently, and it was obvious that using this move took a lot of energy.

Rosen was very interested in this move.

It seems to be more powerful than a simple fire spell, and it can be used more quickly.

On the spot, the girl pressed the wound on her abdomen and staggered quickly to leave.

However, before taking a few steps, the ground in front of the shopping mall shook.

New monsters emerge from the ground.

The ring-shaped fangs and multi-legged jointed limbs like millipedes prove that this is an insect-like monster.

That huge fang mouth can fit into one mouthful of a child.

The girl took a step back in despair, but still did not give up hope.


After a roar, flames spurted out from her feet.

This boost made her jump up and fly right towards Rosen.

Rosen, who had been motionless, raised his lips with interest.

Isn't this a coincidence?

"Let me try how sexy that monster is."

"By the way, catch Tongue and find out about the [Realm of Evil Disaster]."

The quickest way to learn about a new world is to capture an aborigine.

Otherwise, if you wander around on your own, you might encounter something fancy.

With a thought, the mechanical feet exerted force, and the huge mecha jumped up.

At this time, more than a hundred meters away, the monster shaped like a millipede had just half-expanded its body from the hole in the ground, and green venom was sprayed from its mouth like a volcano erupting.

Rosen saw that there were also runes on the side of the monster.

And it’s a different new rune.

"There are so many tricks."

The sudden appearance of a huge power armor frightened the girl.

Rosen ignored her and fired the Shenguang 2nd Generation Particle Cannon, which had already been charged.

The green beam shot straight at the monster.

Pass it through the side of the head, straight through it.

This is not over yet, 0.85KG quality bullets are being fired one after another.

They penetrated the monster's carapace.

It leaves cracked lines like when a hammer hits a crab shell.

Every hit will bring up a large amount of green blood.

Under such circumstances, the upper half of the monster's body was quickly shattered.

But the monster was not dead yet and struggled back into the cave.

Rosen did not pursue him because there was no need.

The girl stopped running when she saw the power armor attacking the monster.

It shows that she still has some eyesight.

Since the opponent attacks the monster, if she runs away rashly, she will easily get hit.

Just stay and wait for the next step.


After the monster retreated hastily, the girl spoke.

Her language was incomprehensible to Rosen.

But it doesn't matter.

After she spoke, the ancient key in Rosen's mind suddenly turned.

Just like when he woke up in the main room of Zhang's martial arts hall.

With the turn of the ancient key, he mastered the language of another world.

"Thank you... thank you..."

The girl held her injured abdomen and bowed to express her thanks.

"You're welcome."

"Come with me, I have something to ask you."

Rosen swung one arm, and a lasso popped out of his armored arm.

Directly locking her arms and shoulders.

This made the tired and injured girl look desperate.


She saw the powerful firepower of Rosen's armor.

He didn't dare to act rashly.

Compared with those monsters, humans who can live in the disaster are more difficult to deal with.

But at least there is room for communication.

It will not be torn into pieces immediately and the alien crystals will be swallowed up.

Rosen dragged him and casually entered a building on the roadside.

He didn't stop until he reached the third floor.

Each step of the heavy power armor left cracking marks on the tile floor.

The girl's steps were heavy and no longer as nimble as before.

The effects of adrenaline wore off, and her injuries and overdraft meant she could collapse at any time.

Seeing this, Rosen took out a nutritional mixture, broke the seal and stuffed it into her mouth.


Feeling the sweet taste of the nutritional mixture, the girl couldn't help but suck it.

At the same time, he breathed a sigh of relief.

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