I became the Martial Saint of the Wasteland

Chapter 255 Chapter 0250: The snipe and the clam fight [Please subscribe]

The sun covered with blue mist gradually sets in the west.

The sunlight became increasingly faint, and the world was filled with a sense of desolation.

Darkness is not a good sign for all aliens.

After dark, the world is home to evil.

No matter how powerful the stranger is, they have to be dealt with carefully.

Ordinary evil spirits become more ferocious.

Therefore, in Rosen's eyes, the actions of the six-man team sent by the Elemental Walkers seemed reckless.

The transition between day and night is not a good time to explore.

If the operation goes well, maybe they can complete the investigation before dark.

But if there is a slight delay, we will have to spend the night in the city.

What's more, the premise of this exploration mission is that the three violent brothers were killed one after another within a few seconds.

All signs indicate that Haicheng Institute of Technology is by no means a good place.

However, the other party still came.

If it is not because of recklessness, then it is more likely because the strength of this team is not simple.

Judging from the current situation, there is a high probability that it is the latter.

There is no reason why Rosen should not pay attention to this.

The particle cannon and plasma cannon are charged, and the electromagnetic sniper cannon is ready for self-test.

The Magic Tongue missile uses a reconnaissance bee drone to lock the target in advance.

Xiaowei No. 1, who was ambushing in the teaching buildings on both sides, also stood quietly at the window, but did not immediately raise his weapon and take aim.

This is to prevent strangers from having a sense of danger similar to that of warriors and monks.

Rosen has always been very careful.

Errors in detail are rarely made.

It cannot be said to be perfect, but it can only leave as few flaws as possible.

At this moment, Rosen had a panoramic view of all the dynamics of the six-person group.

The other party asked one of the female strangers to stay at the gate of the Engineering College.

Judging from the cracks in the ground and the surging roots, that guy's ability should be wood or natural.

The remaining five people climbed over the wall, first dispersed, and then slowly converged towards the location of the rugged man walking in the middle.

Except for the rugged man who was obviously the leader.

There were a pair of male twin brothers in the team, each carrying a short bow and a 1.2-meter-long blunderbuss. There was also a little boy carrying a pair of swords.

Walking at the end of the team was a woman wearing a blue cloth hat and colorful feathers.

She also held a short staff in her hand.

This is the complete configuration of the six-person team.

Four men and two women, each possessing different powers.

Moreover, they seemed to cooperate tacitly and responded quickly to the command.

Make it clear that this is not the first time we have collaborated.

It can be seen that the Elemental Walkers are not that kind of idiot organization.

It still has quite a deep foundation of members and coping experience.

This can actually be seen from the fact that the Elemental Walker has not given up investigating the death of the three violent brothers.

If it were other idle forces, they wouldn't be so concerned.

Of course, being willing to send people to investigate and not caring about the time of night is enough to show the strength of the elemental walkers.

The other party's behavior may seem arrogant, but it is a manifestation of strength.

In a world of disaster, there must be more strong people than fools.

Rosen controlled the entire game.

The offense and defense are in different positions, this is now half of his home court.

The characteristic of aliens is that their methods are cunning and changeable, and their physical fitness will increase as the level of their abilities increases.

It is equivalent to a special version of the combination of a monk and a warrior.

The disadvantage is that the method is relatively simple and does not have a long lifespan.

Superpowers are both gifts and shackles.

There are certainly strongmen with double and triple powers, but their number is relatively small.

Most aliens can only develop the abilities they have mastered.

Just like Lilia went from flames to flame explosion.

And she couldn't understand other related abilities from the flames.

Therefore, this means that all aliens have individual shortcomings.

The most effective way to solve this problem is to form a team.

In summary.

This team sent by the Elemental Walker must be difficult to deal with.

But he, Luo, was just fighting hard.

The Magic Tongue Missile performs two-stage locking.

A reconnaissance bee was specially set aside to serve the attack lock.

They only waited for this group of people to step into the minefield before launching a preemptive attack.

First use magic tongue missiles to disrupt the scene, and then release sleeping gas and powerful anesthetics.

Then decide whether to use heavy firepower to destroy the opponent based on the subsequent situation!

Particle cannons and electromagnetic sniper cannons have the power to severely damage these aliens with one hit.

After all, they come from a wasteland world where spears are stronger than shields.

In the picture fed back by the drone.

The five people who entered the engineering college quickly approached and no longer considered hiding.

They were four or five meters apart, led by a rugged man, and advanced in an arrow formation.

The twin brothers are at the back, and behind them is the woman wearing a colorful feathered shawl.

Walking at the end was the little boy with two swords.

It can be said to be a very standard five-man combat formation.


Just as they were about to step into the area where the mines were laid.

Suddenly there was a huge tiger roar outside the academy.

Immediately there was a scene of earth shaking and mountains shaking.

Centered on Haicheng Institute of Technology.

An earthquake with a magnitude of about 4 occurred throughout the university town.

The shaking sensation is noticeable but not violent.

The buildings inside and outside the academy are also strong enough to withstand such a small series of shocks.

What was unnerving was the loud roar.

When the roar appeared, everyone suddenly felt depressed.

Its effect even affected Rosen.

This feeling is like walking in the jungle at night, with a beast quietly following behind you.

"Yo, he's still a big guy."

"It looks like two fish were hooked at the same time."

Inside the smart helmet of the power armor, Rosen raised the corners of his mouth leisurely.

The slightly fluctuating heart rate soon calmed down.

He knew who the owner of that roar was.

It was the earth tiger monster that the three Baotu brothers had planned to capture in an ambush.

At this juncture, the appearance of Dihu is just right for Rosen.

Just in time to distract the six-man team.

This allows Rosen to find a more suitable opportunity to take action.

At an altitude of nearly a thousand meters above the ground, two reconnaissance drones accelerated sideways.

A new picture is sent back immediately.

It was a beast with a body length of five to six meters, and its head and shoulders were at least two meters above the ground.

It does look a bit feline.

The posture is correct and the steps are steady.

There is a single horn with thread marks on the huge head.

The colorful fur and earthy color make it look more like a ferocious tiger.

Just the size of a small truck is enough to be intimidating.



The tiger roars continuously, making people's hearts tighten.

This roar has a certain psychological deterrent effect.

In the drone footage, the cutworm stopped at an intersection more than a hundred meters away from the Engineering College.

It seems to have discovered an intruder in the engineering school.

His eyes as big as downlights suddenly widened.

Purple-black mist suddenly appeared all over the body.

To evil spirits, aliens are delicious food.

The hunting instinct is kicking in.

It is pregnant and needs enough energy and nutrition.

Coupled with the evil monster's ferocious nature, it doesn't even consider retreating.

Rosen watched with interest.

This earth tiger was originally the prey of the three violent brothers.

The six-person team in front of them was obviously more powerful than the three of [Fill], [Bury], and [Destroy].

If nothing else, this earth tiger is probably no match for them.

It was a rare opportunity to watch the battle, and Rosen also wanted to see the official battle between the aliens and the evil monsters.

not far away.

The huge roar issued by the earth tiger caused the six people to react quickly.

"Sigma, it's Dihu!"

"And it's a manic earth tiger that has grown the horns of Tu Luo during its gestation period!"

"Those three lunatics actually want to hunt evil monsters of this level."

"It is rushing towards the academy, this should be its lair!"

The pale woman standing guard near the entrance of the college kept reporting.

Her voice came out in the form of vibrations from the shells worn by everyone.

It's actually based on the principle of bone conduction.

The rough man Sigma frowned slightly and pulled out the battle ax hanging behind his back with one hand.

He gently licked the corners of his stubbled lips.

"very good."

"Gentlemen and ladies, cheer up!"

"The prey appears!"

"A land tiger that is in the process of being conceived and has also given birth to a Tuluo horn is a valuable prey."

"Although I don't know why the three violent brothers are looking for death, but those three idiots can't deal with the prey, we can..."

Sigma looked calm, but there was a hint of excitement in his tone.

The bulging muscles outside the vest trembled, and then a blue arc of electricity sizzled out.

Don't look at him holding a battle axe, and his whole body is covered in muscles.

But he is a guy who has the power of lightning.

The elemental system is considered a popular item among abilities.

The largest number.

Due to the characteristics of the elemental system, many related abilities are cast like spells.

In fact, there are many applications of the element system.

There are countless branching capabilities that can be expanded.

Hearing his words, the four people around him smiled.

Sigma did not delay and immediately made combat arrangements.

According to the speed of the earth tiger and its current position, they should have 10 to 15 seconds to prepare.

If the earth tiger enters through the door, those ferocious vines that ambush it in advance can restrain it for at least 10 seconds!

"Liu Qian, Liu Queen, you are looking for a suitable shooting point nearby, and make sure that the attack can reach the college gate."

Sigma ordered loudly.

The twin brothers standing nearby nodded immediately and then left the place.

The shooting points were found about a hundred meters away from the gate.

Then Sigma looked at the woman holding the short staff and said: "Niao Niao, you are still the same, summoning the frost bear to assist me."


The woman named Niao Niao nodded, raised her short staff slightly and began to use the summoning power.

A lavender six-pointed star appeared in front of him, faintly evoking mysterious runes.

Although elemental walkers are mainly aliens of the elemental system.

But there are also other types of strangers.

"Si Dao, just follow me."

The kid carrying the two swords nodded silently and casually pulled up the mask covering half of his face.

His eyes were as calm as water, and he had a maturity that was completely different from his appearance.

Within ten seconds, the combat deployment is completed!

At the same time, Dihu, who noticed that there was a stranger in the territory, also rushed into the academy.

In order to ensure that the beast did not jump over the wall, Bai Teng decisively chose to stand up and lure it in from the front door.

She took the initiative to leave the disguise made of vines.

Jumped out.

With a slight wave of his dazzling white arm, several forearm-long green spears immediately shot out.

Under her control, these spears were shot towards the flying earth tigers.

There was a series of sharp cracks in the air along the way.


Judging from the air waves created by the wooden spears, their projection speed was at least twice the speed of sound.

This speed is already comparable to the muzzle velocity of ordinary rifle bullets.

I saw several wooden spears accurately hitting the Earth Tiger. Before he could get close, a thick earth shield appeared dozens of centimeters in front of the Earth Tiger.

All the wooden spears pierced the earth shield and made a dull echoing sound.

This attack was issued, regardless of the result, Bai Teng directly swung one arm, shot out vines and hooked them to the pillars of the door, and swayed into the academy.

The purpose has been achieved.

According to the temperament of the evil monster, he will definitely pursue him.

With the restraints of the ferocious vine, it is easier to deal with the earth tiger.

Sure enough, after blocking the wooden spear, the earth shield instantly collapsed.

The pair of dazzling red eyes were revealed.


Another tiger roar came!

The ground beneath the Earth Tiger's feet burst open, and countless concrete fragments and dust gathered into waves of earth.

This wave of earth carried the earth tiger forward.

The ground everywhere it passed was swollen, really becoming like the sea surface swaying by waves.

All the abandoned cars on the road were pushed away and piled up on both sides.

Roads were also severely damaged.

Carried by the earth waves, the Earth Tiger covered a distance of more than 100 meters in less than two seconds.

It plunged into the confines of the main entrance of the college.

Suddenly, the astonishingly fast Tulang stopped, as if a speeding supercar had hit the brakes.

Because the ground at the college gate is raised, countless white vines pierce the soil.

They are extremely agile, like vine snakes.

In just the blink of an eye, the earth tiger and the surging waves of soil were wrapped up.

A huge white cocoon suddenly appeared on the spot.

The cocoon was shaking continuously, and from time to time there was a huge muffled roar.


A clear and beautiful cry appeared.

The vine cocoon suddenly tightened!

And it has shrunk down visibly to the naked eye.

Such a change caused the movement in the cocoon to stop for a moment.

But in less than half a second, it started shaking violently again.

"Silent Sword, now!"

Sigma's voice appears.

The kid carrying the two swords showed amazing jumping ability, leaping to a height of more than 20 meters, and pulled out two light blue swords.

The phantom-like wind blade aura appeared on the blade, lengthening it several times, turning into two cyan full moon arcs in mid-air, and then chopping down towards the vine cocoon.

At the same time, the rugged man Sigma also roared and ran from the other direction.

When he reached Kondo's cocoon, he swung the battle ax in his hand in a side slash.

The two evil crystals embedded in the ax shined brightly.

In an instant, the water flow formed a larger ax blade.

Both of them increased their attacks by enlarging their elements!

Moreover, they had a tacit understanding, and the attacks arrived almost at the same time.

The timing was also perfect.

Because at the same moment, the vine cocoon was broken!

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