I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 253 Chapter 0248: Elemental Walker, Helpless Zou Xiao [Please subscribe]

"too delicious!"

Lilia's eyes widened.

First he let out a sigh, and then solemnly swallowed the beast meat in his mouth.

He held the dried meat with a pious expression and started to chew it.

When Rosen saw this scene, he couldn't help laughing.

The other party's condition was almost the same as before.

Beast meat is the most delicious food Rosen has ever eaten.

Whether cooked fresh or dried, the taste is unforgettable.

Of course, not all beast meat is delicious.

Generally speaking, the higher the level of the beast, the better the taste.

After all, savage beasts contain power from their skin and flesh to their bones and blood, and their bodies themselves are comparable to precious medicine.

The most common low-level beasts, such as the four-eyed bull, have become industrialized in the martial arts world.

Rosen carries a variety of jerky meat with him to quickly eliminate hunger and restore physical strength.

Looking at Lilia's eating appearance, he took out two more oil paper bags and threw them away with a flick of his wrist.

"These are all for you."

"By the way, you haven't told me about your experience yet."

"Weren't you born in Yunhai Town? How did you end up in Mokomeng Town's sphere of influence?"

Rosen asked, while staring at the life radio signal detection results fed back by the reconnaissance bee drone.

The reason why he was able to discover the three Baotou brothers in advance was because he detected the radio signals of their lives.

Although the aliens are very different from ordinary people, their life structure has not changed significantly.

Therefore it can be detected.

This question made Lilia stop chewing the dried meat.

There was still a little bit of oil stains on the corners of her mouth.

It is said to be dried meat, but in fact it still retains a lot of oil and water.


After swallowing lightly, a look of reminiscence flashed in Lilia's eyes.


She opened her mouth silently, stayed silent for a moment, and then said:

"Because my parents are dead."

"So I lost my right of residence in Yunhai Town."

Lilia's words were vague, while Rosen in the machine shrugged and did not continue to ask.

After the previous episode, he could temporarily confirm that Lilia was useful.

It can be seen that this thin red-haired girl has a sad past of her own.

But in a catastrophic world, being worse than worse is not a glorious thing.

The dead are gone, and the living have to endure the pain and go on.

This is the calamity of the living.

"I'm new here and need help."

"As long as you are willing to put aside all your petty thoughts and serve me wholeheartedly."

"Maybe you can have a new life."

Rosen finished speaking calmly, not like a promise, but more like chatting.

Hearing this, Lilia turned her head, confusion and hesitation intertwined on her face.

"A new life..."

"What do you mean?"

In this regard, Rosen did not have a more specific statement.

The huge machine stood up again.

"Maybe, not absolutely."

"Who dares to predict the future?"

"Just think of it as a gamble."

"No, actually you don't have a choice."

After saying that, he walked away and continued to check the layout of the firepower points.

Based on the 24-hour memory learned from [Beat].

Rosen knew that the demon would go out hunting during the day and stock up on food.

And rushed back to Haicheng Institute of Technology before evening.

Rosen planned to stay in the [Evil Disaster Realm] for another day or two, and then go back after initially establishing the stronghold.

It’s almost time for the dust to settle on the Bahuang Realm side.

He wants to go back to Yunjianmen.

It's just that you have to prepare some back-ups before going back.

Facing Zou Xiao, his trick was actually very simple, which was to pretend to be dumbfounded.

The bet is that the other party will not show off their cards so early.

When Rosen insisted that he was not present and Zou Xiao really had no evidence, pretending to be stupid was the best option.

He really couldn't bear to part with Yunjianmen's martial arts resources.

There is also one-to-one teaching by caring and famous teachers.

So if you can, just mix.

If you really can't mess around anymore, it's not too late to try to make a fool of yourself.

If he insists on running away, Zou Xiao won't be able to catch him.

Because the energy level of [Time Travel] is extremely high.

So far, only the center of the blast appears to have been affected.

The impact is more positive, allowing him to master the ability of [Gray Time Domain], which brings both risks and rewards.

To be honest, if he hadn't been able to withstand nuclear explosions now and didn't want to take risks wearing power armor anymore, Rosen would be really curious about what would happen if he entered the blast heart again.

After Rosen left, Lilia, who was sitting there, packed the uneaten half of the dried meat into a storage bag with special care.

Delicious food can really heal your mood.

Lilia only felt less sad.

At the same time, the fear of Rosen was also slightly reduced.

What replaced it was a deep curiosity.

She began to notice something different about Rosen.

At this moment.

The headquarters of the Elemental Walkers.

This is located in a village on the outskirts of Haicheng.

Around the original village committee, the Elemental Walkers built their base camp.

The earth aliens built tall and thick retaining walls.

And cooperated with the water system alien to directly build a moat.

Under the control of aliens of the wood and nature types, outside the moat is a forest of thorns and alienated vines.

It is common practice to forcibly change the environment to resist the invasion of evil spirits.

There were several people standing guard on the retaining wall, either carrying longbows on their backs or carrying an old-fashioned single-shot breech-loaded long gun with a period flavor.

After being amplified by specific elemental runes, the power of these spears is actually quite impressive.

There were not many people left in the camp.

Including the sentries, there were only fifty or sixty people in full force.

Most of the aliens in the organization choose to go out and act during the day.

Either hunt, collect supplies, or head to towns or large settlements.

At this time, there is a multimedia room on the third floor of the base camp.

This was originally a meeting place.

Nowadays, multi-layered candlesticks have been erected.

Hundreds of candles were placed on it.

The candles were of varying lengths, burned with a weak flame, and had no wax flowing.

Each candle represents the life status of a member of the Elemental Walker.

This kind of candle is made by a strange person with a special type and life type.

Can provide real-time feedback on the status of the candle binder.

Suddenly, three of the candles went out within seconds.

The labels attached below are clearly [Fill], [Bury], and [Collapse].

These are the three violent earth brothers among the Elemental Walkers.

The stranger who was responsible for guarding here quickly discovered that the candles were extinguished and quickly reported the situation.

Not long after, a bald woman wearing a black leather jacket, exposing her white belly and wearing high heels walked in with a graceful step.

She has graceful looks, and if it weren't for the abstinence buff that comes with her bald head, she would be considered a troublesome woman.

This woman's name is Black Narcissus, a rare alien with dual elements of ice and fire.

Has six levels of superpower enhancement.

So he is the vice-president of Elemental Walker.

She wore dark eyeliner, making it difficult to see the changes in her eyes.

But when she was looking at him, he felt like he was being stared at by a wild beast.

The feeling that superiors look down upon subordinates is particularly obvious.

Black Narcissus glanced at the candlestick, raised his head slightly and said.

"It seems that something unexpected happened to the three Baotu brothers."

"Who knows where they went?"

The rogues are loosely organized.

Except for collective hunting or "village wars", it is rare for all members to gather together.

Especially now that the influence of the catastrophe is gradually weakening, the intervals between evil moon appearances are getting longer and longer.

Life patterns have also stabilized.

Those moon evil monsters only wander around the city, like regular guards.

It has also experienced a major population reduction, and the situation here is obviously more stable than in the wasteland world.

The reason is probably due to the influence of invisible rules.

Otherwise, how can we explain the existence of the sun covered with blue mist and the safe zone?

For the Elemental Walkers, this kind of attrition has not happened for several months.

And at one attrition, three people died at the same time.

Although the three violent brothers only have level 4 enhanced abilities.

But they work together tacitly, and they both have earth elemental powers, so they can achieve the combination and superposition of their respective abilities.

Except for some special environments and terrains.

Relying on the characteristics of the earth element ability, the three brothers are always successful in ambushes.

It stands to reason that even if you encounter an accident or a strong enemy, you will not die so cleanly.

After all, the three candles were extinguished within seconds of each other.

This meant that they had no resistance at all and were killed almost at the same time.

Quickly coming to a conclusion, Black Narcissus turned his head and looked at a short man behind him who was less than 160cm tall and had an eye embedded in the back of his hand.

It is worth mentioning that he also wears a monocle for the eye on the back of his hand.

"Watch and watch, what are the three Baotu brothers doing today?"

After the woman spoke, the eyes on the back of the hand blinked.

The man replied in a slightly dull tone.

"According to the report they made when they left the camp, they went hunting."

"Someone saw the three brothers heading to the university town in the west of the city."

Black Narcissus nodded lightly and immediately put his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket.

He turned around and walked out of the conference room filled with candles, giving instructions as he walked.

"Send someone over to take a look."

"The three Baotu brothers have been mysterious recently. They probably found valuable prey."

"It's just that now it seems they failed in their hunt."

"Say hello to the Drifter and issue a request for assistance."

"Although those three losers often cheat and cheat, they are still members of the organization."

"At least we have to figure out what's going on."

The people watching behind him nodded immediately.


After he agreed, the eyeball on the back of his hand suddenly flew out.

There is also a monocle hanging on it, which looks weird.

As a cataclysmic and extraordinary world derived from evil energy.

There are so many types of superpowers here and the methods are so weird and changeable that even the Bahuang Realm with its mature extraordinary system cannot compare with them.

I can only say that each flower has its own fragrance.

As a series of orders were issued, more strangers approached the west of the city intentionally or unintentionally.

Bahuang Realm, northwest of Tianqing.

Zou Xiao came to Rega Mountain after personally escorting the team back to the sect's stronghold.

This time he brought two monks from the Wandering Soul Realm to search the sky and the earth with their spiritual thoughts, which lasted for a whole day.

Unfortunately, nothing was found.

The Void Gate completely disappeared without leaving any trace.

Instead, I picked up a small half of a werewolf's claw on the edge of the depression in the mountain.

The demons that escaped from the Void Gate took control of Bitterwater Town.

Naturally, he also controlled the Rakshasa demons that came from around.

This is hardly a clue at all.

In addition, until now, he still has not seen Rosen and Qin Yujiao.

The latest information was when the two appeared in Sanmenxia City.

This is not a good sign.

Kushui Town, which had turned into a dead zone, had been turned upside down, and there was no trace of the two of them.

After staying in Regashan for a day, Zou Xiao had no choice but to give up.

He has no more time to waste here.

It has nothing to do with Shouyuan, but there are still many things he has to do.

What's more, he has to take the time to completely refine the evil energy contaminated in his body.

So in the end he took people out of here.

"That should be fine."

Rosen stood on the roof of a teaching building and looked at the road leading into the school.

To be on the safe side, he took out a few more Xiaowei No. 1s, equipped with stinger rocket launchers, laser sniper rifles and other weapons to establish more nodes.

Lilia will be responsible for luring the enemy deeper, and Rosen gives her two plasma grenades to keep close by.

Strangers and evil monsters hunt each other. To evil monsters, those strangers are meat with a fragrant aroma.

Has a natural appeal.

Especially when using superpowers, this attraction will continue to increase.

Rosen arranged everything, but another question came to mind.

That is, the three violent brothers are organized and not weak and can be bullied.

Therefore, it is very likely that you will encounter the situation of playing a matryoshka doll when the baby is old.

There are still two or three hours until evening.

There were too many variables, so he tried to make the fighting positions as hidden as possible.

The two high points where the 20mm cannons were placed were temporarily covered by piles of debris.

Rosen and Lilia retreated to the academy's gymnasium.

The interior of the place is a mess, with garbage and corpses everywhere, but it can also be sheltered from the wind and rain.

Lilia had the same concerns. As a Sanren active in Haicheng, she had heard about the three violent brothers, and naturally also knew about the elemental walkers on the outskirts of the stronghold city.

The three Baotu brothers are not unknown people.

Something happening to them would definitely attract the attention of the Elemental Walkers.

Lilia's proactive reminder made Rosen satisfied.

This means that she gradually feels like she belongs.

Or maybe this wouldn’t be called a sense of belonging, but it’s a good sign.

After all, the premise of a sense of belonging is that one will be prosperous and one will suffer.

Taking this opportunity, he began to ask Lilia about the Elemental Walker.

He had to integrate into the aboriginal forces of the [Evil Disaster Realm] as soon as possible, otherwise if he just wandered around on his own, his efficiency would definitely not be much higher.

And the first thing to do is to find the world exchange rate differential.

The so-called world exchange rate difference is what the world lacks.

For example, gold and mercury from the Eight Wastelands, pure ingredients from the Wasteland World, etc.

What can form a dimensional trade advantage is what Rosen calls the world exchange rate difference.

With this, he can quickly accumulate enough wealth in various worlds.

The definition of wealth is relative though.

But it is always the best stepping stone.

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